scholarly journals Bukti Keilahian Yesus Kristus Berdasarkan Filipi 2:6 Sebuah Jawaban Teologis Terhadap Kristologi Ebionisme, Arianisme Dan Saksi Yehuwa

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-277
Veri Esap Veri ◽  
Gunar Sahari ◽  
Yunus Selan

Abstract: This article discusses the divinity of Jesus Christ based on Philippians 2:6 as a theological answer to the christology of Ebionism, Arianism, and Jehovah's Witnesses. The main focus in this study is to examine theologically the meaning of “the image of God” in Philippians 2:6. This paper shows the result that Philippians 2:6 is explaining the divine qualifications of Jesus Christ which means Jesus Christ before the incarnation, He has existed in eternity with the Father. So it can be said that Jesus Christ is not a creation of God or an ordinary man because Jesus Christ is the same morphe as God the Father. This paper certainly uses a qualitative method, namely a method that describes a phenomenon under study. then to describe the phenomenon under study, of course, requires literature (library review). The purpose of this paper is for the lay congregation to fully and correctly understand the teachings of the Person of Jesus Christ (Christology) in order to ward off false teachings. Keywords: Divinity, the likeness of God, Jesus Christ. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas keilahian Yesus Kristus berdasarkan Filipi 2:6 sebagai jawaban teologis terhadap kristologi Ebionisme, Arianisme, dan Saksi Yehuwa. Fokus utama dalam kajian ini yaitu mengkaji secara teologis makna “rupa Allah” dalam Filipi 2:6. Tulisan ini memperlihatkan hasil bahwa Filipi 2:6 sedang menjelaskan kualifikasi ilahi Yesus Kristus yang artinya Yesus Kristus sebelum berinkarnasi, Ia telah ada dalam kekekalan bersama dengan Bapa. Jadi dapat dikatakan bahwa Yesus Kristus bukan ciptaan Allah atau manusia biasa karena Yesus Kristus morfe yang sama dengan Allah Bapa. Tulisan ini tentu menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu metode yang mendeskripsikan sebuah fenomena yang dikaji. maka untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena yang diteliti tentunya membutuhkan literatur-literatur (kajian pustaka). Tujuan dari tulisan ini agar jemaat khusus awam bisa memahami secara utuh dan benar mengenai ajaran tentang Pribadi Yesus Kristus (Kristologi) guna menangkal ajaran yang sesat. Kata Kunci: Keilahian, rupa Allah, Yesus Kristus.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-41
Pangeran Manurung

Eksegesa John 1 : 1-18 shows that the Jehovah's Witness teachings deviate from the truth of the Bible and dangerous for Christians . The danger Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses should be bringing us to the prudence and discretion to reject it . It can be said that Jehovah's Witnesses do not include Christianity in accordance with the search results against their teachings . first ; they do not recognize the Bible that has been issued by the Indonesian National Bible Institute and consider if the Bible has too much harm to use their own New Translation of the Holy Scriptures that have been proven not a translation , but just a collection of interpretations and teachings of their leader alone . second ; Jehovah's Witnesses do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior only . They simply believe that salvation is obtained through belief in Jehovah and his kingdom and perform service message and follow the trial associations .                Before errors interfere Christology Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses Bible , please note that the topic of Christology is the difference between Christianity and other religions . This discussion has also become one of the topics that face many attacks from the outside or from within Christianity , either in the form of religion , philosophy , and ideology . The debate on this topic appeared since the beginning of Christianity , and give rise to a long and complex debate for nearly three centuries ( 300 years ) !! . Such debates will continue to exist throughout the period and just a rehash issues that had once appeared . And Christians should study the various debates and views of the ever emerging that are not easily fooled by the views back to this era .Eksegesa John 1 : 1-18 has been done and produce a biblical Christology and biblical correct . The truth is not in doubt because of the analysis conducted in accordance with the procedures and rules that apply in general . Now if Christology Christology of John compared with Jehovah's Witnesses, it will show a striking difference . Once observed , Christology Witnesses builds upon the interpretation of individuals who previously have had a negative Christological doctrine .                Conclusion those who think that Jesus is the firstborn of Creation ; Jesus was a human being ; Jesus is God in creating a peer ; Jesus lower than God , Jesus is the Angel Gabriel , and other Christological doctrine which basically degrading nature of Christ is a form of insult to the majesty of Christ . The Bible clearly and emphatically teaches that Christ is God incarnate , private alpha and omega , the creator of all that exists , and the equivalent of God the Father . Summing Christ as superior human or clear eldest creation is false teachings . The followers of Jehovah's Witnesses must repent. Amen

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 31-45
Inez Martinez

Given Jung’s understanding of emergence as unconscious materials unattended emerging into lived life, the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States calls for analysis of unconscious collective attitudes. Trump’s enthusiastic supporters embrace his narcissism, including his claims to almighty power, obedience, and adoration, claims characteristic of the God image of the Judeo-Christian Father almighty. This essay proposes that Americans socialized to worship that image of God have not been aware that they are divinizing narcissistic traits. Charles Brockden Brown’s novel Wieland or the Transformation, An American Tale (1798) portrays such a God and a phantom narrative unveiling murderousness in the narcissistic divine Father-son relations. Brown concludes with a call for the development of “juster notions” of divinity. Recognizing the latent murderousness in the narcissistic image of God the Father almighty potentially leads to recalling that projection and collectively accepting responsibility for inner murderousness.

Diacovensia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 637-651
Wiesław Przygoda

Charity diaconia of the Church is not an accidental involvement but belongs to its fundamental missions. This thesis can be supported in many ways. The author of this article finds the source of the obligation of Christians and the whole Church community to charity service in the nature of God. For Christians God is Love (1 John 4, 8.16). Even though some other names can be found, (Jahwe , Elohim, Adonai), his principal name that encapsulates all other ones is Love. Simultaneously, God which is Love showed his merciful nature (misericordiae vultus) in the course of salvation. He did it in a historical, visible and optimal way through his Son, Jesus Christ through the embodied God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who loved the mankind so much that he sacrificed his life for us, being tortured and killed at the cross. This selfless love laid the foundations for the Church, which, in essence, is a community of loving human and God’s beings. Those who do not love, even though they joined the Church through baptism, technically speaking, do not belong to the Church since love is a real not a formal sign of belonging to Christ’s disciples (cf. John 13, 35). Therefore, charitable activity is a significant dimension of the Church’s mission as it is through charity that the Church shows the merciful nature of its Saviour. A question that needs to be addressed may be expressed as follows: in what way the image of God, who is love, implies an involvement in charity of an individual and the Church? An answer may be found in the Bible, writings of the Church Fathers of and the documents of Magisterium Ecclesiae and especially the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.

1995 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
P. Van Staden

Taking cognizance of the fact that language - especially metaphorical language - can be expressive of deeplying cultural or religious symbol sets in man, the study explores the  possible original content of the syntagma εἰΚὼν ΤΟῦ θεΟῦ in both the Old and the New Testament. It is argued that there is a definite shift in the symbol set of which the concept (metaphor) 'image of God' is expressive. Whilst the Old Testament usage of the term probably attests to the conviction that humankind is part of the genus God and may even resemble him physically, the New Testament substitutes Jesus Christ for man as the primary carrier of the 'image of God'. Humankind in general does not reflect that image any more. It is only to be found in those who through faith in Jesus Christ regain the image of God. Our thesis is that the concept of 'image' is to be regarded as much an ethical injunction as it is an ontological state-ment. The faith of adherents to the community of believers finds expres-sion in distinctive behavior - that is, in conduct that clearly identifies them as reflecting the image of God.

2003 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
Cláudio Aguiar Almeida

Proibidas pelo Antigo Testamento, a produção e a veneração de imagens se converteram em tema de amplo debate entre os cristãos para quem a encarnação de Jesus Cristo como um homem visível tornava possível, pelo menos em tese, a reprodução da imagem de Deus. Este artigo analisa esse debate, que coloca dados fundamentais à compreensão das reações da Igreja Católica ao cinema e a outros meios técnicos de reprodução de imagens que, no século XX, foram utilizados na propagação de “religiões políticas” como o fascismo e o nazismo. Searching for the lost dracma: cinema between the image of god and the dictator Abstract The production and veneration of images was forbidden by the Old Testament and became an important theme of discussion among Christians, for whom the incarnation of Jesus Christ as a visible man had made the reproduction of the God’s image possible, at least in theory. This article analyses this debate, which brings fundamental data to the understanding of the Catholic Church reactions to the cinema and to other technical media of image reproduction. These media were used for the propagation of the “political religions” such as the fascism and the nazism in the 20th century.

1953 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-85
Bruce M. Metzger

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Roni Ismail

In the mainstream Christianity, revelation of God manifests in Jesus Christ, in his blood and flesh. Jehovah's Witnesses, as a sect in Christianity, believes that the revelation or word of God is fully Bible, and not Jesus as in the mainstream Christianity. Bible is revealed by God directly so it is accurate. It is also belived as The Book of God's Thought because was written in His guidance. This concept of revelation has serious implications to the dogma of the Trinity. Based on Bible, Jehovah's Witnesses believes that God is not the Trinity, but God is One God and One Person named Jehovah. Jesus also is not part of the Trinity. Indeed Jesus is believed as God's word, but as a speaker of God. He is also believed as the son, as God fiirst creation. by God. Therefore, Jesus is a creature of Jehovah and is not God, so is not part of the Trinity.

1961 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-171 ◽  
Charles S. Duthie

It is a matter of agreement among Christians that there shines throughout the New Testament writings the bright hope, the clear assurance that in the long run, however long the run, God will triumph. He will achieve the fulfilment of the purpose disclosed in Jesus Christ. In that consummation God Himself, in the phrase of Paul, will be ‘all in all’. But as soon as we affirm our belief in this final victory, an inevitable question raises itself in our minds. Will that triumph be complete? Will all who have been fashioned in the image of God be united with Him within the redeemed community? Or will some persist obstinately for ever in the repudiation of His grace, self-excluded from Heaven? If God wills that all men shall be saved, if He was truly in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, if it is His purpose to gather up all things in Christ, are we not driven towards the expectation, perhaps even the certainty, that at the last all shall have found their way, or been led, to God ‘who is our home’?

1972 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44 ◽  
Richard Prins

‘The image of God in Adam and the restoration of man in Jesus Christ’ is a formulary title, preserving in so far as possible both the manner in which Calvin discusses the image and the progression of this paper. The contrasts of ‘image’ to ‘restoration’, ‘Adam’ to ‘man’, and the latent contrast of ‘Adam’ to ‘Christ’ are therefore purposeful ones, for they are the contrasts in which the structure and movement of Calvin's thought on the image of God can be seen most clearly. They are also the product of a patient and occasionally frustrating reduction of the hill country of Calvin's prose into a passable road. Not every facet of the image according to Calvin is brought into play. In fact, many have been weeded out as too narrowly confined to a particular context, too superfluous, or even too general or ambiguous to be of help in delineating the core of this part of his theology and the tensions within it. Thus, for example, while Calvin often speaks about a restoration of God's image in man, this phrase is meaningless in itself. Then, once we find that Calvin's understanding of this phrase is split into two opposing emphases, there is no benefit in returning to the general expression, and so it is not employed in our discussion of man's restoration. It is also true that the second half of the title indicates an abandonment of the image for a more embracing statement of all that our renewal involves.

2008 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
J. L. Helberg

The extraordinary birth of Jesus Christ and the reign of his church, especially regarding women The issue whether there is room for women in the special ser- vices of the church, especially as elder, is currently corespons- ible for tension within the Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA). The ruling task of the church is closely linked with the way God rules his people and with what the relation between Him and his people is. The book of Matthew shows that there is an essential unity but also a drastic difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament dispensations in this regard. This article investigates at what dominates both dispen- sations and how they differ concerning this. Sin disrupted humanness and harmony fundamentally and in the most intimate relations. In the old dispensation power was inter alia exercised by force, for example in slavery and disregard of women’s full humanness. The birth of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit from a woman without a man is the fulfilment of the Old Testament promises. All believers without difference in class or gender are recreated by Jesus Christ as the image of God and are reinstated in a personal relation with Him. Exercise of power over others, like in male domination of women and in earthly kingship and slavery makes room for being serviceable. Jesus Christ exercises his authority in a serving way. Especially his church must rule in a serving way by acknowledging Him as Head and testifying about his life, death and resurrection as contained in his Word. A believing woman is just as well equiped for this as a man.

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