Magnetic Curvature Analysis on Reconnection Related Structures at Earth’s Magnetopause

Yi Qi ◽  
Christopher T. Russell ◽  
Robert J. Strangeway ◽  
Yingdong Jia ◽  
Roy B. Torbert ◽  

<p>Magnetic reconnection is a mechanism that allows rapid and explosive energy transfer from the magnetic field to the plasma. The magnetopause is the interface between the shocked solar wind plasma and Earth’s magnetosphere. Reconnection enables the transport of momentum from the solar wind into Earth’s magnetosphere. Because of its importance in this regard, magnetic reconnection has been extensively studied in the past and is the primary goal of the ongoing Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. During magnetic reconnection, the originally anti-parallel fields annihilate and reconnect in a thinned current sheet. In the vicinity of a reconnection site, a prominently increased curvature of the magnetic field (and smaller radius of curvature) marks the region where the particles start to deviate from their regular gyro-motion and become available for energy conversion. Before MMS, there were no closely separated multi-spacecraft missions capable of resolving these micro-scale curvature features, nor examining particle dynamics with sufficiently fast cadence.</p><p>In this study, we use measurements from the four MMS spacecraft to determine the curvature of the field lines and the plasma properties near the reconnection site. We use this method to study FTEs (flux ropes) on the magnetopause, and the interaction between co-existing FTEs. Our study not only improves our understanding of magnetic reconnection, but also resolves the relationship between FTEs and structures on the magnetopause.</p>

2002 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-320 ◽  
J. Mĕrka ◽  
J. Šafránková ◽  
Z. Nĕmeček

Abstract. The width of the cusp region is an indicator of the strength of the merging process and the degree of opening of the magnetosphere. During three years, the Magion-4 satellite, as part of the Interball project, has collected a unique data set of cusp-like plasma observations in middle and high altitudes. For a comparison of high- and low-altitude cusp determination, we map our observations of cusp-like plasma along the magnetic field lines down to the Earth’s surface. We use the Tsyganenko and Stern 1996 model of the magnetospheric magnetic field for the mapping, taking actual solar wind and IMF parameters from the Wind observations. The footprint positions show substantial latitudinal dependence on the dipole tilt angle. We fit this dependence with a linear function and subtract this function from observed cusp position. This process allows us to study both statistical width and location of the inspected region as a function of the solar wind and IMF parameters. Our processing of the Magion-4 measurements shows that high-altitude regions occupied by the cusp-like plasma (cusp and cleft) are projected onto a much broader area (in magnetic local time as well as in a latitude) than that determined in low altitudes. The trends of the shift of the cusp position with changes in the IMF direction established by low-altitude observations have been confirmed.Key words. Magnetospheric physics (magnetopause, cusp and boundary layer; solar wind – magnetosphere interactions)

2020 ◽  
Vol 633 ◽  
pp. A87 ◽  
L. Griton ◽  
F. Pantellini

Context. As proven by measurements at Uranus and Neptune, the magnetic dipole axis and planetary spin axis can be off by a large angle exceeding 45°. The magnetosphere of such an (exo-)planet is highly variable over a one-day period and it does potentially exhibit a complex magnetic tail structure. The dynamics and shape of rotating magnetospheres do obviously depend on the planet’s characteristics but also, and very substantially, on the orientation of the planetary spin axis with respect to the impinging, generally highly supersonic, stellar wind. Aims. On its orbit around the Sun, the orientation of Uranus’ spin axis with respect to the solar wind changes from quasi-perpendicular (solstice) to quasi-parallel (equinox). In this paper, we simulate the magnetosphere of a fictitious Uranus-like planet plunged in a supersonic plasma (the stellar wind) at equinox. A simulation with zero wind velocity is also presented in order to help disentangle the effects of the rotation from the effects of the supersonic wind in the structuring of the planetary magnetic tail. Methods. The ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in conservative form are integrated on a structured spherical grid using the Message-Passing Interface-Adaptive Mesh Refinement Versatile Advection Code (MPI-AMRVAC). In order to limit diffusivity at grid level, we used background and residual decomposition of the magnetic field. The magnetic field is thus made of the sum of a prescribed time-dependent background field B0(t) and a residual field B1(t) computed by the code. In our simulations, B0(t) is essentially made of a rigidly rotating potential dipole field. Results. The first simulation shows that, while plunged in a non-magnetised plasma, a magnetic dipole rotating about an axis oriented at 90° with respect to itself does naturally accelerate the plasma away from the dipole around the rotation axis. The acceleration occurs over a spatial scale of the order of the Alfvénic co-rotation scale r*. During the acceleration, the dipole lines become stretched and twisted. The observed asymptotic fluid velocities are of the order of the phase speed of the fast MHD mode. In two simulations where the surrounding non-magnetised plasma was chosen to move at supersonic speed perpendicularly to the rotation axis (a situation that is reminiscent of Uranus in the solar wind at equinox), the lines of each hemisphere are symmetrically twisted and stretched as before. However, they are also bent by the supersonic flow, thus forming a magnetic tail of interlaced field lines of opposite polarity. Similarly to the case with no wind, the interlaced field lines and the attached plasma are accelerated by the rotation and also by the transfer of kinetic energy flux from the surrounding supersonic flow. The tailwards fluid velocity increases asymptotically towards the externally imposed flow velocity, or wind. In one more simulation, a transverse magnetic field, to both the spin axis and flow direction, was added to the impinging flow so that magnetic reconnection could occur between the dipole anchored field lines and the impinging field lines. No major difference with respect to the no-magnetised flow case is observed, except that the tailwards acceleration occurs in two steps and is slightly more efficient. In order to emphasise the effect of rotation, we only address the case of a fast-rotating planet where the co-rotation scale r* is of the order of the planetary counter-flow magnetopause stand-off distance rm. For Uranus, r*≫ rm and the effects of rotation are only visible at large tailwards distances r ≫ rm.

1983 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 473-477
H. Biernat ◽  
N. Kömle ◽  
H. Rucker

In the vicinity of the Sun — especially above coronal holes — the magnetic field lines show strong non-radial divergence and considerable curvature (see e.g. Kopp and Holzer, 1976; Munro and Jackson, 1977; Ripken, 1977). In the following we study the influence of these characteristics on the expansion velocity of the solar wind.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 1673
Ching-Ming Lai ◽  
Jean-Fu Kiang

The magnetospheric responses to solar wind of Mercury, Earth, Jupiter and Uranus are compared via magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. The tilt angle of each planetary field and the polarity of solar wind are also considered. Magnetic reconnection is illustrated and explicated with the interaction between the magnetic field distributions of the solar wind and the magnetosphere.

2019 ◽  
Vol 85 (1) ◽  
C. B. Smiet ◽  
H. J. de Blank ◽  
T. A. de Jong ◽  
D. N. L. Kok ◽  
D. Bouwmeester

We study the resistive evolution of a localized self-organizing magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium. In this configuration the magnetic forces are balanced by a pressure force caused by a toroidal depression in the pressure. Equilibrium is attained when this low-pressure region prevents further expansion into the higher-pressure external plasma. We find that, for the parameters investigated, the resistive evolution of the structures follows a universal pattern when rescaled to resistive time. The finite resistivity causes both a decrease in the magnetic field strength and a finite slip of the plasma fluid against the static equilibrium. This slip is caused by a Pfirsch–Schlüter-type diffusion, similar to what is seen in tokamak equilibria. The net effect is that the configuration remains in magnetostatic equilibrium whilst it slowly grows in size. The rotational transform of the structure becomes nearly constant throughout the entire structure, and decreases according to a power law. In simulations this equilibrium is observed when highly tangled field lines relax in a high-pressure (relative to the magnetic field strength) environment, a situation that occurs when the twisted field of a coronal loop is ejected into the interplanetary solar wind. In this paper we relate this localized magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium to magnetic clouds in the solar wind.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (H15) ◽  
pp. 434-435
A. Lazarian ◽  
G. Kowal ◽  
E. Vishniac ◽  
K. Kulpa-Dubel ◽  
K. Otmianowska-Mazur

AbstractA magnetic field embedded in a perfectly conducting fluid preserves its topology for all times. Although ionized astrophysical objects, like stars and galactic disks, are almost perfectly conducting, they show indications of changes in topology, magnetic reconnection, on dynamical time scales. Reconnection can be observed directly in the solar corona, but can also be inferred from the existence of large scale dynamo activity inside stellar interiors. Solar flares and gamma ray busts are usually associated with magnetic reconnection. Previous work has concentrated on showing how reconnection can be rapid in plasmas with very small collision rates. Here we present numerical evidence, based on three dimensional simulations, that reconnection in a turbulent fluid occurs at a speed comparable to the rms velocity of the turbulence, regardless of the value of the resistivity. In particular, this is true for turbulent pressures much weaker than the magnetic field pressure so that the magnetic field lines are only slightly bent by the turbulence. These results are consistent with the proposal by Lazarian & Vishniac (1999) that reconnection is controlled by the stochastic diffusion of magnetic field lines, which produces a broad outflow of plasma from the reconnection zone. This work implies that reconnection in a turbulent fluid typically takes place in approximately a single eddy turnover time, with broad implications for dynamo activity and particle acceleration throughout the universe. In contrast, the reconnection in 2D configurations in the presence of turbulence depends on resistivity, i.e. is slow.

2002 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-147 ◽  
T. Wiegelmann ◽  
J. Büchner

Abstract. We investigate the evolution of magnetic helicity under kinetic magnetic reconnection in thin current sheets. We use Harris sheet equilibria and superimpose an external magnetic guide field. Consequently, the classical 2D magnetic neutral line becomes a field line here, causing a B ≠ 0 reconnection. While without a guide field, the Hall effect leads to a quadrupolar structure in the perpendicular magnetic field and the helicity density, this effect vanishes in the B ≠ 0 reconnection. The reason is that electrons are magnetized in the guide field and the Hall current does not occur. While a B = 0 reconnection leads just to a bending of the field lines in the reconnection area, thus conserving the helicity, the initial helicity is reduced for a B ≠ 0 reconnection. The helicity reduction is, however, slower than the magnetic field dissipation. The simulations have been carried out by the numerical integration of the Vlasov-equation.

2021 ◽  
Martin Volwerk ◽  
Beatriz Sánchez-Cano ◽  
Daniel Heyner ◽  
Sae Aizawa ◽  
Nicolas André ◽  

Abstract. Out of the two Venus flybys that BepiColombo uses as a gravity assist manoeuvre to finally arrive at Mercury, the first took place on 15 October 2020. After passing the bow shock, the spacecraft travelled along the induced magnetotail, crossing it mainly in the YVSO-direction. In this paper, the BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter Magnetometer (MPO-MAG) data are discussed, with support from three other plasma instruments: the Planetary Ion Camera (PICAM), the Mercury Electron Analyser (MEA) and the radiation monitor (BERM). Behind the bow shock crossing, the magnetic field showed a draping pattern consistent with field lines connected to the interplanetary magnetic field wrapping around the planet. This flyby showed a highly active magnetotail, with, e.g., strong flapping motions at a period of ~7 min. This activity was driven by solar wind conditions. Just before this flyby, Venus's induced magnetosphere was impacted by a stealth coronal mass ejection, of which the trailing side was still interacting with it during the flyby. This flyby is a unique opportunity to study the full length and structure of the induced magnetotail of Venus, indicating that the tail was most likely still present at about 48 Venus radii.

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