tourism information
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
HongYan Liang

Actual tourism mining models are often used to discover potential information in documents, but tourism models without human knowledge often produce unexplainable topics. This paper combines big data technology to build a personalized recommendation system for smart tourism, model the contextual information usage ontology under the tourism information system, and give the association between various ontologies. Then, this paper uses a matrix to describe each discrete attribute and interval attribute and uses a vector to model the user’s preferences. In addition, this paper constructs an intelligent recommendation system based on the actual needs of travel recommendation and verifies the system in combination with experimental research. Through experimental analysis, it can be known that the intelligent tourism personalized recommendation system based on big data technology proposed in this paper has a high practical effect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-62
I Made Mardika ◽  
Agus Kurniawan ◽  
Ni Komang Arini Styawati

Partners and target audiences of PPDM Spiritual Tourism Development in Pekraman Gelgel Village, Klungkung are the Bendesa Adat and community groups 'krama' Pekraman Gelgel Village. Pekraman Gelgel Village was chosen as the target of service because it has the potential to be developed into a model for a spiritual tourism village, received support from the Klungkung Regency government, and submitted an application to be a village under the Postgraduate Program of Warmadewa University. The aim of PPDM is to empower the community in preparing, designing and developing various potentials of their cultural heritage in order to realize Gelgel Pekraman Village as a Spiritual tourism. PPDM is designed for 3 years, the first year program is the preparation of a master plan, online spiritual tourism information, and collaborative tourism management regulatory policies. The solutions offered to overcome these problems are: (1) Assistance in the preparation of infrastructure development plans (masterplan) related to the temple cultural heritage in Pekraman Gelgel Village as a Spiritual DTW, (2) Assistance in preparing information on temple cultural heritage which is packaged into content. tourist information on the website, (3) Assistance in the formulation of policies and rules that integrate the management of temple cultural heritage in Pekraman Gelgel Village as a collaborative Spiritual Tourism. The outputs produced are articles in national journals with ISSN, activity videos, publications in print/online media, increased competitiveness, increased application of science and technology, and improved values in society.  

2021 ◽  
Yuwanti Rili Respatyanti

<p>Despite of Indonesia has many packages on offer to tourists, including cultural, culinary and natural attractions, UNWTO’s (2018) research revealed that Indonesia is in the 9th position in terms of the number of international tourist arrivals compared to other Asia countries in 2017. Hence, the main objective of this project is to respond the lack of information availability of Indonesia’s tourism destinations worldwide (Cholik, 2017; Petriana, 2017; Wijaya, 2017) by proposing a travel app called Extra. The utilization of an ICT tool has been preferred as it proved to be effective to support the dissemination of tourism products, services, and information (Buhalis & Law, 2008; Hyde, 2008, Caraivan, 2017). In particular, Extra aims to give tourists a local experience while visiting Indonesia, as well as to boost more exposure of Indonesia’s tourism destinations in the global market by providing tourism information, products and services derived from trusted locals.   Through using a mixed method research design, feedback from tourism stakeholders, tourists and the online questionnaire’s respondents are collected and analyzed. Main findings that were emerged from this study suggested desired features of potential users to use Extra, which are local recommendations of local tours and activities, online/offline route planning, self-designed itinerary, and ratings/reviews from other travelers. From the tourism service providers’ perspectives, Extra will be advantageous if it can provide more approachable contact to their customers, accommodate the lack of skill, time or resource to update tourism information or social media regularly, and encourage more efficient business operation by providing a single platform to manage all of tourism products and services. Due to the short nature of this study, limitations on the amount of research conducted have constrained the ability to examine certain subjects, such as the type of preferred communication channel to enable effective and more amicable interaction between tourist and tourism service providers, as well as the significance of a customer service feature in a travel app to encourage a better traveling experience. Following the data collection and analysis, a business case projection was created to propose the development and commercialization of Extra. It includes the recommendation of the business model design, market and product validation evaluation, as well as resource requirements of Extra development project.  Reflecting on the research findings and business case recommendations, taking into an acknowledgement of the necessary future research that will be discussed, the initiation step of developing Extra will be started by seeking potential project partners such as Ministry of Tourism and angel investors, as well as consulting with legal advisor to process the necessary business permits to commence a travel app business in Indonesia. Later on, in a case of successful implementation of Extra, the lean startup methodology (Ries, 2011) will be applied consistently to allow continued adjustments in order to improve the app’s service. This includes conducting further research on aspects that need further validation.  Without the implementation of Extra, it is difficult to identify the actual value propositions that are needed by both tourists and tourism stakeholders to make them use Extra or purchase it. Therefore, future research is required after the implementation of Extra in order to identify to what extent the app’s values could entice its users to pay more for the service, and what features will be likely to be altered to improve Extra’s perceived values to its users.</p>

2021 ◽  
Yuwanti Rili Respatyanti

<p>Despite of Indonesia has many packages on offer to tourists, including cultural, culinary and natural attractions, UNWTO’s (2018) research revealed that Indonesia is in the 9th position in terms of the number of international tourist arrivals compared to other Asia countries in 2017. Hence, the main objective of this project is to respond the lack of information availability of Indonesia’s tourism destinations worldwide (Cholik, 2017; Petriana, 2017; Wijaya, 2017) by proposing a travel app called Extra. The utilization of an ICT tool has been preferred as it proved to be effective to support the dissemination of tourism products, services, and information (Buhalis & Law, 2008; Hyde, 2008, Caraivan, 2017). In particular, Extra aims to give tourists a local experience while visiting Indonesia, as well as to boost more exposure of Indonesia’s tourism destinations in the global market by providing tourism information, products and services derived from trusted locals.   Through using a mixed method research design, feedback from tourism stakeholders, tourists and the online questionnaire’s respondents are collected and analyzed. Main findings that were emerged from this study suggested desired features of potential users to use Extra, which are local recommendations of local tours and activities, online/offline route planning, self-designed itinerary, and ratings/reviews from other travelers. From the tourism service providers’ perspectives, Extra will be advantageous if it can provide more approachable contact to their customers, accommodate the lack of skill, time or resource to update tourism information or social media regularly, and encourage more efficient business operation by providing a single platform to manage all of tourism products and services. Due to the short nature of this study, limitations on the amount of research conducted have constrained the ability to examine certain subjects, such as the type of preferred communication channel to enable effective and more amicable interaction between tourist and tourism service providers, as well as the significance of a customer service feature in a travel app to encourage a better traveling experience. Following the data collection and analysis, a business case projection was created to propose the development and commercialization of Extra. It includes the recommendation of the business model design, market and product validation evaluation, as well as resource requirements of Extra development project.  Reflecting on the research findings and business case recommendations, taking into an acknowledgement of the necessary future research that will be discussed, the initiation step of developing Extra will be started by seeking potential project partners such as Ministry of Tourism and angel investors, as well as consulting with legal advisor to process the necessary business permits to commence a travel app business in Indonesia. Later on, in a case of successful implementation of Extra, the lean startup methodology (Ries, 2011) will be applied consistently to allow continued adjustments in order to improve the app’s service. This includes conducting further research on aspects that need further validation.  Without the implementation of Extra, it is difficult to identify the actual value propositions that are needed by both tourists and tourism stakeholders to make them use Extra or purchase it. Therefore, future research is required after the implementation of Extra in order to identify to what extent the app’s values could entice its users to pay more for the service, and what features will be likely to be altered to improve Extra’s perceived values to its users.</p>

2021 ◽  
Kun Zhang ◽  
Jia Zhu ◽  
Xuebin Huang ◽  
Haifeng Wang ◽  
Vaniushkina Dina ◽  

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