mass composition
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2021 ◽  
pp. 175815592110660
Amy M Dickinson ◽  
Emily Locke ◽  
Liberty A Gray ◽  
Sophie L Bennett ◽  
Lucia E Biddle ◽  

Bird nests can be complex bio-engineered structures constructed from a range of materials to provide a site for incubation, and in many species chick rearing. Reports of the materials used in nest walls and cup linings are typically qualitative and do not assist in understanding the functional properties of the structure as a whole. This paper provides size and composition data for nests from four species of the Motacillidae family: the meadow pipit ( Anthus pratensis), pied wagtail ( Motacilla alba), grey wagtail ( Motacilla cinerea), and the yellow wagtail ( Motacilla flava), three species of the Sylviidae family: willow warbler ( Phylloscopus trochilus), Eurasian reed warbler ( Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and Eurasian blackcap ( Sylvia atricapilla), and the dunnock ( Prunella modularis) of the Prunellidae family. Three hypotheses were tested: do nest dimensions correlate with body mass? Is it possible to distinguish among species based on their nest composition; and for individual species? Is it possible to distinguish between the cup lining and outer nest wall based on the materials used in construction? Nest composition and size varied among species although the degree of intra-specific variation was different. Size of a nest was unrelated to average female adult body mass. Composition relied on similar types of materials but in differing quantities between species. It was possible to distinguish among species in terms of nest construction, and between the cup lining and the outer nest, on the basis of at least one of the component materials. By providing quantitative data on composition, it may be possible in the future to understand better the structural, insulative and hydrological properties of the nest. Such information will be invaluable as we begin to develop an understanding of the factors that have driven evolution of nest architecture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 7497-7526
Alan J. Geer ◽  
Peter Bauer ◽  
Katrin Lonitz ◽  
Vasileios Barlakas ◽  
Patrick Eriksson ◽  

Abstract. Satellite observations of radiation in the microwave and sub-millimetre spectral regions (broadly from 1 to 1000 GHz) can have strong sensitivity to cloud and precipitation particles in the atmosphere. These particles (known as hydrometeors) scatter, absorb, and emit radiation according to their mass, composition, shape, internal structure, and orientation. Hence, microwave and sub-millimetre observations have applications including weather forecasting, geophysical retrievals and model validation. To simulate these observations requires a scattering-capable radiative transfer model and an estimate of the bulk optical properties of the hydrometeors. This article describes the module used to integrate single-particle optical properties over a particle size distribution (PSD) to provide bulk optical properties for the Radiative Transfer for TOVS microwave and sub-millimetre scattering code, RTTOV-SCATT, a widely used fast model. Bulk optical properties can be derived from a range of particle models including Mie spheres (liquid and frozen) and non-spherical ice habits from the Liu and Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator (ARTS) databases, which include pristine crystals, aggregates, and hail. The effects of different PSD and particle options on simulated brightness temperatures are explored, based on an analytical two-stream solution for a homogeneous cloud slab. The hydrometeor scattering “spectrum” below 1000 GHz is described, along with its sensitivities to particle composition (liquid or ice), size and shape. The optical behaviour of frozen particles changes in the frequencies above 200 GHz, moving towards an optically thick and emission-dominated regime more familiar from the infrared. This region is little explored but will soon be covered by the Ice Cloud Imager (ICI).

2021 ◽  
Vol 944 (1) ◽  
pp. 012053
I Y Sani ◽  
A S Atmadipoera ◽  
A Purwandana ◽  
F Syamsudin

Abstract Along the pathway, ITF water is considered to be transformed due to strong diapycnal mixing. This study aims to describe the structure of ITF water and to estimate turbulent mixing. The number of 6 CTD casts and 9 repeated CTD “yoyo” measurements were obtained from the “Years of Maritime Continent” YMC cruise (a joint cruise between BPPT/IPB/UNUD-Univ. Tokyo/JAMSTEC) and onboard R.V. Baruna Jaya IV in August 2019. The CTD datasets are processed with SBE Data Processing and analyzed for water mass composition, as well as turbulent mixing with Thorpe method. The results showed that thermocline water of NPSW with S-max, and intermediate water of NPIW with S-min from North Pacific origin are dominant. Transformation of NPSW and NPIW along their pathway can be identified from decreasing S-max of NPSW and increasing S-min of NPIW. Estimates of ϵ and Kρ are O(10−5) m2s−2 and 10−2 m2 s−1, respectively. High mixing occur also in the interior layer with the e and the Kp O(10−6) m2s−2 and O(10−1) m2 s−1, respectively. This is related to barotropic tidal activity that interacts with the bottom topography where there are many sills, causing the formation of strong baroclinic tides.

Andreia Teixeira ◽  
Ronaldo Gabriel ◽  
José Martinho ◽  
Graça Pinto ◽  
Luís Quaresma ◽  

Connectedness to nature (CN) is a significant predictor of pro-environmental behaviours, human health and well-being. However, research on how this connection to the natural world might promote a more active lifestyle and improve body mass composition according to gender is lacking. This study investigated the influence of CN on physical activity (PA) and body composition in adults and older people. We recruited a sample of 219 individuals (77 men and 142 women), and a self-administered questionnaire was used to measure CN and obtain demographic data. Body composition was assessed by bioimpedance, and PA was assessed by accelerometry. Correlations and stepwise multiple regressions were used in data analysis. CN’s association with other variables was more pronounced in women than in men, and we only identified significant associations with steps/day and body composition. However, this variable would not be included in the regression models that we developed. Adiposity levels and muscle status were significant predictors of PA in women. In both genders, age, percentage of fat mass and fat-free mass were selected as regressors in the models developed for visceral fat area and muscle condition (R2 Adjusted ≥ 0.908).

L.A. Koroleva ◽  
G.B. Svidzinskaya ◽  
A.G. Khaydarov ◽  
G.K. Ivakhnyuk ◽  

The problem of waste management is acute in the Russian Federation. Not enough attention is paid to the systematic studies of their composition and properties. The purpose of the work is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of data on waste generated, to select models for predicting their mass, composition, and properties, to substantiate the feasibility of using exergetic analysis to assess safety and make informed decisions on the management of solid municipal waste management. To predict the volume of waste generation, the following were used: an integrated autoregression model — a moving average and exponential smoothing models. The study of changes in the composition and properties of the municipal solid waste, the choice of technology and the assessment of safety in waste management were carried out using the exergetic method. Its advantages are determined by the possibility of conducting a comprehensive energy-ecological assessment and determining the fire hazard of waste and the processes of handling them. The application of the Holt-Winters model for predicting the mass of the generated waste is substantiated. The analysis of changes in the morphological composition of waste, their distribution by types of economic activity is carried out. The values of chemical exergy of municipal solid waste are determined, and a forecast of its further growth is constructed. The dependences of chemical exergy on the heat of combustion of waste are found. It is determined that it is advisable to consider chemical exergy as a heat engineering characteristic and an indicator of fire and environmental hazard of waste. It is proved that the exergetic efficiency of the incineration process is higher than that of composting and burial. Transportation of garbage from the large cities by road and rail transport for subsequent disposal and recycling can be considered as a forced temporary measure during the development of the branch of industry and the formation of a waste management culture. For the application of the exergy method in the system for ensuring safety when handling solid municipal waste, a data mining system was developed. It is advisable to use the obtained results for the development of safety requirements for the management of production and consumption waste in the Russian Federation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-140
Ilkovič Ján ◽  
Meziani Yakoub

Abstract Energetics is connected with industry development of the country and determines its geographic layout into certain extent. This fact defines an important and also priority position of energetics in a developed society. On the other side it evokes trying to reach sustainability of the environment and nowadays also trying to reach decreasing of the carbon footprint of human activities. The goal of the article is to present general criteria for localisation of energetic cogeneration plants on biogass base, factors presentation and confrontation of current examples and new trends in shaping architecture under the influence of the development of modern technique and technology. The article analyses mass-composition and architectonic aspects of energetic plants of the chosen performed examples and on the model studies it documents the vision of new solutions on the background of equal, non-invasive and eco-friendly architecture in the surroundings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 84 (6) ◽  
pp. 995-1006
R. I. Raikin ◽  
A. A. Lagutin ◽  
T. L. Serebryakova ◽  
N. V. Volkov ◽  
S. V. Soldatkin ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012001
R Monkhoev ◽  
M Ternovoy ◽  
I Astapov ◽  
P Bezyazeekov ◽  
A Borodin ◽  

Abstract The Tunka-Grande array is part of a single experimental complex, which also includes the Tunka-133 and TAIGA-HiScORE (High Sensitivity COsmic Rays and gamma Explorer) wide-angle Cherenkov arrays, TAIGA-IACT array (Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope) and TAGA-MUON scintillation array. This complex is located in the Tunka Valley (Buryatia Republic, Russia), 50 km from Lake Baikal. It is designed to study the energy spectrum and the mass composition of charged cosmic rays in the energy range 100 TeV - 1000 PeV, to search for diffuse gamma rays above 100 TeV and to study local sources of gamma rays with energies above 30 TeV. This report outlines 3 key points. The first is the description of the Tunka-Grande scintillation array. The second one presents the computer simulation strategy of the Tunka Grande array based on the Geant4 software. The third one is devoted to the prospects for future research in the field of cosmic ray physics and gamma-ray astronomy using simulation results.

Natalia Grzebisz-Zatońska ◽  
Tomasz Grzywacz ◽  
Zbigniew Waśkiewicz

Monitoring the training of amateur long-distance cross-country skiers (XCS) can help athletes’ achieve a higher exercise capacity and protect their health. The aim of this study was to assess body composition changes and lipid profiles in middle-aged amateur long-distance XCS after four months of training, including specialized roller ski training. The results of the time-to-exhaustion (TTE) test and blood tests and changes in body composition were analyzed with basic descriptive statistics: the paired Wilcoxon test was used to compare the results (initial and final). Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (R) was used to assess the influence of various variables on maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). The findings show that training of amateur long-distance XCS improved maximal oxygen uptake (p = 0.008) and had a positive effect on fat reduction, measured in percentages (p = 0.038) and in kilograms (p = 0.023), but did not change blood lipids or other parameters. Further research could focus on other aspects of the annual training cycle: the competition period, and women in a larger group of athletes. Training with roller skis and a cross-country skiing training machine (a specialized machine for strengthening the arms and upper body) can support health and prevent obesity, overweight, and cardiovascular disease.

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