Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) Properti Di Kota Tanjungpinang Berbasis Website

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-47
Zulfachmi ◽  
Angger Andrea Amanda ◽  
Dedy Jauhari

The increasing need for property in Tanjungpinang City is very growing, especially in the housing sector. Selection of property based on location and facilities and infrastructure is always a consideration for the community in making decisions to buy a property. Difficulty finding property location information in a certain area often occurs, resulting in people not getting references about the properties offered in Tanjungpinang City. The purpose of this research is to create a web-based geographic information system (GIS) regarding the distribution of the number of properties on offer, especially in Tanjungpinang City using a web-based mapping approach. In the development of Property GIS the author uses the Waterfall method and in the analysis of system requirements it is modeled with UML (Unified Modeling Language) and implemented with the PHP programming language and MySQLI database. It is hoped that the results of making this property's geographic information system can help the public to find out information about the distribution of properties offered, such as the location of property coordinates, addresses, prices, property photos, property specification data and property developer data.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-34
Ari Waluyo ◽  
Satria Budi Santoso

The purpose of this research is to know the geographic information system of tourism that is in Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kebumen Regency and develop it Research methods used by doing observationin Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kebumen Regency, then proceed with the system development method. the research method used is by the method of SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). By using the Software Notepad ++ to build tourism Geographical Information System web-based. PHP as a programming language, MySQL as the database server and the design of the map using the Google Maps API. The object-oriented approach that is used UML (Unified Modeling Language) can explain the flow of the existing system. Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kebumen Regency has been doing promotion through mass media such as newspapers and brochures in the delivery of information. But the way is not enough to inform tourism and places of attractions. It is therefore through the design of Geographical information system of tourism was able to resolve the issue. After the results of the study of geographic information systems is expected delivery of tourism information becomes more widespread, and the tourists could be quick and precise in finding information a tourist want to visit.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-99
Sutejo Sutejo

Abstrak- Dunia sistem informasi terdapat banyak model sistem informasi, kaitan pasar dengan sistem informasi geografis adalah untuk memberikan berbagai macam informasi, terutama letak geografis pasar tersebut. Pentingnya informasi ini memberi banyak inspirasi terhadap pembuat model untuk merancang sistem-sistem yang mendekati dunia nyata. Model sistem informasi juga diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai alat prediksi kejadian di masa depan dengan mendasarkan pada data yang ada pada masa lalu dan masa sekarang. Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) ini di rancang untuk mengumpulkan data, meyimpan dan mengubah data, serta menganalisis objek beserta data geografis yang bersifat penting untuk di analisis. GIS yang disajikan dengan berbasis web pada perancangan ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat pemberian informasi kepada masyarakat luas. Hasil penelitian dengan pemodelan UML (Unified Modelling Language) sangat membantu dalam proses perancangan sebuah sistem informasi geografis pasar tradisional serta aplikasi sistem informasi geografis pasar tradisional berbasis web ini dapat digunakan sebagai sarana informasi pasar, khususnya bagi para calon pedagang yang ingin berdagang di salah satu pasar tradisional yang ada di Kota Pekanbaru. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi Geografis, Web, Pasar Tradisional, Pemodelan, UML. Abstract- The world of information systems provides many models of information systems, the link of market with a geographic information system is to provide various kinds of information, specially the geographical markets. The importance of this information gives a lot of inspiration for the model makers to design systems that approximates the real world. Model of information system is also expected to be used as predictors of future events by basing on the existing data on past and present. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is designed to collect data, store and modify data, and analyzing object along with geographic data which is important for analysis. GIS is presented with a web based on this design can also be used as a tool to provide information to the general public. The results of research by modeling UML (Unified Modeling Language) is very helpful in the process of designing a geographic information system of traditional markets as well as the application of geographic information system web-based traditional market can be used as a means of market information, especially for potential traders who want to trade in one of the traditional markets in the city of Pekanbaru. Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, Web, Traditional Market, Modeling, UML.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-148
Andrian Sah ◽  
Sukma Dwi Prakoso ◽  
Mursalim Tonggiroh

During the pandemic it caused disruption in all fields, including Small Industries. One of them is small Industries in the city of Jayapura experienced taking down of sales during the pandemi. Industry fields gave helping for small industry in Jayapura  as improvement and stability to improve Small Industries during this pandemic. The Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs only has information data from Small Industry Assistance and there is no development data, especially during the pandemic, development level data is needed to view and store data from observations. Therefore it is necessary to have a geographic information system to collect and provide information to small industries regarding the level of development, using the PIECES analysis method, designing using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) method, using the waterfall development method and the software used is QGIS. This research produced a Geographic Information System for the Development of Small Industries in the Pandemic as information for small industries in North Jayapura.

Abertun Sagit Sahay

Usage of Android Smartphone in home boarding information can give big benefit. If it is compared with searching of home boarding location manually, search with the application has some surplus, such as: a user can search through android smartphone everytime and everywhere, and also can see the detail of home boarding information. Search of home boarding in Palangka Raya city is still executed manually, alike search of home boarding location directly, if it’s not match, the seeker must search manually over and over again. For developing a geographic information system of home boarding search for Palangka Raya area that can find the nearest location, The Methodologhy used is Waterfall methodologhy that has 5 steps: (1) requirement: Actors those are administrator, home boarding owner and visitors. some of data are  photo, latitude and longitude, and home boarding information. (2) Design System: design system in this research used UML(Unified Modeling Language). (3) Coding & Testing: this step used Java Programming, Database MySQL and XAMPP and using Haversine Algorithm for home boarding searching. (4) Integration & Testing, Testing of all system used Blackbox testing. (5) Operation and Maintanance, this step for seeing change that is needed for fungtionalization of development. According to developing of geographic information system of home boarding  search. The conclusion are the user can know the nearest home boarding location from user’s position with using radius feature that used haversine algorithm, the owner of home boarding manage directly with giving original information and the application also help the owner on home boarding marketing. The application is expected to be developed as adding push notification feature  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 84-97
Nurita Suwanti ◽  

Currently, there are many information systems that are used to support and solve a problem that usually arises in an organization, company or government agency. One of them is Geographic Information System (GIS) technology which has developed rapidly. Where this system can be a means for delivering information on the location of the location, especially those related to the business of tailoring clothes. This geographic information system for mapping the location of the tailor's location aims to analyze, design and build a geographic information system for mapping the location that can convey information on the location of the tailor, convey complete information about the tailor's location so that it can be spread thoroughly to the public or system users, provide useful information to the public in the process of finding the location of tailors in Tembilahan city based on precise and accurate data. In designing the GIS mapping of the tailor's location, Waterfall is a system development method that functions as a mechanism to identify software, as well as UML (Unified Modeling Language) as modeling, and uses the PIECES method to facilitate researchers in building systems. With the geographical information system mapping the location of this tailor, the delivery of information about the tailor's place can be spread thoroughly to the community or system users.   Keywords:  System, Information, Geographic Information System, Tailor,WebGis.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-75
Andrew Kurniawan Vadreas

This study introduces a Geographic Information System (GIS) WEB-based terrestrial TV to the community in facilitating the people to find the desired direction of the TV broadcast. To find a way to do a television broadcast signal sender to determine the location and the location of the signal receiver terrestrial tv stations then calculate the latitude and longitude coordinates vector of both locations. With the study of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) terrestrial TV broadcasting can be taken into consideration in terrestrial TV broadcasting and information to the public about Web-based terrestrial TV broadcasting in Padang.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Yusiana Rahma ◽  
Arsya Yoga Pratama ◽  
Fita Choiyanti

Jurnal ini merupakan publikasi dari program kompetisi bisnis Indonesia yang telah dilakukan yang berhubungan dengan pencarian kos serta delivery laundry. Program tersebut sebagai upaya untuk membantu penyewa kos mengetahui infomasi alamat kos secara tepat dan cepat khususnya di Kabupaten Kudus dan mengoptimalkan bisnis laundry yang sedang berjalan. Hasil dari perancangan ini adalah Sistem Informasi yang menyajikan hasil analisa dan rancangan yang dituangkan dalam diagram UML (Unified Modeling Language) yang terdiri dari UseCase dan Activity Diagram.Didalam jurnal ini akan menyarankan untuk dapat membuat sebuah sistem yang dapat mempermudah masyarakat dalam pemberian informasi rumah kos untuk pendatang maupun masyarakat lokal. Hasil dari penelitian ini merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan dalam menangani permasalahan di Kabupaten Kudus dengan membuat bisnis startup My Travel Room ++. My Travel Room ++ adalah suatu sistem aplikasi pencarian kos berbasis Android yang berfungsi untuk pemberian informasi mengenai lokasi kos yang berada di kabupaten kudus serta melayani jasa laundry dengan cara delivery menggunakan aplikasi. Keunggulan aplikasi ini sudah menggunakan teknologi GIS (Geographic Information System).Kata kunci: kos, laundry, my travel room++, android, UML, GIS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-154
Andrian Sah ◽  
Suhardi Suhardi ◽  
Siti Nurhayati

Jayapura is a city has population over 240,340 people (Source: Jayapura administration department 2021) and will be increasing in the number of patients in hospitals every year, it will have impact on all hospitals in Jayapura. With this condition, the level of patient development during pandemic and before pandemic will be known. Based on the results of data collection, it is possible to classify categories of disease and treatment in hospitals to choose the best hospital in handling disease and treating patients, especially during pandemic because health management is having difficulties because the medical team focuses more on pandemic patients. Therefore, it is necessary to have geographic information system to collect and provide information to public about the level of development of patients in hospitals, using the PIECES analysis method, designing using Unified Modeling Language (UML) method, using waterfall development method and using QGIS for software used. This research resulted the Geographic Information System for the development of patients in Jayapura City Hospital during Pandemic as means of information for patients in Jayapura.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40
Arsya Yoga Pratama ◽  
Yusiana Rahma ◽  
Alifah Normassari

Jurnal berhubungan dengan jasa pengangkutan sampah yang diolah sebagai barang yang bernilai jual. Sistem tersebut sebagai upaya memanfaatkan sampah menjadi barang yang dapat dijual kembali dan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mepermudah sistem mengangkutan sampah. Hasil dari perancangan ini adalah Sistem Informasi yang menyajikan hasil analisa dan rancangan yang dituangkan dalam diagram UML (Unified Modeling Language) yang terdiri dari Use Case dan Activity Diagram. Didalam jurnal ini akan menyarankan untuk dapat membuat sebuah sistem yang dapat mempermudah masyarakat untuk mengangkut sampah dengan keuntungan penjualan sampah dan pengolahan sampah yang akan diolah sehingga menjadi barang yang mempunyai niai jual. Hasil dari penelitian ini merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan di kabupaten Kudus untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah, Sangkuts adalah jasa mengangkutan sampah yang diperoleh dari masyarakat untuk diolah kembali sehingga dapat bermanfaat dan bernilai jual .Keunggulan aplikasi ini sudah menggunakan teknologi GIS (Geographic Information System).Kata kunci: sampah, sangkuts,usaha, jasa, UML, GIS.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 399
Arsya Yoga Pratama ◽  
Iman Ardhi Prabowo ◽  
Alifah Normassari

Sebagai upaya membantu pemerintah untuk mengurangi terjadinya pungutan liar (Pungli) khusunya di Kabupaten Kudus dan mengoptimalkan kinerja tim saber pungli.  Di  dalam  penelitian  ini  akan  membuat aplikasi ALPUKAT, ALPUKAT adalah suatu sistem aplikasi pengaduan masayarakat berbasis Android yang berfungsi untuk melaporkan terjadinya pungutan liar di kabupaten kudus, dikembangkan dengan metode perancangan UML (Unified Modeling Language). Keunggulan aplikasi ini sudah menggunakan teknologi GIS (Geographic Information System).

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