scholarly journals Data on the distribution of Hystrichopsylla orientalis fleas (Siphonaptera) in Lithuania

Biologija ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
Indrė Lipatova

The aim of this study was to present data on the distribution of Hystrichopsylla fleas collected from different animals in Lithuania. The study was done by analyzing collections of fleas from 2011 to 2017. A total of 96 fleas of the genus Hystrichopsylla were collected from nine mammalian species (Apodemus flavicollis, Apodemus agrarius, Micromys minutus, Myodes glareolus, Microtus oeconomus, Microtus arvalis, Sorex araneus, Neomys fodiens, and Glis glis). Morphological analysis showed that all fleas were of the species Hystrichopsylla orientalis Smit, 1956.

2018 ◽  
Vol 142 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 485-486
Mirna Mihelčić ◽  
Marko Vucelja ◽  
Marina Šantić ◽  
Josip Margaletić ◽  
Nenad Turk ◽  

Francisella tularensisis uzročnik je zoonoze tularemije, koja ima široki raspon domaćina, uključujući člankonošce, sisavce i ptice. Dvije podvrste F. tularensis, subsp. tularensis (Tip A) i subsp. holartica (Tip B), opisane su kao najčešći uzročnici bolesti u ljudi (Kingry and Petersen, 2014; Kuehn et al., 2013). Tip A i Tip B razlikuju se po svojim biokemijskim značajkama, patogenosti, ekologiji, epidemiologiji te geografskoj rasprostranjenosti. Rasprostranjenost Tipa A uglavnom je ograničena na sjevernoamerički kontinent, za razliku od Tipa B, koji se javlja duž cijele sjeverne polutke, a ujedno je i najčešći uzročnik tularemije u Europi(Keim et al., 2007; Kuehn et al., 2013). No ekologija i kruženje ove bakterije u prirodi do danas još nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni. Različiti glodavci (voluharice, miševi, tekunice, bizantski štakori, dabrovi) te dvojezupci (kunić i zec) opisani su kao mogući rezervoari F.tularensis. Zadnja epidemiološka i epizootiološka istraživanja tularemije u Hrvatskoj datiraju iz šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća(Borcić et al., 1975). Stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio prikupiti nove podatke o prevalenciji tularemije u populaciji sitnih sisavaca u Hrvatskoj. Ukupno 444 uzoraka sitnih glodavaca i kukcojeda sakupljeno je u razdoblju od dvije godine na osam različitih lokaliteta u šumama kontinentalne Hrvatske: Lipovljani, Nova Subocka, Velika Gorica, Stara Gradiška, Županja, Sunja, Koprivnica i Čakovec (Slika 1). Pretraženi su uzorci slezene od: 197 Apodemus agrarius (poljski miš), 78 Apodemus sylvaticus (šumski miš), 92 Apodemus flavicollis (žutogrli miš), 17 Myodes glareolus (šumska voluharica), 27 Mycrotus agrestis (livadna voluharica), 20 Microtus arvalis (poljska voluharica) te 13 Sorex araneus (rovka). Uzorcisu pretraženi na prisutnost DNA Francisella spp. koristeći qRT-PCR metodu. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su od ukupno 444 prikupljene životinje tri uzorka (0.67%), od kojih dva poljska miša te jedan šumski miš, bili pozitivni su na francizelu (Tablica 1). Sva tri pozitivna uzorka prikupljena su na istom području – lokalitetu Lipovljani. Tularemija je bolest koja se primarno povezuje s „nizinskim“ i „vodenim“ ekosustavima (Borcić, 1973). Područje duž toka rijeke Save (Posavina) opisuje se kao prirodno žarište tularemije u Hrvatskoj (Borcic et al., 1976), akao glavni rezervoar tularemije na tom području navodi se poljska voluharica (Borcic et al., 1976). Trimiša pozitivna na F. tularensis upućuju da je ova bakterija i dalje prisutna u populaciji sitnih glodavaca u Hrvatskoj. Nadalje, svi pozitivni uzorci prikupljeni su na lokalitetu Lipovljani, smještenom u srednjem dijelu toka rijeke Save, stoga ova regija zadržava obilježje prirodnog žarišta tularemije u Hrvatskoj.

2016 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-86
Grzegorz LESIŃSKI ◽  
Przemysław STOLARZ ◽  
Jakub GRYZ ◽  
Radosław DĄBROWSKI ◽  

The diet of three owl species was analysed in 32 sites localised in the Masovian Landscape Park and its outskirts to determine the structure of small mammal communities. Study was done in the years 1993–2016, 5,728 vertebrate prey (including 4,001 mammals) were collected. Five species of soricomorphs, six bats, 14 rodents and one species of Carnivora were found. Among mammals, Myodes glareolus had the greatest share in the diet of Strix aluco. Tyto alba most frequently caught Microtus arvalis and Sorex araneus, while Asio otus – M. arvalis and M. oeconomus. Those prey, together with Apodemus flavicollis and A. agrarius, dominated in small mammal communities. One site of Crocidura leucodon was found on the western edge of its range in Poland. The share of bats in the diet of S. aluco was small (0.5% of mammals), Plecotus auritus was most frequent. Muscardinus avellanarius was found in forests of the southern part of the Masovian Landscape Park. It was relatively often caught by S. aluco in favourable habitats. Shares of M. oeconomus, M. agrestis and M. avellanarius in the diet of owls were significantly higher in southern part of the study area remote from Warsaw.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 076 ◽  
C. Sesé ◽  
M. De la Rasilla ◽  
E. Duarte Matías

En el yacimiento del Pleistoceno Superior de la cueva de El Sidrón, con una datación de ~49.000 ka, conocido por sus numerosos restos fósiles de neandertales, se han recuperado restos de micromamíferos cuyo estudio detallado se realiza en este trabajo. La asociación determinada es la siguiente: Sorex araneus–Sorex coronatus, Neomys cf. fodiens, Talpa sp., Rhinolophus euryale-Rhinolophus mehelyi, Marmota cf. marmota, Eliomys quercinus, Glis glis, Arvicola terrestris, Chionomys nivalis, Microtus arvalis-Microtus agrestis, Microtus lusitanicus, Microtus oeconomus, Clethrionomys glareolus, Apodemus sylvaticus-Apodemus flavicollis y Oryctolagus cuniculus. Estos taxones están presentes en la fauna actual de Asturias y de la región cantábrica excepto Microtus oeconomus que desapareció de la península ibérica en tiempos históricos y actualmente está en regiones euroasiáticas más septentrionales. La fauna de micromamíferos en conjunto parece indicar un medio predominantemente de espacios abiertos, generalmente de praderas de cierta humedad y desarrollo de la vegetación a nivel del suelo, aunque también habría zonas boscosas o arboladas de cierta entidad y algún curso de agua. La presencia, aunque con pocos restos, de algunas especies termófilas, y la ausencia de especies indicadores de clima frío, parecen indicar que el clima durante la formación de los depósitos fosilíferos del yacimiento sería relativamente templado y húmedo, probablemente similar al actual de la zona.

2017 ◽  
Νικόλαος-Ευάγγελος Καραντάνης

Το ενδιαίτημα των δέντρων είναι ένα περίπλοκο πλέγμα κορμών, κλαδιών και φυλλώματος, τα οποία καθιστούν την κίνηση και μετακίνηση απαιτητικές. Όμως, τα θηλαστικά έχουν καταφέρει να ανταπεξέλθουν στην πολυπλοκότητά του. Κατά την κίνηση επί των κλαδιών, η αναγκαιότητα για ασφάλεια και σταθερότητα εντείνεται. Επιπρόσθετα, καθώς τα πρώιμα ευθήρια θηλαστικά επιδεικνύουν μετακρανιακό σκελετό που σχετίζεται με τη διαβίωση στα δέντρα, είναι σημαντικό να μελετήσουμε τους συμπεριφορικούς μηχανισμούς που σχετίζονται με την αποδοτική δενδρόβια κίνηση. Ωστόσο, υπάρχει μία γενική έλλειψη ερευνών σε άλλα θηλαστικά και ιδιαίτερα τα πιο μικρόσωμα. Η παρούσα έρευνα χρησιμοποιεί μία πειραματική προσέγγιση προσομοιωμένων δενδρικών συνθηκών, επιχειρώντας να απομονώσει παραμέτρους των υποστρωμάτων και να συγκρίνει το πώς διαφορετικά μικρά θηλαστικά τροποποιούν τον βηματισμό τους για την δενδρόβια κίνηση. Για τους σκοπούς της παρούσας διατριβής εξετάσαμε οκτώ μικρόσωμα θηλαστικά: Acrobates pygmaeus(~12 g), Micromys minutus (~10 g), Apodemus agrarius (~20 g), Apodemus flavicollis (~30 g), Thallomys paedulcus (~70 g), Myodes glareolus (~20 g), Muscardinus avellanarius (~20 g), Glis glis (~130 g). Όλα κινηματογραφήθηκαν επί διαφορετικών διαμετρών υποστρωμάτων (2mm, 5mm, 10mm, 25mm) και κλίσεων (κάθοδος 45°, οριζόντιο, άνοδος 45°) στα 240 καρέ ανά δευτερόλεπτο σε ειδικά σχεδιασμένο τερράριο. Οι αναλύσεις μας αφορούσαν βασικές παραμέτρους βάδισης, όπως η διαγωνιότητα, ο παράγοντας φόρτου, ο δείκτης παράγοντα φόρτου, η ταχύτητα, το μήκος διασκελισμού και η συχνότητα διασκελισμού. Τα περισσότερα από τα εξεταζόμενα μικρά αναρριχητικά θηλαστικά επέλεξαν βάδιση πλευρικής-αλληλουχίας κατά την δενδρόβια κίνηση. Το Acrobates pygmaeus ήταν μια αξιοσημείωτη εξαίρεση, επιδεικνύοντας βάδιση διαγώνιας-αλληλουχίας, σε σύγκλιση με τα πρωτεύοντα. Τα περισσότερα μικρά θηλαστικά μείωσαν την διαγωνιότητα, τις σχετικές φάσεις αιώρησης των άκρων, και την ταχύτητα στα λεπτότερα υποστρώματα, προς αύξηση της σταθερότητας και απρόσκοπτης πλοήγησης. Σε πλατύτερα υποστρώματα, τα περισσότερα μικρά θηλαστικά αύξησαν σημαντικά την ταχύτητα και τις σχετικές φάσεις αιώρησης, και την χρήση ασύμμετρης βάδισης, με σκοπό ταχείες κινήσεις, αποφυγή εμποδίων και ενεργειακή βελτιστοποίηση, και πιθανώς μείωση έκθεσης στους θηρευτές. Η επίδραση της κλίσης στις παραμέτρους βάδισης ήταν πολύ ανόμοια ανάμεσα στα εξεταζόμενα είδη, υπονοώντας ότι πιθανώς να υπάρχει κάποια ενδογενής περιπλοκότητα, και διάφοροι μηχανισμοί οι οποίοι να επιδρούν σε αυτή. Σε σχέση με την ρύθμιση της ταχύτητας, σχεδόν όλα τα μικρά θηλαστικά αύξησαν την ταχύτητα κυρίως μέσω της συχνότητας διασκελισμού, παρά μέσω του μήκους διασκελισμού, το οποίο επίσης προωθεί την δενδρόβια ασφάλεια, μειώνοντας τις σωματικές ταλαντώσεις. Επιπροσθέτως, κάποιες από τις εξεταζόμενες παραμέτρους, όπως ο παράγοντας φόρτου και η συχνότητα διασκελισμού, προέβλεψαν με συνέπεια τον βαθμό δενδροδιαβίωσης. Εν κατακλείδι, παρά κάποιες περιορισμένες ανομοιότητες, τα μικρά δενδρόβια και αναρριχητικά θηλαστικά επιδεικνύουν συμπεριφορές που εν τέλει συνεισφέρουν στην επιτυχημένη εκμετάλλευση του ενδιαιτήματος των δέντρων. Το σωματικό μέγεθος και οι μορφολογικές ομοιότητες μεταξύ σύγχρονων δενδρόβιων/αναρριχώμενων μικρών θηλαστικών και των πρώιμων προγόνων των ευθηρίων (π.χ. Eomaia kai Juramaia) υπονοούν ότι αυτές οι πρώιμες μορφές θα συμπεριφέρονταν με παρόμοιους τρόπους, επιδεικνύοντας βάδιση πλευρικής-αλληλουχίας, σχετικά υψηλούς παράγοντες φόρτου, και αύξηση της ταχύτητας με αύξηση της συχνότητας διασκελισμού. Αυτές οι προσαρμογές, οι οποίες θα βοηθούσαν στην αποδοτική χρήση τόσο εδαφικών όσο και δενδρικών υποστρωμάτων, πολύ πιθανόν να συνεισέφεραν στην επιτυχή επικράτησή τους και στην ακόλουθη ακτινωτή διαπορά τους.

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 338-346
Jelena Blagojević ◽  
Milanko Šekler ◽  
Marija Rajičić ◽  
Branka Pejić ◽  
Ivana Budinski ◽  

The greatest epidemiological significance of leptospirosis in Europe comes from the fact that it is the most widespread zoonosis in the world. However, epizootiological data, especially information on maintenance hosts such as small wild mammals, are largely missing. To fill this gap in data in Serbia, we used RT-PCR for the detection of pathogenic Leptospira species and analysed 107 animals belonging to six species of small wild mammals (Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus flavicollis, Microtus arvalis, Myodes glareolus, Microtus subterraneus and Sorex araneus) collected from two localities. The animals from the first locality that was situated in a tourist area, were collected for four consecutive years (2014–2017). We found persistent incidence of infection from year to year ranging from 6.67% to 78.57%. The average frequency of infected animals was 33.3% with the highest frequency in 2014, the year characterised by a very high number of flooding days. All animals proved to be infected with pathogenic Leptospira species that were collected from the second locality situated in an agricultural area in a single year, 2014. The findings show a variable but constant presence of pathogenic Leptospira species in populations of small wild mammals in the studied areas, which indicates the need for constant monitoring.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
pp. 072 ◽  
C. Sesé

El material de micromamíferos del yacimiento del Pleistoceno Superior de la cueva de El Castillo, objeto de estudio detallado en este trabajo, proviene de los niveles auriñacienses 18b y 18c (datados en 40.000-45.000 BP), nivel 19, y niveles musterienses 20b, 20c, 20d, 20e (datados en 41.000-49.000 BP), 21a y 21b. La asociación de micromamíferos es la siguiente: Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura russula, Sorex coronatus, Sorex minutus, Neomys fodiens, Talpa europaea, Galemys pyrenaicus, cf. Miniopterus schreibersii, Chiroptera indet., Pliomys lenki, Microtus arvalis – Microtus agrestis, Microtus lusitanicus, Microtus oeconomus, Chionomys nivalis, Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus sylvaticus – Apodemus flavicollis y Lepus sp. La mayoría de estas especies están presentes en la fauna actual de Cantabria, excepto Pliomys lenki que se extinguió en el último tercio del Pleistoceno Superior, y Microtus oeconomus, que persistió en la península ibérica durante el Holoceno bien avanzado hasta su desaparición en tiempos históricos, y que actualmente está en regiones euroasiáticas más septentrionales. Hay una gran continuidad de la gran mayoría de los taxones en todos los niveles. La fauna en su conjunto parece indicar un medio predominantemente abierto, por lo general de praderas húmedas (y en mucha menor medida praderas secas) con una buena cobertura vegetal a nivel del suelo, en el que habría también algunas zonas arboladas o boscosas, y algún curso de agua. Los indicadores termófilos son escasos y poco abundantes, lo que podría indicar que el clima podría ser algo menos templado que en otros periodos del Pleistoceno Superior y quizás también que actualmente en la zona.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2020 (20) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Oksana Markovska ◽  

The study of the species composition and biotope preferences of small mammals around Kolomak had been carried out for four years (2017–2020). During the study period, 9 species of mouse-like rodents and 3 species of insectivores were found. No Cricetulus migratorius, Terricola subterraneus or Microtus oeconomus were found from the theoretically expected species already known for this area. Around Kolomak, 11 biotopes were investigated, including maple-linden oak forest, agrocenoses, dry and flooded meadows, which are located along the banks of a pond and in a gully-ravine system. The first year of research was in a year of high abundance (2017), and then 9 species were immediately discovered, but species with small abundance, such as Crocidura suaveolens, Sorex minutus, and Micromys minutus, were found in years with a small relative abundance of small mammals. Myodes glareolus, Sylvaemus tauricus and Sylvaemus uralensis are dominant species in the captures. According to the trapping results, 2017 was the year of high relative abundance of small mammals, 2018 was the year of the lowest relative abundance, 2019 and 2020 were years with an average relative abundance. During the study period, 6 species were identified in forest biotopes (Apodemus agrarius, Sylvaemus tauricus, Sylvaemus uralensis, Myodes glareolus, Sorex araneus, and Dryomys nitedula). In ecotones with floodplain biotopes, 8 species were found (Apodemus agrarius, Sylvaemus sylvaticus, Sylvaemus uralensis, Mus musculus, Micromys minutus, Myodes glareolus, and Sorex araneus). Four species (Mus musculus, Sylvaemus sylvaticus, Sylvaemus uralensis, and Microtus levis) were discovered near human settlements. In general, biotopes with the greatest species diversity and number of caught individuals are ecotones of dry and floodplain meadows. In years of high abundance, both species diversity and the number of individuals caught in the oak forest and in ecotones near the pond increased. It should be noted that Myodes glareolus was caught in clear-cuts during the two years (2019-2020) only in the summer of 2020. Earlier, not a single specimen of this species was caught there, although there is a dense weed grass cover in this area and the shrub layer has also grown up in some places, and the clear-cut is surrounded by oak forest.

2017 ◽  
Vol 141 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 557-562 ◽  
Josef Suchomel ◽  
Jan Zejda ◽  
Pavel Hadaš ◽  
Marta Heroldová

Changes of the moisture regime and its influence on the dominance of selected species of small mammal communities were studied in floodplain forests in southern Moravia (river Dyje). In period of typical floodplain regime characterized by groundwater table fluctuation (1968–1972, with high groundwater table level or floods in spring) dominance of Apodemus flavicollis (Mel.) was 42%, Myodes glareolus (Schreb.) 33% and Sorex araneus L. 15% of the total small mammal communities. In period 1982–1987 after cessation of floods by river regulation, rapid groundwater drop and changes in the herb layer, the dominance of Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus increased. Also the dominance of Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) increased, but that of Sorex araneus collapsed. Further revitalization measures were applied by systems of channels supplying the water to root system of forest trees but not to the herb layer. In 2002–2006 decreasing moisture condition further influenced the dominance of Apodemus flavicollis reaching mean dominance 62%, Myodes glareolus dominance decreased to 20% and that of Sorex araneus remain to be low. All estimated changes were correlated with moisture regime changes and were significant. Thus the changes in the forest moisture regime significantly affect the community of small terrestrial mammals.

Tomasz Szewczyk ◽  
Joanna Werszko ◽  
Kateryna Slivinska ◽  
Zdzisław Laskowski ◽  
Grzegorz Karbowiak

Abstract Purpose Bacteria of the genus Bartonella are obligate parasites of vertebrates. Their distribution range covers almost the entire world, from the Americas to Europe and Asia. Many Bartonella species use rodents as reservoirs, and while much is known about Bartonella infection of rodents in central Europe, its extent is poorly understood in Eastern Europe. Methods The present study examines five rodent species (Apodemus flavicollis, Myodes glareolus, Microtus arvalis, Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus sylvaticus) in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine. Total of 36 small mammals were captured in September 2017. Results The overall prevalence of Bartonella spp. was 38.9% (14/36) in rodents. Obtained four sequences from Apodemus flavicollis, were identical to Bartonella grahamii and B. taylorii. Conclusion This is the first report to confirm the presence of Bartonella spp. in rodents in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine by molecular methods. The sequences show similarity to Bartonella strains occurring in Europe.

J. Jenő Purger

Pellets were collected between 1999 and 2009, from 20 localities (investigated area: BT80, BS79, BS78, BS77, BS89 and BS88, according to 10×10 km UTM grids). In a total of 1570 Barn Owl pellets there were 4127 prey rem-nants. Small mammals were dominating (97.8%). 22 mammal species were evidented: Crocidura leucodon, C. suaveolens, Sorex araneus, S. minutus, Neomys anomalus, Talpa euro-paea, Eptesicus serotinus, Muscardinus avellanarius, Microtus agrestis, M. arvalis, M. oeconomus, M. subterraneus, Arvicola amphibius, Myodes glareolus, Apodemus agrarius, A. flavicol-lis, A. sylvaticus, A. uralensis, Micromys minutus, Mus mus-culus, M. spicilegus, Rattus norvegicus). Remnants of birds, amphibians and insects consisted 2.2 % of total prey.

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