scholarly journals Occurrence of Leaf Mold Pathogen Fulvia fulva Isolates Infecting Tomato Cf-9 Cultivars in Korea

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (6) ◽  
pp. 740-747 ◽  
Ji Hyun Lee ◽  
Myung Soo Park ◽  
Jin-Cheol Kim ◽  
Kyoung Soo Jang ◽  
Yong Ho Choi ◽  
1991 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 822-830 ◽  
Ulisses G. Batista ◽  
Verna J. Higgins

The production and distribution of the phytoalexin falcarindiol in tomato foliage infected with leaf mold was examined to determine how the fungus Cladosporium fulvum is able to colonize and sporulate in an apparently antifungal environment. In a compatible interaction (cv. Potentate – C. fulvum race 2.3), by 12 and 15 days after inoculation, solvent-extractable falcarindiol and two other phytoalexins from tomato, compound 2 (probably falcarinol) and compound 3 (unidentified), reached concentrations considerably in excess of ED50 values for inhibition of the fungus. In contrast, intercellular (apoplastic) fluids obtained from similarly infected leaflets contained only traces of falcarindiol. ED50 values for germination and germ-tube growth of C. fulvum increased as the incubation time was extended, suggesting that adaptation or recovery was possible at the concentrations tested. In in vitro experiments, C. fulvum appeared to readily metabolize falcarindiol, as did a Lycopersicon cell suspension culture. Binding of falcarindiol to living and dead fungal and plant cells was also observed. Falcarindiol, injected into tomato leaflets, decreased rapidly and was only recovered in trace amounts by 24 h. The results suggest that falcarindiol and probably the two other phytoalexins do not reach sufficient concentrations in the apoplast of an infected susceptible leaf to have an effect on growth and sporulation of C. fulvum. Key words: leaf mold, Fulvia fulva, falcarindiol, falcarinol.

Plant Disease ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 92 (9) ◽  
pp. 1371-1371 ◽  
M. de Cara ◽  
F. Heras ◽  
M. Santos ◽  
J. C. Tello Marquina

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is produced in more than 9,000 ha of greenhouses in Almería (southeastern Spain). During 2006 and 2007, a new disease was observed on almost all plants in 37 greenhouses. Yellow spots on upper and lower leaf surfaces were accompanied by gray-to-dark brown mycelia, conidiophores, and conidia on lower leaf surfaces. Affected leaves became necrotic and withered. Six isolates grown on malt extract agar (MEA) were identified as Fulvia fulva (1). The one- to three-celled conidia ranged from 21.8 × 7.8 μm to 21.5 × 6.5 μm. On MEA, potato dextrose agar, and V8 juice agar, the pathogen grew slowly; colonies were only 1 cm in diameter after 30 days. Colony color was initially intense yellow but became dark brown with age. In a growth chamber (12,000 lux for 16 h per day, 23 to 28°C, and 60 to 95% relative humidity), six pots containing five tomato plants (cv. SanPedro) at the four-true-leaf stage were inoculated with a conidial suspension (103 CFU/ml) of F. fulva. Control plants were sprayed with water. The trial was repeated once. Immediately after inoculation, plants were sealed in plastic bags for 8 days. Symptoms of the disease and signs of the pathogen were observed on all inoculated plants 18 days after inoculation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of leaf mold of tomato in Almería and it is becoming common in the greenhouse industry in this region. Reference: (1) P. Holliday and J. L. Mulder. No. 487 in: Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. CMI, Kew, Surrey, UK, 1976.

2008 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-79 ◽  
Junichiro Enya ◽  
Kentaro Ikeda ◽  
Taeko Takeuchi ◽  
Norio Horikoshi ◽  
Takahiko Higashi ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34 ◽  
Hyun-Gi Kong ◽  
Ock-Joo Chun ◽  
Ki-Hyuck Choi ◽  
Kwang-Youll Lee ◽  
Joung-Woo Baek ◽  

Plant Disease ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 86 (6) ◽  
pp. 694-694 ◽  
B. A. Latorre ◽  
X. Besoain

Severe outbreaks of leaf mold, affecting as much as 100% of the plants, have occurred in greenhouse tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in the V Region in the central zone of Chile (32°50′ to 33°10′ latitude south) during the past 2 years. Symptoms consisted of yellow spherical to elongated leaf spots, first noticeable on the upper surface of older leaves, followed by leaf necrosis and defoliation. Invariably, an olive green-to-gray leaf mold developed on the under surface of the spots. No symptoms were observed on fruits and rarely occurred on petioles and stems. Isolation on acidified potato dextrose agar (APDA) consistently yielded dark green colonies of a very slow growing fungus that was identified as Fulvia fulva (Cooke) Cif. (=Cladosporium fulvum Cooke) (1). Identification was based on the presence of a dark septate mycelium, ovoid to ellipsoid conidia, usually one or two cells, pale or slightly yellow, 11 × 40 μm long, and the presence of mostly unbranched conidiophores that were broader at the tip. Conidia were produced in short chains, and a very distinctive hilum was always observed (1,3). Thin sections of leaf lesions revealed the presence of inter- and intracellular mycelia that protruded through the stomata forming a small stroma in the stomatal cavity from which the conidiophores were produced. Leaf inoculations of tomato cvs. Fortaleza and Cal-Ace with a mixture of mycelia and conidia from isolates Fv1 and Fv2 on APDA (approximately 106 propagules per ml) and with three different samples of conidia (106 conidia per ml) obtained directly from actively growing lesions resulted in the development of pale to dark yellow spots after 12 to 15 days of incubation under greenhouse conditions (temperatures ranging from 9 to 30°C). Leaf spots developed mainly on inoculated leaflets, but occasionally symptoms were obtained on other leaflets on the same leaf. Reisolations made from samples of artificially inoculated leaves always yielded F. fulvia on APDA. Therefore, it was concluded that F. fulvia was the cause of the severe outbreaks of tomato leaf mold found in central Chile. Previously, it has been reported in northern Chile (I Region approximately 2,000 km away) (2). To our knowledge, this is the first confirmed report of leaf mold on greenhouse tomato in central Chile. References: (1) P. Holliday and J. L. Mulder. Fulvia fulva. No. 487 in: Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. CMI, Kew, Surrey, UK, 1976. (2) F. Mujica and C. Vergara. Flora Fungosa Chilena. 2nd ed. Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Agronomía, Santiago, Chile, 1980. (3) A. F. Sherf and A. A. Macnab. Vegetable Diseases and Their Control, 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1986.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-37
А.С. Ерошевская ◽  
А.А. Егорова ◽  
Н.А. Милюкова ◽  
А.С. Пырсиков

В статье представлены результаты молекулярно-генетического анализа F1 гибридов томата разных товарных групп на наличие аллелей гена устойчивости Cf-9 к кладоспориозу. Молекулярно-генетический анализ проводили в лаборатории маркерной и геномной селекции растений ФГБНУ ВНИИСБ в 2019 году. В качестве объекта исследования использованы 16 F1 гибридов томата, в том числе 10 крупноплодных, 1 кистевой, 1 коктейль и 4 черри. Повторность исследований двухкратная (одна повторность – одно растение). Для идентификации аллелей гена Cf-9 устойчивости к кладоспориозу применяли SCAR-маркер со следующими праймерами: CS5 (TTTCCAACTTACAATCCCTTC), DS1 (GAGAGCTCAACCTTTACGAA), CS1 (GCCGTTCAAGTTGGGTGTT). Реакционная смесь для ПЦР объемом 25 мкл содержала 50–100 нг ДНК, 2,5 мМ dNTP, 3 мМ MgSO4, 10 пМ каждого праймера, 2 ед. Taq-полимеразы (ООО «НПФ Синтол») и 2х стандартный ПЦР буфер. Реакцию проводили в амплификаторе Termal Cycler Bio-Rad T 100 по программе 95 °C – 5 мин, 35 циклов 95 °C – 20 с, 60 °C – 30 с, 72 °C – 30 с, финальная элонгация в течение 5 мин при 72 °C. Визуализацию результатов ПЦР проводили путем электрофореза в 1,7%-ном агарозном геле с 1х ТАЕ буфером, результаты анализировали с помощью системы Gel Doc 2000 (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., США). При идентификации гена устойчивости Cf-9 к кладоспориозу у изучаемых гибридов томата F1 были выявлены фрагменты размером 378 п. н. (аллель Cf-9) и 507 п. н. (аллель 9DC), что указывает на их устойчивость к этому заболеванию. Согласно результатам исследований, из 16 F1 гибридов томата 13 устойчивы к кладоспориозу, причем у 12 из них выявлено наличие только аллелей Cf-9, 1 гибрид имеет в генотипе оба аллеля устойчивости – Cf-9 и 9DС. Доминантные гомозиготы по гену Cf-9 будут использованы в селекционных программах Агрофирмы «Поиск» для создания линий-доноров устойчивости к кладоспориозу. The article presents the results of molecular genetic analysis of F1 tomato hybrids of different commodity groups for presence of Cf-9 gene alleles of resistance to leaf mold. The molecular genetic analysis was carried out in the laboratory of marker and genomic plant breeding of FSBSI VNIISB in 2019. 16 F1 tomato hybrids were used as the object of the study, including 10 large-fruited, 1 brush, 1 cocktail and 4 cherry. The repetition of studies is two-fold (one frequency – one plant). To identify alleles of the Cf-9gene for cladosporiosis resistance, a SCAR marker with the following primers was used: CS5 (TTTCCAACTTACAATCCCTTC), DS1 (GAGAGCTCAACCTTTACGAA), CS1 (GCCGTTCAAGTTGGGTGTT). The reaction mixture for PCR with a volume of 25 µl contained 50–100 ng of DNA, 2.5 mM dNTP, 3 mM MgSO4, 10 pM of each primer, 2 units. Taq-polymerase (LLC NPF Synthol) and 2x standard PCR buffer. The reaction was carried out in the Termal Cycler Bio-Rad T 100 amplifier according to the program 95 °C – 5 min, 35 cycles 95 °C – 20 s, 60 °C – 30 s, 72 °C – 30 s, the final elongation for 5 minutes at 72 °C. The PCR results were visualized by electrophoresis in a 1.7% agarose gel with 1x TAE buffer, the results were analyzed using the Gel Doc 2000 system (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., USA). The identification of the Cf-9resistance gene to cladosporiosis in the studied tomato F1 hybrids revealed fragments of 378 bp (Cf-9 allele) and 507 bp (9DC allele), which indicates their resistance to this disease. According to the research results, 13 out of 16 tomato F1 hybrids are resistant to cladosporiosis, and 12 of them have only Cf-9 alleles, 1 hybrid has both Cf-9 and 9DC resistance alleles in the genotype. Dominant homozygotes for the Cf-9 gene will be used in breeding programs of Poisk Agrofirm to create donor lines for resistance to cladosporiosis.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 26
Ma Hoseop ◽  
Ettagbor Hans Enukwa ◽  
Kang Wonseok ◽  
Kim Choonsig

The purpose of this research was to investigate the use of drilled slanted holes filled with different substrates in the revegetation of rock slopes. Slanted holes were drilled on rock slopes using pneumatic drillers in an abandoned limestone quarry area. These holes were filled with twelve different substrates, treated with Trichoderma harzianum. One climbing plant of Ivy (Hedera rhombea), a native woody plant (Lespedeza cyrtobotrya), three native herbaceous plants (Dianthus barbatus, Siberian chrysanthemum and Aster koraiensis) and one exotic grass plant (Festuca arundinacea) were planted in each of the soils. Six months after planting, only Ivy, Festuca arundinacea, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Dianthus barbatus were still observed growing on the soils, while the other plant species had already died in all the 12 soil treatments. Leaf mold soil + 50% Trichoderma harzianum provide the best conditions for revegetation of Festuca arundinacea, as this plant had its highest mean height, high survival rate, with impressive growth rate on this soil. Lespedeza cyrtobotrya also had its most favorable growth on Leaf mold soil + 50% T. harzianum. Mixed soil + 100% T. harzianum provide the best conditions for revegetation of Ivy. Leaf mold soil + 100% T. harzianum provide the best condition for revegetation of Dianthus barbatus as it had its highest mean height, highest growth rate and high survival rate on this soil. Siberian chrysanthemum and Aster koraiensis had the worse results as all of the plants died within a short period of time after planting. Ivy had the highest mean height, followed by Festuca arundinacea. The planted Ivy and Festuca arundinacea now form the vegetation of the research site which together with the substrate is now providing habitat to some wildlife like some species of centipedes, earthworms, insects and wild plants. Less than one year after planting, F. arundinacea already produced flowers and seeds which would further increase the plant population after dispersal and germination. Drilling slanted holes on rock slopes is therefore a feasible method to be used for revegetation and restoration of degraded quarries.The revegetation of steep rock slopes of quarries is a very challenging activity. However, the method of drilling slanted holes on rock slopes is a feasible method to be used for restoration of degraded quarries. These holes could serve in soil deposition and water retention that will further enhance plant growth.Methods of improving seed germination as well as enhancing growth of plants are also imperative in revegetation success of such degraded landscapes. Different percentage mixtures of T. harzianum in different soils could enhance plant growth depending on the target plant species. Different substrates could thus be used in such revegetation process depending on the target plant species.Revegetation would provide habitat and improve landscape beauty and stability, thus it is important for successful restoration of rock slopes 

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