Fluchtpunkt Techno?

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 362-371
Matthias Pasdzierny

The term “conexión chilena” is regularly used in print media and internet articles to describe a group of DJs, some of them very successful, who fled as children with their families to Europe during the Chilean military dictatorship (1973–1990) and have become part of the growing EDM scene there since the 1990s. Names that are often mentioned in this context include Matías Aguayo, Andrés and Pier Bucci, Luciano (Lucien Nicolet), Martin Schopf/DJ Dandy Jack, Paula Schopf/DJ Chica Paula, Ricardo Villalobos and Cristian Vogel. Based on interviews and the analytical study of selected tracks by three of these artists, this article explores the question of the role that the “conexión” actually played. On the one hand, this question is applied to the work and career of the artists themselves, especially in light of developments in Chilean memory culture. On the other hand, it is applied to the early internationalization and transatlantic exchange in the field of techno and EDM. (Vorlage)

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-44
Dr Syed Abdul Majid Ghouri

The Chapter of Fatiha is conceived as one of the paramount chapters of the Holy Qur’an; rather, it is unprecedented one in the sense that not a similar chapter has been revealed in any of revealed Books including the Qur’an itself. Also, as many prophetic traditions have been narrated with regard to its virtues as not narrated concerning any other chapter; the objectives of this chapter have extensively been discussed more than other chapter; and this chapter is characterized by having many names more than all other chapters. Moreover, this chapter, despite of being conciseness, comprises of three types of Tawhid (Oneness of God); namely, Oneness in terms of Lordship, Oneness in terms of Divinity, and Oneness in terms of Names and Attributes. Similarly, this chapter is characterized with many other features: such as the role of this chapter in attracting benefits and removing harms, healing of deceased, (getting divine) guidance, and fulfilling necessities. In addition to this, the Qur’an begins with this chapter. It is stated that it is one of the basic elements of the prayer without which prayer does not stand valid. It, by all means, indicates to the sublime nature, great features and magnificent virtues that this chapter holds. This work analyses the prophetic traditions narrated concerning this chapter and focuses over its objectives, names, virtues and characteristics in the light of authentic prophetic traditions. Meanwhile, the researcher adopts hybrid methodology: namely inductive one and critical one. On the one hand, critical method is adopted for searching and gathering all relevant traditions that discuss in one way or another this chapter; and, on the other hand, inductive method is adopted for analyzing the relevant traditions and drawing significant conclusions therefrom. At the end, a conclusion is added that contains several important remarks which have been drawn while this study.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 99-123
Mindaugas Kvietkauskas

A challenge to collective memory: Yitskhok Rudashevski’s Diary of the Vilna GhettoThis article aims to analyse the diary of Yitskhok Rudashevski (1927–1943), the story of its writing and publication and the existing biographical material about the author. It attempts to answer the question of what is or could be the significance of this lieu de mémoire for the current developments in Holocaust memory culture in Lithuania. The adopted definitions of cultural and collective memory and sites of memory are based on the concepts proposed by Jan and Aleida Assmann and Pierre Nora. On the one hand, the diary written by a child in the Vilnius ghetto is of major documentary, moral and aesthetic significance and stimulates individual empathy. On the other hand, the text raises acute issues reflecting a conflict between different memory narratives and interpretations of history. Pro-Soviet sympathies of the author, negative imagery of Lithuanians and certain deheroisation of the ghetto community make the text a “problematic” memory site. These challenges of the diary are interpreted as indicators showing whether contemporary Holocaust narrative in Lithuania is already mature enough to accept the dialogical forms of cultural memory. Wyzwanie dla pamięci zbiorowej: Pamiętnik z wileńskiego getta Icchaka RudaszewskiegoTematem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza dziennika napisanego w getcie przez czternastoletniego Icchaka Rudaszewskiego (1927–1943), historia jego powstania, publikacji i zachowania dla przyszłych pokoleń, a także materiał biograficzny dotyczący postaci autora. Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie jest i jakie mogłoby być znaczenie tego miejsca pamięci (lieu de mémoire) w kształtującej się obecnie na Litwie kulturze pamięci Holocaustu. Badania pamięci kulturowej i zbiorowej, a także miejsc pamięci, zostały oparte na koncepcjach badawczych Jana i Aleidy Assmanów oraz Pierre’a Nory. Z jednej strony, napisany przez dziecko w getcie wileńskim pamiętnik ma dla pamięci kulturowej Litwy ogromne znaczenie symboliczne, etyczne i estetyczne, wzmocnione przez silne uczucie empatii wobec autora. Z drugiej strony, tekst pamiętnika stawia wysokie wymagania badawcze wynikające z konfliktu różnych interpretacji historii II wojny światowej i narracji pamięci. Socjalistyczne i proradzieckie poglądy autora, negatywny obraz Litwinów i swoista deheroizacja społeczności getta przekształca ten tekst w „problematyczne” miejce pamięci. Powyższe wyzwania badawcze są interpretowane w artykule jako znaki, które mogą opisać stan współczesnej litewskiej narracji Holocaustu i odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy jest ona na tyle dojrzała, by w drodze dialogu zintegrować różne warianty pamięci kulturowej.

1914 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 230-240 ◽  
James Drever

In the new and rapidly developing experimental science known as “Experimentelle Pädagogik” in Germany, “Pédagogie expérimentale” in France, and “Experimental Pedagogy” or “Experimental Education” in this country and in America, two well-marked and not entirely consistent tendencies have been hitherto manifest. On the one hand, there has been a tendency, more particularly in Germany, to develop the work in the new field on the lines of experimental psychology, and to employ almost exclusively the apparatus and methods of that science. On the other hand, there has been a tendency, to a very marked extent in this country and in America, to endeavour to carry on experimental work entirely without the aid of exact and elaborate apparatus, eschewing, even regarding as “tabu,” the methods of the psychological laboratory. Both tendencies are perhaps more or less inevitable, and both to a certain extent may be said to have been justified by results. Nevertheless, there are certain obvious dangers and defects inherent in both, and the whole situation is itself dangerous for the new science.

Ana Rosa Domenella Amadio

ResumenEn este artí­culo, se analizan diversas novelas que tienen como tema central la violencia en tiempos de la dictadura argentina. Se trata de obras que recuperan la memoria de los desaparecidos y asesinados y sugieren procedimientos novedosos de representación de los problemas sociales. Por un lado, se estudian las obras publicadas en el contexto de esos años; por otro, se analizan algunas novelas publicadas en el sigloXXI, treinta años después de los acontecimientos. En todos los casos, no sólo se toma en cuenta el contexto de los graves problemas polí­ticos de los años setenta y ochenta en la Argentina, también es muy importante el estudio de las formas literarias en que esos problemas fueron representados en el campo de la ficción. Finalmente, las novelas que corresponden a la segunda década del siglo XXI ofrecen una reflexión vivencial y estética sobre una etapa dolorosa y conflictiva dela Argentina contemporánea.Palabras clave: Dictadura cí­vico-militar, novela argentina, Ana Marí­a Shua, Laura Alcoba, Marí­a Teresa Andruetto, Eugenia Almeida. AbstractThis article analyzes various novels whose central theme is the violence during the argentinian dictatorship. These works recover the memory of the disappeared and murdered  and suggest novel procedures for the representation of social problems. On the one hand, works published in the context of those years are studied; on the other hand, some novels published in the 21st century are analyzed, thirty years after the events. In all cases, not only takes into accountthe context of the serious political problems of the seventies and eighties in Argentina, it is also very important to study the literary forms in which those problems were represented in the field of fiction. Finally, the novels publishedin the 21st century offer an experiential and aesthetic reflection on a painful and conflictive stage of contemporary Argentina.Keywords: Civic-military Dictatorship, Argentinian Novel, Ana Marí­a Shua, Laura Alcoba, Marí­a Teresa Andruetto, Eugenia Almeida.  [1] Doctora en Literatura Hispánica por El Colegio de México. Profesora-investigadora del Área de Literatura Hispanoamericana del Departamento de Filosofí­a de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. Autora de numerosos artí­culos sobre literatura mexicana e hispanoamericana y de los libros Jorge Ibargüengoitia: ironí­a, humor sátira y grotesco. «Los relámpagos desmitificadores» y otros ensayos crí­ticos (2011) y Jorge Ibargüengoitia: la transgresión por la ironí­a (1989); coordinadora de diversos volúmenes de crí­tica literaria, entre los que destacan (Re)escribir la historia desde la novela de fin de siglo: Argentina, Caribe, México (2002), Territorio de leonas: cartografí­a de narradoras mexicanas en los noventa (2001) y Las voces olvidadas. Antologí­a crí­tica de narradoras mexicanas nacidas en el siglo XIX (en colaboración con Nora Pasternac, 1991).

Fahm-i-Islam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-98

This research deals with an analytical study of the flirtatious introductions that came in the view of the praise poems that spread widely in the Ottoman era, where this study attempts to monitor the aspects of creativity and the status of poetic thought among some poets of the Levant in dealing with a broad poetic purpose is spinning, and how these poets benefited From the experiences of the ex throughout the ages and adding what is related to the spirit of their times on the one hand, and their personal perception about the issues of spinning and women and what they feel on the other hand, and this study relied on the analytical method that helps in clarifying the tradition and creativity in these introductions.

Stefan Krause ◽  
Markus Appel

Abstract. Two experiments examined the influence of stories on recipients’ self-perceptions. Extending prior theory and research, our focus was on assimilation effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in line with a protagonist’s traits) as well as on contrast effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in contrast to a protagonist’s traits). In Experiment 1 ( N = 113), implicit and explicit conscientiousness were assessed after participants read a story about either a diligent or a negligent student. Moderation analyses showed that highly transported participants and participants with lower counterarguing scores assimilate the depicted traits of a story protagonist, as indicated by explicit, self-reported conscientiousness ratings. Participants, who were more critical toward a story (i.e., higher counterarguing) and with a lower degree of transportation, showed contrast effects. In Experiment 2 ( N = 103), we manipulated transportation and counterarguing, but we could not identify an effect on participants’ self-ascribed level of conscientiousness. A mini meta-analysis across both experiments revealed significant positive overall associations between transportation and counterarguing on the one hand and story-consistent self-reported conscientiousness on the other hand.

2005 ◽  
Vol 44 (03) ◽  
pp. 107-117
R. G. Meyer ◽  
W. Herr ◽  
A. Helisch ◽  
P. Bartenstein ◽  
I. Buchmann

SummaryThe prognosis of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) has improved considerably by introduction of aggressive consolidation chemotherapy and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT). Nevertheless, only 20-30% of patients with AML achieve long-term diseasefree survival after SCT. The most common cause of treatment failure is relapse. Additionally, mortality rates are significantly increased by therapy-related causes such as toxicity of chemotherapy and complications of SCT. Including radioimmunotherapies in the treatment of AML and myelodyplastic syndrome (MDS) allows for the achievement of a pronounced antileukaemic effect for the reduction of relapse rates on the one hand. On the other hand, no increase of acute toxicity and later complications should be induced. These effects are important for the primary reduction of tumour cells as well as for the myeloablative conditioning before SCT.This paper provides a systematic and critical review of the currently used radionuclides and immunoconjugates for the treatment of AML and MDS and summarizes the literature on primary tumour cell reductive radioimmunotherapies on the one hand and conditioning radioimmunotherapies before SCT on the other hand.

2003 ◽  
pp. 15-26
P. Wynarczyk
The Core ◽  

Two aspects of Schumpeter' legacy are analyzed in the article. On the one hand, he can be viewed as the custodian of the neoclassical harvest supplementing to its stock of inherited knowledge. On the other hand, the innovative character of his works is emphasized that allows to consider him a proponent of hetherodoxy. It is stressed that Schumpeter's revolutionary challenge can lead to radical changes in modern economics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Wahyudin Noor

Abstract Pesantren are often associated with backwardness and traditionalism in everything: facilities, technology, learning methods, and even the curriculum. For now, it seems like the traditional term for pesantren is no longer relevant enough. The pace of movement in the era of renewal marked by the rapid development of technology has demanded pesantren to make adjustments. However, on the one hand, when viewed from the direction of change, the reform efforts pursued by pesantren are not to erase the old tradition, but merely to add something new so that the old tradition and conditions can be maintained while accepting the presence of a new one. On the other hand, the reform efforts undertaken by pesantren have implications for the fact that the typical values of the pesantren are fading away. Abstrak  Pesantren seringkali diasosiasikan dengan keterbelakangan dan tradisional dalam segala hal: fasilitas, teknologi, metode pembelajaran, dan bahkan kurikulumnya. Untuk saat ini, sepertinya istilah tradisional untuk pesantren, sudah tidak lagi cukup relevan. Laju gerak pembaharuan zaman yang ditandai dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi telah menuntut pesantren untuk melakukan penyesuaian diri. Kendatipun demikian, di satu sisi, jika dilihat dari arah perubahan, upaya pembaharuan yang ditempuh pesantren tidaklah untuk menghapus tradisi yang lama, tetapi sekadar menambah dengan sesuatu yang baru sehingga tradisi maupun kondisi yang lama bisa dipertahankan sambil menerima kehadiran yang baru. Di sisi yang lain, upaya pembaharuan yang dilakukan pesantren ternyata berimplikasi pada kenyataan akan semakin pudarnya nilai-nilai khas yang dimiliki oleh pesantren.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-52
Karimatul Khasanah

BASYARNAS’s verdict in resolving dispute can be negotiated or cancelled by submitting nullification to the Religious Court if the parties or one of them felt dissatisfied with the BASYARNAS verdicts. This case is important to be reviewed academically because of its paradox and ambiguity. On the one hand the decision is final and binding, but on the other hand it could be cancelled through the Religious Court. If the BASYARNAS verdicts really want to be final and binding, the nullification of the verdicts should be abolished. It can be replaced by an amendment of the verdict submitted to BASYARNAS and handed back to the arbitrator (arbitrator panel) who handles the dispute. Apart being fast and confidential, the arbitrator (judge) is more aware of the case, the reasons, evidences and witnesses of the dispute.

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