political sciences
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2022 ◽  
Justice and Policy Journal of Social

Conceptually, violence that occurs in the whole world with a various form is an indication of power-abuse, gender inequality and domination. Dating-Violence is an act of violence that against a partner, whether physical, sexual or psychological, that are committed before marriage. Nowadays, it is a problem that is quite prominent in the world community.The objectives of this research to obtain a more specific pictures of a dating-violence behaviour.The method of this research used a descriptive-method using a qualitative approach. Descriptive research was conducted with the objectives of picturing or describing the object or phenomenon to be studied. The technique of this research was conducted using snowball sampling techniques.The samples in this research were Sekretaris Jenderal Pemerintahan Mahasiswa (PEMA). The student who experienced dating-violence at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of South Sumatera was the main sample of this research and another student, was her close-friend and families of students experiencing dating-violence. The data collection techniques using literature study, observation, and interviews. The data obtained and analysed by the researchers in order to found any new facts with a qualitative approach. The results of this research indicated that dating was no longer a matter of love and affection but rather someone tends to think that dating as a form of ownership not an exploratory process to get to know each other before stepping into a more serious step, namely marriage. Because of the opinion, it made a person committed violence to defend what was his/her own. The dating-violence were caused by several things, for examples: jealousy, infidelity, not obeying their couples’ orders. The were two kinds of violence experienced in dating: verbal violence which is a psychological violence and non-verbal violence which is physical violence.

2022 ◽  
Nikolay Baryshnikov

The textbook examines the fundamental problems of professional intercultural communication, outlines the main components of the professional competence of a specialist in intercultural communication, his personal qualities necessary for successful professional activity. The author's concept of attack strategies and self-defense strategies in the communicative battles of professionals is presented. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students studying in the areas of training and specialties: 45.03.02 "Linguistics": profiles "Theory and practice of intercultural communication" and "Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures"; 45.05.01 "Translation and translation studies"; 41.03.05 "International relations"; 41.06.01 "Political sciences and regional studies". It is also of interest to specialists in the field of intercultural communication.

2022 ◽  
Muhammad Hamka Syahrial ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

This book has a brown cover and looks like it looks normal. However, this book provides information on conflict theory in detail. In addition, what is interesting is telling the conflict from all kinds of points of view, so that it is not only focused on one side. This book is also suitable for students or students who are looking for knowledge about social or conflict as a whole. The author also recommends this book to students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. This book is an objective description of the conflicts that occur in society. Another advantage is that it explains the basis and how conflicts are formed. At first glance, it looks like a science book, but the author tries to combine it in an easy-to-understand way. The following is a brief synopsis of this book.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1099-1106
Agus Subagyo ◽  
Agustina Setiawan ◽  
Titin Rohayatin ◽  
Dadan Kurnia ◽  
Iing Nurdin ◽  

Understanding of entrepreneurship and organizational management, especially at the OSIS and MPK levels, is still deficient. With a lack of understanding related to entrepreneurship and organizational management at the school level, lecturers at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Unjani organize Education and Training for OSIS at the SMA/SMK in the Eastern Province of Indonesia. The method used in this community service is to provide material related to entrepreneurship development and organizational management, and creativity competitions for OSIS and MPK members between schools. Community service related to entrepreneurship development in the management of Intra-School Student Organizations runs smoothly and in accordance with the desired expectations. Students participate actively in every series of activities held. In addition to participating in the Webinar as the pinnacle of community service, students also participate in the preparation of school creative business proposals, poster making competitions, and Share Content competitions. Thus, community service activities carried out by FISIP Unjani make a positive contribution in providing new understanding and thoughts as well as ideas, ideas, creative innovations that can be applied and implemented in organizations and in the school environment where they study. and form an entrepreneurial spirit, namely a leader who has an entrepreneurial spirit.

2022 ◽  
pp. 76-85
Tekin Avaner ◽  
Cenay Babaoglu

There were public administration schools in Turkish administrative history. For example, in Seljuks Empire times, this school was called Nizamiye Madrasah, and administrators were trained there. Another example is the professional executive class in the Ottoman Empire, and they were educated in Enderun, a unique public administration school in Sultan's Palace. In the 19th century, Turkish public administration was influenced by the Western model, and Mekteb-i Mülkiye was established in 1859. The school moved to Ankara in 1935 and was named Faculty of Political Sciences. In 1952, the Public Administration Institute of Turkey and the Middle East and the first public administration department were established with the support of the USA. Within this framework, the chapter first summarizes the historical development of public administration education in Turkey, together with institutional development. Therefore, these institutions' historical roles were examined, and the interaction between the US scholars and universities was also searched.

Bożena Gierat-Bieroń ◽  

The EU is promoting cultural relations with Asian countries. While building interpersonal and institutional connections, the EU pays special attention to Japan. The image of the EU and its mutual relations with Japan are generally recognised as predominantly good and trustworthy. This paper will examine the process of building creative/progressive cultural relations between the EU and Japan based on two hypotheses; fi rst: despite the fact that the EU tried to develop cultural relations within Japan, the embassies of the EU Member States are far more active in cultural programs than the EU Delegation; and secondly: the reception of the EU as a historic and cultural project is rather fragmented (as opposed to being holistic) in Japan. The aim of this research is to analyse, compare, and evaluate both the effort and achievements made by the EU and Japan in the process of building creative cultural relations. The research will demonstrate an analytical approach in the political sciences discipline.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 799
Arlyana Almi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah program praktikum agama islam mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan agama islam pada Mahasiswa Baru Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik angkatan 2019. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen menggunakan teknik sempel sampling purposive. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik angkatan 2019 sejumlah 30 mahasiswa. Desain penelitian pra eksperimen yaitu one group pretest posttest design. Teknik analisa statsitik yaitu uji paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program praktikum agama islam dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan agama islam, hal tersebut berdasarkan menggunakan uji paired sample t-test diperoleh nilai p = 0.000 hal ini menandakan bahwa p < 0.05 dan nilai nilai t = -7.482 (>-1.96). Sehingga hipotesis H1 diterima yang artinya subjek yang diberikan program praktikum agama Islam mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan agama islam. This research aims to find out whether the Islamic religious practicum program can increase islamic religious knowledge in the New Students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences class of 2019. This research method is an experiment using purposive sampling techniques. This research sample is a student of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences class of 2019 numbering 30 students. Pre-experimental research design is one group pretest posttest design. Statsitic analysis technique is a paired sample t-test test. The results of this study showed that islamic practicum programs can increase islamic religious knowledge, it is based on using a paired sample t-test obtained a value of p = 0.000 this indicates that p < 0.05 and a value of t = -7,482 (>-1.96). So that the H1 hypothesis is accepted which means that the subject given by the Islamic practicum program has increased islamic religious knowledge.

Childhood ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 090756822110663
Aranzazu Gallego Molinero ◽  
Chandra Kala Clemente-Martínez

Transnational adoption is a global movement of children across borders to new permanent and irreversible legal relationships. It is a circulation that involves social, economic, cultural and political relations marked by geographies of inequalities of power on a global scale. Many of these circulations have been shrouded by illicit practices which mean the violation of child rights. This special issue of the journal Childhood examines individual, social and political narratives on illicit processes surrounding this practice. Drawing from social and political sciences research, the contributors of this collection show the contradiction between ‘silences’ around certain practices in some societies, while in others ‘truth recovery’ has been central to the transition towards democracy. The authors raise concerns about policies and practices that complicate the interests and rights of individual actors.

I. V. Demin

The article is devoted to the critical analysis of the concept of ideology developed by Slavoj Žižek, the modern Slovenian philosopher. The author reveals the possibilities and limitations of Žižek’s approach to understanding the phenomenon of ideology and considers the initial presumptions and methodological assumptions that this approach is based upon. The article shows that despite the indisputable originality, Žižek’s theory is not devoid of contradictions, and the interpretation of ideology as an illusion and mystification, which is justified within the framework of Marxist political philosophy, loses its foundations in the context of the post-structuralist methodology. According to I.Demin’s conclusion, Žižek’s philosophical and political thinking falls prey to the scheme that Peter Sloterdijk defined as “mutual tracking of ideologies”. Criticism of ideology here implies criticism of one ideo logy from the standpoint of another, or criticism of “bad” ideology from the standpoint of “good” ideology. The “criticizing” ideology is not clearly articulated, but implicitly assumed. The fact that the “critic” of ideology prefers not to reveal his own bias constitutes an integral part of the strategy of ideological criticism, as opposed to scientific criticism. Ideology as the principle that structures social reality obtains an allencompassing character in Žižek’s interpretation, since it underlies all human actions and human thinking. However, if there is no way to separate ideology from scientific knowledge, to distinguish between ideology, philosophy and religion, it turns out that ideology is everything and nothing at the same time. With this interpretation, “ideology” becomes an unoperationalizable concept for Social and Political Sciences, and therefore useless. At the same time, a number of the provisions formulated by Žižek (on ideological “fastening”, on the role of the enemy figure in the ideological discourse, etc.) may be in high demand in the course of developing an adequate methodological strate gy for studying the phenomenon of ideology, which distances itself from both “naïve” objectivist doctrines and the extremes of the political anti-essentialism and anti-universalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-98
Bella Widya Septianty ◽  
Finna Fourqoniah ◽  
Muhammad Fikry Aransyah

This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education on EBI, the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions, the effect of EBI on entrepreneurial intentions, and the role of EBI as a mediator of influence between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions. This research was conducted on undergraduate students of the Business Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University class of 2017 and 2018. The main requirements for respondents are students who have taken entrepreneurship courses in the previous semester with a total sample of 222 people. The analysis technique uses AMOS-based SEM analysis. The results of the analysis found that entrepreneurship education has a positive and significant effect on EBI, entrepreneurship education has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions, EBI has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intentions, and EBI plays a significant role in mediating the influence of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions. Based on the results of the research, it means that the Business Administration Study Program is able to grow and encourage students' interest in entrepreneurship which can be done through the development of entrepreneurship education curricula. And student character values ​​(EBI) can be developed through experience and field practice so that they do not have to be imposed on the education.

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