gender violence
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Lourdes Mendieta ◽  

Gender violence is a global social problem. Although in Ecuador there have been achievements in recent decades, this phenomenon persists and tends to increase. This contrasts with the progressive approval of regulations aimed at ending this social problem and responding to the victims. It is relevant, therefore, to analyze the implementation of public policies, in the specific case of the city of Guayaquil, through the documentary review of the investigative, normative and strategic background, as a part of the objectives of a doctoral thesis that is on investigative process1. For this, the data that indicate the problem magnitude were interpreted and the behavior of the elements that influence its solution was studied. The results showed deficiencies and non-compliance with the legislation and lack of attention to the problem by the responsible institutions. As a conclusion, the need for the conscious application of the provisions, the operation of the System and its instruments, the allocation of the necessary budget and above all, increase the prevention work and the initiative to adopt practical solutions at the level of the autonomous government of the territory.

2022 ◽  
pp. 764-787
Giuseppe Masullo ◽  
Angela Delli Paoli ◽  
Sara Tomasiello

Misogyny and gender violence are the result of social and cultural predetermination of gender roles. Indeed, eradicating role prescriptions is a real revolutionary action which implies escaping from male and masculinity hegemony and rethinking male identities. It is therefore crucial to create pathways of democratization of gender that aim to create real paths of equality between genders abandoning the social predetermination of gender roles. This challenge has become the goal of some social promotion associations which try to break down gender-based violence and the stigma attached to it. The chapter aims to investigate how these associations operate to democratize gender through a content analysis of messages posted on their respective Facebook pages. The unit of analysis of the study is constituted by the last 200 posts produced in these two Facebook pages for a total of 400 posts analyzed. Findings identify renewed spaces of masculinity (for example fatherhood) not adhering to the main stereotypes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-129

RESUMO   O presente artigo é um recorte da pesquisa de mestrado acadêmico do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Étnicas e Contemporaneidade (PPGREC/UESB), em andamento, sobre a “Atuação da rede de proteção e combate à violência intrafamiliar contra mulheres negras e não-brancas: um estudo descritivo em Vitória da Conquista – BA”. Neste recorte apresentamos uma discussão teórica sobre a evolução das leis no que se refere ao combate à violência familiar contra a mulher, especialmente a mulher negra e a influência patriarcal no modelo de sociedade brasileira, desenhada pela desigualdade, racismo, machismo, autoritarismo, misoginia e discriminação racial, que reforça a prática da violência familiar contra mulheres. Além disso, trata brevemente do percurso das leis direcionadas ao combate à violência contra a mulher e da atualização jurídica que tipificou a violência psicológica sofrida por mulheres como crime previsto no art. 147-B, do Código Penal. Para tanto, recorremos a autores como Saffioti (2011, 2001) que apresenta estudos de violência de gênero, patriarcado e violência contra mulher, Bourdieu (2002; 2001) que apresenta violência simbólica e dominação masculina e o racismo estrutural com Almeida (2019). É possível, portanto, considerar que essa morosidade jurídica é decorrente de um sistema patriarcal pulsante que coloca o direito à vida da mulher em segundo plano. Afinal, o tratamento igualitário quebraria o ciclo de dominação masculina existente, mesmo a Constituição Federal de 1988 garantindo a igualdade entre homem e mulher, sem qualquer distinção.   Palavras-Chave: Sociedade patriarcal. Mulheres negras e não-brancas. Violência contra a mulher. Racismo.   Abstract   This article is the result of an in-depth study of society and especially the evolution of laws regarding the fight against family violence against women, especially black women. This is an excerpt from the academic master's research of the Graduate Program in Ethnic Relations and Contemporary (PPGREC/UESB) in progress, on the “Action of the network to protect and combat intra-family violence against black and non-white women: a descriptive study in Vitória da Conquista – BA”. The study presents a theoretical discussion permeating the patriarchal influence in the model of Brazilian society, designed by inequality and racial discrimination that reinforces the practice of family violence against women. It is up to the study to take a tour of the laws aimed at combating violence against women, in addition to addressing the legal update that typified psychological violence suffered by women as a crime provided for in art. 147-B, of the Criminal Code. Therefore, it was necessary to resort to authors such as Saffioti (2011, 2001) who presents studies on gender violence, patriarchy and violence against women, Bourdieu (2002; 2001) who presents symbolic violence and male domination, and structural racism with Silvio de Almeida (2019). It is possible, therefore, to consider that this legal delay is the result of a pulsating patriarchal system that places the woman's right to life in the background. After all, equal treatment would break the existing cycle of male domination, even the Federal Constitution of 1988 guaranteeing equality between men and women, without any distinction. Keywords: Patriarchal society. Black women. Violence. Racism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-138
Rafif Pamenang Imawan

Kajian ini akan mengeksplorasi kekerasan berbasis gender dengan mengeksplorasi pengaturan data pribadi dan solusi dominasi patriarki dalam masalah media online. Dengan menggunakan tinjauan pustaka sistematis, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan peta kompleksitas dalam masalah pemanfaatan media sosial online. Harapan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat memberikan informasi kepada pembaca tentang masalah hakikat kekerasan berbasis gender online dengan memberikan peta permasalahan sosial di Indonesia. Selain itu, secara akademis, tulisan ini akan mengeksplorasi teori postmodernisme tentang gender, ruang media sosial dan online serta masalah pola pikir struktural terkait kekerasan berbasis gender. Dalam ranah yang lebih praktis, tulisan ini akan memberikan landasan dasar bagi para pemangku kepentingan untuk merumuskan kebijakan terkait kekerasan berbasis gender secara online. === The COVID-19 forces people to isolate themselves to prevent the spread of the virus. COVID-19 increases the online activities of individuals to meet all their needs and obligations. Not only service-based applications that increased user activity, but also social media applications, which is Twitter. With the various features that Twitter offers, it not only makes it easier for individuals to communicate with people they know, but also opens up opportunities to interact with other users without any restrictions. Twitter allows its users to upload selfies and allows other users to comment on those selfies/uploads. In this research, authors analyzed sexually comments on @dododid_ selfies during the 2020 period. Using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method, authors found 3 major discourses related to selfies of men with feminine gender expression, that are beautiful discourse = women, objectification discourse and stigma and stereotypes. Through this study the author also found that online-based gender violence can be experienced by anyone in various forms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Nara Garini Ayuningrum

Pandemi COVID-19 memaksa masyarakat untuk mengisolasi diri mereka masing-masing demi mencegah penyebaran virus. Hal ini meningkatkan aktivitas daring para individu demi memenuhi segala kebutuhan dan kewajiban. Tidak hanya aplikasi berbasis jasa yang mengalami peningkatan aktivitas pengguna, tetapi juga aplikasi media sosial, salah satunya adalah Twitter. Dengan berbagai fitur yang ditawarkan, Twitter tidak hanya mempermudah individu untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang yang dikenalnya, tetapi juga membuka peluang untuk berinteraksi dengan pengguna lain tanpa adanya batasan. Twitter memungkinkan penggunanya untuk mengunggah swafoto dan membiarkan pengguna lain untuk mengomentari swafoto/unggahan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis akan menganalisis komentar-komentar bernada seksual yang ada pada swafoto akun @dododid_ selama periode tahun 2020. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough, peneliti menemukan 3 wacana besar terkait swafoto laki-laki berekspresi gender feminin, yaitu wacana cantik = perempuan, wacana objektifikasi dan stigma dan stereotipe. Melalui penelitian ini penulis juga menemukan bahwa kekerasan  gender berbasis online bisa dialami oleh siapa saja dalam bentuk yang bermacam-macam. === The COVID-19 forces people to isolate themselves to prevent the spread of the virus. COVID-19 increases the online activities of individuals to meet all their needs and obligations. Not only service-based applications that increased user activity, but also social media applications, which is Twitter. With the various features that Twitter offers, it not only makes it easier for individuals to communicate with people they know, but also opens up opportunities to interact with other users without any restrictions. Twitter allows its users to upload selfies and allows other users to comment on those selfies/uploads. In this research, authors analyzed sexually comments on @dododid_ selfies during the 2020 period. Using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method, authors found 3 major discourses related to selfies of men with feminine gender expression, that are beautiful discourse = women, objectification discourse and stigma and stereotypes. Through this study the author also found that online-based gender violence can be experienced by anyone in various forms.

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