2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-84
Khusnul Khotimah ◽  
M Farid Nasrulloh

Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan literasi matematika pada mahasiswa dengan gaya belajar sekuensial dalam menyelesaikan masalah statistika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Proses pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan angket gaya belajar, memberikan tugas pemecahan masalah, kemudian memilih salah satu hasil tes untuk di deskripsikan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara, mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, dan memverifikasi data. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah subjek sekuensial memiliki kemampuan literasi pada level 1 yaitu Menggunakan pengetahuan untuk menyelesaikan soal rutin dan namun masih blom dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang konteksnya umum . Subjek sekuensial memiliki kemampuan literasi pada level 2 yaitu dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan rumus. subyek sekuensial belum bisa Melaksanakan prosedur dengan baik dalam menyelesaikan soal serta belum bisa memilih strategi pemecahan masalah, sesuai dengan level 3. Subjek sekuensial cukup bekerja secara efektif dengan model dan dapat memilih serta mengintegrasikan representasi yang berbeda, kemudian menghubungkannya dengan dunia nyata sesuai dengan level 4.Subjek sekuensial memiliki kemampuan literasi pada level 5 yaitu Bekerja dengan model untuk situasi yang kompleks. Subyek telah dapat menunjukkan variasi ketahanan yang lebih baik dengan koefisien variasi, namun belum mampu menggunakan penalaran dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematis dan dapat membuat generalisasisesuai level 6. Kata Kunci : kemampuan literasi matematika, gaya belajar sekuensial dan statistika Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical literacy skill in students with sequential learning styles in solving statistical problems. This research is a qualitative research. The process of collecting data in this study is done by giving a questionnaire learning style, providing problem-solving tasks, then choose one of the test results to be described. Data analysis is done by collecting data, reducing data, and verifying data. The results obtained in this study are sequential subjects have literacy skills at level 1 that is Using knowledge to solve routine problems and yet still blom can solve the problem of the general context. The sequential subject has a literacy skill at level 2 that can solve problems with formulas. sequential subjects have not been able to carry out the procedures well in solving the problem and have not been able to choose a problem-solving strategy, according to level 3. Sequential subjects simply work effectively with the model and can choose and integrate different representations, then connect it with the real world according to level 4 . Sequential subjects have literacy skills at level 5 ie Working with models for complex situations. The subject has been able to show better variation of endurance with the coefficient of variation, but has not been able to use reasoning in solving mathematical problems and can make generalizations according to level 6. Keyword : mathematics literacy skills, sequential learning styles and statistics

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Fajar Hendro Utomo ◽  
Indah Setyo Wardhani ◽  
Muhammad Abdul Roziq Asrori

This objective of this study is to describe competency of mathematic communication based on Van Hiele theory on geometry course viewed from visual and kinesthetic learning styles.  The study was conducted in STKIP PGRI Tulungagung in November 2013 to August 2014, assigning 45 students as sample.  The study revealed that: First,  auditory learning style was achieved by: Level 1 = 0, Level 2 = 2, Level 3 = 9, Level 4 = 4, and Level 5 = 0, averaging at Level 3.  This means that students do not understand when they construct  definition, argument, role, formal deduction they worked;  Second, kinesthetic learning style was achieved by: Level 1 = 0, Level 2 = 6, Level 3 = 10, Level 4 = 2, and Level 5 = 0, averaging at Level 3.  This means that students do not understand on the work as done through auditory learning style.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 565-574
Nur Fitriyah Indraswari ◽  
Siti Zakiyah

This study aims to identify the level of students' algebraic reasoning in solving recursive relation problems using tower hanoi props in terms of learning styles. This research is a descriptive exploratory research with a qualitative approach. The instruments in this study consisted of learning style questionnaires, Mathematics Ability Tests, Problem Solving Tasks, and task-based interviews. The research begins with giving tests of mathematical ability and learning style agket to 8 semester VI students of the STKIP PGRI Sumenep mathematics education study program in Sumenep to obtain three subjects, each with visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles with equal mathematical abilities and of the same gender. After that, it was followed by giving problem solving tasks and task-based interviews twice. Time triangulation is used to check the validity of the data. The data analysis technique consists of 5 stages, namely data categorization, data reduction, data presentation, data interpretation, and drawing conclusions. The results show that the visual subject is higher than level 2 but has not reached level 3, the auditory subject is at level 2, and the kinesthetic subject is at level 3. The three subjects have reached the stage of solving the problem, but the one who can solve the problem until they find the final solution is only the kinesthetic subject. The implication of research in learning is that teachers can more easily design learning according to their learning styles so that they can hone students' algebraic reasoning.

Bagas Ardiyanto ◽  
Gunawan ◽  
Maryam Abdulloh ◽  
Safrilia Septiasari

Each student has different problem-solving skills on the 3D topic. The study aims to find out the student problem-solving skills in the 3D Topics reviewed from geometry thinking level. This type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The subject in this study is as many as 20 subjects consisting of high problem-solving capabilities, moderate problem-solving capabilities, and low problem-solving capabilities. The data collection Instrument on this research is a level test of geometry thinking. The results showed that students in the category of high problem-solving skills were able to master level 0, Level 1, Level 2, and level 3 despite not being perfect, students in the category of problem-solving skills were able to master level 0, Level 1, and Level 2, students in the category of low problem-solving skills are only capable of mastering level 0 and Level 1.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-43
Khairunnisa Khairunnisa ◽  
Nana Sepriyanti

This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research subjects are 3 students of class XI.1 Natural Science in Public Islamic Senior High School (MAN) 1 Padang. They are different in terms of their mathematics ability; low, medium, and high. The data are collected by documentation, test method, and deep interview method. The data analyzed were the data of mathematical literacy skills test result and interview result. Mathematical literacy skills analysis by using PISA indicator revealed that student with low mathematics ability (S1) is at level 2 of mathematical literacy skills, Student with medium mathematics ability (S2) is at level 3 of mathematical literacy skills. This is due to the student ability to fulfill all indicators of questions at level 1, 2, and 3. Next, the student with a high mathematics ability (S3) is at level 5 of mathematical literacy skills since the student is able to fulfill the literacy indicator at level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. However, at level 6, S3 find it difficult to analyze the questions.

Ika Farida Yuliana ◽  
Rendy Priyasmika ◽  
Fatayah Fatayah

This study aims to identify the chemical literacy level of students on Physical Chemistry course, especially in Thermochemisty. Chemical literacy is a major goal in chemistry education recently. The measuring of chemical literacy level in this study used a chemical literacy instrument developed based on Shwartz, framework. The instrument measure students' chemical literacy skills at each level. There are 4 levels of literacy that are measured, namely nominal literacy (level 1), functional literacy (level 2), structural literacy (level 3) and multi-dimensional literacy (level 4). The objects in this study were 14 first year students of Billfath University who took Physical Chemistry course. The data were collected after student got the Thermochemistry subject. The measurement results show that 14.29% of students reach level 3, 71.42% of students reach level 2 and 14.29% of students reach level 1. These results indicate that there is no student that able to reach the highest level 4. Overall, the chemical literacy level of first year students in the Physical Chemistry course is classified as low level. These results allow further development in learning to increase students' chemical literacy level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 451-462
Erik Suharyono ◽  
R. Rosnawati

AbstrakLiterasi matematika merupakan salah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika sehingga perlu termuat dalam buku teks matematika sebagai sumber utama belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil analisis soal-soal pada buku teks pelajaran matematika SMP kelas VII semester II kurikulum 2013 ditinjau dari literasi matematika. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik pengkodean, dan teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 408 soal yang dianalisis, terdapat 49,26% soal serupa dengan soal-soal pada PISA. Proporsi konteks didominasi oleh konteks umum dengan persentase 42,29%. Aspek proses didominasi oleh proses menggunakan konsep, fakta, prosedur, dan penalaran dengan persentase 66,17%. Selanjutnya, Level kompetensi matematika PISA didominasi oleh level 2 dengan persentase 52,74% dan level 1 dengan persentase 39,80%. Kurang dari 10% untuk level 3 sampai 6. Hal tersebut berarti bahwa soal-soal pada buku teks hanya mampu melatih peserta didik di level 2 kompetensi matematika PISA. Diperlukan sumber belajar lainnya yang dapat melengkapi kekurangan tersebut. Analysis of Mathematics Textbooks for Middle School based on Mathematics LiteracyAbstractMathematical literacy skills are one of the goals of learning mathematics, so that mathematical literacy needs to be included in mathematics textbooks as the main source of learning. The purposed study is to describe mathematical literacy in the items of a question in the 7th second-semester mathematic textbooks. This study was descriptive research. Data were collected through coding techniques. The reliability coefficient of the data is 0, 909. The results indicate that of the 408 items question, there is 49.26% that were similar to the questions on PISA. The dominant aspect of context is the societal context by 42.29%. The dominated process aspect is mathematical concepts, facts, procedures, and reasoning by 66.17%. Furthermore, the dominated PISA's mathematics competency level is level 2 by 52.74% and level 1 by 39.80%. Less than 10% for levels 3 to 6. This means that the questions in the textbook are only able to train students in level 2 PISA mathematics competence. Other learning resources are needed that can complement these shortcomings

Lania Muharsih ◽  
Ratih Saraswati

This study aims to determine the training evaluation at PT. Kujang Fertilizer. PT. Pupuk Kujang is a company engaged in the field of petrochemicals. Evaluation sheet of PT. Fertilizer Kujang is made based on Kirkpatrick's theory which consists of four levels of evaluation, namely reaction, learning, behavior, and results. At level 1, namely reaction, in the evaluation sheet is in accordance with the theory of Kirkpatrick, at level 2 that is learning should be held pretest and posttest but only made scale. At level 3, behavior, according to theory, but on assessment factor number 3, quantity and work productivity should not need to be included because they are included in level 4. At level 4, that is the result, here is still lacking to get a picture of the results of the training that has been carried out because only based on answers from superiors without evidence of any documents.   Keywords: Training Evaluation, Kirkpatrick Theory.    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui evaluasi training di PT. Pupuk Kujang. PT. Pupuk Kujang merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang petrokimia. Lembar evaluasi PT. Pupuk Kujang dibuat berdasarkan teori Kirkpatrick yang terdiri dari empat level evaluasi, yaitu reaksi, learning, behavior, dan hasil. Pada level 1 yaitu reaksi, di lembar evaluasi tersebut sudah sesuai dengan teori dari Kirkpatrick, pada level 2 yaitu learning seharusnya diadakan pretest dan posttest namun hanya dibuatkan skala. Pada level 3 yaitu behavior, sudah sesuai teori namun pada faktor penilaian nomor 3 kuantitas dan produktivitas kerja semestinya tidak perlu dimasukkan karena sudah termasuk ke dalam level 4. Pada level 4 yaitu hasil, disini masih sangat kurang untuk mendapatkan gambaran hasil dari pelatihan yang sudah dilaksanakan karena hanya berdasarkan dari jawaban atasan tanpa bukti dokumen apapun.   Kata kunci: Evaluasi Pelatihan, Teori Kirkpatrick.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 869
Xiuguo Zou ◽  
Jiahong Wu ◽  
Zhibin Cao ◽  
Yan Qian ◽  
Shixiu Zhang ◽  

In order to adequately characterize the visual characteristics of atmospheric visibility and overcome the disadvantages of the traditional atmospheric visibility measurement method with significant dependence on preset reference objects, high cost, and complicated steps, this paper proposed an ensemble learning method for atmospheric visibility grading based on deep neural network and stochastic weight averaging. An experiment was conducted using the scene of an expressway, and three visibility levels were set, i.e., Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Firstly, the EfficientNet was transferred to extract the abstract features of the images. Then, training and grading were performed on the feature sets through the SoftMax regression model. Subsequently, the feature sets were ensembled using the method of stochastic weight averaging to obtain the atmospheric visibility grading model. The obtained datasets were input into the grading model and tested. The grading model classified the results into three categories, with the grading accuracy being 95.00%, 89.45%, and 90.91%, respectively, and the average accuracy of 91.79%. The results obtained by the proposed method were compared with those obtained by the existing methods, and the proposed method showed better performance than those of other methods. This method can be used to classify the atmospheric visibility of traffic and reduce the incidence of traffic accidents caused by atmospheric visibility.

1986 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 1135-1138 ◽  
Penny Armstrong ◽  
Ernest McDaniel

A computerized problem-solving task was employed to study the relationships among problem-solving behaviors and learning styles. College students made choices to find their way home in a simulated “lost in the woods” task and wrote their. reasons at each choice point. Time to read relevant information and time to make decisions were measured by the computer clock. These variables were correlated with learning style variables from Schmeck's (1977) questionnaire. The findings indicated that subjects who perceived themselves as competent learners take more time on the problem-solving task, use more information and make fewer wrong choices.

2002 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-219 ◽  
Adam Ockelford

Like all fields of human artistic endeavour, music is constrained by our cognitive processing requirements and limitations (Swain, 1986; Lerdahl, 1988; Huron, 2001). This articleconsiders particular forms of constraint pertaining to the relationships that the structure-seeking mind (subconsciously) fabricates between perceived musical events. It is proposed that 2±1 may be a universal limitation pertaining to the level of relationships so ideated. That is, in terms of Lewin'S (1987) theoretical framework in which “intervals” can be intuited between the “elements” of musical “spaces”, it is posited that the cognition of musical structure occurs either through intervals (level 1), through intervals between these (level 2), or — in some circumstances — through intervals between these(level 3). This proposition is explored through the psychomusicological model developed by Ockelford (1991, 1993, 1999), which too analyses musical structure in terms of the relationships that may be cognised between its discrete perceptual components. In particular, the model identifies a type of cognitive link through which events (at any level) arefelt to imply others the same or similar — through so-called “zygonic” relationships. This theory suggests a further general principle: that the highest level of relationship inoperation at any given point must be zygonic if the music is to be structurally coherent. Evidence for this, and for the limit on the level of relationships of 2±1, is offeredthrough a series of musical examples, which illustrate a variety of musical organisation in action. Finally, empirical work is suggested to explore further the theoretical ideas that arepresented here.

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