Remarks on the Meanings of Stability in the Modern Era

2019 ◽  
pp. 269-282
Samuel P. Huntington
2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  

In modern era about 80% of the world population depends on herbal alternative system of medicine. Seventy thousand plants are used in medicine and about 2000 plants are used in Indian Ayurveda. The activities of the curative plants are evaluated by their chemical components. Few of them are important as a medicine but also posses poisonous or toxic properties. The toxicity is produced in them due to the synthesis of toxic chemical compounds may be in primary or secondary phase of their life. Most of the users of such medicinal plants in crude form are tribal and peoples living in the forests and their domestic stock . Most of the time these peoples may not aware about the toxicity of such plants used by them and probably get affected sometimes even leads to death. In the study area during the field survey of poisonous plants, information are gathered from the traditional practicing persons, cow boy and from shepherds. About 20 plant species belonging to 17 families are reported as a medicinal as well as toxic. From the available literature, nature of toxic compound and symptoms of their intake on human being are recorded. In the study area the plants like, Abrus precatorious commonly known as a Gunj or Gunjpala, Jatropha curcas , (Biodiesel plant), Croton tiglium (Jamalgota), Citrullus colocynthis (Kadu Indrawan, Girardinia diversifolia (Agya), Mucuna purriens (Khajkuairi), Euphorbia tirucali (Sher), E. ligularia (Sabarkand), Datura metel ( Kala Dhotara), Datura inoxia (Pandhara Dhotara) and Asparagus racemo-sus (Shatavari) etc . are some of the toxic plants used as a medicine and harmful also.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 292-294
Dr. Vandana K Saini ◽  
Dr. Kishor D Kawad ◽  
Dr. Neha Gohel

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-140
Noopur Patel ◽  
Priyanka Kacker

Christopher Brooke

This is the first full-scale look at the essential place of Stoicism in the foundations of modern political thought. Spanning the period from Justus Lipsius's Politics in 1589 to Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Emile in 1762, and concentrating on arguments originating from England, France, and the Netherlands, the book considers how political writers of the period engaged with the ideas of the Roman and Greek Stoics that they found in works by Cicero, Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. The book examines key texts in their historical context, paying special attention to the history of classical scholarship and the historiography of philosophy. The book delves into the persisting tension between Stoicism and the tradition of Augustinian anti-Stoic criticism, which held Stoicism to be a philosophy for the proud who denied their fallen condition. Concentrating on arguments in moral psychology surrounding the foundations of human sociability and self-love, the book details how the engagement with Roman Stoicism shaped early modern political philosophy and offers significant new interpretations of Lipsius and Rousseau together with fresh perspectives on the political thought of Hugo Grotius and Thomas Hobbes. The book shows how the legacy of the Stoics played a vital role in European intellectual life in the early modern era.

Vipin Narang

The world is in a second nuclear age in which regional powers play an increasingly prominent role. These states have small nuclear arsenals, often face multiple active conflicts, and sometimes have weak institutions. How do these nuclear states—and potential future ones—manage their nuclear forces and influence international conflict? Examining the reasoning and deterrence consequences of regional power nuclear strategies, this book demonstrates that these strategies matter greatly to international stability and it provides new insights into conflict dynamics across important areas of the world such as the Middle East, East Asia, and South Asia. The book identifies the diversity of regional power nuclear strategies and describes in detail the posture each regional power has adopted over time. Developing a theory for the sources of regional power nuclear strategies, the book offers the first systematic explanation of why states choose the postures they do and under what conditions they might shift strategies. It then analyzes the effects of these choices on a state's ability to deter conflict. Using both quantitative and qualitative analysis, the book shows that, contrary to a bedrock article of faith in the canon of nuclear deterrence, the acquisition of nuclear weapons does not produce a uniform deterrent effect against opponents. Rather, some postures deter conflict more successfully than others. This book considers the range of nuclear choices made by regional powers and the critical challenges they pose to modern international security.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Maria Damiana Nestri Kiswari

Abstract A house is a building that has function to live in a certain period. The house has some spaces and rooms that accomodate all inhabitans’activities. In Javanese culture, philosophy of house is more than a place where all the people stay and live, communicate each other. The spaces and rooms of the house have specific meanings. Joglo is a name of Javanese traditional house partiularly in Central Java. As a traditional Javanese houses in the modern era, the existence of Joglo houses is interesting to be studied. The study is to identify the room arrangement and the change in function of spaces and rooms in Joglo house. It was conducted on one house in Keji Village, Muntilan District, Magelang Regency. The house is a residence of the former headman of Keji village. It has been choosen because it has Joglo tipical roof and its appeareance is still traditional house. This study uses a descriptive quality method which is by observing and defining the spaces and the rooms in the Joglo house along with their functions and activities inside. By studying this Joglo house, an overview and understanding of the changes in the spaces and room in the traditional architecture of Central Java in the present time will be obtained. Keywords: Joglo house, space and room, change in function Abstrak Rumah merupakan bangunan yang memiliki fungsi untuk bertempat tinggal dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Sehingga sebagai tempat tinggal rumah memiliki ruang-ruang untuk menampung aktivitas penghuninya. Dalam budaya Jawa, fisosofi tentang rumah merupakan tempat yang memiliki makna lebih dari sekedar tempat bernaung dan berkumpul keluarga. Joglo merupakan bentuk arsitektur dari rumah tinggal tradisional di Jawa khususnya Jawa Tengah. Sebagai rumah tradisional Jawa, keberadaan rumah Joglo yang masih ada di jaman sekarang ini, menjadi menarik untuk dipelajari tatanan ruang-ruangnya dan perubahan dari fungsi ruang-ruang tersebut. Untuk mempelajari dan memahami aristektur Joglo dan perubahan fungsi ruang yang ada di dalamnya, dilakukan penelitian terhadap salah satu rumah tinggal di Desa Keji, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metoda deskriptif kualitati yaitu dengan mengamati dan mengidentifikasi ruang-ruang yang ada di rumah Joglo beserta fungsi dan aktivitasnya. Dengan meneliti rumah Joglo ini akan didapatkan gambaran dan pemahaman terhadap perubahan fungsi ruang-ruang yang ada dalam arsitektur tradisional khususnya Jawa Tengah. Kata kunci : rumah joglo, fungsi ruang, perubahan fungsi

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-378
Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin ◽  
Muhammad Ismail ◽  
Hasanuddin Hasim

The reviving of modern economic theory is usually stated starting from the publication of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Natoins, in 1776, although other thinkers who first also gave no small contribution. The main idea put forward by Adam Smith is that competition between various suppliers of goods and buyers will produce the best possibilities in the distribution of goods and services because it will encourage everyoe to do the specialization and increase in capital so that it will produce more value with a permanent workforce. From the Islamic perspective, there are several names that commonly known such, Baqir, Umar Chapra, and Mannan. The purpose of this research is to explore the revival economic though by Abdul Mannan. This research adapts content analysis method, which is a researcher conducts a discussion of the contents of written or edition information in the mass media. The data analysis techniques of this scientific work use literature study techniques, comparative, induction, and deduction. The study began by collecting literature data from Muhammad Abdul Mannan's Concept of Thinking about the Development of Modern Era Islamic economics and Modern Era Islamic Economic concepts in general, (researchers only participated in the discussion). Then proceed with the interpretation that researchers try to understand Muhammad Abdul Mannan's thoughts about the Development of Islamic Economics in the Modern Era. The result of this reseacrh indicates that the revival of Islamic thought by determining basic economic functions that simply cover three functions, namely consumption, production and distribution. Those basics are rooted by Five basic principles rooted in Shariah for basic economic functions in the form of consumption functions are the principles of righteousness, cleanliness, moderation, benefit and morality

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