The Jew a Jew, the Muslim a Muslim? : Paul, Mission and Taqiyya in the Context of 1 Corinthians 9

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-165
Bernhard J.G. Reitsma

Summary This article deals with an Islamic criticism that Paul in 1 Corinthians 9 is professing religious dissimulation ‐ in Islam called Taqiyya ‐ and that in Islamic contexts throughout history missionaries, and the so-called Insider Movements in particular, have adopted this as their missionary strategy. Paul seems to change his religion from Jew to Gentile and vice versa in order to trick people into Christianity. A more careful reading of this passage in context, however, shows that Paul primarily emphasizes the essence of the Christian faith while he is willing to give up anything that might hinder people from seeing God in Christ. He never denies his full allegiance to Jesus Christ and the cross, and is even willing to suffer for this confession. He is not dishonest about it, but he merely makes everything subordinate to this essence of the gospel. The author discusses the consequences of this conclusion for contextual missiology and the Insider Movements in relation to the Missio Dei.ZusammenfassungDer vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit der islamischen Kritik, dass Paulus in 1. Korinther 9 eine bewusste religiöse Verschleierung bekundet ‐ im Islam wird dies Taqiyya genannt ‐ und dass im islamischen Kontext durch die Geschichte hindurch Missionare und besonders die sogenannte Insiderbewegung diese als ihre missionarische Strategie angewandt haben. Paulus wechselt scheinbar seine Religion von jüdisch zu christlich und umgekehrt, um die Menschen zu überlisten, sich zum christlichen Glauben zu bekehren. Jedoch zeigt eine etwas sorgfältigere Lesart dieses Abschnitts im Kontext, dass Paulus in erster Linie das Wesen des christlichen Glaubens hervorhebt, während er bereit ist, jedwede Sache aufzugeben, welche die Menschen abhalten könnte, Gott in Christus zu erkennen. Niemals leugnet er seine uneingeschränkte Loyalität Jesus Christus und dem Kreuz gegenüber, ja er ist vielmehr bereit, für sein Glaubensbekenntnis zu leiden. Paulus ist diesbezüglich nicht unehrlich, doch er ordnet nur alles diesem Wesen des Evangeliums unter. Der Autor erörtert die Konsequenzen dieser Schlussfolgerung für eine kontextuelle Missiologie und die Insiderbewegung in Zusammenhang mit der Missio Die.RésuméCet article traite d’une critique faite par les musulmans à l’encontre de Paul qui, en 1 Corinthiens 9, enseigne la dissimulation (Taqîya dans l’islam) dans le domaine religieux et des missionnaires ‐ des Insider Movements en particulier ‐ qui, dans un contexte musulman, ont de tout temps fait de cette pratique une stratégie missionnaire. Paul donne l’impression de passer d’une religion à l’autre ‐ juif un jour, païen le lendemain, et vice-versa ‐ dans le but d’attirer les gens dans le christianisme par la ruse. Mais une lecture plus attentive de ce chapitre replacé dans son contexte montre que Paul met avant tout l’accent sur l’essence même de la foi chrétienne, tout en affirmant qu’il est prêt à renoncer à tout ce qui pourrait empêcher l’un ou l’autre de voir Dieu en Christ. Il ne nie jamais sa totale allégeance à Jésus-Christ et à la croix et se dit même prêt à souffrir pour cette confession. Il n’est pas malhonnête à ce sujet; simplement, il subordonne toute chose à l’essence de l’Évangile. L’auteur étudie les conséquences de cette conclusion pour la missiologie contextuelle et le rapport entre les Insider Movements et la Missio Dei.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Yesri E. Talan

Syncretism is not just phenomenology in the church but is a real and serious problem. Syncretism is a mixture of Christian faith and culture that results in the congregation losing its identity as a believer, blurred beliefs and do not have absolute truth. Syncretism in the church is a real and serious problem in the life of the church because it negatively impacts spiritual growth.The church cannot grow in true knowledge about Jesus Christ because of the dualism of belief, so Jesus Christ is not the only way of truth and life. The method used in this paper is theological qualitative research. Qualitative is a research method that emphasizes an in-depth understanding of a problem with the process of observation and interview. Conducting literature review and exposition of verses related to the discussion material. This research is descriptive. The results obtained are found the danger of syncretism to the church, namely: the absence of absolute truth in Christ because of the dualism that affects the spiritual growth of the church. Abstrak Sinkretisme bukan hanya fenomenologi di gereja tetapi menjadi masalah nyata dan serius. Sinkretisme adalah percampuran antara iman Kristen dengan budaya yang mengakibatkan jemaat kehilangan identitasnya sebagai orang percaya, kepercayaannya kabur dan tidak memiliki kebenaran absolut. Sinkretisme adalah masalah serius dalam kehidupan gereja karena memiliki dampak negatif pada pertumbuhan rohani. Gereja tidak dapat bertumbuh dalam pengenalan yang benar akan Yesus Kristus karena dualisme kepercayaan, sehingga Yesus Kristus bukanlah satu-satunya jalan kebenaran dan kehidupan. Metode yang dipakai dalam peulisan ini adalah kualitatif teologi. Kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang menekankan pada suatu pemahaman secara mendalam terhadap suatu masalah dengan proses observasi dan wawancara. Melakukan kajian pustaka dan eksposisi ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan materi pembahasan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah ditemukan adanya bahaya sinkretisme terhadap jemaat, yaitu: tidak adanya kebenaran mutlak di dalam Kritus karena adanya dualisme yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan rohani jemaat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-94
Joko Umbara

An experience of the cross of Jesus Christ in Christian theology brings the sense of paradox. Christ’s death on the cross reflects the fate of humanity within the context of Christian faith. The cross is also seen as a mystery that tells the tragic story of humans who accept their punishment. However, the cross of Jesus Christ also reveals meanings that challenge Christians to find answers in their contemplation of the cross. The cross becomes a stage for human tragic drama, which might also reveal the beauty of death and life. It is the phatos of humanity, for every human being will die, but it is also seen as the tree of life hoped for by every faithful. On the cross is visible God’s self-giving through the love shown by the crucified Christ. God speaks God’s love not only through words, that is, in the teachings of Jesus Christ, but also through Christ’s loving gesture on the cross. The cross of Christ is the culmination of God’s glory and through it, God’s glory is shown in the beauty of divine love.

Johannes Zachhuber

Luther’s theology is strongly Christocentric, but Christology is rarely the central focus of his writings. In some of his most considered summaries of his own faith, he presents Chalcedonian Christology alongside the church’s teaching on the Trinity as the uncontroversial foundation of the Catholic faith, which he shared with his opponents. At the same time, it is evident that Luther’s most celebrated theological innovations, including his teaching on justification by faith, his theology of the cross, his soteriology, and in particular his doctrine of the Eucharist, had considerable Christological implications that sometimes seem at variance with received orthodoxy. Luther’s Christology must therefore be largely reconstructed from these various strands in his thought. The result is a distinctive albeit not systematic Christology that is focused on the paradoxical unity of divine and human in Christ. In this, Luther often appears close to the teaching of the Alexandrian fathers, but with a much fuller emphasis on the concrete humanity of the savior. His historical debt to late scholasticism is most evident in his few, albeit consequential, attempts to enter into the field of technical Christological doctrine, especially his affirmation in his controversy with Zwingli of the ubiquity of Christ’s human nature after the ascension.

2020 ◽  
pp. 187-251
John A. Jillions

This chapter shows how issues of decisions, divine guidance, discernment, and delusion are woven throughout 1 Corinthians. Paul’s community was shaped by Greco-Roman and Jewish views, but he presents a distinctive new way based on the Cross. As he himself told them, “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2). Identification with the crucified and risen Christ gave access to the Spirit and a life of communion with God in various ways: through the scriptures (reinterpreted in the light of Christ), the liturgical life of the community (especially baptism and the Lord’s Supper), tradition, preaching, apostles and community leaders, service, co-suffering, and, above all, love. But this does not eclipse individual divine communion, calling, and discernment. Nor does it exclude rational thought, which in Paul’s approach is equally illumined by divine guidance to integrate rational and mystical.

2013 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-116
Hans Burger

Discussions concerning the trinitarian renaissance often focus on the social doctrine of the trinity. However, this renaissance was originally also of hermeneutical significance, as demonstrated in the work of Ingolf U. Dalferth. In the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God’s Spirit discloses God’s presence to us and affords us new orientation in this light. The main problem of Dalferth’s contribution is the lack of hypostatical weight of the Son. As a result, the renewal of human subjectivity in Christ is neglected.

2012 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
J. Christo Van der Merwe

A homily on discernment of faith in a chord of three. This article reflects on discernment as a key Christian faith practice of the believing community that wants to live according to its vision and mission as articulated in 1 Peter 2:21: To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. This homily is presented as a chord consisting of three notes that entices the readers to contribute their own harmonies – to witness to their own contexts of tension between true and false prophecy, to choose for God’s presence in Jesus Christ and to perservere as followers of Jesus amid the coldness and cruelty of this world. These disciples choose Jesus in spite of the chaos in their own lives and in their world. A similar choice was made by one of the criminals on the cross alongside Jesus (Lk 23:42). The three notes that make up the chord are: discernment on the basis of the Bible with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to distinguish the will of God for the road ahead.

2003 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-116
Mark Thomsen

AbstractDespite the fact that Lutheran theology is molded by the medieval theological context, argues Mark Thomsen in this article, its central reality of a theology of the cross offers a surprising "potential for constructing a dynamic foundation for a contemporary vison of the Missio Dei." What this theology of the cross is not is neither "a glorification of suffering and death," a simple repetition of the Anselmian doctrine of atonement, nor is it a doctrine of the atonement at all. Rather, a Lutheran theology of the cross is one with mission at the center. It means dying to oneself for the sake of the vision of the Reign of God. It means being in solidarity with the suffering peoples of the world. It means recognizing the almost overwhelming power of evil, and God's struggle in Christ with that power. Finally, a theology of the cross points to God's vulnerability in the world. Christians participate in God's mission by themselves taking up the cross, recognizing God's gracious commitment to offering abundant life to the entire creation.

Tiago De Fraga Gomes

O presente texto trabalha a inter-relação entre os conceitos de justiça, paz, compaixão e reconciliação a partir da pessoa de Jesus Cristo, partindo do princípio bíblico de que em Cristo se revelam a justiça de Deus e a paz prometida. A partir da perspectiva bíblica e teológica, é impossível dissociar justiça e paz. O pensamento profético denuncia que as injustiças impossibilitam a duração da paz, e que a justiça de Deus destina-se a todos: vítimas, criminosos e sistemas fraudulentos. Na cruz de Jesus se revela a compaixão de Deus à humanidade, fazendo transparecer o amor divino que não se deixa vencer pela violência, mas que vai às últimas consequências para promover a justiça e a reconciliação.This text works on the interrelationship between the concepts of justice, peace, compassion and reconciliation from the person of Jesus Christ, starting from the biblical principle that in Christ the justice of God and the promised peace are revealed. From the biblical and theological perspective, it is impossible to disassociate justice and peace. Prophetic thinking denounces that injustices make peace lasting, and that God’s justice is for all: victims, criminals, and fraudulent systems. At the cross of Jesus the compassion of God is revealed to mankind, revealing the divine love that is not overcome by violence, but that goes to the final consequences to promote justice and reconciliation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
Gabriël M.J. Van Wyk

Gerhard Ebeling on faith. Gerhard Ebeling (1912–2001), not only the foremost Luther researcher of the previous century but also one of the most prominent contributors to protestant theology during that period, wrote extensively about faith throughout his long and productive life as a professional theologian. He learnt from Luther that discerning judgement in the differentiation of related matters forms the basis of all sound theology. Applying this insight to his own thought, he reflects on the development of the phenomenon of faith in the Old Testament community and early Christianity and the formalisation of the concept for use in the domain of religious studies. He defends the argument that Christian faith is not only faith in Jesus as the Christ and Lord but also that Jesus, and He only, is the founder and perfecter of faith. The concept of faith is also explored by Ebeling in relation to love, life and reason. The article concludes with a critical evaluation of Ebeling’s contribution in guiding us to witness authentically about our own faith in Jesus Christ within our own situation and against the background of the problems it poses for believing in Christ.

2021 ◽  
Asri Melinda

Faith is a gift of God, wrought by the role of the Holy Spirit, which animates and directs all our faculties towards a single goal. Faith is defined as "the foundation of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). faith is the work of the soul by which we perceive the existence and truth of things that are not in front of us, or invisible to the human senses. Christian faith can be interpreted as the belief of people who adhere to Christian teachings. Christian faith needs to be owned by every follower of Jesus because in Christian faith there is a promise of salvation promised by Jesus Christ for his followers. He died on the cross to fulfill the prophecies written in the scriptures. He became a sacrifice to take away the sins of mankind. On the third day after His death He was resurrected to be raptured into Heaven after completing His earthly work. Everyone who has faith in Jesus must entrust his whole life to Him. Christian youth are teenagers who believe and accept the Lord Jesus as Savior. As a good Christian teenager, you must set an example through concrete actions according to your Christian faith. Everything that is done in daily life must reflect the goodness of God. Be a positive and well-behaved person. Understanding Christian faith is education to develop the personality of Christian youth.

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