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Plant Disease ◽  
2022 ◽  
Xinhua Ding ◽  
Chongchong Lu ◽  
Mingxia Hao ◽  
Lingguang Kong ◽  
Lulu Wang ◽  

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the largest grain crop, accounting for about 40 % of the total grain production in China. In mid-July 2021, bacterial leaf streak-like disease emerged in rice varieties Chunyou584 and Yongyou2604 in Linyi city, Shandong Province, China. Disease incidences of the disease ranged from 80% to 90% in the surveyed fields. Infected rice leaves displayed dark green to yellowish-brown water-soaked thin streaks, and a large amount of beaded yellow oozes were observed on the lesions. After drying, there were gelatinous granules that were not easy to fall off and spread between leaf veins (Fig.S1A). According to the field symptoms of this disease, it was preliminarily suspected to be rice bacterial leaf streak caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc), which is a guaranteed disease in China. To isolate the causal agent, leaf discs (~1 cm2) of diseased leaves were collected from the margins of the lesions, surface sterilized and ground into pieces in sterile double distilled water. The 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5 dilutions were spread onto peptone sugar agar (PSA) and incubated at 28°C for 36 hours. Yellow mucous bacterial colonies were consistently obtained on PSA medium. To identify the pathogen, fragments of the 16S rDNA, leuS and rpoB were amplified and sequenced using the primers previously reported (Yu et al. 2021). Three strains (LY01, LY02 and LY03) showed identical colony morphology and LY01 was used for further analyses. Sequence analyses showed that the fragments of 16S rDNA (955 bp, GenBank accession number: OK261898), leuS (755 bp, GenBank accession number: OK298387) and rpoB (926 bp, GenBank accession number: OK298388) of strain LY01 shared 99.16%, 99.46% and 100% similarities with those of Pantoea ananatis TZ39 (GenBank accession numbers: CP081342.1 for 16S rDNA, MW981338.1 for leuS and MW981344.1 for rpoB), respectively, which suggest the pathogenic bacterial strain LY01 isolated is P. ananatis. In addition, the single colony of P. ananatis LY01 was shown as Fig. S2B. Furthermore, pathogenicity tests were also performed according to the following steps. Bacterial suspension at OD600=0.1 was inoculated into eight rice leaves of four healthy rice plants (Chunyou 584) at 25-33°C and 60%-80% relative humidity in the field using a clipping method (Yang et al. 2020) or spraying methods, and sterile distilled water was as negative control. The clipped leaves (Fig. S1B) and spray-inoculated leaves (Fig. S1C) showed dark green water-soaked streaks at 14 days after inoculation, respectively, which showed similar symptoms with those samples collected from the fields (Fig. S1A). On contrary, the control rice leaves remained healthy and symptomless (Fig. S2A). The bacterium was re-isolated in the inoculated rice leaves and the re-isolated bacterial isolates, which was confirmed by sequencing 16S rDNA, leuS and rpoB, incited the same symptoms as in fields, which fulfills Koch’s postulates. In the past decade, P. ananatis was reported to result in grain discoloration and leaf blight in China (Yan et al. 2010; Xue et al. 2020, Yu et al. 2021), which could result in 40% - 60% yield losses. To our best knowledge, this is the first report of the bacterial leaf streak-likely disease occurred in Shandong Province caused by P. ananatis, so we named it as Pantoea leaf streak of rice. Although P. ananatis was also reported in Zhejiang province and Jiangxi province, which caused leaf streak lesions on rice, the disease symptoms are completely different from those of Pantoea leaf streak of rice. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of Pantoea leaf streak of rice caused by P. ananatis. This study provides sloid evidence that Pantoea leaf streak of rice in Eastern China can be caused by the new pathogen, P. ananatis, rather than Xoc as traditionally assumed. Disease development and quarantine of the new Pantoea leaf streak of rice disease caused by P. ananatis on rice need more attention in the near future.

2022 ◽  
pp. 33-36
Н.Ю. Антипова ◽  
Е.В. Кашнова

Представлены результаты селекционной работы по культуре перца сладкого. Показано влияние основных факторов среды на рост растений перца в условиях резко континентального климата Западной Сибири. Освещены некоторые направления сортовой селекции для необогреваемых теплиц и открытого грунта. Главное направление селекции – создание скороспелых сортов с высокой потенциальной продуктивностью, использование которых позволит получать не только гарантированный урожай, но и успешно вести семеноводство. Экспериментальные данные получены в условиях Западной Сибири (г. Барнаул, Алтайский край) при выращивании перца в открытом грунте и необогреваемых пленочных теплицах (весенне-летний культурооборот) на ЗСООС – филиале ФГБНУ ФНЦО. Селекционную работу вели с 2000 года и по настоящее время. Оценку селекционного материала проводили в 2015–2021 годах. Материалом для исследований служили коллекционные, селекционные образцы перца различного генетического и эколого-географического происхождения, а также созданные сорта. Представленные сорта перца пластичны, обладают комплексом хозяйственно ценных признаков: высокой урожайностью, хорошим качеством продукции, устойчивостью к стрессовым факторам и основным болезням. Наиболее востребована группа сортов с конусовидными и пирамидальными плодами (Сибирский князь, Подарок лета, Кавалер, Солнечная улыбка, Золотая пирамида), урожайность которых 4–6 кг/м2 в теплице, в открытом грунте – 26–42 т/га, содержание витамина С – 114–248 мг%, пригодные для салатов, цельноплодного консервирования, замораживания и фарширования. Сорта Солнечная улыбка и Золотая пирамида с плодами оранжевой и желтой окраски в биологической спелости незаменимы при украшении блюд. Крупноплодные сорта с плодами призмовидно-кубовидной формы различной окраски в технической спелости: Викинг (темно-зеленая) и Вальс (светло-зеленая) востребованы в течение всего сезона, особенно в период заготовок впрок. Урожайность этой группы сортов в теплице – 4–7 кг/м2, в открытом грунте – 26–39 т/га, содержание витамина С – 120–191 мг%. Сорта перспективны для выращивания в Сибири, способны удовлетворить высокие требования овощеводов и потребителей. The results of breeding work on the culture of sweet pepper are presented. The influence of the main environmental factors on the growth of pepper plants in the sharply continental climate of Western Siberia is shown. Some directions of varietal selection for unheated greenhouses and open ground are highlighted. The main direction of breeding is the creation of precocious varieties with high potential productivity, the use of which will allow not only to obtain a guaranteed harvest, but also to successfully conduct seed production. Experimental data were obtained in the conditions of Western Siberia (Barnaul, Altai Krai) when growing pepper in the open ground and unheated film greenhouses (spring-summer cultural turnover) at the WSVES – branch of the FSBSI FSVC. Breeding work was carried out from 2000 to the present. The selection material was evaluated in 2015–2021. The materials for research were collectible, breeding samples of pepper of various genetic and ecological-geographical origin, as well as created varieties. The presented varieties of pepper are plastic, have a complex of economically valuable characteristics: high yield, good product quality, resistance to stress factors and major diseases. The most popular group of varieties with cone-shaped and pyramidal fruits (Sibirskii knyaz», Podarok leta, Kavaler, Solnechnaya ulybka, Zolotaya piramida), the yield of which is 4–6 kg/m2 in a greenhouse, in the open ground – 26–42 t/ha, vitamin C content – 114–248 mg%, suitable for salads, whole-fruit canning, freezing and stuffing. Varieties Solnechnaya ulybka and Zolotaya piramida with orange and yellow fruits in biological ripeness are indispensable for decorating dishes. Large-fruited varieties with prismatic-cuboid fruits of various colors in technical ripeness: Viking (dark green) and Val's (light green) are in demand throughout the season, especially during the harvesting period for the future. The yield of this group of varieties is 4–7 kg/m2 in a greenhouse, in the open ground – 26–39 t/ha, vitamin C content 120–191 mg%. The varieties are promising for cultivation in Siberia, able to meet the high demands of vegetable growers and consumers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 291 ◽  
pp. 110583
Dengke Wang ◽  
Minjuan Zhang ◽  
Nana Xu ◽  
Sen Yang ◽  
Junling Dou ◽  

A. A. Brovdi ◽  
V. V. Polishchuk

The results of morphometric analysis of the leaves in floribunda roses varieties, such as Pomponella, Lovely Green, Carmagnola, Arthur Bell, Lilli Marleen, Westpoint, Minerva, Novalis, Goldelse, Rotkappchen, Friesia, Lavaglut, Iceberg, Santa Monika, Mathias, Bella Rosa, Cream Abundance, Hans Gonewein, Let's Celebrate and Gebruder Grimm, which have different origins and differ significantly in morphological and decorative characteristics are presented. The studies were conducted during 2018–2021 on the experimental plots of the Department of Landscape Gardening of Uman National University of Horticulture according to the generally accepted method. The description of the morphological traits of the varieties was carried out by the method of visual assessment using measurements and calculations. As a result of the research, it was found that the studied genotypes significantly differ in the biometric parameters of the compound leaf, features of the surface of leaf blades, their shape and size. The highest leaf blades areas were noted in the varieties Novalis 15.1 сm2, Rotkappchen 12.0 cm2 and Pomponella 11.8 cm2. The lowest biometric traits of the leaf were recorded in the varieties Santa Monika, whose compound leaf length is 9.2 cm, Mathias 9.1 cm, Bella Rosa 10.8 cm and Cream Abundance 9.8 cm. The size of the leaf, its shape, color and gloss, are important for the overall impression of the planting object and determine the decorative value of the respective variety. Of all the varieties, Westpoint, Rotkappchen, Hans Gonewein, and Gebruder Grimm have the glossiest leaves. The bright shine together with dark green color of the leaves of these varieties make their bushes more expressive and bright and, therefore, more attractive for use in ornamental gardening. The results of the study are of practical importance, since they make it possible to select varieties that are valuable for ornamental gardening, not only in decorativeness of the flower, but also in the characteristics of their leaf appearance.

Maximilian Andreas Storz ◽  
Alexander Müller ◽  
Mauro Lombardo

An increasing number of individuals adopt plant-based diets for their potential health benefits. Understanding vegetarians’ dietary behavior in the context of their socioeconomic background is essential for pro-vegetarian messaging and to influence public beliefs about plant food consumption. Thus, this study sought to investigate diet and consumer behaviors in U.S. vegetarians. This is a cross-sectional, population-based study with data from the Nutrition and Health Examination Surveys (2007–2010). Selected items from three modules (diet and nutrition behavior, consumer behavior, and food security) were compared between vegetarians (n = 352) and the general population (n = 14,328). U.S. vegetarians consumed significantly fewer calories and less cholesterol but more fiber than their omnivorous counterparts. Moreover, vegetarians had significantly fewer soft drinks and salty snacks available at home. We also observed significant intergroup differences with regard to the availability of fruit and dark green vegetables. Vegetarians spent less money on eating out and indicated a lower number of not-home-prepared meals and ready-to-eat foods. We found no differences regarding money spent at supermarkets or grocery stores. Our study contributes to a better understanding of dietary and consumer behaviors in vegetarians. We shed a new light on the economic feasibility of vegetarian diets, highlighting that these diets are not necessarily more expensive than an omnivorous diet.

2021 ◽  
Jagdish Singh

Folic acid is a B complex water-soluble vitamin that is essential to humans, and its deficiency can cause problems including neural tube defects as well as heart-related diseases. An important feature of such vitamins is that they are generally not synthesized by mammalian cells and therefore must be supplied in sufficient amounts in the diet. Folate is a generic term for compounds, possessing vitamin activity similar to that of pteroylglutamic acid, and is the form of the vitamin, which is naturally present in foods. The main dietary sources of folic acid are dark green and leafy vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, romaine lettuce, broccoli, bok choy, turnip green, beet, dried or fresh beans, and peas. The amount of folate that is absorbed and utilized physiologically varies among different food sources and different chemical forms of the vitamin. About 85% of folic acid is estimated to be bioavailable; however, the bioavailability of food folate is estimated at about 50% of folic acid. Several national health authorities have introduced mandatory food fortification with synthetic folic acid, which is considered a convenient fortificant, being cost efficient in production, more stable than natural food folate, and superior in terms of bioavailability and bio-efficacy. Presently, many countries affected by diseases associated with a lack of folic acid have made it mandatory to supplement foods with the vitamin. Considering the need, several analytical procedures were standardized to determine the presence of folic acid in different food matrices. The reported methods are simple, selective, robust, and reproducible and can be used in routine analyses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Suvarna Kizhakkoottu ◽  
Archana Santhanam ◽  
Herald. J. Sherlin ◽  
Gifrina Jayaraj ◽  
Kanchi Ravi Don

Background: India Ink is the most commonly used ink in surgical pathology. The main disadvantages of India Ink are longer drying time, monochrome, toxicity and cost. Because of these disadvantages, alternative materials have been suggested to replace India ink. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of nail enamel for inking of surgical margin and to compare it with India ink. Materials and methods: N = 20, which included 10 mucosal and 10 skin samples. Each selected margin is divided into 2 equal halves and one is inked with India ink and the other with nail enamel (Vernis A Ongles: Dark green). After routine processing and staining, the effectiveness of nail enamel and India ink were compared based on macroscopic and microscopic parameters. Results: Less drying time and visibility on paraffin wax block were excellent for nail enamel. Microscopic visibility of nail enamel was comparable with that of India ink. However, processing fluids contamination is the main drawback of nail enamel. Conclusion: Nail enamel can be used as an alternative to India ink because of its less drying time, ease of application, good visibility on wax blocks and microscopically, availability in multiple colours, cost effectiveness and non-toxicity.

Sruthikrishna P.K.

This work was performed to study the ethnobotany and phytopharmacological properties of M. ferrea L. It is widely distributed in the tropical areas of the world, especially in the Asian countries and is traditionally used by the local peoples for curing diseases ranging from head ache to cancer. Mesua ferrea is cultivated as an ornamental plant and young leaves are reddish yellow in color while mature leaves are blue grey to dark green in appearance with fragrant white flowers. This study reveals that almost all part of the plant have high medicinal property against different ailments. M. ferrea Linn being used for its anticancer, antineoplastic, disinfectant, anti oxidant, hepato-protective, anti arthritic, diuretic, analgesic etc. properties. The phytochemical screening confirms the presence of phenyl coumarins, xanthones, triterpenoids, tannin and saponin as main constituents responsible for its biological activity. It is also used in the cosmetics. This can be used as remedial agents for various health issues. This review reveals the phyto-pharmacological role of this medicinal plant.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 4364
Rutaba Amjad ◽  
Bismillah Mubeen ◽  
Syed Shahbaz Ali ◽  
Syed Sarim Imam ◽  
Sultan Alshehri ◽  

The use of biomaterials in the synthesis of nanoparticles is one of the most up-to-date focuses in modern nanotechnologies and nanosciences. More and more research on green methods of producing metal oxide nanoparticles (NP) is taking place, with the goal to overcome the possible dangers of toxic chemicals for a safe and innocuous environment. In this study, we synthesized copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) using Fortunella margarita leaves’ extract, which reflects its novelty in the field of nanosciences. The visual observation of a color change from dark green to bluish green clearly shows the instant and spontaneous formation of CuNPs when the phytochemicals of F. margarita come in contact with Cu+2 ions. The synthesis of CuNPs was carried out at different conditions, including pH, temperature, concentration ratio and time, and were characterized with UV-Vis absorption spectra, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The UV-Vis analysis reveals the surface plasmon resonance property (SPR) of CuNPs, showing a characteristic absorption peak at 679 nm, while SEM reveals the spherical but agglomerated shape of CuNPs of the size within the range of 51.26–56.66 nm.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 7434
Philippe Colomban ◽  
Michele Gironda ◽  
Divine Vangu ◽  
Burcu Kırmızı ◽  
Bing Zhao ◽  

Two masterpieces of the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912 CE), one in gilded brass (incense burner) decorated with cloisonné enamels stylistically attributed to the end of the Kangxi Emperor’s reign, the other in gold (ewer offered by Napoleon III to the Empress as a birthday present), decorated with both cloisonné and painted enamels bearing the mark of the Qianlong Emperor, were non-invasively studied by optical microscopy, Raman microspectroscopy and X-ray microfluorescence spectroscopy (point measurements and mapping) implemented on-site with mobile instruments. The elemental compositions of the metal substrates and enamels are compared. XRF point measurements and mappings support the identification of the coloring phases and elements obtained by Raman microspectroscopy. Attention was paid to the white (opacifier), blue, yellow, green, and red areas. The demonstration of arsenic-based phases (e.g., lead arsenate apatite) in the blue areas of the ewer, free of manganese, proves the use of cobalt imported from Europe. The high level of potassium confirms the use of smalt as the cobalt source. On the other hand, the significant manganese level indicates the use of Asian cobalt ores for the enamels of the incense burner. The very limited use of the lead pyrochlore pigment (European Naples yellow recipes) in the yellow and soft green cloisonné enamels of the Kangxi incense burner, as well as the use of traditional Chinese recipes for other colors (white, turquoise, dark green, red), reinforces the pioneering character of this object in technical terms at the 17th–18th century turn. The low level of lead in the cloisonné enamels of the incense burner may also be related to the use of European recipes. On the contrary, the Qianlong ewer displays all the enameling techniques imported from Europe to obtain a painted decoration of exceptional quality with the use of complex lead pyrochlore pigments, with or without addition of zinc, as well as cassiterite opacifier.

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