Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Bidang Teknik Informatika
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Published By Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Universitas Palangka Raya


Ade chandra Saputra ◽  
Ahmadi Ahmadi ◽  
Ariesta Lestari

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when in public places, it is required to apply the 4M health protocol, namely wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds. In its implementation, there are officers who always maintain and remind people not to violate health protocols. Like remembering to wear a mask. The mask detection application is made as a computerized surveillance system that can store images of violations of the use of masks and provide warning sounds. Observations, discussions and literature studies are sources of data in this empirical research. Using Python as a programming language assisted with OpenCV for image processing. After passing through the 4 stages of Waterfall, namely Analysis, Design, Manufacturing and Development and Testing, an application is produced where the Raspberry Pi is a processing tool and images are captured from the camera module with a resolution of 1080x1024 px. This application can detect the use of masks with an accuracy of 90.5% using the Machine Learning Haar Cascade Classifier method. Where the condition of the face is a maximum of 30 degrees turned to the side and looked up

Arista Qiyamullailiy ◽  
Yusuf Amrozi

There are still some companies that do not apply ERP with company/organizational processing. ERP implementation is very important for companies, therefore it is necessary to find the right vendor to be applied to the company. So this research is needed to find out which vendors are most widely used in global business. The method used in this research is to find data in the literature and related journals. This research results in an ERP vendor that relatively dominates the market is SAP.

Khurotul Aeni

Arsip merupakan dokumen-dokumen penting dan berharga yang dimiliki oleh sebuah lembaga baik berupa tulisan tangan, video, audio, gambar dan file dokumen lainnya yang harus disimpan dengan baik, karena data-data arsip merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan dan nantinya harus dipertanggung jawabkan. Pada Kantor Kepala Desa Krajan Pekuncen, Kab. Brebes dokumen penting dan data informasi mengenai surat disimpan masih secara manual yaitu dengan menyimpan data-data arsip hanya dilemari, sehingga memungkinkan data surat maupun dokumen tercecer serta memerlukan waktu lama dalam pencarian data maupun pemrosesannya. Data yang diarsipkan berupa dokumen arsip yang terbagi atas beberapa klasifikasi yaitu keuangan, logistik, aset tetap dan aset bergerak. Data arsip lainnya berupa arsip surat yaitu surat masuk dan surat keluar. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah sistem informasi menggunakan suatu framework yaitu Codeigniter. Framework CI dikembangkan untuk memudahkan dalam developing aplikasi dengan stuktur file source-code nya menggunakan pendekatan Model-View-Controller(MVC) dan pemrograman berorientasi objek. Penggunaan metode waterfall memungkinkan implementasi sistem informasi kearsipan dapat diterapkan di Kantor Kepala Desa Krajan Pekuncen, Kab.Banyumas. Hasil dari pembuatan sistem informasi kearsipan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dibangunnya sistem informasi kearsipan dapat membantu Sekretaris Desa dalam mengolah dan memproses data arsip yang ada di Kantor Kepala Desa Krajan Pekuncen, Kab.Banyumas

Widiatry Widiatry ◽  
Putu Bagus Adidyana Anugrah Putra

Department of Early Childhood Education Development and Community Education (BP PAUD and Dikmas) Central Kalimantan Province is the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education and Community Education (PAUD and Dikmas) of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Several facilities can be rented out to the public at the agency, such as halls, dormitories, and guest houses. There are still many people who do not know this public facility that can be used. The rental process is still done manually by coming directly or sending a letter of application. In terms of bookkeeping, sometimes there are some data recording errors. Therefore, a website was developed that can help provide information on what public facilities can be used for the public and used to carry out the rental process to help the community make rentals without having to come directly to BP PAUD and Dikmas. Developing this website using the Waterfall software development methodology has stages, namely Requirements Definition, which is done by making Flowcharts. System and Software Design is carried out by making Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) and Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Implementation and Unit Testing with the programming languages used, namely HTML, PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript and MySQL and Integration and System Testing. The testing method used is the Blackbox method. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that this website can run according to its function. The final result of this program also shows the achievement of the objectives that have been implemented, such as the presence of several features that are used appropriately according to their use.

Annisa gatri Zakinah

Teknologi informasi dapat meingkatkan kinerja suatu organisasi, tetapi kurangnya penerimaan atau kepuasan pengguna pada suatu sistem dapat menjadi faktor penghambat. Dalam dunia pendidikan, hal-hal lain seperti pembiayaan juga ikut berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan pelayanan dan kinerja organisasi. Dibutuhkan sistem yang baik agar dapat menyediakan sistem pembayaran yang mudah, efektif, dan efisien. Salah satu yayasan pendidikan yang menaungi unit KB/TK, SD, SMP, dan SMA telah mempunyai sistem aplikasi ESCOLA yang khusus menangani pengelolaan keuangan. Supaya tujuan yayasan dapat tercapai, diperlukan evaluasi kepuasan pengguna terhadap aplikasi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan metode UTAUT dan EUCS untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna. Hasilnya, 68,8% pengguna menyatakan puas dengan adanya aplikasi ESCOLA. Namun, pengembangan tetap diharapkan oleh pengguna, khususnya dalam hal integrasi dengan aplikasi pendukung lainnya.

Fathul Hafidh ◽  
Mirza Yogy Kurniawan ◽  
Rezky Izzatul Yazidah Anwar

The Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) Banjar Regency is a forum for association of student organizations within the Banjar Regency. The registration process for organizational members is carried out conventionally, which must come to the PMII Kabupaten Banjar then filled out all available forms and collected them back to the administration department. Then a written test is held which will be held on the specified day, after the participant is declared to have passed, then the participant will be invited to carry out an interview test.  Documentation of activities on books and paper causes data recording to take a long time due to different handwriting and difficulty in reading them, books and paper are also prone to damage and loss. It is very difficult to find data from previous registered member because there is no good documentation. There is also no standard committee election fee, which creates difficulties in choosing a new committee.  With the Information System, the registration service process, written tests until interviews can be well documented and stored, data retrieval becomes faster also data management is more structured. The management system for each member also facilitates the management of existing members in the PMII Kabupaten Banjar and can be used as a reference when forming a committee. Testing User Acceptance on the application of the system gets Cronbach Alpha value of 0.654, which means that the reliability is included.

Enny Dwi Oktaviyani ◽  
Licantik Licantik

Software Requirements Specification Document must be complete, unambiguous and correct because an incorrect Software Requirements Specification Document can lead to failure in software development. Software Requirements Specification document must contain non-redundant sentences. Meyer's Seven Sins describes several errors in Software Requirements Specification Document, one of which is redundancy which is a variant of noise. Redundancy is the repetition of the same information, but using different terms or phrases, thus giving the impression that new information is available. This study analyzes the performance of the framework and tools for detecting redundancy in sentence pairs in the software requirements specification document using the WordNet-based semantic similarity method. This study tries to develop the framework and tools that have been proposed in previous studies, namely by detecting redundancy in sentence pairs without fact extraction. The proposed approach and evaluation process uses Kappa values ??to determine whether the performance of the framework and assistive tools can be used to detect redundancy in sentence pairs properly. The method using literature study, data collection, problem analysis, making a framework, making auxiliary tools, and testing. The test uses the Kappa value with two scenarios, from the results of testing the framework and assistive tools can be used to detect redundancy in the Software Requirements Specification Document with a Kappa value of 0.777 with the interpretation of the kappa value is a substantial agreement at a threshold of 0.73

Viktor Handrianus Pranatawijaya

Location Based Service (LBS) is a service to provide information that has been created, compiled, selected or filtered by considering the location of users or other people or current mobile devices [1]. It is possible to implement LBS using GPS because mobile devices have GPS services [6]. Based on these services, making an application for room recognition can be done by utilizing the Google Maps API by implementing GIS, LBS, and GPS. Implementation of application with extreme programming methods is carried out in accordance with the stages. In the planning part, an analysis is carried out on the business needs and user stories, in the design, use case diagrams and activity diagrams are made, coding is done by implementing the design using the mobile programming language, and testing is done using black box testing. The application of LBS is carried out when calling the room information page which functions to find the location of the room and displays notifications and room information when the user enters the radius that has been determined in the room data. Determining the radius is very important to do so that the information about the room that is displayed does not overlap with other rooms. This is done to keep the room information displayed to the user only to display information about one room only. Therefore, when determining the radius of the room, it must be determined carefully so that the radius can create a circle that does not intersect with other radius circles. The room information displayed is obtained from data management by the admin through the building management page, rooms, and items. In managing, admins can add, edit, and delete data.

Nova Noor Kamala Sari

Information about the TOEFL test at Palangka Raya University is still being carried out manually starting from registration, payment confirmation, announcing when the exam will be held, the TOEFL test process, and graduation announcements. The TOEFL test is still being carried out continuously at Palangka Raya University which of course will require more time for both participants and language center officers. The purpose of this study is to build a web-based information system that will provide registration services, scheduling, division of exam rooms and announcement of the TOEFL test results at the UPT Language, Palangka Raya University.

Widiatry Widiatry ◽  
Nadia Olivia Anggraini

Learning at this time not only through materials but also by practicing. With the current manual system perceived to be inadequate such as the storage of practical student data, information about practicum. Therefore, the author builds a website to improve the practical working system with the aim of this application is to increase the efficiency of practicum.In designing the Website Praktikum Program Biology Study Faculty of Mathematics And Natural Sciences uses waterfall method with stage, Requirements Definition, System and Software Design, Implementation and Unit Testing, Integration and System Testing, Operation and Maintenance. The software used in building this website is Visual Studio Code, MySQL, and XAMPP. This website has been tested with blackbox testing that generates that every feature in the website can run well. Designing the website of praktikum biology study program faculty of mathematics and natural sciences was developed with the aim as the purpose of information media that facilitates information such as practicum schedule data, practicum modules, lists of practicum values and announcements related to practicum, can assist the head of the laboratory in monitoring the implementation of practicum

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