scholarly journals Closure between measured and modeled cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) using size-resolved aerosol compositions in downtown Toronto

2006 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 2513-2524 ◽  
K. Broekhuizen ◽  
R.Y.-W. Chang ◽  
W. R. Leaitch ◽  
S.-M. Li ◽  
J. P. D. Abbatt

Abstract. Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) were made in downtown Toronto during August and September, 2003. CCN measurements were performed at 0.58% supersaturation using a thermal-gradient diffusion chamber, whereas the aerosol size distribution and composition were simultaneously measured with a TSI SMPS and APS system and an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS), respectively. Aerosol composition data shows that the particles were predominately organic in nature, in particular for those with a vacuum aerodynamic diameter of <0.25 µm. In this study, the largest contribution to CCN concentrations came from this size range, suggesting that the CCN are also organic-rich. Using the size and composition information, detailed CCN closure analyses were performed. In the first analysis, the particles were assumed to be internally mixed, the organic fraction was assumed to be insoluble, and the inorganic fraction was assumed to be ammonium sulfate. The AMS time-of-flight data were used for Köhler theory predictions for each particle size and composition to obtain the dry diameter required for activation. By so doing, this closure analysis yielded an average value of CCNpredicted/CCNobserved=1.12±0.05. However, several sample days showed distinct bimodal distributions, and a closure analysis was performed after decoupling the two particle modes. This analysis yielded an average value of CCNpredicted/CCNobserved=1.03±0.05. A sensitivity analysis was also performed to determine the aerosol/CCN closure if the organic solubility, droplet surface tension, or chamber supersaturation were varied.

2005 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 6263-6293 ◽  
K. Broekhuizen ◽  
R. Y.-W. Chang ◽  
W. R. Leaitch ◽  
S.-M. Li ◽  
J. P. D. Abbatt

Abstract. Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) were made in downtown Toronto during August and September, 2003. CCN measurements were performed at 0.58% supersaturation using a thermal-gradient diffusion chamber, whereas the aerosol size distribution and composition were simultaneously measured with a TSI SMPS and APS system and an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS), respectively. Aerosol composition data shows that the particles were predominately organic in nature, in particular for those with a vacuum aerodynamic diameter of <25 μm. In this study, the largest contribution to CCN concentrations came from this size range, suggesting that the CCN are also organic-rich. Using the size and composition information, a detailed CCN closure analysis was performed. In all analyses, the particles were assumed to be internally mixed, the organic fraction was assumed to be insoluble, and the inorganic fraction was assumed to be ammonium sulfate. The AMS time-of-flight data were used for Köhler theory predictions for each particle size and composition to obtain the dry diameter required for activation. By so doing, this closure analysis yielded an average value of CCNpredicted/CCNobserved= 1.04 (R2=0.87). Several other closure analyses were performed to mimic other methods of aerosol compositional analysis. In all cases, by assuming uniform aerosol composition across a wider range of particle sizes, significant overprediction of CCN concentrations resulted.

2003 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 949-982 ◽  
P. Pradeep Kumar ◽  
K. Broekhuizen ◽  
J. P. D. Abbatt

Abstract. The ability of sub-micron-sized organic acid particles to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) has been examined at room temperature using a newly constructed continuous-flow, thermal-gradient diffusion chamber (TGDC). The organic acids studied were: oxalic, malonic, glutaric, oleic and stearic. The CCN properties of the highly soluble acids – oxalic, malonic and glutaric – match very closely Kohler theory predictions which assume full dissolution of the dry particle and a surface tension of the growing droplet equal to that of water. In particular, for supersaturations between 0.3 and 0.6, agreement between the dry particle diameter which gives 50% activation and that calculated from Kohler theory is to within 3 nm on average. In the course of the experiments, considerable instability of glutaric acid particles was observed as a function of time and there is evidence that they fragment to some degree to smaller particles. Stearic acid and oleic acid, which are both highly insoluble in water, did not activate at supersaturations of 0.6% with dry diameters up to 140 nm. Finally, to validate the performance of the TGDC, we present results for the activation of ammonium sulfate particles that demonstrate good agreement with Kohler theory if solution non-ideality is considered. Our findings support earlier studies in the literature that showed highly soluble organics to be CCN active but insoluble species to be largely inactive.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 3783-3790 ◽  
Q. Zhang ◽  
J. Meng ◽  
J. Quan ◽  
Y. Gao ◽  
D. Zhao ◽  

Abstract. The impact of aerosol composition on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity were analyzed in this study based on field experiments carried out at downtown Tianjin, China in September 2010. In the experiments, the CCN measurements were performed at supersaturation (SS) of 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4% using a thermal-gradient diffusion chamber (DMT CCNC), whereas the aerosol size distribution and composition were simultaneously measured with a TSI SMPS and an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS), respectively. The results show that the influence of aerosol composition on CCN activity is notable under low SS (0.1%), and their influence decreased with increasing SS. For example, under SS of 0.1%, the CCN activity increases from 4.5±2.6% to 12.8±6.1% when organics fraction decrease from 30–40% to 10–20%. The rate of increase reached up to 184%. While under SS of 0.4%, the CCN activity increases only from 35.7±19.0% to 46.5±12.3% correspondingly. The calculated NCCN based on the size-resolved activation ratio and aerosol number size distribution correlated well with observed NCCN at high SS (0.4%), but this consistence decreased with the falling of SS. The slopes of linear fitted lines between calculated and observed NCCN are 0.708, 0.947, and 0.995 at SS of 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4% respectively. Moreover, the stand deviation (SD) of calculated NCCN increased with the decreasing of SS. A case study of CCN closure analyses indicated that the calculated error of NCCN could reach up to 34% at SS of 0.1% if aerosol composition were not included, and the calculated error decreased with the raising of SS. It is decreased to 9% at SS of 0.2%, and further decreased to 4% at SS of 0.4%.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1493-1516
Q. Zhang ◽  
J. Meng ◽  
J. Quan ◽  
Y. Gao ◽  
D. Zhao ◽  

Abstract. The impact of aerosol composition on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity was analyzed in this study based on field experiments carried out at downtown Tianjin, China, in September 2010. In the experiments, the CCN measurements were performed at supersaturation (SS) of 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4% using a thermal-gradient diffusion chamber (DMT CCNC), whereas the aerosol size distribution and composition were simultaneously measured with a TSI SMPS and an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS), respectively. The results show that the influence of aerosol composition on CCN activity is notable under low SS (0.1%), and their influence decreased with increasing SS. For example, under SS of 0.1%, the CCN activity increases from 4.5 ± 2.6% to 12.8 ± 6.1% when organics fraction decrease from 30–40% to 10–20%. The rate of increase reaches up to 184%. While under SS of 0.4%, the CCN activity increases only from 35.7 ± 19.0% to 46.5 ± 12.3%, correspondingly. The calculated NCCN based on the size-resolved activation ratio and aerosol number size distribution correlates well with observed NCCN at high SS (0.4%), but this correlation decreases with the falling of SS. The slopes of linear fitted lines between calculated and observed NCCN are 0.708, 0.947, and 0.995 at SS of 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4%, respectively. Moreover, the standard deviation (SD) of calculated NCCN increases with the decreasing of SS. A case study of CCN closure analyses indicates that the calculated error of NCCN can reach up to 34% at SS of 0.1% if aerosol composition is not included, and the calculated error decreases with the raising of SS. It decreases to 9% at SS of 0.2%, and further decreases to 4% at SS of 0.4%.

2003 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 509-520 ◽  
P. Pradeep Kumar ◽  
K. Broekhuizen ◽  
J. P. D. Abbatt

Abstract. The ability of sub-micron-sized organic acid particles to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) has been examined at room temperature using a newly constructed continuous-flow, thermal-gradient diffusion chamber (TGDC). The organic acids studied were: oxalic, malonic, glutaric, oleic and stearic. The CCN properties of the highly soluble acids - oxalic, malonic and glutaric - match very closely Köhler theory predictions which assume full dissolution of the dry particle and a surface tension of the growing droplet equal to that of water. In particular, for supersaturations between 0.3 and 0.6, agreement between the dry particle diameter which gives 50% activation and that calculated from Köhler theory is to within 3nm on average. In the course of the experiments, considerable instability of glutaric acid particles was observed as a function of time and there is evidence that they fragment to some degree to smaller particles. Stearic acid and oleic acid, which are both highly insoluble in water, did not activate at supersaturations of 0.6% with dry diameters up to 140nm. Finally, to validate the performance of the TGDC, we present results for the activation of ammonium sulfate particles that demonstrate good agreement with Köhler theory if solution non-ideality is considered. Our findings support earlier studies in the literature that showed highly soluble organics to be CCN active but insoluble species to be largely inactive.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 32353-32389 ◽  
G. P. Almeida ◽  
J. Brito ◽  
C. A. Morales ◽  
M. F. Andrade ◽  
P. Artaxo

Abstract. Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), aerosol size distribution and non-refractory chemical composition were performed from 16 to 31 October 2012 in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA), Brazil. CCN measurements were performed at 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1.0% water supersaturation and were subsequently compared with Köhler theory, considering the chemical composition. Real-time chemical composition has been obtained deploying for the first time in SPMA an Aerosol Chemical Ionization Monitor (ACSM). CCN closure analyses were performed considering internal mixture. Average aerosol composition during the studied period yielded 4.81 ± 3.05, 3.26 ± 2.10, 0.30 ± 0.27, 0.52 ± 0.32, 0.37 ± 0.21 and 0.04 ± 0.04 μg m−3 for organics, BC, NH4, SO4, NO3 and Cl, respectively. Particle number concentration was 12 813 ± 5350 cm−3, being a large fraction in the nucleation mode. CCN concentrations were on average 1090 ± 328 cm−3 and 3570 ± 1695 cm−3 at SS = 0.2% and SS = 1.0%, respectively. Results show an increase in aerosol hygroscopicity in the afternoon as a result of aerosol photochemical processing, leading to an enhancement of both organic and inorganic secondary aerosols in the atmosphere, as well as an increase in aerosol average diameter. Considering the bulk composition alone, CCN concentrations were substantially overpredicted (29.6 ± 45.1% at 0.2% supersaturation and 57.3 ± 30.0% at 1.0% supersaturation). Overall, the impact of composition on the calculated NCCN decreases with decreasing supersaturation, partially because using bulk composition introduces less bias for large diameters and lower critical supersaturations. Results suggest that the consideration of only inorganic fraction improves the calculated NCCN. Introducing a size-dependent chemical composition based on filter measurements from previous campaigns has considerably improved simulated values for NCCN (average overprediction error 3.0 ± 33.4% at 0.20% supersaturation and average under prediction error 2.4 ± 20.5% at 1.0% supersaturation). This study provides the first insight on aerosol real-time composition and hygroscopicity on a~site strongly impacted by emissions of a unique vehicular fleet due to the extensive biofuel usage.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (14) ◽  
pp. 7559-7572 ◽  
G. P. Almeida ◽  
J. Brito ◽  
C. A. Morales ◽  
M. F. Andrade ◽  
P. Artaxo

Abstract. Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), aerosol size distribution and non-refractory chemical composition were performed from 16 to 31 October 2012 in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA), Brazil. CCN measurements were performed at 0.23, 0.45, 0.68, 0.90 and 1.13% water supersaturation and were subsequently compared with the Köhler theory, considering the chemical composition. Real-time chemical composition has been obtained by deploying, for the first time in the SPMA, an aerosol chemical ionization monitor (ACSM). CCN closure analyses were performed considering internal mixtures. Average aerosol composition during the studied period yielded (arithmetic mean~± standard deviation) 4.81 ± 3.05, 3.26 ± 2.10, 0.30 ± 0.27, 0.52 ± 0.32, 0.37 ± 0.21 and 0.04 ± 0.04 μg m−3 for organics, BC, NH4, SO4, NO3 and Cl, respectively. Particle number concentration was 12 813 ± 5350 cm−3, with a dominant nucleation mode. CCN concentrations were on average 1090 ± 328 and 3570 ± 1695 cm−3 at SS = 0.23% and SS = 1.13%, respectively. Results show an increase in aerosol hygroscopicity in the afternoon as a result of aerosol photochemical processing, leading to an enhancement of both organic and inorganic secondary aerosols in the atmosphere, as well as an increase in aerosol average diameter. Considering the bulk composition alone, observed CCN concentrations were substantially overpredicted when compared with the Köhler theory (44.1 ± 47.9% at 0.23% supersaturation and 91.4 ± 40.3% at 1.13% supersaturation). Overall, the impact of composition on the calculated CCN concentration (NCCN) decreases with decreasing supersaturation, partially because using bulk composition introduces less bias for large diameters and lower critical supersaturations, defined as the supersaturation at which the cloud droplet activation will take place. Results suggest that the consideration of only inorganic fraction improves the calculated NCCN. Introducing a size-dependent chemical composition based on filter measurements from previous campaigns has considerably improved simulated values for NCCN (average overprediction error 14.8 ± 38.6% at 0.23% supersaturation and 3.6 ± 21.6% at 1.13% supersaturation). This study provides the first insight on aerosol real-time composition and hygroscopicity at a site strongly impacted by emissions of a unique vehicular fleet due to the extensive biofuel usage.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 8801-8840
M. Martin ◽  
R. Y.-W. Chang ◽  
B. Sierau ◽  
S. Sjogren ◽  
E. Swietlicki ◽  

Abstract. We present an aerosol – cloud condensation nuclei CCN) closure study on summer high Arctic aerosol based on measurements that were carried out in summer 2008 during the Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS) on board the Swedish ice breaker Oden. The data presented here were collected during a three-week time period in the pack ice (>85° N) when the icebreaker Oden was moored to an ice floe and drifted passively during the most biological active period into autumn freeze up conditions. CCN number concentrations were obtained using two CCN counters measuring at different supersaturations. The directly measured CCN number concentration is then compared with a CCN number concentration calculated using both bulk aerosol mass composition data from an aerosol mass spectrometer and aerosol number size distributions obtained from a differential mobility particle sizer, assuming κ-Köhler theory and an internally mixed aerosol. For the two highest measured supersaturations, 0.73 and 0.41%, closure could not be achieved with the investigated settings concerning hygroscopicity and density. The calculated CCN number concentration was always higher than the measured one. One possible explanation is that the smaller particles that activate at these supersaturations have a relative larger insoluble organic mass fraction and thus are less good CCN than the larger particles. At 0.20, 0.15 and 0.10% supersaturation, the measured CCN number can be represented with different parameters for the hygroscopicity and density of the particles. For the best agreement of the calculated CCNnumber concentration with the measured one the organic fraction of the aerosol needs to be nearly insoluble (қorg=0.02). However, this is not unambigious and қorg=0.2 is found as an upper limit at 0.1% supersaturation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 2615-2629 ◽  
M. L. Krüger ◽  
S. Mertes ◽  
T. Klimach ◽  
Y. F. Cheng ◽  
H. Su ◽  

Abstract. In this study we show how size-resolved measurements of aerosol particles and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) can be used to characterize the supersaturation of water vapor in a cloud. The method was developed and applied during the ACRIDICON-Zugspitze campaign (17 September to 4 October 2012) at the high-Alpine research station Schneefernerhaus (German Alps, 2650 m a.s.l.). Number size distributions of total and interstitial aerosol particles were measured with a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), and size-resolved CCN efficiency spectra were recorded with a CCN counter system operated at different supersaturation levels. During the evolution of a cloud, aerosol particles are exposed to different supersaturation levels. We outline and compare different estimates for the lower and upper bounds (Slow, Shigh) and the average value (Savg) of peak supersaturation encountered by the particles in the cloud. A major advantage of the derivation of Slow and Savg from size-resolved CCN efficiency spectra is that it does not require the specific knowledge or assumptions about aerosol hygroscopicity that are needed to derive estimates of Slow, Shigh, and Savg from aerosol size distribution data. For the investigated cloud event, we derived Slow &amp;approx; 0.07–0.25%, Shigh &amp;approx; 0.86–1.31% and Savg &amp;approx; 0.42–0.68%.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 10021-10056 ◽  
M. L. Krüger ◽  
S. Mertes ◽  
T. Klimach ◽  
Y. Cheng ◽  
H. Su ◽  

Abstract. In this study we show how size-resolved measurements of aerosol particles and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) can be used to characterize the supersaturation of water vapor in a cloud. The method was developed and applied for the investigation of a cloud event during the ACRIDICON-Zugspitze campaign (17 September to 4 October 2012) at the high-alpine research station Schneefernerhaus (German Alps, 2650 m a.s.l.). Number size distributions of total and interstitial aerosol particles were measured with a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), and size-resolved CCN efficiency spectra were recorded with a CCN counter system operated at different supersaturation levels. During the evolution of a cloud, aerosol particles are exposed to different supersaturation levels. We outline and compare different estimates for the lower and upper bounds (Slow, Shigh) and the average value (Savg) of peak supersaturation encountered by the particles in the cloud. For the investigated cloud event, we derived Slow &amp;approx; 0.19–0.25%, Shigh &amp;approx; 0.90–1.64% and Savg &amp;approx; 0.38–0.84%. Estimates of Slow, Shigh and Savg based on aerosol size distribution data require specific knowledge or assumptions of aerosol hygroscopicity, which are not required for the derivation of Slow and Savg from the size-resolved CCN efficiency spectra.

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