scholarly journals Characterising vertical turbulent dispersion by observing artificially released SO<sub>2</sub> puffs with UV cameras

2018 ◽  
Anna Solvejg Dinger ◽  
Kerstin Stebel ◽  
Massimo Cassiani ◽  
Hamidreza Ardeshiri ◽  
Cirilo Bernardo ◽  

Abstract. In atmospheric tracer experiments, a substance is released into the turbulent atmospheric flow to study the dispersion parameters of the atmosphere. That can be done by observing the substance's concentration distribution downwind of the source. Past experiments have suffered from the fact that observations were only made at few discrete locations and/or at low time resolution. The Comtessa project (Camera Observation and Modelling of 4D Tracer Dispersion in the Atmosphere) is the first attempt at using ultraviolet (UV) camera observations to sample the three-dimensional (3D) concentration distribution in the atmospheric boundary layer at high spatial and temporal resolution. For this, during a three-week campaign in Norway in July 2017, sulfur dioxide (SO2), a nearly passive tracer, was artificially released in continuous plumes and nearly-instantaneous puffs from a 9 m high tower. Column-integrated SO2 concentrations were observed with six UV SO2 cameras with sampling rates of several Hertz and a spatial resolution of a few centimetres. The atmospheric flow was characterised by eddy covariance measurements of heat and momentum fluxes at the release mast and two additional towers. By measuring simultaneously with six UV cameras positioned in a half circle around the release point, we could collect a data set of spatially and temporally resolved tracer column densities from six different directions, allowing a tomographic reconstruction of the 3D concentration field. However, due to unfavourable cloudy conditions on all measurement days and their restrictive effect on the SO2 camera technique, the presented data set is limited to case studies. In this paper, we present a feasibility study demonstrating that the turbulent dispersion parameters can be retrieved from images of artificially released puffs. The 3D trajectories of the centre of mass of the puffs were reconstructed enabling both a direct determination of the centre of mass meandering and a scaling of the image pixel dimension to the position of the puff. The latter made it possible to retrieve the temporal evolution of the puff spread projected to the image plane. The puff spread is a direct measure of the relative dispersion process. Combining meandering and relative dispersion, the absolute dispersion could be retrieved. The turbulent dispersion in the vertical is then used to estimate the effective source size, source time scale and the Lagrangian integral time. In principle, the Richardson-Obukhov constant of relative dispersion in the inertial subrange could be also obtained, but the observation time was not sufficiently long in comparison to the source time scale to allow an observation of this dispersion range. While the feasibility of the methodology to measure turbulent dispersion could be demonstrated, a larger data set with a larger number of cloud-free puff releases and longer observation times of each puff will be recorded in future studies to give a solid estimate for the turbulent dispersion under a variety of stability conditions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 6169-6188 ◽  
Anna Solvejg Dinger ◽  
Kerstin Stebel ◽  
Massimo Cassiani ◽  
Hamidreza Ardeshiri ◽  
Cirilo Bernardo ◽  

Abstract. In atmospheric tracer experiments, a substance is released into the turbulent atmospheric flow to study the dispersion parameters of the atmosphere. That can be done by observing the substance's concentration distribution downwind of the source. Past experiments have suffered from the fact that observations were only made at a few discrete locations and/or at low time resolution. The Comtessa project (Camera Observation and Modelling of 4-D Tracer Dispersion in the Atmosphere) is the first attempt at using ultraviolet (UV) camera observations to sample the three-dimensional (3-D) concentration distribution in the atmospheric boundary layer at high spatial and temporal resolution. For this, during a three-week campaign in Norway in July 2017, sulfur dioxide (SO2), a nearly passive tracer, was artificially released in continuous plumes and nearly instantaneous puffs from a 9 m high tower. Column-integrated SO2 concentrations were observed with six UV SO2 cameras with sampling rates of several hertz and a spatial resolution of a few centimetres. The atmospheric flow was characterised by eddy covariance measurements of heat and momentum fluxes at the release mast and two additional towers. By measuring simultaneously with six UV cameras positioned in a half circle around the release point, we could collect a data set of spatially and temporally resolved tracer column densities from six different directions, allowing a tomographic reconstruction of the 3-D concentration field. However, due to unfavourable cloudy conditions on all measurement days and their restrictive effect on the SO2 camera technique, the presented data set is limited to case studies. In this paper, we present a feasibility study demonstrating that the turbulent dispersion parameters can be retrieved from images of artificially released puffs, although the presented data set does not allow for an in-depth analysis of the obtained parameters. The 3-D trajectories of the centre of mass of the puffs were reconstructed enabling both a direct determination of the centre of mass meandering and a scaling of the image pixel dimension to the position of the puff. The latter made it possible to retrieve the temporal evolution of the puff spread projected to the image plane. The puff spread is a direct measure of the relative dispersion process. Combining meandering and relative dispersion, the absolute dispersion could be retrieved. The turbulent dispersion in the vertical is then used to estimate the effective source size, source timescale and the Lagrangian integral time. In principle, the Richardson–Obukhov constant of relative dispersion in the inertial subrange could be also obtained, but the observation time was not sufficiently long in comparison to the source timescale to allow an observation of this dispersion range. While the feasibility of the methodology to measure turbulent dispersion could be demonstrated, a larger data set with a larger number of cloud-free puff releases and longer observation times of each puff will be recorded in future studies to give a solid estimate for the turbulent dispersion under a variety of stability conditions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 1099-1125
H. Nefzi ◽  
D. Elhmaidi ◽  
X. Carton

Abstract. Using a high resolution primitive equation model of the western Mediterranean Sea, we analyzed the dispersion properties of a set of homogeneously distributed, passive particle pairs. These particles were initially separated by different distances D0 (D0 = 5.55, 11.1 and 16.5 km), and were seeded in the model at initial depths of 44 and 500 m. This realistic ocean model, which reproduces the main features of the regional circulation, puts in evidence the three well-known regimes of relative dispersion. The first regime due to the chaotic advection at small scales, lasts only a few days (3 days at 44 m depth, a duration comparable with the integral time scale) and the relative dispersion is then exponential. In the second regime, extending from 3 to 20 days, the relative dispersion has a power law tα where α tends to 3 as D0 becomes small. In the third regime, a linear growth of the relative dispersion is observed starting from the twentieth day. For the relative diffusivity, the D2 growth is followed by the Richardson regime D4/3. At large scales, where particle velocities are decorrelated, the relative diffusivity is constant. At 500 m depth, the integral time scale increases (> 4 days) and the intermediate regime becomes narrower than that at 44 m depth due to weaker effect of vortices (this effect decreases with depth). The turbulent properties become less intermittent and more homogeneous and the Richardson law takes place.

2010 ◽  
Vol 661 ◽  
pp. 412-445 ◽  
Q. LIAO ◽  

The relative dispersion of a scalar plume is examined experimentally. A passive fluorescent tracer is continuously released from a flush-bed mounted source into the turbulent boundary layer of a laboratory-generated open channel flow. A two-dimensional particle image velocimetry–laser-induced florescence (PIV–LIF) technique is applied to measure the instantaneous horizontal velocity and concentration fields. Measured results are used to investigate the relationship between the boundary-layer turbulence and the evolution of the distance-neighbour function, namely the probability density distribution of the separation distance between two marked fluid particles within a cloud of particles. Special attention is paid to the hypothesis that a diffusion equation can describe the evolution of the distance-neighbour function. The diffusion coefficient in such an equation, termed the ‘relative diffusivity’, is directly calculated based on the concentration distribution. The results indicate that the relative diffusivity statistically depends on particle separation lengths instead of the overall size of the plume. Measurements at all stages of the dispersing plume collapse onto a single curve and follow a 4/3 power law in the inertial subrange. The Richardson–Obukhov constant is estimated from the presented dataset. The relationship between the one-dimensional (1D) representation of the distance-neighbour function and its three-dimensional (3D) representation is discussed. An extended model for relative diffusivity beyond the inertial subrange is proposed based on the structure of the turbulent velocity field, and it agrees well with measurements. The experimental evidence implies that, while the diffusion of the distance-neighbour function is completely determined by the underlying turbulence, the overall growth rate of the plume is affected by both the turbulent flow and its actual concentration distribution.

2011 ◽  
Vol 133 (8) ◽  
Dong-Hyeog Yoon ◽  
Kyung-Soo Yang ◽  
Klaus Bremhorst

Characteristics of turbulent mass transfer around a rotating circular cylinder have been investigated by Direct Numerical Simulation. The concentration field was computed for three different cases of Schmidt number, Sc = 1, 10 and 100 at ReR* = 336. Our results confirm that the thickness of the Nernst diffusion layer decreases as Sc increases. Wall-limiting behavior within the diffusion layer was examined and compared with that of channel flow. Concentration fluctuation time scale was found to scale with r+2, while the time scale ratio nearly equals the Schmidt number throughout the diffusion layer. Scalar modeling closure constants based on gradient diffusion models were found to vary considerably within the diffusion layer. Results of an octant analysis show the significant role played by the ejection and sweep events just as is found for flat plate, channel, and pipe flow boundary layers. Turbulence budgets revealed a strong Sc dependence of turbulent scalar transport.

Radiocarbon ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-33 ◽  
Gordon W. Pearson ◽  
Minze Stuiver

The sole purpose of this paper is to present a previously published 14C data set to which minor corrections have been applied. All basic information previously given is still applicable (Pearson & Stuiver 1986). The corrections are needed because 14C count-rate influences (radon decay in Seattle, a re-evaluation of the corrections applied for efficiency variation with time previously unrecognized in Belfast) had to be accounted for in more detail. Information on the radon correction is given in Stuiver and Becker (1993). The Belfast corrections were necessary because the original correction for efficiency variations with time was calculated using two suspect standards (these were shown to be suspect by recent observations) that overweighted the correction. A re-evaluation (Pearson & Qua 1993) now shows it to be almost insignificant, and the corrected dates (using the new correction) became older by about 16 years.

Hsien-Chung Lin ◽  
Eugen Solowjow ◽  
Masayoshi Tomizuka ◽  
Edwin Kreuzer

This contribution presents a method to estimate environmental boundaries with mobile agents. The agents sample a concentration field of interest at their respective positions and infer a level curve of the unknown field. The presented method is based on support vector machines (SVMs), whereby the concentration level of interest serves as the decision boundary. The field itself does not have to be estimated in order to obtain the level curve which makes the method computationally very appealing. A myopic strategy is developed to pick locations that yield most informative concentration measurements. Cooperative operations of multiple agents are demonstrated by dividing the domain in Voronoi tessellations. Numerical studies demonstrate the feasibility of the method on a real data set of the California coastal area. The exploration strategy is benchmarked against random walk which it clearly outperforms.

1998 ◽  
Vol 357 ◽  
pp. 167-198 ◽  

The relative velocity of two fluid particles in homogeneous and stationary turbulence is considered. Looking for reduced dynamics of turbulent dispersion, we apply the nonlinear Mori–Zwanzig projector method to the Navier–Stokes equations. The projector method decomposes the Lagrangian acceleration into a conditionally averaged part and a random force. The result is an exact generalized Langevin equation for the Lagrangian velocity differences accounting for the exact equation of the Eulerian probability density. From the generalized Langevin equation, we obtain a stochastic model of relative dispersion by stochastic estimation of conditional averages and by assuming the random force to be Gaussian white noise. This new approach to dispersion modelling generalizes and unifies stochastic models based on the well-mixed condition and the moments approximation. Furthermore, we incorporate viscous effects in a systematic way. At a moderate Reynolds number, the model agrees qualitatively with direct numerical simulations showing highly non-Gaussian separation and velocity statistics for particle pairs initially close together. At very large Reynolds numbers, the mean-square separation obeys a Richardson law with coefficient of the order of 0.1.

1991 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24 ◽  
Minze Stuiver ◽  
Thomas F. Braziunas ◽  
Bernd Becker ◽  
Bernd Kromer

AbstractLate-glacial and Holocene 14C/12C ratios of atmospheric CO2 vary in magnitude from a few per mil for annual/decadal pertubations to more than 10% for events lasting millennia. A data set illuminating 10- to 104-yr variability refines our understanding of oceanic (climatic) versus geomagnetic or solar forcing of atmospheric 14C/12C ratios. Most of the variance in the Holocene atmospheric 14C/12C record can be attributed to the geomagnetic (millennia time scale) and solar (century time scale) influence on the flux of primary cosmic rays entering the atmosphere. Attributing the observed atmospheric 14C/12C changes to climate alone leads to ocean circulation and/or global wind speed changes incompatible with proxy records. Climate-(ocean-)related 14C redistribution between carbon reservoirs, while evidently playing a minor role during the Holocene, may have perturbed atmospheric 14C/12C ratios measurably during the late-glacial Younger Dryas event. First-order corrections to the radiocarbon time scale (12,000–30,000 14C yr B.P.) are calculated from adjusted lake-sediment and tree-ring records and from geomagnetically defined model 14C histories. Paleosunspot numbers (100–9700 cal yr B.P.) are derived from the relationship of model 14C production rates to sunspot observations. The spectral interpretation of the 14C/12C atmospheric record favors higher than average solar activity levels for the next century. Minimal evidence was found for a sun-weather relationship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
P. D. Lomakin ◽  
A. I. Chepyzhenko ◽  
A.A. Chepyzhenko ◽  

Purpose. Using the data obtained in the expeditions, 2001–2014, the authors intend to identify the typical features of vertical structure of the colored dissolved organic matter (fDOM) concentration field in the Kerch Strait, to type the fDOM(z) profiles, to zone the region under consideration according to a given set of the qualitative features, and also to determine the features of statistical characteristics of the fDOM concentration distribution on the sea surface layer for the water areas with a typical structure. Methods and Results. The typing was carried out by the method of visual expert assessment of the curves of vertical distribution of concentration of the considered value. It was based on analyzing the fDOM(z) profile shapes. To reveal the boundaries of the areas with typical stratification of the fDOM content field, the thermohaline field structure was analyzed. Three types of water vertical structure were identified; they differed in the fDOM(z) profile shape and in statistical indices of empirical distribution of this substance concentration on the sea surface. These are the Azov Sea and the Black Sea types peculiar to the Azov and Black seas waters not contaminated by dissolved organic matter, and the type, the structure of which identifies the waters containing the anthropogenic component in the concentration field of the analyzed value. The latter type is characterized by a special intrusive shape of the fDOM(z) profile. For each of the identified stratification types, the histograms of the fDOM concentration distribution on the sea surface were calculated. Conclusions. The fDOM(z) profiles were typed. The Kerch Strait water area was zoned in accordance with a given set of the preliminary revealed qualitative features. The boundaries of the areas with typical stratification and their displacements were determined. It is shown that each structure type has its own statistical distribution of concentration of the considered value on the sea surface

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