Rausyan Fikr: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Ushuluddin dan Filsafat
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Published By IAIN Palu

2580-7773, 1978-7812

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-362
M. Marovida Aziz

Abstract The view of the logical positivism group regarding science is based on the development of exact sciences, scientific truth can be measured positively, namely the truth must be real, concrete, logical, accurate and useful, but the effect behind everything abstract and metaphysical in the dimensions of life is ignored and regardless of observation. The main idea of logical positivism that was promoted by Alfred Jules Ayer, one of which is the principle of verification. In the application of the verification principle, it can also be taken for study studies in the determination of Qiyas law, namely by analogizing a law that has not yet been stipulated in the text, by testing and observing by verifying the causes of its similarity with the established law, determining the similarity of causes with logical parameters. and also empirical. The analogy in Qiyas must go through a verification stage, namely because it must be a real and visible nature by the five senses, and logic, as well as through the empirical proof stage. According to logical positivism and qiyas, the main condition is that it must be something that is visible, and get rid of pseudo-problems. Keywords: Logical positivism, Verification, Qiyas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-344
Nano Warno

This paper aims to analyze Islamic philosophy's demonstration (burha>n). Demonstration (burha>n) is the method of all schools of Islamic philosophy from Peripatetic, Illumination to Wisdom Muta'aliyah. Without demonstration (burha>n), philosophy is no more extended philosophy and turns to the debate of theologians. The consistent peripatetic Islamic philosophy maintains this method of discovering (context of discovery) the propositions discussed in Islamic philosophy. Illumination philosophy then adds an intuitive approach. The Muta'aliyah Hikmah school also added another source: the Koran and witnessing (kasyaf). The purpose of the study is to describe the function of Burhan to epistemology and spirituality by using the general hermeneutic to the primary and secondary literature of Islamic philosophy books, especially the corpus of the Hikmah Muta'aliyah and neo peripatetic schools. The research framework is the position of reason, and the laws of thought are called logic, and the purpose of logic is an argument; analogy, syllogism, and induction. burha>n is a particular syllogism. The conclusion of the demonstration (burha>n) contains three layers of structure; foundations, problems, and subjects, and requires a foundation developed from various sciences. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-295
Fikri Hamdani ◽  
Moh. Muhtador

This paper is a critical study of the discourse on religion and patriarchal culture. The development of religious patriarchism results from the interpretation of spiritual teachings that have the impression of a gender bias; the gender bias interpretation model is one of the relationships that shows the interaction of patriarchal culture with religion. Disclosure of the relationship between religion and patriarchism to understand the boundaries of what is called religion and interpretation and other elements in the meaning of religion. This paper is library research that relies on literature data related to gender and religion by using the theory of gender criticism to find answers to religious alliances and patriarchism. This paper shows that epistemologically, a series of meanings related to women's lives is interpreted textually. The meanings that are born are motivated by elements of male culture. There is a patriarchal ideology that is still strong in the body of a religious community that interprets the meaning of religion as religion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-276
Lukman Syamsuddin ◽  
Achmad Abu Bakar ◽  
Mardan Mardan

This article focuses on the history of development interpretation of the Qur'an in Indonesia, both post independence as one of the discussions presented to enthusiasts and study of understanding the Qur'an. The type of this research is a literature review and the use of content analysis (content analysis). Formulate of the problem this research is how the history of the development interpretation of the Qur'an in post-independence and contemporary Indonesia? In this study, it concluded that the study of the understanding of the Qur'an in the archipelago, especially Indonesia, continued to develop according to the times so that various works of scholars were born in the field of Qur'anic interpretation using multiple methods. .

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-256
Ariani Barroroh Baried ◽  
Mulawarman Hannase

Abstract Talking about Sufism cannot be separated from 'Irfan' knowledge; both are interrelated; it can also say that 'Irfan', and 'Irfan' are Sufism. The level of ma'rifat is a jargon that many Sufis generally pursue. There are many ways to achieve this, each Sufi has his way, including First, Riyadhah (self-surrender, accepting sincerely and gracefully for all that the Creator has), Second, Tafakkur (tafakkur to strengthen belief in the greatness and power of Allah, then become an attitude that always motivates individuals, to actively dhikr and worship Allah swt.), Third, Tazkiyat An-Nafs (the process of purifying the human soul. The process of purification of the soul in the framework of Sufism can be done through the face of takhalli and tahalli). Then when Sufism meets philosophy, can the two synergize with each other? While the science of Sufism talks about the heart while talking about reason or ratio. Because the author wants to release the relationship between Sufism (Irfan) Islamic philosophy, this research is in the form of library research or referred to as library research which is carried out by reviewing various literature, both from the latest journals, book texts, scientific articles, the results of other people's research, as well as other sources related to Irfani Sufism and Islamic philosophy. The results of the conclusion that their studies of the soul in a philosophical approach provided many precious contributions to the perfection of studying Sufism in the Islamic world. An understanding of the soul and spirit itself is essential in Sufism. Later developed philosophical analyses of the soul and spirit in Sufism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-227
Amir Sahidin ◽  
Abdul Rohman

The discussion of khalqul qur'an is a very crucial issue among the Mutakallimin. The Jabariyyah and Mu'tazilah groups say that the Qur'an is a creature in order to purify Allah from human-like characteristics. In fact, saying khalqul qur'an (the Qur'an is a creature) is the same as negating the nature of God, in the form of kalam. Belief like this will lead to three imperatives: first, as if God as the essence of the nature is a creature. Second, Allah is a mute Rabb, while being mute is a deficiency trait. Third, Allah's knowledge is a creature, because the Qur'an is His knowledge, then how could Allah have created knowledge first in order to have knowledge. Therefore the scholars of the Ahli Sunnah are unanimously agreed that the Qur'an is kalamullah. Among the scholars of the Ahli Sunnah who are very firm in defending the beliefs of the Sunnah are Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. He not only gave strong arguments, but also refuted the group that said khalqul qur'an with a solid rebuttal. Based on a qualitative method and a comparative critical approach, it was found that, first, Jabariyyah and Mu'tazilah agreed that the Qur'an was a creature. Second, the Sunnah experts in general and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal in particular insist that the Qur'an is the kalamullah. Third, when their arguments are found, the strongest is the opinion of the Ahli Sunnah. The basis for this difference of opinion is based on their beliefs about the nature of Allah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-201
Muhammad Syarif Hasyim

Arabic has several unique features that are different from other languages, one of the uniqueness of Arabic is its mutaradif pronunciation, namely: several pronunciations that have the same meaning. It's just that its application in the Qur'an is still pro and contra between the scholars; some admit and are found in the Qur'an, but not a few also deny its existence in the Qur'an, but still admit that it is in language.  Those who deny it believe that every pronunciation must have a specific meaning not shared by other accents. In contrast, those who admit it argue, among other things, that the fact that in Arabic, there are mutaradif pronunciations, of course, may happen in the Qur'an because the Qur'an is reveal in Arabic. It is one of the elements of beauty. And miracles of the language of the Qur'an. Therefore, to bridge the existence of Al-Taraduf. in the Al-Qur'an, the scholars have established several rules to guide in understanding and exploring the implied meaning of the content in the Al-Qur'an, including the rules they set are the rules of Al-Taraduf.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-178
Abi Hasan ◽  
Sarkawi Sarkawi

Abstract Weak knowledge about religion can lead to something fatal, especially in diverse areas, which causes people to sometimes not be able to distinguish between religion and culture, between belief and society, including the Lake Paris sub-district which is a border area with North Sumatra, and is the gateway to The influx of migrants from outside the region, the issue of the shallowing of faith was a flashlight for the Acehnese community, so this needs to be the attention of all parties. To anticipate the occurrence of this silting of faith, several policies were launched by the Aceh government, including the birth of Aceh Qanun No. 8 of 2015 including the basis for consideration of this, as well as the establishment of Dayah in the Aceh border region, including in Aceh Singkil, to be precise, which is located in Danau Paris District its purpose includes fortifying the people from the shallowing of the creed. The strategy carried out by the Safinatussalamah Frontier Dayah on the issue of the shallowing of the creed is through improving the quality of dayah education, in the context of cadre of Da'I as the successor of the missionary struggle, as well as socio-religious activities for the community with the aim of providing religious understanding through Friday sermons and also provide motivation in terms of education through the provision of scholarships for the people of the Danau Paris sub-district, so that it can produce human resources who are knowledgeable and reliable in providing religious understanding for the people of the Danau paris sub-district in the future. Keywords: Strategy, Dayah, Silence of Faith         Abstrak Lemahnya pengetahuan tentang agama dapat mengakibatkan sesuatu yang fatal apalagi pada daerah-daerah yang majmuk, yang menyebabkan masyarakat terkadang tidak mampu membedakan antara agama dan budaya, antara keyakinan dan sosial, termasuk kecamatan Danau Paris yang merupakan daerah perbatasan dengan sumatera utara, dan merupakan pintu masuknya pendatang dari luar daerah, Isu pendangkalan akidah ini sempat senter bagi kalangan masyarakat Aceh, sehingga hal ini perlu menjadi perhatian semua pihak. Untuk mengantisifasi terjadinya pendangkalan akidah ini, beberapa kebijakan sempat diluncurkan pemerintah aceh, termasuk lahirnya Qanun Aceh No 8 tahun 2015 termasuk dasar pertimbangan hal tersebut, begitu juga pendirian Dayah diwilayah perbatasan Aceh, termasuk di Aceh Singkil, tepatnya yang berada di Kecamatan Danau paris salah satu tujuannya termasuk membentengi umat dari pendangkalan Akidah. Strategi yang dilakukan Dayah Perbatasan safinatussalamah terhadap Isu pendangkalan Akidah  ini, melalui peningkatan mutu pendidikan dayah, dalam rangka pengkaderan Da’I sebagai penerus perjuangan dakwah, begitu juga dengan kegiatan sosial keagamaan bagi masyarakat dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman agama melalui khutbah jum’at dan juga memberikan motivasi dalam hal pendidikan melalui pemberian beasiswa bagi masyarakat kecamatan Danau Paris, sehingga dapat melahirkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang berilmu dan handal dalam memberikan pemahaman keagamaan bagi masyarakat Kecamatan Danau paris pada masa akan datang. Kata Kunci : Strategi, Dayah, Pendangkalan Akidah

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-158
Gasim Yamani

Ham as an agreement made by humans, has legal force that is recognized by the whole world. On the other hand, Islam as a religion also has a source of law that regulates human life and of course the laws regulated in Islam are in the name of God and justice. Human rights debates often occur when Islamic law wants to be applied, for example, cutting hands, capital punishment and so on. Though the punishment is in the name of God and justice. This is the object of a research study on how Islam views human rights, this study has also been carried out by several researchers such as Sitti Aminah's writing with the title "Human Rights in the Perspective of the Qur'an", besides that there is an article from Nur Asiah who wrote an article with the title Rights Human Rights Perspective of Islamic Law. Although these two articles write about human rights, there is a difference with this research, which lies in the methodology and discussion. The methodology used is the comparative method, which means that comparisons between several cases of Islamic law and ordinary legal cases such as imprisonment and hand cutting are compared. The conclusion from the results of this study or this paper is that human rights and Islamic law both want to create justice, only that the difference between the source of the decision is if human rights are in the name of human justice while Islamic law is in the name of God and justice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-143
Ermawati Usman

The scholars look for formulas and strategies to explain the meaning of hadith. Many methods, techniques and approaches are offered by hadith scientists to pave the way for understanding hadith so that hadith which is a product of the past can be kept up to date and become a guide for Muslims who are rahmatan lil alamin. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the matan of hadith, one way is to have knowledge of the form of matan used by the Prophet Muhammad in the expression of hadith. The forms of hadith expressions referred to are Jawamil kalim, tamsil, ramzi, qiyas and conversational forms, which are the privileges of the Prophet Muhammad in conveying hadith. The five features are adapted to the case faced by the Prophet Muhammad, and cannot be focused on a particular hadith. Thus, the language of the Prophet's da'wah has a meaning value package in conveying parables and symbolic expressions for friends' questions. The expression in the form of matan, can be one of the tools in understanding hadith. This paper will describe the traditions that have the forms of matan which contain the five styles of language above, by presenting several examples that are elaborated on the thoughts or understandings of the hadith scholars.

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