scholarly journals Gambaran Penurunan Nyeri Pada Penderita Neck Pain Setelah Dilakukan Muscle Energy Technique (MET) : Literature Review

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2113-2119
Wildan Sholakhul Huda ◽  
A Abdurrachman

AbstractNeck pain or neck pain is a musculoskeletal complaint such as pain in the neck and stiffness that is often experienced by the community. Around 16.6% of the adult population in Indonesia complains of neck pain every year. To reduce pain in patients with neck pain, interventions can be given, one of which is Muscle Energy Technique (MET). This study aims to determine the description of pain reduction in patients with neck pain after accepting the Muscle Energy Technique (MET). Writing this article uses a literature review system using PICO. This article was obtained from searching the Microsoft Academic and Scilit online database with predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The measuring instrument used in the literature review is the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The results of the literature review analysis of these 5 articles found that the results of pain reduction from the results of the pre-test were 6.13 and post-test were 2.37. So there is a decrease in pain after accepting the Muscle Energy Technique (MET). Muscle Energy Technique (MET) has an effect on reducing pain in Neck Pain cases. It is hoped that this research should be able to increase knowledge about the management of pain reduction in cases of neck pain after accepting the Muscle Energy Technique (MET).Keywords : Neck pain; muscle energy technique (MET); visual analogue scale (VAS). AbstrakNeck pain atau nyeri leher merupakan keluhan muskuloskeletal seperti terasa sakit dibagian leher dan kaku yang sering dialami oleh masyarakat. Sekitar 16,6% setiap tahunnya populasi orang dewasa di Indonesia mengeluhkan rasa nyeri pada leher. Untuk menurunkan nyeri pada penderita Neck pain dapat diberikan intervensi salah satunya adalah Muscle Energy Technique (MET). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran penurunan nyeri pada penderita Neck pain setelah dilakukan Muscle Energy Technique (MET). Penulisan Artikel ini menggunakan sistem literature review dengan menggunakan PICO. Artikel ini didapatkan dari penelusuran data base online Microsoft Academic dan Scilit dengan kriteria insklusi dan eksklusi yang telah ditentukan. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam literature review adalah Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Hasil analisis literature review dari ke 5 artikel ini didapatkan bahwa hasil penurunan nyeri dari hasil pre test 6,13 dan post test 2,37. Jadi ada penurunan nyeri setelah dilakukan Muscle Energy Technique (MET). Muscle Energy Technique (MET) berpengaruh terhadap penurunan nyeri pada kasus Neck pain. Diharapkan Penelitian ini hendaknya dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan terhadap penanganan penurunan nyeri pada kasus Neck pain setelah dilakukan Muscle Energy Technique (MET).Kata Kunci: Neck pain; muscle energy technique (MET);visual analogue scale (VAS).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1770-1776
Nanda Alvi Saida ◽  
Lia Dwi Prafitri

AbstractPlantar fasciitis is an example of one of the problems in the field of musculoskeletal physiotherapy. It is estimated that 10% of the general population will develop plantar fasciitis in their lifetime. The highest incidence of plantar fasciitis is between the ages of 40 and 65 years. Ultrasound modality is a therapeutic tool that helps increase blood vessels, aims to repair damaged tissue, the frequency used in therapy is between 1-3 MHz. This literature review study aims to determine the description of ultrasound modality to reduce plantar pain in plantar fasciitis patients. The selection of articles in this study used the PICO mnemonic. This article search used literature search through Google Scholar (2), PubMed (1), Science Direct (1) dan Sage Journal (1). Inclusion and exclusion criteria according to keywords, published from 2010-2021, articles in full text and not a systematic review. The results of a literature review of 5 articles showed that the ultrasound modality was proven to reduce plantar pain with an average pain reduction using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) before and before intervention with a pre-test value of 6.06 and a post-test of 3.33 and got the average difference in pain reduction is 2.73. The literature review study shows that women are more dominant in experiencing plantar fasciitis in the number of 117 people (62.6%), the average age of those experiencing plantar fasciitis is 49.8 years. This research can be used as a basis for the development of the physiotherapy profession, on the problem of reducing plantar pain in plantar fasciitis patients with ultrasound modality intervention.Keywords: Pain; plantar fasciitis; ultrasound AbstrakPlantar fasciitis merupakan contoh dari salah satu kasus masalah dibidang fisioterapi musculoskeletal. Diperkirakan 10% dari populasi umum akan menderita plantar fasciitis dalam hidupnya. Insiden plantar fasciitis tertinggi adalah diantara rentang usia 40 dan 65 tahun. Modalitas ultrasound merupakan alat terapi yang membantu meningkatkan pembuluh darah, bertujuan untuk memperbaiki jaringan yang mengalami kerusakan, frekuensi yang digunakan dalam terapi antara 1-3 MHz Penelitian literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran modalitas ultrasound terhadap penurunan nyeri pada plantaris pada penderita plantar fasciitis. Pemilihan artikel pada penelitian ini menggunakan mnemonic PICO. Penelusuran artikel ini menggunakan penelusuran literature melalui Google Scholar (2), PubMed (1), Science Direct (1) dan Sage Journal (1). Kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi sesuai dengan kata kunci, dipublikasi dari rentan waktu 2010-2021, artikel dalam teks lengkap dan bukan systematic review. Hasil literature review 5 artikel menunjukan bahwa modalitas ultrasound terbukti mengurangi nyeri pada plantaris dengan hasil rata- rata penurunan nyeri dengan alat ukur Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Sebelum dan sesudah intervensi dengan nilai pre test 6,06 dan post test 3,33 dan mendapatkan rata-rata selisih penurunan nyeri 2,73. Studi literature review menunjukan perempuan lebih mendominasi mengalami plantar fasciitis sejumlah 117 orang (62,6%), rata-rata usia yang mengalami plantar fasciitis usia 49,8 tahun. Study literatur review menunjukan bahwa modalitas ultrasound berpengaruh terhadap penurunan nyeri plantaris pada penderita plantar fasciitis. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dari pengembangan profesi fisioterapi, pada masalah penurunan nyeri pada plantaris pada penderitas plantar fasciitis dengan intervensi modalitas ultrasound.Kata kunci : Nyeri; plantar fasciitis; ultrasound

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-298
Nawal M Mulla ◽  
Parag Kulkarni ◽  
Ajay Kumar

Background: The most common form of neck pain is non-specific which is deep, dull aching & poorly localized. Non-specific pain is associated with upper trapezius tenderness. For people who work at desks and computers, or who spend many hours driving, have poor ergonomics which causes the upper trapezius to become sore and painful. The soreness can lead to the development of tender points which can be the major reason for developing neck pain and muscle spasm. Physiotherapy techniques like muscle energy technique and Strain counterstrain has been proposed to treat tenderness in trapezius. Objective: To compare the immediate effect of Strain Counterstrain Technique & Muscle Energy Technique on pain, pain pressure sensitivity & mobility on non-specific neck pain with upper trapezius tenderness using Visual analogue scale, Pressure Algometer & Universal Goniometer respectively. Method: 60 subjects were selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria& were randomly assigned to Group A (n=30) & Group B (n=30); Strain Counterstrain and Muscle Energy Technique respectively. Visual Analogue Scale, Pain Pressure Sensitivity & Cervical Rotation & Lateral Flexion Motion bilaterally was noted before & after application of both techniques and the data was statistically analysed. Result: Both groups showed statistical significance (p< 0.05) differences in all outcome measures between pre test and post test values of Group A and Group B but there is no statistical significant (p> 0.05) difference in the outcome measures between groups. Conclusion: The study concludes that both techniques are equally effective in treating pain, increasing lateral flexion and rotation range of motion, and improving pain pressure sensitivity. Keywords: Strain Counterstrain, muscle energy technique, upper trapezius tenderness,visual analog scale, non-specific neck pain,pain pressures sensitivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Sudaryanto Sudaryanto ◽  
Syahyu Ratih Fahria Madu

ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Non-spesific neck pain merupakan nyeri leher yang tidak beradiasi ke lengan atau upper extremitas, dimana nyeri terjadi pada area leher, occipital, dan punggung bagian atas. Pada umumnya nyeri muncul pada akhir keterbatasan ekstensi, lateral fleksi, rotasi, dan fleksi. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan desain randomized control group pre test – post test, bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penambahan Thoracic Manipulation pada intervensi Ultrasound dan Muscle Energy Technique terhadap peningkatan LGS cervical pada penderita non-spesific neck pain. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa jurusan fisioterapi yang mengeluh non-spesific neck pain (sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi), dan diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 24 orang yang dibagi secara acak ke dalam 2 kelompok. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah inclinometer. Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis uji paired sample t pada kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan diperoleh nilai p < 0,05 untuk LGS ekstensi, lateral fleksi, dan rotasi cervical, yang berarti bahwa kelompok kontrol (Ultrasound dan Muscle Energy Technique) dan kelompok perlakuan (Ultrasound, Muscle Energy Technique dan Thoracic Manipulation) dapat memberikan peningkatan LGS cervical yang signifikan. Berdasarkan uji independen sample t, diperoleh nilai p > 0,05 untuk LGS ekstensi, lateral fleksi, dan rotasi cervical, yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara Ultrasound, Muscle Energy Technique, Thoracic Manipulation dan Ultrasound, Muscle Energy Technique terhadap peningkatan LGS cervical. Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah penambahan Thoracic Manipulation pada intervensi Ultrasound dan Muscle Energy Technique tidak lebih efektif secara signifikan terhadap peningkatan LGS cervical pada penderita non-spesific neck pain. Kata Kunci : Thoracic Manipulation, LGS Cervical, Non-Spesific Neck Pain

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Bambang Trisnowiyanto

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Nyeri tengkuk merupakan masalah yang umum dijumpai yaitu 3,5% kasus per 1.000 orang. Kondisi ini dialami dua dari tiga orang selama masa hidupnya, nyeri tengkuk akan mengakibatkan terganggunya aktivitas fungsional sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian teknik penguluran otot-otot leher terhadap peningkatan fungsional leher pada penderita nyeri tengkuk non spesifik. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan ialah one group pre-test and post-test design. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 23 orang yang terdiri dari 10 orang laki-laki dan 13 orang perempuan dengan rentang usia lebih dari 20 tahun. Subjek dipilih dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Subjek mendapat perlakuan berupa latihan penguluran sebanyak 6 kali seminggu atau setiap hari berturut-turut selama 1 minggu. Program latihan penguluran diberikan selama 20-30 menit setiap sesi latihan.Hasil uji analisis data dengan non parametrik Wilcoxon test, diperoleh p=0.000 (p&lt;0.05). Nilai kemampuan fungsional dengan neck pain and disability visual analogue scale (NPAD). Terdapat pengaruh latihan penguluran otot-otot leher terhadap peningkatan fungsional leher pada penderita nyeri tengkuk non spesifik.<br />Kata kunci : latihan penguluran, fungsional leher<br />ABSTRACT<br />Neck pain is a common problem of 3.5% of cases per 1,000 people. This condition is experienced by two out of three people during life. Neck pain will result in disruption of daily functional activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the provision of stretching of the neck muscles to the functional improvement of the neck in patients with non specific nape pain.This research design is one group pre-test and post-test design. Research subjects were 23 people consisting of 10 men and 13 women with age range more than 20 years. Subject chosen by inclusion and exclusion criteria. The subject received treatment in the form of stretching exercises 6 times a week or every day for 1 week in a stretching exercise program is given for 20-30 minutes each training session. Results of data analysis test with non parametric Wilcoxon test, obtained p = 0.000 (p &lt;0.05). The value of functional ability with neck pain and disability visual analogue scale (NPAD).There is an effect of neck muscle stretching exercises on the functional improvement of the neck in patients with non specific nape pain.<br />Keyword: stretching exercises, functional neck</p>

I Rezaei ◽  
M Razeghi ◽  
S Ebrahimi ◽  
S Kayedi ◽  
A Rezaeian Zadeh

Background: Despite the potential benefits of virtual reality technology in physical rehabilitation, only a few studies have evaluated the efficacy of this type of treatment in patients with neck pain.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of virtual reality training (VRT) versus conventional proprioceptive training (CPT) in patients with neck pain.Methods: Forty four participants with nonspecific chronic neck pain were randomly assigned to VRT or CPT in this assessor-blinded clinical trial. A novel videogame called Cervigame® was designed for VRT. It comprises of 50 stages divided into unidirectional and two-directional stages ordered from easy to hard. CPT consisted of eye-follow, gaze stability, eye-head coordination and position and movement sense training. Both groups completed 8 training sessions over 4 weeks. Visual analogue scale score, neck disability index and Y-balance test results were recorded at baseline, immediately after and 5 weeks post-intervention. Mixed repeated measure ANOVA was used to analyze differences between mean values for each variable at an alpha level of 0.05.Results: There were significant improvements in all variables in both groups immediately after and 5 weeks after the intervention. Greater improvements were observed in the visual analogue scale and neck disability index scores in VRT group, and the results for all directions in Y-balance test were similar in both groups. No side effects were reported.Conclusion: Improvements in neck pain and disability were greater in VRT than CPT group. Cervigame® is a potentially practical tool for rehabilitation in patients with neck pain.

I Rezaei ◽  
M Razeghi ◽  
S Ebrahimi ◽  
S Kayedi ◽  
A Rezaeian Zadeh

Background: Despite the potential benefits of virtual reality technology in physical rehabilitation, only a few studies have evaluated the efficacy of this type of treatment in patients with neck pain.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of virtual reality training (VRT) versus conventional proprioceptive training (CPT) in patients with neck pain.Methods: Forty four participants with nonspecific chronic neck pain were randomly assigned to VRT or CPT in this assessor-blinded clinical trial. A novel videogame called Cervigame® was designed for VRT. It comprises of 50 stages divided into unidirectional and two-directional stages ordered from easy to hard. CPT consisted of eye-follow, gaze stability, eye-head coordination and position and movement sense training. Both groups completed 8 training sessions over 4 weeks. Visual analogue scale score, neck disability index and Y-balance test results were recorded at baseline, immediately after and 5 weeks post-intervention. Mixed repeated measure ANOVA was used to analyze differences between mean values for each variable at an alpha level of 0.05.Results: There were significant improvements in all variables in both groups immediately after and 5 weeks after the intervention. Greater improvements were observed in the visual analogue scale and neck disability index scores in VRT group, and the results for all directions in Y-balance test were similar in both groups. No side effects were reported.Conclusion: Improvements in neck pain and disability were greater in VRT than CPT group. Cervigame® is a potentially practical tool for rehabilitation in patients with neck pain.

Mansi Ray ◽  
Roopa Desai

<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal problem in the General population. Upper trapezius is a superficial postural muscle that tends to get shortened due to overuse activity which causes neck pain and reduces neck mobility. The aim of this study was to compare the immediate effect of Muscle energy technique (MET) and passive stretching of upper trapezius muscle in neck pain patients.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> An experimental study was undertaken during period from March 2017 to March 2018. 358 participants with Neck pain were included in this study. Participants were divided in two groups: Group A received Hot pack and MET for upper Trapezius. Group B received Hot pack and Passive stretching for upper trapezius. Visual analogue scale (VAS) at end range of motion (ROM), same cervical side flexion and opposite side cervical rotation by goniometer and tape were taken as outcome measures. Participants were assessed prior to the treatment, immediately after the treatment and post 24 hours to see the carry over treatment.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results: </strong>Mann Whitney U test showed that VAS at end range of motion, opposite side cervical rotation and same side cervical side flexion had significant improvement in MET group as compared to passive stretching group (p&lt;0.0001). Carry over effect was less significant with p&lt;0.0001.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions: </strong>A single session of MET for upper trapezius muscle reduced the pain intensity (VAS) and increased the cervical rotation and cervical side flexion.</p>

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