scholarly journals Influence of sulfite and fluoride soil contamination on the pigment content in some species of arboreal plants

Biologija ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
Yuriy Prysedsky ◽  
Yuriy Lykholat

Industrial pollution of soil exerts a great negative influence on plant organisms. In particular, plants that grow in soil polluted with high-density metals, sulfur compounds (SO42–), chlorine (Cl–), etc., are characterized by growth inhibition and reduced metabolic activity. Additionally, plants play a significant role in optimizing the environment. The objects of the investigation were sprouts of five woody plant species – Gleditcia triacantos L., Quercus robur L., Lonicera tataricum L., Eleagnus angustifolia L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., which were cultivated in the soil contaminated with fluoride and sulfite. The content of chlorophyll a in the stable plants (Eleagnus angustifolia L. and Robinia pseudoacacia L.) decreases by 6.2‒190.0%, and chlorophyll b decreases by 3.1‒124.6% in comparison to control plants. All variations of pollutants inserted into soil cause a significant decrease in the level of chlorophyll a (14.7‒55.4%) for not-stable Lonicera tataricum L. The amount of chlorophyll b decreases 1.45‒1.88 times for this species. For stable species Eleagnus angustifolia L. and Robinia pseudoacacia L., the changes in the the content of carotenoids are characterized by their 4.5–5.5-times decrease in comparison to the control plants. For unstable species (Gleditcia triacantos L., Lonicera tataricum L.), the content of carotenoids decreases by 36.5‒86.3%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-65 ◽  
Н. Я. Мельничук ◽  
Я. В. Геник ◽  
С. П. Мельничук ◽  
М. М. Паславський

Розкрито особливості формування зелених насаджень урбанізованих екосистем. Визначено видовий склад лісопаркових і паркових насаджень міста Львова та їх просторовий розподіл. Досліджено та узагальнено фітоценотичні особливості міських насаджень, зокрема, їх флористичну, вікову та екологічну структури, а також візуально-естетичні якості. Встановлено, що процеси урбанізації спричинили формування в лісопаркових і паркових насадженнях Львова нових рослинних асоціацій та появу у фітоценозах інтродукованих деревних видів. Встановлено, що видова різноманітність трав'яного вкриття лісопаркових і паркових зон безпосередньо залежить від топографічних, мікрокліматичних і ґрунтових умов місцевості, а також від видового складу деревного намету та його зімкнутості. Проаналізовано мікрокліматичні характеристики різних за видовим складом фітоценозів лісопаркових і паркових насаджень. З'ясовано, що найбільш контрастними показниками мікрокліматичних особливостей лісопаркових і паркових фітоценозів, порівняно із показниками відкритого простору, характеризуються насадження із щільним наметом з перевагою у складі Carpinus betulus L., Quercus rubra Du Roi, Аcer platanoides L., Acer pseudoplatanus L. та Quercus robur L. За особливостями мікрокліматичних показників у лісопаркових і паркових фітоценозах та відкритого простору виділено три групи рослинних асоціацій: за різницею температур і вологістю повітря – "холодні-вологі", "помірні" та "теплі-сухі"; за вітровим режимом – "комфортні", "середнього комфорту" та "некомфортні"; за освітленістю надґрунтової поверхні: "темні", "середньої освітленості" та "світлі". Встановлено, що більш прогрітим є верхній шар ґрунтового покриву у фітоценозах "теплого-сухого" угруповання з перевагою у складі Pinus sylvestris L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Betulla pendula Roth., Larix decidua Mill. та Аcer negundo L. Визначено, що проективне трав'яне вкриття у рослинних асоціаціях, віднесених до груп "темних", або зовсім відсутнє, або не перевищує 5 %, а у "світлих" фітоценозах становить 95-100 %. Видове фіторізноманіття у "світлих" і "теплих-сухих" фітоценозах є вищим порівно із фітоценозами "середньої освітленості" і "помірних", а природне поновлення деревних видів у "темних" і "холодних-вологих" рослинних угрупованнях зазвичай відсутнє. Охарактеризовано групи рослинних асоціацій за шкалою естетичної цінності та санітарно-гігієнічними умовами згідно з виділеними кліматопами. Висвітлено значення відновлення фітоценотичної структури лісопаркових і паркових насаджень в оптимізації зелених зон урбанізованих екосистем.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 240-252
Tetiana Yusypiva ◽  
Halyna Miasoid

AbstractThe paper studies the influence of industrial pollution on bio-ecological characteristics of the one-year shoot of Robinia pseudoacacia L. in the conditions of the city of Dnipro, Ukraine. It analyses the state of biometric parameters of the shoot and anatomic indices of the stem of the studied species exposed to toxic gases. It was found that there are adaptive changes in the histological structure of the stem of R. pseudoacacia under the conditions of technogenesis. The study revealed that bio-ecological characteristics of the black locust are highly resistant to industrial emissions with big shares of SO2 and NO2. It was suggested to use R. pseudoacacia for greening of the technogenic territories.

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
Paola Nola ◽  
Francesco Bracco ◽  
Silvia Assini ◽  
Georg von Arx ◽  
Daniele Castagneri

Л. О. Коцун ◽  
І. І. Кузьмішина ◽  
В. П. Войтюк ◽  
Б. Б. Коцун

The forest plantations in q. 38 and q. 49 of Gubinsky forestry of the State Enterprise «Volodymyr-Volynsky Forest-Hunting Economy» in Volyn region were researched during the study. It was revealed that the edificatory tier is formed by centuries-old trees Quercus robur L., the undergrowth tier – by Carpinus betulus L., Q. robur, Populus tremula L. The shrubs are well expressed and formed by Sorbus aucuparia L., Corylus avellana L., Swida alba ( L.) Opiz., Euonymus europaea L., E. verrucosa Scop., Sambucus nigra L. It was found out that Q. robur of 150-180 years old grow on sod-slightly podzolic soils mainly in the 2nd class of growth class in two types of forest plant conditions – fresh hornbeam-oak-pine sugrudy in the q. 38 and fresh hornbeam sudubrava in q. 49, and are characterized by a wide range of completeness – 0.3–0.89. 70 species of vascular plants belonging to 5 divisions, 6 classes, 25 orders, 40 families and 63 genera were found in the studied territory. Magnoliophyta make up 90.0% of the total species. The most abundant species are Rosales (11 species; 15.7%), Lamiales (7 species; 10.0%), Asparagales, Poales (6 species each; 8.6 % each); such families as Rosaceae (7 species; 10.0%), Asparagaceae (4 species; 5.7%). We revealed the habitat of 4 rare species of plants of the state-level protection (Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich., Lilium martagon L., Galanthus nivalis L. with the conservation status «invaluable» and Lycopodium annotinum L. with the protection status «vulnerable» associated with finding the species on the border of the area). Of the adventitious (outlandish) species at the edge of the forest there are Ballota nigra L. s.l., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Stenactis annua (L.) Nees., Solidago canadensis L. The results of the analysis of forestry at q.38, ss. 29, 33; q.49, ss. 29, 36, 48, 49 of Gubinsky forestry of SE «Volodymyr-Volynsky FHE» and the forest inventory information have become the basis for scientifically substantiated conclusions of the expediency of protection of the investigated forest plantations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-208
V. P. Bessonova ◽  
A. S. Chongova ◽  
A. V. Sklyarenko

Woody plants, as an important element of optimization of the urban environment, respond negatively to the ever-increasing technogenic pressure in cities. Therefore, it is necessary to assess their vital status, the most sensitive indicator of which being the content of plastid pigments. In this article we analyze the effects of multicomponent contamination on quantitative fluctuation of the level of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of woody plants and identify sensitive species for the purpose of phytoindication in order to assess the state the environment is currently in. For the purposes of our research we chose the most widespread tree species in the city of Dnipro (Steppe zone of Ukraine), growing in the area of intensive industrial pollution and high levels of emissions by vehicles. We determined the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a and b, a + b, carotenoids) in the leaves of woody plants during different months of the growing season (June, July, August) and afterwards this data was used to compare the given parameters against the values taken from trees in the control area. The sum of chlorophyll levels a + b for the majority of plants was decreasing compared to the control. A more significant decrease in the content given by the sum of the a and b chlorophyll levels is observed in the assimilation organs of Aesculus hippocastanum L., Pinus pallasiana (D. Don) and Picea abies (L.) H. The most significant changes in the content of pigments in the leaves of plants under study were detected at the end of the growing season (in August). The content of green pigments in the leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia L., Platanus orientalis L. remains virtually unchanged. Under the influence of multicomponent contamination, the amount of pigments in the case of chlorophyll a in the majority of woody plant species decreases more rapidly compared to the control than in the case of chlorophyll b. The most noticeable drop in the content of chlorophyll a occurs in the leaves of Betula pendula Roth, Ae. hippocastanum, P. pallasiana, Acer platanoides L. and Tilia cordata Mill. The needles of P. abies and Picea pungens Engelm. 'Glauca’ on the contrary suffer from a significant reduction in the concentration of chlorophyll b. The species most resistant to multicomponent contamination in terms of changes in the content of chlorophyll in the leaf blade are R. pseudoacacia, P. orientalis. The concentration of carotenoids in the leaves of plants such as B. pendula, Ae. hippocastanum, A. platanoides, T. cordata, P. abies is lower than that of species growing in the relatively clean zone. The concentration of pigments in Populus alba L., P. pungens 'Glauca’ was higher during all of the months elapsed since the beginning of our study, whereas Ulmus laevis Pall., P. orientalis and R. pseudoacacia – had their concentrations reach an all time high in the second half of the growing season. Therefore, the peculiarities of quantitative fluctuation of photosynthetic pigments in plants, which are characterized by the variable resistance ability against the effects of technogenic multicomponent contamination, have been identified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 89-90 ◽  
pp. 3-12
Alla Hryhorenko ◽  
Yurii Klymenko

To develop measures for the restoration of historic plantations and landscapes of the Nataliivskyi Park (Kharkiv region, Ukraine), the investigations of taxonomic composition and distribution of woody plant taxa, as well as structure of different landscape areas, were carried out in 2018–2019. The recent studies were realized according to the same protocol applied in 1997 by Y. Klymenko, and taking into account previously published data.In 1939, the dendroflora of the Nataliivskyi Park comprised about 100 taxa. Later, the number of taxa significantly decreased, and in 1950 the park’s dendroflora comprised only about 40 taxa. In 1997 there were 74 taxa reported. Since 1997, the taxonomic composition of the park’s dendroflora has been enriched by ten taxa and is currently represented by 84 taxa. Simultaneously, the number of valuable plants in the plantations decreased (only one or two plants represent some such taxa). Due to a bark beetle attack on drought-weakened trees of Picea abies and P. pungens, most of them withered. The area of allotments with Pinus sylvestris and Quercus robur remained almost the same, which indicates their stability. The area of allotments with the domination of such naturalized introducers as Acer negundo and Robinia pseudoacacia and the area of allotments with the domination of neither taxa have increased. In the landscapes, the redistribution of the types of areas appeared. The forest type of landscape became predominant, while the meadow type of landscape has almost disappeared.Hence, to restore historical plantings and landscapes, it is necessary to re-cultivate taxa represented here during the park’s heyday and remove invasive tree species. Although cuttings in protected areas are currently prohibited, our investigations showed that they might help preserve such valuable territories as Nataliivskyi Park.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-118
О. E. Ivanchenko ◽  
V. P. Bessonova

The condition of woody plants of parks in the city of Dnipropetrovsk on morpho-physiological index of model trees was investigated. The highest values on the V.A. Alekseev vitality index were recorded for plants in Gagarin Park and Sevastopolskiy Park, the lowest values for Kalinin Park and Мolodezhnyj Park. The lowest values for length and thickness of annual sprouting relative to the control (Petrikovka Park) were found in Kalinin, Globa and Molodezhnyj parks for all studied species of trees, the smallest difference from the control group of plants being found for Robinia pseudoacacia L. There was a lower quantity of leaves on the annual sprouting in plants in Globa, Kalinin and Мolodezhnyj parks. In other parks, the difference between the experiment and the control was not statistically significant. The area of leaves in the trees was lower in the city parks compared with those of the park in the village, with the exception of Gagarin Park. More important, relative to the above-mentioned parameters, were differences in the assimilation area of the annual sprouting, with the exception of Gagarin Park. The amount of chlorophyll a + b in leaves of woody plants of different parks of the city less than in control. The greatest differences of pigment concentration in the leaves of Acer platanoides L. and Tilia plathyphyllos Scop. were found in Kalinin Park. For the leaves of the R. pseudoacacia no significant differences were found between the content of the amount of chlorophyll a + b in the trees which grow in Gagarin, Khmelnitsky and Sevastopolskiy parks and the background values for this parameter. It was found that the amount of chlorophyll a + b in the leaves of T. plathyphyllos and R. pseudoacacia by weight of the leaves on the annual sprouting was lower in the city parks compared with the trees in the village park, with the exception of Gagarin Park. For A. platanoides this difference was found to be significant in all experimental sites. It is appropriate to use such parameters as the length of the annual sprouting as a bioindicator of the environment annual sprouting, the leaf area, the content of chlorophyll a + b based on the weight of the leaves annual sprouting and assimilation area. As test-objects species sensitive to anthropogenic pollution, such as T. plathyphyllos and A. platanoides should be used. The trees in the best condition of vitality (according to the whole complex of indicators) are those in Gagarin, Shevchenko and Sevastopolskiy parks, the worst are in Kalinin, Globa and Мolodezhnyj parks.

2009 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-7
O. M. Vasilyuk ◽  
A. F. Kulik

Наведено результати досліджень активності ферментів інвертази (характеризує біологічну активність ґрунту, вміст гумусу, родючість ґрунтів) та уреази (ферменту азотного обміну) у ґрунтах штучних лісових насаджень Robinia pseudoacacia L., Betula pendula Rosh., Quercus robur L., Acer platanoides L. на рекультивованих ділянках Західного Донбасу. Показано сезонну динаміку активності ґрунтів залежно від типу біогеоценозу. 

Pneumologie ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 58 (11) ◽  
S Kespohl ◽  
R Merget ◽  
M Gellert ◽  
T Brüning ◽  
M Raulf-Heimsoth

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