howler monkey
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2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Andrea Chaves ◽  
Gaby Dolz ◽  
Carlos N. Ibarra-Cerdeña ◽  
Genuar Núñez ◽  
Edgar Ortiz-Malavasi E ◽  

Abstract Background In South and Central America, Plasmodium malariae/Plasmodium brasilianum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium simium, and Plasmodium falciparum has been reported in New World primates (NWP). Specifically in Costa Rica, the presence of monkeys positive to P. malariae/P brasilianum has been identified in both captivity and in the wild. The aim of the present study was to determine the presence of P. brasilianum, P. falciparum, and P. vivax, and the potential distribution of these parasites-infecting NWP from Costa Rica. Methods The locations with PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) positive results and bioclimatic predictors were used to construct ecological niche models based on a modelling environment that uses the Maxent algorithm, named kuenm, capable to manage diverse settings to better estimate the potential distributions and uncertainty indices of the potential distribution. Results PCR analysis for the Plasmodium presence was conducted in 384 samples of four primates (Howler monkey [n = 130], White-face monkey [n = 132], Squirrel monkey [n = 50], and red spider monkey [n = 72]), from across Costa Rica. Three Plasmodium species were detected in all primate species (P. falciparum, P. malariae/P. brasilianum, and P. vivax). Overall, the infection prevalence was 8.9%, but each Plasmodium species ranged 2.1–3.4%. The niche model approach showed that the Pacific and the Atlantic coastal regions of Costa Rica presented suitable climatic conditions for parasite infections. However, the central pacific coast has a more trustable prediction for malaria in primates. Conclusions The results indicate that the regions with higher suitability for Plasmodium transmission in NWP coincide with regions where most human cases have been reported. These regions were also previously identified as areas with high suitability for vector species, suggesting that enzootic and epizootic cycles occur.

2022 ◽  
Xander Duffy ◽  
Jake Wellian ◽  
Rebecca L. Smith

Abstract As urbanisation continues to reduce the available habitat for wildlife some species, such as the black-and-gold howler monkey (Alouatta caraya) in Pilar, southwest Paraguay, are making their homes in anthropogenic environments. Understanding an animal's home range is an important first step to understanding its ecological needs, an essential requirement for robust conservation plans. In this study we determined the home ranges and core areas of five groups of urban dwelling A. caraya using Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) and Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) Analysis. We used a Spearman’s Correlation to explore the relationship between home range size and group size. All five groups had home ranges of less than 10 ha and used core areas of less than 1ha. Group size had no significant relationship to home range size. We provide the first estimates of home range for A. caraya in an urban environment in Paraguay. Though the home ranges of the urban A. caraya in Pilar, Paraguay fall at the smaller end of the spectrum of range sizes in Alouatta they are not abnormal for a species in this genus.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 566
Leandro A. Do Nascimento ◽  
Cristian Pérez-Granados ◽  
Karen H. Beard

Nighttime studies are underrepresented in ecological research. Even well-known behaviors, such as the loud call of howler monkeys, are rarely studied at night. Our goal was to help fill this knowledge gap by studying the 24 h vocal behavior of the Guianan red howler monkey (Alouatta macconnelli) and to compare the acoustic structures of howling bouts made during the day to those made at night. We used passive acoustic monitoring coupled with automatic acoustic detection to study three groups of howlers over three months in the Viruá National Park, Roraima, Brazil. The automatic classifier we built detected 171 howling bouts with a 42% recall rate and 100% precision. Though primarily diurnal, howlers vocalized mainly at night. Greater vocal activity before nautical twilight might be associated with territorial and resource defense behaviors, with howlers calling from roosting sites before starting their daily routines. We also found that during the day, howling bouts were longer and had lower harmonic-to-noise ratios, lower frequencies, and more symmetric energy distributions than bouts at night. Our study adds to growing evidence that passive acoustic monitoring and automatic acoustic detection can be used to study primates and improve our understanding of their vocal behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Brenda Solórzano-García ◽  
Ella Vázquez-Domínguez ◽  
Gerardo Pérez-Ponce de León ◽  
Daniel Piñero

Abstract Background In parasitism arm race processes and red queen dynamics between host and parasites reciprocally mold many aspects of their genetics and evolution. We performed a parallel assessment of population genetics and demography of two species of pinworms with different degrees of host specificity (Trypanoxyuris multilabiatus, species-specific; and T. minutus, genus-specific) and their host, the mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata), based on mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite loci (these only for the host). Given that pinworms and primates have a close co-evolutionary history, covariation in several genetic aspects of their populations is expected. Results Mitochondrial DNA revealed two genetic clusters (West and East) in both pinworm species and howler monkeys, although population structure and genetic differentiation were stronger in the host, while genetic diversity was higher in pinworms than howler populations. Co-divergence tests showed no congruence between host and parasite phylogenies; nonetheless, a significant correlation was found between both pinworms and A. palliata genetic pairwise distances suggesting that the parasites’ gene flow is mediated by the host dispersal. Moreover, the parasite most infective and the host most susceptible haplotypes were also the most frequent, whereas the less divergent haplotypes tended to be either more infective (for pinworms) or more susceptible (for howlers). Finally, a positive correlation was found between pairwise p-distance of host haplotypes and that of their associated pinworm haplotypes. Conclusion The genetic configuration of pinworm populations appears to be molded by their own demography and life history traits in conjunction with the biology and evolutionary history of their hosts, including host genetic variation, social interactions, dispersal and biogeography. Similarity in patterns of genetic structure, differentiation and diversity is higher between howler monkeys and T. multilabiatus in comparison with T. minutus, highlighting the role of host-specificity in coevolving processes. Trypanoxyuris minutus exhibits genetic specificity towards the most frequent host haplotype as well as geographic specificity. Results suggest signals of potential local adaptation in pinworms and further support the notion of correlated evolution between pinworms and their primate hosts.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Julieta Fernández ◽  
Marina F. Ponzio ◽  
Verónica I. Cantarelli ◽  
Julie A. Clennon ◽  
María Sol Gennuso ◽  

The expansion of human populations associated with urbanization results in extensive modification of natural habitats. While many species cannot persist in these highly modified environments, some species adopt new strategies, which contribute to their survival. Several primate species have persisted in altered habitats, including members of the genus <i>Alouatta</i>. To improve our understanding of this interplay, we compared glucocorticoid (GCC) levels in male and female black and gold howler monkeys (<i>Alouatta caraya</i>) in urban and rural areas in northeastern Argentina. Fecal samples (<i>n</i> = 60) were collected from adults and hormone extracts were analyzed by enzyme immunoassays (EIA). Monkeys living in urban areas (females: 109.15 ± 18.83; males: 106.15 ± 10.48) had lower GCC<i></i>levels than monkeys living in rural areas (females: 152.01 ± 19.50; males:139,82 ± 10.85). Interestingly, males living in urban areas had lower GCC levels compared to those living in rural areas, whereas no differences were observed in GCC levels between females living in urban and rural areas. While these results suggest that urban areas may provide a release from intergroup competition for male howler monkeys, future work is needed to better understand the dynamics of this association to best inform management and conservation of this vulnerable species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 224 (15) ◽  
Miguel de Guinea ◽  
Alejandro Estrada ◽  
K. Anne-Isola Nekaris ◽  
Sarie Van Belle

ABSTRACT When navigating, wild animals rely on internal representations of the external world – called ‘cognitive maps’ – to take movement decisions. Generally, flexible navigation is hypothesized to be supported by sophisticated spatial skills (i.e. Euclidean cognitive maps); however, constrained movements along habitual routes are the most commonly reported navigation strategy. Even though incorporating metric information (i.e. distances and angles between locations) in route-based cognitive maps would likely enhance an animal's navigation efficiency, there has been no evidence of this strategy reported for non-human animals to date. Here, we examined the properties of the cognitive map used by a wild population of primates by testing a series of cognitive hypotheses against spatially explicit movement simulations. We collected 3104 h of ranging and behavioural data on five groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) at Palenque National Park, Mexico, from September 2016 through August 2017. We simulated correlated random walks mimicking the ranging behaviour of the study subjects and tested for differences between observed and simulated movement patterns. Our results indicated that black howler monkeys engaged in constrained movement patterns characterized by a high path recursion tendency, which limited their capacity to travel in straight lines and approach feeding trees from multiple directions. In addition, we found that the structure of observed route networks was more complex and efficient than simulated route networks, suggesting that black howler monkeys incorporate metric information into their cognitive map. Our findings not only expand the use of metric information during route navigation to non-human animals, but also highlight the importance of considering efficient route-based navigation as a cognitively demanding mechanism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 909-915
L. Cazati ◽  
A.C. Csermak Júnior ◽  
F.C. Jacoby ◽  
G.R. Araújo ◽  
T.D. Souza

ABSTRACT In the last decades in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, the reduction in the preservation of areas due to the degradation of the biome and destruction of the natural environment has caused animals, mainly in the order of non-human primates, to come closer to towns and highways, increasing the number of accidents and in some cases, deaths. New surgical techniques have been developed that favor these species as explained in this report. The howler monkey patient was traumatized in the facial region damaging important vital structures such as facial muscle groups responsible for swallowing food, chewing, breathing, defense, and communication (vocalization and mimicry), in addition to the cartilaginous nasal structures. However, reconstructive facial surgical techniques, used on humans, showed satisfactory results from an anatomical, functional, and aesthetic point of view in howler monkey, with acceptance of the animal with a safe postoperative period for a full recovery of the primate patient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 186 ◽  
pp. 18-22
Bruno A. Almeida ◽  
Igor R. Santos ◽  
Luan C. Henker ◽  
Marina P. Lorenzett ◽  
Flávia E. Ferrari ◽  

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