dynamic graph
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2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Yongqi Li ◽  
Wenjie Li ◽  
Liqiang Nie

In recent years, conversational agents have provided a natural and convenient access to useful information in people’s daily life, along with a broad and new research topic, conversational question answering (QA). On the shoulders of conversational QA, we study the conversational open-domain QA problem, where users’ information needs are presented in a conversation and exact answers are required to extract from the Web. Despite its significance and value, building an effective conversational open-domain QA system is non-trivial due to the following challenges: (1) precisely understand conversational questions based on the conversation context; (2) extract exact answers by capturing the answer dependency and transition flow in a conversation; and (3) deeply integrate question understanding and answer extraction. To address the aforementioned issues, we propose an end-to-end Dynamic Graph Reasoning approach to Conversational open-domain QA (DGRCoQA for short). DGRCoQA comprises three components, i.e., a dynamic question interpreter (DQI), a graph reasoning enhanced retriever (GRR), and a typical Reader, where the first one is developed to understand and formulate conversational questions while the other two are responsible to extract an exact answer from the Web. In particular, DQI understands conversational questions by utilizing the QA context, sourcing from predicted answers returned by the Reader, to dynamically attend to the most relevant information in the conversation context. Afterwards, GRR attempts to capture the answer flow and select the most possible passage that contains the answer by reasoning answer paths over a dynamically constructed context graph . Finally, the Reader, a reading comprehension model, predicts a text span from the selected passage as the answer. DGRCoQA demonstrates its strength in the extensive experiments conducted on a benchmark dataset. It significantly outperforms the existing methods and achieves the state-of-the-art performance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Siddharth Bhatia ◽  
Rui Liu ◽  
Bryan Hooi ◽  
Minji Yoon ◽  
Kijung Shin ◽  

Given a stream of graph edges from a dynamic graph, how can we assign anomaly scores to edges in an online manner, for the purpose of detecting unusual behavior, using constant time and memory? Existing approaches aim to detect individually surprising edges. In this work, we propose Midas , which focuses on detecting microcluster anomalies , or suddenly arriving groups of suspiciously similar edges, such as lockstep behavior, including denial of service attacks in network traffic data. We further propose Midas -F, to solve the problem by which anomalies are incorporated into the algorithm’s internal states, creating a “poisoning” effect that can allow future anomalies to slip through undetected. Midas -F introduces two modifications: (1) we modify the anomaly scoring function, aiming to reduce the “poisoning” effect of newly arriving edges; (2) we introduce a conditional merge step, which updates the algorithm’s data structures after each time tick, but only if the anomaly score is below a threshold value, also to reduce the “poisoning” effect. Experiments show that Midas -F has significantly higher accuracy than Midas . In general, the algorithms proposed in this work have the following properties: (a) they detects microcluster anomalies while providing theoretical guarantees about the false positive probability; (b) they are online, thus processing each edge in constant time and constant memory, and also processes the data orders-of-magnitude faster than state-of-the-art approaches; and (c) they provides up to 62% higher area under the receiver operating characteristic curve than state-of-the-art approaches.

2023 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-37
Claudio D. T. Barros ◽  
Matheus R. F. Mendonça ◽  
Alex B. Vieira ◽  
Artur Ziviani

Embedding static graphs in low-dimensional vector spaces plays a key role in network analytics and inference, supporting applications like node classification, link prediction, and graph visualization. However, many real-world networks present dynamic behavior, including topological evolution, feature evolution, and diffusion. Therefore, several methods for embedding dynamic graphs have been proposed to learn network representations over time, facing novel challenges, such as time-domain modeling, temporal features to be captured, and the temporal granularity to be embedded. In this survey, we overview dynamic graph embedding, discussing its fundamentals and the recent advances developed so far. We introduce the formal definition of dynamic graph embedding, focusing on the problem setting and introducing a novel taxonomy for dynamic graph embedding input and output. We further explore different dynamic behaviors that may be encompassed by embeddings, classifying by topological evolution, feature evolution, and processes on networks. Afterward, we describe existing techniques and propose a taxonomy for dynamic graph embedding techniques based on algorithmic approaches, from matrix and tensor factorization to deep learning, random walks, and temporal point processes. We also elucidate main applications, including dynamic link prediction, anomaly detection, and diffusion prediction, and we further state some promising research directions in the area.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (POPL) ◽  
pp. 1-29
Yuanbo Li ◽  
Kris Satya ◽  
Qirun Zhang

Dyck-reachability is a fundamental formulation for program analysis, which has been widely used to capture properly-matched-parenthesis program properties such as function calls/returns and field writes/reads. Bidirected Dyck-reachability is a relaxation of Dyck-reachability on bidirected graphs where each edge u → ( i v labeled by an open parenthesis “( i ” is accompanied with an inverse edge v → ) i u labeled by the corresponding close parenthesis “) i ”, and vice versa. In practice, many client analyses such as alias analysis adopt the bidirected Dyck-reachability formulation. Bidirected Dyck-reachability admits an optimal reachability algorithm. Specifically, given a graph with n nodes and m edges, the optimal bidirected Dyck-reachability algorithm computes all-pairs reachability information in O ( m ) time. This paper focuses on the dynamic version of bidirected Dyck-reachability. In particular, we consider the problem of maintaining all-pairs Dyck-reachability information in bidirected graphs under a sequence of edge insertions and deletions. Dynamic bidirected Dyck-reachability can formulate many program analysis problems in the presence of code changes. Unfortunately, solving dynamic graph reachability problems is challenging. For example, even for maintaining transitive closure, the fastest deterministic dynamic algorithm requires O ( n 2 ) update time to achieve O (1) query time. All-pairs Dyck-reachability is a generalization of transitive closure. Despite extensive research on incremental computation, there is no algorithmic development on dynamic graph algorithms for program analysis with worst-case guarantees. Our work fills the gap and proposes the first dynamic algorithm for Dyck reachability on bidirected graphs. Our dynamic algorithms can handle each graph update ( i.e. , edge insertion and deletion) in O ( n ·α( n )) time and support any all-pairs reachability query in O (1) time, where α( n ) is the inverse Ackermann function. We have implemented and evaluated our dynamic algorithm on an alias analysis and a context-sensitive data-dependence analysis for Java. We compare our dynamic algorithms against a straightforward approach based on the O ( m )-time optimal bidirected Dyck-reachability algorithm and a recent incremental Datalog solver. Experimental results show that our algorithm achieves orders of magnitude speedup over both approaches.

2021 ◽  
Jie Wang ◽  
Min Wu ◽  
Xuhui Huang ◽  
Li Wang ◽  
Sophia Zhang ◽  

Two genes are synthetic lethal if mutations in both genes result in impaired cell viability, while mutation of either gene does not affect the cell survival. The potential usage of synthetic lethality (SL) in anticancer therapeutics has attracted many researchers to identify synthetic lethal gene pairs. To include newly identified SLs and more related knowledge, we present a new version of the SynLethDB database to facilitate the discovery of clinically relevant SLs. We extended the first version of SynLethDB database significantly by including new SLs identified through CRISPR screening, a knowledge graph about human SLs, and new web interface, etc. Over 16,000 new SLs and 26 types of other relationships have been added, encompassing relationships among 14,100 genes, 53 cancers, and 1,898 drugs, etc. Moreover, a brand-new web interface has been developed to include modules such as SL query by disease or compound, SL partner gene set enrichment analysis and knowledge graph browsing through a dynamic graph viewer. The data can be downloaded directly from the website or through the RESTful APIs. The database is accessible online at http://synlethdb.sist.shanghaitech.edu.cn/v2.

2021 ◽  
Giovanni Luca Marchetti ◽  
Marco Moletta ◽  
Gustaf Tegner ◽  
Peiyang Shi ◽  
Anastasiia Varava ◽  

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260761
Mohamed Kentour ◽  
Joan Lu

Sentiment analysis is a branch of natural language analytics that aims to correlate what is expressed which comes normally within unstructured format with what is believed and learnt. Several attempts have tried to address this gap (i.e., Naive Bayes, RNN, LSTM, word embedding, etc.), even though the deep learning models achieved high performance, their generative process remains a “black-box” and not fully disclosed due to the high dimensional feature and the non-deterministic weights assignment. Meanwhile, graphs are becoming more popular when modeling complex systems while being traceable and understood. Here, we reveal that a good trade-off transparency and efficiency could be achieved with a Deep Neural Network by exploring the Credit Assignment Paths theory. To this end, we propose a novel algorithm which alleviates the features’ extraction mechanism and attributes an importance level of selected neurons by applying a deterministic edge/node embeddings with attention scores on the input unit and backward path respectively. We experiment on the Twitter Health News dataset were the model has been extended to approach different approximations (tweet/aspect and tweets’ source levels, frequency, polarity/subjectivity), it was also transparent and traceable. Moreover, results of comparing with four recent models on same data corpus for tweets analysis showed a rapid convergence with an overall accuracy of ≈83% and 94% of correctly identified true positive sentiments. Therefore, weights can be ideally assigned to specific active features by following the proposed method. As opposite to other compared works, the inferred features are conditioned through the users’ preferences (i.e., frequency degree) and via the activation’s derivatives (i.e., reject feature if not scored). Future direction will address the inductive aspect of graph embeddings to include dynamic graph structures and expand the model resiliency by considering other datasets like SemEval task7, covid-19 tweets, etc.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104862
Miguel E. Coimbra ◽  
Joana Hrotkó ◽  
Alexandre P. Francisco ◽  
Luís M.S. Russo ◽  
Guillermo de Bernardo ◽  

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