COMPOSIÇÃO FLORÍSTICA DA REGENERAÇÃO NATURAL EM FLORESTA OMBRÓFILA MISTA Floristic composition of natural regeneration in mixed ombrophyllous forest

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 113
Rodrigo Lima ◽  
Nelson Yoshihiro Nakajima ◽  
Mario Takao Inoue ◽  
Jean Alberto Sampietro

Este trabalho avalia a regeneração natural em área de Floresta Ombrófila Mista (FOM) degradada por aterro sanitário na região centro-sul do Paraná. A amostragem foi realizada utilizando-se de parcelas com área de 4m2. Todas as plantas vislumbravam características de altura total < ou = 10 cm até altura total < ou = a 3,0 m e DAP (Diâmetro a altura do peito) < 10 cm. O número de espécies, os gêneros e as famílias foram relatados. O coeficiente de mistura de Jentsch (QM) médio foi de 1:5, sinalizando homogeneidade nos fragmentos florestais. A Araucaria angustifolia apresentou valores baixos em todos os parâmetros avaliados.

2016 ◽  
Vol 36 (85) ◽  
pp. 9 ◽  
Joema Carvalho ◽  
Santiago José Elías Velazco ◽  
Tiaro Katu Pereira ◽  
Franklin Galvão

Com o propósito de estudar a regeneração natural em povoamentos de Araucaria angustifolia (PA) e Pinus sp.(PP), sem manejo, nas áreas do Parque Estadual de Campinhos, no Município de Tunas do Paraná, PR, foram instaladas 18 parcelas de 10 m2, 7 para PA e 11 para PP. Amostraram-se todos os indivíduos maiores que 1,5 m de altura, dos quais se mensurou o perímetro à 1,30 m do nível do solo. No PA obteve-se 586 indivíduos, 67 espécies e 29 famílias e no PP foram mensurados 442 indivíduos de 58 espécies e 22 famílias. As espécies mais importantes no PA foram Cordyline spectabilis, Lonchocarpus muehlbergianus e Clethra scabra, e no PP C. spectabilis, Lonchocarpus sp1. e Cupania vernalis. O PA apresentou parâmetros fitossociológicos e diversidade superiores ao PP. A composição florística foi similar em ambos, o que denotou o potencial regenerativo do PP.Natural regeneration under reforestation of Araucaria angustifolia and Pinus sp. in Tunas do Paraná, PR, BrazilThis study aimed to assess the natural regeneration in stands of Araucaria angustifolia (PA) and Pinus sp. (PP) without management in Campinhos State Park, in the Municipality of Tunas do Paraná, Parana State, Brazil. Eighteen plots of 10 m2 were installed, 7 plots for PA and 11 for PP. All trees higher than 1.5 m were sampled and their circumference were measured at 1.30 m above ground level. In PA stand there were 586 individuals, corresponding to 67 species and 29 families and in PP stand 442 individuals of 58 species and 22 families were measured. The most important species in PA were Cordyline spectabilis, Lonchocarpus muehlbergianus and Clethra scabra; and in PP were C. spectabilis, Lonchocarpus sp.1 and Cupania vernalis. PA showed phytosociological parameters and diversity higher than PP. The floristic composition was similar for both stands, which denoted the regenerative potential of PP.Index terms: Native species; Forest plantation; Conservation unit

2013 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 39 ◽  
Suzane Bevilacqua Marcuzzo ◽  
Gislene Ganade ◽  
Maristela Machado Araújo ◽  
Marlove Fátima Brião Muniz

O desenvolvimento de grandes centros urbanos em áreas naturais resultou na supressão e degradação de florestas. A fim de obter ferramentas para implantação de programas de restauração nessas áreas, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de diferentes técnicas nucleadoras sobre os fatores bióticos e abióticos que limitam a regeneração natural, em uma área degradada em remanescente de floresta, no perímetro rural-urbano de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos inteiramente casualizados, em esquema fatorial, composto pelos seguintes tratamentos: Controle (C), Transposição de Solo (TS), Resíduos da Arborização Urbana Triturados (RT), Transposição de Solo misturado aos Resíduos da Arborização Urbana Triturado (TS+RT) e Poleiros Artificiais. Durante 12 meses, foi avaliada a abundância e riqueza de plântulas estabelecidas, e por sete meses, a chuva de sementes em coletores. Os resultados indicam que a transposição de solo foi o método mais eficiente para restauração da área degradada em estudo. Adicionalmente, a utilização de poleiros artificiais se mostrou eficiente, indicando tendência de aumento da riqueza florística e de sementes dispersas. No entanto, a vegetação exótica da área urbana apresentou forte influência na composição florística, cuja sucessão terá trajetória diferente da vegetação original.Palavras-chave: Nucleação; poleiros artificiais; arborização urbana; transposição de solo.AbstractComparison of nucleation techniques effectiveness for degraded area restoring in Southern Brazil. The development of large urban centers in natural areas resulted in abolition and degradation of forests. In order to obtain tools for restoring programs development in such areas, this study aimed to evaluate efficiency of different nucleus techniques in relation to biotic and abiotic factors which limit natural regeneration in a depressed area of remnant forest in rural-urban perimeter of Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks, in factorial disposition, composed of the following treatments: Control (C), Transposition of Soil (TS), crushed waste of urban afforestation (RT), Transposition of soil mixed to crushed waste of urban afforestation (TS+RT), and artificial perches. During 12 months,  abundance and richness of seedlings laid down were evaluated and for seven months the seed rain in sinks. Results point that the soil transposition was the most efficient method for restoration of the degraded area. Additionally, artificial perches using proved to be efficient, pointing to wealth increase trend and floristic wealth of dispersed seeds. However, the exotic vegetation of the urban area has strong influences on floristic composition, whose succession will have different trajectory of original vegetation.Keywords: Artificial perches; nucleation; urban afforestation; soil transposition. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-196 ◽  
Wanuza Helena Campos ◽  
Sebastião Venâncio Martins

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in a forest under restoration process, which belongs to the company Holcim Brasil S/A, in the municipality of Barroso, state of Minas Gerais (21º00'to 22º00'S and 43º00' to 44º00'W), where 40 plots (2 x 2 m) were set, spaced at 10 m, forming eight strata parallel to the watercourse present in the area. Floristic composition and natural regeneration stratum were characterized, and the formed strata allowed evaluating whether the riparian vegetation and watercourse influence on the local regeneration. It was found 162 individuals of 13 families, 18 genera and 22 species, and 10,125 individuals/ha were estimated. Successional classes from pioneer and early secondary and zoochory dispersion syndrome prevailed among species and individuals. The watercourse and riparian vegetation did not exercise significant influence (p> 0.05) on the number of species and regenerating individuals among the different strata of the forest. The diversity index of Shannon-Wiener (H') and equability of Pielou (J') were 2.691 and 0.870, respectively. The species Psidium guajava and Myrtaceae families presented the highest VI (value of importance). Natural regeneration analysis showed the low floristic diversity in the area, suggesting that corrective management actions should be adopted.

Biotemas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Jefferson Rodrigues Maciel ◽  
Yuri de Souza Vieira Couceiro

Local extinction of native Atlantic Forest flora species occurs mainly due to habitat fragmentation. Reforestation and natural regeneration can mitigate these factors. The present study attempts to understand whether floristic composition and dispersal processes are being reestablished in an area of lowland Atlantic Forest, eight years after its reforestation. The study area was an old pasture set between two urban fragments in the city of Recife that was reforested in 2011. Melastomataceae species were collected in this area and the morphology of their fruits was compared with the species of the family recorded in the adjacent fragments. Miconia prasina, M. albicans, M. affinis, Clidemia hirta, and C. capitellata have been found in the reforested area. Although there are species with larger fruits in the adjacent fragments, there was no statistically significant difference between the means of the two areas. The fruit morphology indicates that the species found in the area are dispersed by birds and small mammals. It is possible to conclude that the reforested area already presents the expected ecological processes for a corridor between two fragments. Thus, the two adjacent areas serve as vectors for the colonization of native Atlantic Forest species in the reforested area.

2013 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 111 ◽  
Sustanis Horn Kunz ◽  
Sebastião Venâncio Martins

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estrutura e a composição florística da regeneração natural de trechos de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual em diferentes estágios sucessionais. Para a estrutura fitossociológica, foram demarcadas sistematicamente 10 parcelas de 5 x 10 m em trecho de floresta em estágio médio de regeneração (FEM), floresta em estágio avançado de regeneração (FEA) e pastagem abandonada (PAS), sendo amostrados os indivíduos com altura ≥ 50 cme diâmetro à altura do solo ≤ 5 cm. Foi realizada análise de correspondência retificada e análise de espécies indicadoras de cada trecho. Na estrutura da regeneração natural da FEM e da pastagem, houve destaque de apenas uma espécie (Psychotria sessilis e Vernonia polyanthes, respectivamente) quanto ao Valor de Importância (VI), devido principalmente à alta densidade. Já na FEA não foi observada forte dominância por uma espécie. As três áreas apresentaram-se distintas quanto à abundância e composição de espécies, sugerindo que a matriz florestal é composta por um mosaico sucessional. Além disso, cada trecho ainda mantém espécies indicadoras características, de acordo com o estágio sucessional em que se encontram, razão pela qual ações de manejo e enriquecimento poderiam ser adotadas para acelerar o processo de sucessão.Palavras-chave: Composição florística; conservação; estrutura; sucessão secundária. AbstractNatural regeneration of seasonal semideciduous forest in different successional stages (Zona da Mata, MG, Brazil). The objective of this study was to evaluate the floristic structure and composition of the natural regeneration of stretches from Seasonal Semideciduous Forest in different successional stages. Ten plots, 5 x 10 meters in size, were systematically delimited for phytosociological structure in patches of forest which were in intermediate regeneration stage (FEM), advanced regeneration stage (FEA) and abandoned pasture (PAS).We sampled the individuals with ≥ 50 cm in height and diameter at ground height ≤ 5 cm. We performed Detrended Correspondence Analysis and analysis of indicative species of each forest section. In the natural regeneration structure of FEM and pasture it was featured only one species (Psychotria sessilis and Vernonia polyanthes, respectively) in the Importance Value (IV), mainly due to high density. In relation to the FEA there was no strong dominance by one species. The three sections showed distinct species abundance and composition, which suggests that the forest matrix comprises a successional mosaic. Furthermore, each stretch still maintains indicative characteristic species, according to the successional stage they are in. Because of this, management and enrichment actions could be performed to accelerate the succession process.Keywords: Floristic composition; conservation; structure; secondary succession.

2002 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
Rubens Marques Rondon Neto ◽  
Carina Kozera ◽  
Regina do Rocio De Andrade ◽  
Adriana Trippia Cecy ◽  
Ana Paula Hummes ◽  

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a composição florística e a estrutura dos indivíduos arbóreos com DAP ³ 5cm presentes em um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Mista (Floresta com Araucária), denominado “Capão do Tigre”, situado em Curitiba - PR. Em dezoito parcelas de 10 x 20m foram inventariados 710 indivíduos, distribuídos em 77 espécies, pertencentes a 36 famílias e 55 gêneros. O valor do índice de diversidade Shannon para as espécies foi de 3,437. A densidade total estimada foi de 1.972 indivíduos/ha e os valores médios de DAP e altura encontrados foram 11,6 cm e 8,2 m, respectivamente. De acordo com o parâmetro valor de importância ampliado, as espécies mais importantes foram Casearia sylvestris, Allophylus edulis, Luehea divaricata, Araucaria angustifolia, Cupania vernalis, Ocotea corymbosa, Ocotea nutans, Jacaranda puberula, Mollinedia clavigera e Solanum sanctae-catharinae. FLORISTIC AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A FRAGMENT OF MIXED OMBROPHYLOUS FOREST IN CURITIBA, PR - BRAZIL Abstract The aim of this paper was to know the floristic composition and the structureof a Mixed Ombrophylous Forest fragment (Araucaria Forest), named “Capão do Tigre”, situated in Curitiba - PR. It was inventoried 710 trees individuous in eighteen 10 x 20 m plots with DBH ³ 5cm, distributed in 77 species from 55 gender and 36 families. The Shannon diversity index value was 3,437 for the species. The total density found was 1.972 individuous/ha, and the medium DBH and height was 11,6 cm and 8,2 m, respectively. Acording to the parameters of Amplieted Importance Value, the most important species are: Casearia sylvestris, Allophylus edulis, Luehea divaricata, Araucaria angustifolia, Cupania vernalis, Ocotea corymbosa, Ocotea nutans, Jacaranda puberula, Mollinedia clavigera e Solanum sanctae-catharinae.

2001 ◽  
Vol 31 (12) ◽  
Raquel R.B. Negrelle ◽  
Ramoci Leuchtenberger

São apresentados dados de levantamento florístico-estrutural realizado em remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista (Mata da Fortaleza) no Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa - PR (23° 3’ S, 50° 15’ W). Na aplicação do método de quadrantes (75 pontos) foram registrados 300 indivíduos arbóreos (DAP > 15 cm), sendo 11 arvores mortas em pé. Dentre os indivíduos vivos, catalogaram-se 67 morfo-espécies sendo 37 identificadas em nível de espécie, 15 em nível de gênero, 7 em nível de família e 8 não puderam ser identificadas. Para estes indivíduos detectou-se um valor de diversidade H’=3,538 (var. = 0,00413), densidade total de 658 árvores/hectares e área basal total de 32,97 m2. Cerca de 59 % dos indivíduos amostrados foram classificados como macrofanerófitos e 41% como mesofanerófitos, não ocorrendo registro de nanofanerófitos. As espécies de maiores valores estruturais foram Ocotea odorifera (VI=40,19), Araucaria angustifolia (VI= 30,39), Ocotea acutifolia (VI=19,0) e Luehea divaricata (VI=18,44). Floristic composition and structure of an Araucarian forest remnant Abstract Data from a floristic and structural survey in an araucarian forest remnant (called Mata da Fortaleza) in the Vila Velha State Park (Ponta Grossa - PR - 23° 3’ S, 50° 15’ W) are presented. With the application of the point-centered quarter method (75 sampling points), 300 trees (dbh > 15cm) were sampled, including 11 dead trees. Within the alive individuals, 67 morpho-species were detected, 37 identified at a species level, 15 at a generic level, 07 at a family level and 8 were not identified. For the alive component the diversity was H’=3.538 (var. = 0.00413), total density was 658 trees/hectare and the total basal area was 32.97 m2. Almost 59 % of all sampled individuals was classified as macrofanerophyte and 41% as mesofanerophyte, with no register of nanofanerophytes. The species with the greatest importance value were: Ocotea odorifera (40,19), Araucaria angustifolia (30,39), Ocotea acutifolia (19,0) and Luehea divaricata (18,44).

2020 ◽  
pp. 33-40
Patrícia Chaves de Oliveira ◽  
Beatriz Costa de Oliveira Queiroz de Souza ◽  
Elói Gasparin

Aims: Knowledge is currently low about composition, richness and abundance of native plant species from secondary forests in traditional communities in the Tapajós River Basin, Western Amazon. These forests are of great importance to indigenous populations being niches of resistance to the advances of monocultures. The objective of this work was to evaluate the floristic composition of a secondary forest with typical indigenous extractive interventions. Study Design: The secondary forest studied located in indigenous Village. This forest had 15 years of natural regeneration and was therefore an anthropized forest, where the indigenous people removed wood, fibers, oils and fruits, thus characterizing the agroextractivism on this environment and a very particular floristic composition always in evolution. Place and Duration of Study: The research was in Santarem city, Pará state, in Ipaupixuna Village (02°32´46” S, 54°20'15” W) between June 2019 to December 2019. Methodology: The research had a descriptive approach for floristic study, but in the same time had a quantitative point of view with the use of regression analysis. The parameters evaluated were: 1. Species abundance, 2. Floristic Richness; 3. Plant diversity measured by the Jentsch Mixing Coefficient; 4. Relations between Circumference & Height of trees. The size of the sampled area was 1 (one) hectare of secondary forest. Results: A high abundance was found for Tapirira guianensis Aubl followed by Buchenavia huberi Ducke and Bellucia grossularioides (L.) Triana. Fabaceae was the family of greatest quantitative expression in this 15-year-old secondary forest in indigenous landscapes followed by Arecaceae. Conclusion: The secondary forest studied of 15 years of natural regeneration and random anthropogenic interventions by agroextractivists activities of Munduruku Indigenous people showed medium floristic richness and low floristic diversity. Interventions to enrich this secondary forest with plant species with high economic potential can bring environmental and economic benefits to these indigenous people.

Nativa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 556
Anne Priscila Dias Gonzaga ◽  
Evandro Luiz Mendonça Machado ◽  
José Roberto Rodrigues Pinto ◽  
Aglaia Maciel Gripp

Os estudos sobre a composição florística devem ser considerados de extrema relevância uma vez que oferecem informações imprescindíveis para a compreensão da estrutura e da dinâmica vegetacional, sendo, portanto, consideradas essenciais para o conhecimento da regeneração natural e formas de manejo. Especialmente quando estes são realizados em ambientes ripários visto que os mesmos abrigam elevada riqueza natural, a qual por si só, já justificaria os estudos para conservação e manejo da sua biodiversidade, assim sendo, estas destacam-se por sua elevada riqueza de espécies, diversidade genética e proteção dos recursos hídricos, solos, fauna silvestre e aquática. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento bibliográfico dos estudos realizados em ambientes ripários nas regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil e descrever quais as principais indagações destes estudos. Neste trabalho foi possível verificar que os conhecimentos acerca dessas florestas evoluíram de simples trabalhos de florística para estudos bastante elaborados onde são avaliados o papel de variáveis ambientais na dinâmica da composição florística e estrutural destes ambientes, o que demonstra o crescente interesse por parte dos pesquisadores em realizar estudos mais elaborados para as análises florísticas e estruturais em uma escala tanto espacial como temporal.Palavras-chave: ambientes úmidos; comunidade arbórea; conhecimento científico. FLORISTIC AND PHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES RIPARIAN FORESTS IN THE SOUTHEAST AND MIDWEST OF BRAZIL ABSTRACT: Studies on floristic composition should be considered extremely relevant since they provide essential information for the understanding of vegetation structure and dynamics and are therefore considered essential for the knowledge of natural regeneration and management forms. Especially when they are carried out in a riparian environment since they shelter high natural wealth, which in itself would justify studies for the conservation and management of its biodiversity, thus, these stand out for their high species richness, diversity genetics and protection of water resources, soils, wild and aquatic fauna. This study aimed to carry out a bibliographic survey of the studies carried out in riparian environments in the Southeast and Center-West regions of Brazil and to describe the main inquiries of these studies. In this work it was possible to verify that the knowledge about these forests evolved from simple floristic works to very elaborate studies where the role of environmental variables in the dynamics of the floristic and structural composition of these environments is evaluated, which demonstrates the growing interest on the part of the researchers in more elaborate studies for floristic and structural analyzes on a spatial and temporal scale.Keywords: wetlands; community of trees; scientific knowledge.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 523
Azenate Campos Gomes ◽  
Jacob Silva Souto ◽  
Alecksandra Vieira de Lacerda

The use and unsustainable occupation in the semi-arid areas have resulted throughout its historical process in strong negative impacts by opening clearings in the areas of Caatinga, which need to be identified and studied to reverse this situation. The objective of this work was to analyze the dynamics of border of vegetation and edaphic-climatological clearings in a Caatinga area in the municipality of Sumé, state of Paraíba, Brazil. The study was conducted in the Experimental Area Reserved for Ecology and Dynamic Studies of the Caatinga of LAEB/CDSA/UFCG (7°39'38.8'' S and 36°53'42.4'' W, with 538 m of altitude). The clearings were isolated, and monitored between 2013 and 2015, soil and agrometeorological data were collected. Shrubs and live trees with diameter at ground level and height >0.03 and >1.0 m respectively were considered as border individuals. The highest values of soil density were observed for the clearings that presented the lowest levels of organic matter. 62% of the clearings had an increase in their area due to the high mortality of Croton blanchetianus Baill. and 38% had their area reduced due to the colonization of young, mainly Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. The floristic composition of the border comprised six species distributed in six genera and four families, being Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae the most representative. The number of border individuals and recorded mortality were fully correlated with climatic parameters. Therefore, although the clearings are in the process of natural regeneration, climatic factors have strongly influenced the delay of this process. 

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