Towards a dialogical ideological criticism

Amanda Anderson

Although it is widely observed that a consequential “turn to ethics” took place in the field of literary criticism beginning in the late 1980s, this book argues that a broader cultural privileging of psychological and therapeutic frameworks has led to a displacement of the importance of moral reflection and moral judgment in the literary field. Between the pervasive influence of psychology on intellectual paradigms and cultural life, and the critique of morality within ideological criticism, key elements of the moral life, and of moral experience within the time of a life, have been lost to view. This introduction maps out the recent work on ethics in literary studies, introduces the moral significance of British object relations theory (an outlier among the psychological frameworks under analysis), and concludes by discussing Kant and Nietzsche’s divergent understandings of the psychological dimensions of moral life.

2011 ◽  
Vol 39 (111) ◽  
pp. 7-26
Jonas Kjærgård Laursen

POLITICS OF APPEARANCE. ON REALITY MODELLING IN JOSEPH CONRAD’S NOSTROMOArtistically Nostromo is arguably the most ambitious of Joseph Conrad’s novels. It is also without a doubt the most explicitly political in that it openly engages with the question of how capitalism, imperialism, and revolution affect the human consciousness. There is however no agreement as to how this political problem is to be understood or, more precisely, what kind of understanding of the interrelationship between politics and literature is necessary when engaging this artwork. As a necessary supplement to both a 60’s Marxist reading and readings from the 70’s and 80’s dealing with ideological criticism, this article suggests a reading focusing on how the text creates a model of society by reconfiguring certain real life elements. By developing a specific artistic idiom Nostromo attempts to show the very limited view of the whole of society caused by, in the wording of the novel, the material interests of imperial capitalism. Under the inspiration of both Jurij Lotman and Jacques Rancière the analysis presented here is able to address some key political insights that appear as a consequence of the novelistic form when understood as a relatively autonomous model of society. And that is what is meant by the expression politics of appearance: the politics of literature is to be analysed as something generated by the specific gestalt of the text, as something that comes into sight with – and only with – the text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Jhon Leonardo Presley Purba ◽  
Robinson Rimun

Abstract: Hermeneutics is the exegetical method used by theologians to interpret the Bible according to its views and purposes. This research is a qualitative descriptive study to study the hermeneutic interpretation method of the Output event as a form of change. The Exodus events are important in the Bible, especially the Old Testament because God freed His people from the exploitation and oppression of the Egyptians. Theologians use the Israelite exodus from Egypt as the main hermeneutic or interpretive reference for the purpose of claiming and claiming that the exodus event is the basis for contemporary freedom from slavery, oppression or poverty. Through the spirit of exodus events and events, theologians develop hermeneutic methods to interpret output events according to their views and goals. Hermeneutic interpretation method uses an approach; postmodern, reader-centered method, text-centered method, ideological criticism approach, and critical criticism. Abstrak: Hermeneutika pembebasan adalah metode penafsiran yang digunakan oleh para teolog pembebasan untuk menafsirkan Alkitab menurut pandangan dan tujuan pembebasan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk melakukan kajian metode tafsir hermeneutik pembebasan terhadap peristiwa Keluaran sebagai suatu bentuk pembebasan. Peristiwa Exodus adalah peristiwa penting dalam Alkitab, terutama Perjanjian Lama karena Tuhan membebaskan umat-Nya dari eksploitasi dan penindasan orang Mesir. Para teolog pembebasan menggunakan eksodus bangsa Israel dari Mesir sebagai rujukan utama penafsiran atau hermeneutik untuk tujuan semangat pembebasan dan mengklaim bahwa peristiwa eksodus adalah dasar untuk kebebasan dari perbudakan, penindasan atau kemiskinan di masa kini. Melalui semangat pembebasan dan peristiwa eksodus, para teolog pembebasan mengembangkan metode hermeneutik untuk menafsirkan peristiwa keluaran sesuai dengan pandangan dan tujuan pembebasan. Metode tafsir hermeneutik pembebasan menggunakan pendekatan; postmodern, metode berpusat pada pembaca, metode berpusat pada teks, pendekatan kritik ideologis, dan pendekatan kritik pembebasan.

Slavko Splichal

This afterword to “A Marxist Approach to Communication Freedom” reveals some features of the development of communication theories and empirical research in socialist Slovenia and Yugoslavia. The field started to develop in 1960s in the framework of other academic disciplines, mainly political sciences and partly sociology, but soon became the target of ideological criticism for “the lack of Marxist foundations” in the social sciences in general, and journalism education and communication research in particular, which was part of a more general conflict between party-state bureaucracy and “liberal intellectuals.” By the 1980s, communication and journalism education and research programmes became a regular component of universities in all the republics of the former Yugoslavia. The development of the new discipline was largely marked by “productive inclusivism” or eclecticism, a kind of “cohabitation” of different communication schools and theoretical paradigms that contributed to its definition, development and institutionalisation at universities.

1995 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-34 ◽  
Stephen Fowl

AbstractOver the past fifteen years "ideological criticism" of the Bible has grown to become an accepted practice within the academy. It has provided a site where feminists, Marxists, liberation theologians and other interested parties have been able to engage in discussion aimed largely at displaying the wide variety of competing interests operating in both the production and interpretation of the Bible. Unfortunately, it is common among ideological critics of the Bible to speak of biblical texts as having ideologies. The thrust of this article is to claim that this way of thinking confuses a wide range of issues concerning the relationships between texts and the social practices which both generated those texts and are sustained by interpretations of particular texts. This position is defended by an examination of the various ways in which the Abraham story was read from Genesis through Philo, Paul, and Justin Martyr.

Warren Carter

This article outlines a theoretical framework of ideological criticism and illustrates it with a number of recent discussions of John’s Gospel that utilize ideological and postcolonial approaches, often from specific personal, political, and social ‘locations’ of enquiry. It also examines analyses of John’s engagement with the personnel and structures of power of the imperializing-colonizing Roman empire. By identifying a significant body of current scholarship that employs these approaches the article demonstrates the vitality of questions asked and insights gained; arguing that the political contexts and implications both of the Gospel and of any reading are unavoidable, it invites mainstream Johannine studies to examine its own, often unspecified, ideological commitments.

2009 ◽  
Vol 37 (5) ◽  
pp. 665-692 ◽  
Helena Zdravković-Zonta

This article uses ideological criticism to examine how and why victimage, identity and nationalism are produced through everyday discursive practices of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo. Wander contends that the ideological turn in criticism confronts and studies what is professed and obscure, and Greene argues that part of this criticism involves unmasking forms of domination. Examining cultural or rhetorical narratives is part of ideological criticism. The narratives in this study can be regarded as competing vernacular memories representative of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo. The participants invoke personal and collective memories with official national histories to explain contemporary victimization as a continuance of historical victimage. This use of the past can serve to legitimize their national and political claims, as well as to justify violence against the other group, since historical victimage provides a rationale for hating the other group and perpetuating a vicious cycle of violence.

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