quality adjusted life years
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Maria Paula Bezerra ◽  
Isadora Soares Lopes ◽  
Larissa M Silva ◽  
Henrique de Paula Bedaque ◽  
Lidiane M B M Ferreira

Introdução: Disfagia orofaríngea é um sintoma presente em diversas patologias, que sabidamente leva a um comprometimento na qualidade de vida. Algumas ferramentas, principalmente questionários auto aplicados, estão disponíveis para investigar qualidade de vida nos pacientes com disfagia. Entretanto, eles diferem em vários aspectos, como os domínios avaliados, número de itens, opções de resposta e sistemas de pontuação. A presente revisão sistemática tem como objetivo avaliar as ferramentas disponíveis para análise e quantificação objetiva do impacto na qualidade de vida de pacientes com desordens da deglutição, e quais estão devidamente validadas com esse propósito. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma busca sistemática nas bases de dados MEDLINE (EBSCO), SciELO e PubMed, que incluiu os descritores: “deglutition disorders” AND “quality adjusted life years” OR “sickness impact profile” OR “indicators of quality of life”, englobando os artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos. Os critérios de inclusão foram: 1) abordar disfagia orofaríngea em humanos; 2) correlacionar essa condição clínica com seu impacto na qualidade de vida; 3) avaliar qualidade de vida através de instrumentos objetivos. Em cada estudo, avaliou-se: O desenho, a população-alvo do instrumento desenvolvido, a validação dos questionários, a conclusão do estudo e a aplicabilidade real da ferramenta avaliada. Resultados:  Um total de 335 artigos foram encontrados com essa estratégia de busca. Após exclusão dos duplicados, 310 evidências foram analisadas pelo título e resumo, e destas 295 foram excluídas imediatamente por não preencherem os critérios de inclusão. Quinze artigos foram lidos na íntegra, dos quais dez foram incluídos na análise qualitativa. Conclusão: Diversas ferramentas são utilizadas para avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em pacientes com disfagia orofaríngea, mas a maioria não está devidamente validada, ou seu uso é sustentado por estudos de baixa qualidade metodológica. O SWAL-QOL é a ferramenta mais estudada, traduzida para mais línguas e cujas análises psicométricas mostraram melhores resultados, mas novos estudos vêm questionando a qualidade desse instrumento. Assim, reforçamos a importância de estudar objetivamente a correlação entre qualidade de vida de disfagia orofaríngea, mas reiteramos a necessidade de melhores estudos para desenvolvimento de ferramentas com melhor acurácia.

2021 ◽  
Hassan Abolghasem Gorji ◽  
Majid Khosravi ◽  
Razieh Mahmoodi ◽  
Mojtaba Hasoumi ◽  
Aghdas Souresrafil ◽  

Abstract Objective: This study aims to analyze the cost-effectiveness of atrial fibrillation screening strategies.Design: Systematic review Setting: LiteraturePatient(s): Patients with atrial fibrillation.Intervention(s): To find related research and articles in this field, articles published in Iranian and international databases and based on inclusion and exclusion criteria were searched and reviewed. The quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) were the main outcome used for measuring the effectiveness.­Main Outcome Measure(s): Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) per gained or additional QALY, additional case detected, and avoided stroke.Result(s): Out of 3,360 studies found in the field of the present study, finally, fifteen studies were included in the research. The lowest ICER numerical value was 78.39 for AF screening using ECG for 65-85-year-old Japanese women. The highest value of this index is equal to 70864.31 for performing ECG monitoring for more than 60 days for Canadians over 80 years without AF history who have been referred to outpatient clinics. In two studies, the results were expressed with the Years of life gained (YLG) measure. Of course, in one study, the results were not reported with this measure and in one study, the results were reported with ICER. Conclusion(s): According to the results of all the studies analyzed, most of the studies acknowledged the cost-effectiveness of different AF screening strategies. However, studies that confirmed the cost-effectiveness of population-based screening were more than studies that confirmed the cost-effectiveness of other screening strategies.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260843
Chris Martin ◽  
Michiel Luteijn ◽  
William Letton ◽  
Josephine Robertson ◽  
Stuart McDonald

The objective of this paper is to model lost Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) from symptoms arising from COVID-19 disease in the UK population, including symptoms of ‘long-COVID’. The scope includes QALYs lost to symptoms, but not deaths, due to acute COVID-19 and long-COVID. The prevalence of symptomatic COVID-19, encompassing acute symptoms and long-COVID symptoms, was modelled using a decay function. Permanent injury as a result of COVID-19 infection, was modelled as a fixed prevalence. Both parts were combined to calculate QALY loss due to COVID-19 symptoms. Assuming a 60% final attack rate for SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population, we modelled 299,730 QALYs lost within 1 year of infection (90% due to symptomatic COVID-19 and 10% permanent injury) and 557,764 QALYs lost within 10 years of infection (49% due to symptomatic COVID-19 and 51% due to permanent injury). The UK Government willingness-to-pay to avoid these QALY losses would be £17.9 billion and £32.2 billion, respectively. Additionally, 90,143 people were subject to permanent injury from COVID-19 (0.14% of the population). Given the ongoing development in information in this area, we present a model framework for calculating the health economic impacts of symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 infection. This model framework can aid in quantifying the adverse health impact of COVID-19, long-COVID and permanent injury following COVID-19 in society and assist the proactive management of risk posed to health. Further research is needed using standardised measures of patient reported outcomes relevant to long-COVID and applied at a population level.

2021 ◽  
Τριανταφυλλιά Κουκουμπάνη

Εισαγωγή: Οι κλινικές παράμετροι που επηρεάζουν την έκβαση των ασθενών που νοσηλεύονται στη Μονάδα Εντατικής Θεραπείας (ΜΕΘ) καθώς και τη μετέπειτα ποιότητα ζωής τους είναι εν πολλοίς άγνωστες. Επιπρόσθετα, η αντιμικροβιακή αντοχή είναι ένα μείζον πρόβλημα για την υγεία των ανθρώπων παγκοσμίως με εφιαλτικές συνέπειες και απώτερες επιπτώσεις που παραμένουν αδιευκρίνιστες. Σκοπός: Στην παρούσα μελέτη που αφορούσε βαρέως πάσχοντες ασθενείς της ΜΕΘ αξιολογήθηκε προοπτικά η επίδραση πολλαπλών κλινικών παραμέτρων στη μακροχρόνια έκβαση μετά την έξοδο από τη ΜΕΘ. Μεταξύ αυτών, και εξ όσων γνωρίζουμε για πρώτη φορά στη βιβλιογραφία, μελετήθηκε η μακροχρόνια επίδραση των λοιμώξεων από πολυανθεκτικά μικρόβια στη ΜΕΘ σε δείκτες θνητότητας και ποιότητας ζωής (Quality-adjusted Life Years, QALYs). Mέθοδοι: Συνολικά στη μελέτη συμπεριλήφθησαν 351 ασθενείς ηλικίας ≥ 18 ετών. Τα δημογραφικά στοιχεία των ασθενών καθώς και οι δείκτες έκβασης αξιολογήθηκαν προοπτικά. Τα QALYs υπολογίστηκαν στους 6,12,18 και 24 μήνες από την εισαγωγή στη ΜΕΘ. Αποτελέσματα: Η θνητότητα εντός της ΜΕΘ, στις 90 ημέρες και στη διετία ήταν αντίστοιχα 27.9%, 52.4% και 61.5%. Η ηλικία, η βαρύτητα της νόσου και η επιπλεγμένη νοσηλεία αποτέλεσαν δυσμενείς παράγοντες θνητότητας στις 90 ημέρες αλλά και στη διετία (P<0.016). Mόνο η προχωρημένη ηλικία απέβη καθοριστική για την ποιότητα ζωής των ασθενών που επιβίωσαν στις 90 ημέρες και στα δύο έτη (P<0.001). Πενήντα-οκτώ (58) ασθενείς ανέπτυξαν λοιμώξεις από ανθεκτικά στελέχη (antibiotic-resistant pathogens, ABRPs) (ομάδα ABRP), 57 ασθενείς ανέπτυξαν λοιμώξεις από ευαίσθητα στελέχη (ομάδα non-ABRP) ενώ 236 ασθενείς δεν ανέπτυξαν λοίμωξη (ομάδα no-infection). Σε σύγκριση με τις άλλες δύο ομάδες, η ομάδα ABRP έδειξε αυξημένη θνητότητα εντός της ΜΕΘ, στις 90 ημέρες και στα δύο έτη (P≤0.022), χειρότερα ποσοστά επιβίωσης στη διετία τόσο για όλους τους ασθενείς συνολικά όσο και για την ομάδα των επιβιωσάντων (Log-rank test, P≤0.046) και χειρότερη εξέλιξη σε βάθος χρόνου των QALYs για όλο τον πληθυσμό της μελέτης, τους επιβιώσαντες από τη ΜΕΘ και τους επιβιώσαντες στη διετία (P≤0.013). Η ομάδα ABRP χωρίστηκε περαιτέρω σε υποομάδες MDR (n=34) και XDR (n=24) με βάση τις αντοχές των παθογόνων (πολυανθεκτικά και ιδιαιτέρως ανθεκτικά παθογόνα, MDR και XDR αντίστοιχα). Σε σύγκριση με την υποομάδα MDR, η υποομάδα XDR έδειξε αυξημένη θνητότητα εντός της ΜΕΘ, στις 90 ημέρες και στη διετία (P≤0.031), αλλά παρόμοια QALYs 90ημερών και διετίας (P≥0.549). Οι λοιμώξεις από ανθεκτικά παθογόνα συνολικά, και ειδικά από XDR φάνηκε να σχετίζονται ανεξάρτητα με τη θνητότητα στη διετία μετά από διόρθωση ως προς τη βαρύτητα της νόσου [HR=1.778, 95%CI(1.166–2.711);P=0.008 και HR=1.889, 95%CI(1.075–3.320);P=0.027, αντίστοιχα]. Τέλος οι λοιμώξεις αιματικής ροής από πολυανθεκτικά μικρόβια επιβάρυναν ανεξάρτητα το κόστος νοσηλείας στη ΜΕΘ (P=0.046).Συμπεράσματα:Η παρούσα μελέτη υποδεικνύει μια σημαντική συσχέτιση ανάμεσα σε λοιμώξεις από ανθεκτικά παθογόνα (ειδικά XDR) κατά τη νοσηλεία στη ΜΕΘ και αυξημένα ποσοστά θνητότητας και αναπηρίας για παρατεταμένο χρονικό διάστημα μετά την έξοδο από τη ΜΕΘ, στοιχεία που χρήζουν περαιτέρω ανάλυσης σε μεγαλύτερης κλίμακας μελέτες.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 312-319
Ha-Na Kim ◽  
Jun-Yeon Kim ◽  
Kyeong-Ju Park ◽  
Ji-Min Hwang ◽  
Jun-Yeong Jang ◽  

Background: Lumbar herniated intervertebral disc (LHIVD) is a frequently presented condition/disease in Korean medical institutions. In this study, the economics of thread embedding acupuncture (TEA) was evaluated in a randomized controlled trial comparing TEA with sham TEA (STEA).Methods: This economic evaluation was analyzed from a limited social perspective, and the per-protocol set was from a basic analysis perspective. The cost-effectiveness analysis was based on the change in visual analog scale score, and the cost-utility analysis was based on the quality-adjusted life years. The final results were expressed as the average cost-effectiveness ratio and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, and furthermore sensitivity analysis was performed to confirm the robustness of the results observed.Results: The cost-effectiveness analysis showed that TEA was 9,908 won lower than STEA, while the decrease in 100 mm visual analog scale score was 8.5 mm greater in the TEA group compared with the STEA group (p > 0.05). The cost-utility analysis showed that TEA was 9,908 won lower than STEA, while the quality-adjusted life years of TEA was 0.0026 years higher than STEA (p > 0.05). These results were robust in the sensitivity analysis, but were not statistically significant.Conclusion: In treating LHIVD, TEA appeared to have cost-effectiveness and cost-utility compared with STEA. However, there were no significant differences between the groups in terms of cost, effectiveness, and utility indicators. Therefore, results must be interpreted prudently; this study was the 1st to conduct an economic evaluation of TEA for LHIVD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (69) ◽  
pp. 1-62
Larisa Duffy ◽  
Caroline S Clarke ◽  
Gemma Lewis ◽  
Louise Marston ◽  
Nick Freemantle ◽  

Background There has been a steady increase in the number of primary care patients receiving long-term maintenance antidepressant treatment, despite limited evidence of a benefit of this treatment beyond 8 months. Objective The ANTidepressants to prevent reLapse in dEpRession (ANTLER) trial investigated the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of antidepressant medication in preventing relapse in UK primary care. Design This was a Phase IV, double-blind, pragmatic, multisite, individually randomised parallel-group controlled trial, with follow-up at 6, 12, 26, 39 and 52 weeks. Participants were randomised using minimisation on centre, type of antidepressant and baseline depressive symptom score above or below the median using Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised (two categories). Statisticians were blind to allocation for the outcome analyses. Setting General practices in London, Bristol, Southampton and York. Participants Individuals aged 18–74 years who had experienced at least two episodes of depression and had been taking antidepressants for ≥ 9 months but felt well enough to consider stopping their medication. Those who met an International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, diagnosis of depression or with other psychiatric conditions were excluded. Intervention At baseline, participants were taking citalopram 20 mg, sertraline 100 mg, fluoxetine 20 mg or mirtazapine 30 mg. They were randomised to either remain on their current medication or discontinue medication after a tapering period. Main outcome measures The primary outcome was the time, in weeks, to the beginning of the first depressive episode after randomisation. This was measured by a retrospective Clinical Interview Schedule – Revised that assessed the onset of a depressive episode in the previous 12 weeks, and was conducted at 12, 26, 39 and 52 weeks. The depression-related resource use was collected over 12 months from medical records and patient-completed questionnaires. Quality-adjusted life-years were calculated using the EuroQol-5 Dimensions, five-level version. Results Between 9 March 2017 and 1 March 2019, we randomised 238 participants to antidepressant continuation (the maintenance group) and 240 participants to antidepressant discontinuation (the discontinuation group). The time to relapse of depression was shorter in the discontinuation group, with a hazard ratio of 2.06 (95% confidence interval 1.56 to 2.70; p < 0.0001). By 52 weeks, relapse was experienced by 39% of those who continued antidepressants and 56% of those who discontinued antidepressants. The secondary analysis revealed that people who discontinued experienced more withdrawal symptoms than those who remained on medication, with the largest difference at 12 weeks. In the discontinuation group, 37% (95% confidence interval 28% to 45%) of participants remained on their randomised medication until the end of the trial. In total, 39% (95% confidence interval 32% to 45%) of participants in the discontinuation group returned to their original antidepressant compared with 20% (95% confidence interval 15% to 25%) of participants in maintenance group. The health economic evaluation demonstrated that participants randomised to discontinuation had worse utility scores at 3 months (–0.037, 95% confidence interval –0.059 to –0.015) and fewer quality-adjusted life-years over 12 months (–0.019, 95% confidence interval –0.035 to –0.003) than those randomised to continuation. The discontinuation pathway, besides giving worse outcomes, also cost more [extra £2.71 per patient over 12 months (95% confidence interval –£36.10 to £37.07)] than the continuation pathway, although the cost difference was not significant. Conclusions Patients who discontinue long-term maintenance antidepressants in primary care are at increased risk of relapse and withdrawal symptoms. However, a substantial proportion of patients can discontinue antidepressants without relapse. Our findings will give patients and clinicians an estimate of the likely benefits and harms of stopping long-term maintenance antidepressants and improve shared decision-making. The participants may not have been representative of all people on long-term maintenance treatment and we could study only a restricted range of antidepressants and doses. Identifying patients who will not relapse if they discontinued antidepressants would be clinically important. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN15969819 and EudraCT 2015-004210-26. Funding This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 25, No. 69. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information.

2021 ◽  
pp. 119-130
Anna Smajdor ◽  
Jonathan Herring ◽  
Robert Wheeler

This chapter explores the issues around the rationing of medical resources. It considers the different ways in which restrictions are imposed on what treatments are available and the ethical basis on which these assessments are based. This includes the controversial 'quality adjusted life years' method which is used to determine a cost/benefit analysis of different treatments. The chapter also examines how rationing is consistent with broader themes of justice.

2021 ◽  
Robin Bruyndonckx ◽  
Joke Bilcke ◽  
Alike W. van der Velden ◽  
Xiao Li ◽  
Niel Hens ◽  

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