response reconstruction
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Y. T. Jia ◽  
S. S. Law ◽  
N. Yang

Existing stochastic dynamic response analysis requires the probability distributions of all variables in the system. Some of them are difficult or even impossible to obtain, and assumed probability density functions are often adopted which may lead to potential unrealistic estimation. This error may accumulate with the dimension of the structural system. This paper proposed a strategy to address this problem in the response analysis of a high-dimensional stochastic system. Partial measurement and finite element model of the target substructure of the system are required. The stochastic responses at several unmeasured locations are reconstructed from the measured responses. Only the variability of the substructure is considered. Other parameters outside the substructure are represented by their mean values contributing to the measured responses. The proposed strategy is illustrated with the analysis of a seven-storey plane frame structure using the probability density evolution method integrated with the response reconstruction technique. Measurement noise is noted to have a large influence on stochastic dynamic responses as different from that in a deterministic analysis. The proposed stochastic substructural response analysis strategy is found more computational efficient than traditional approach and with more realistic information of the structure from the measured responses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 515 ◽  
pp. 116497
Xiao-Hua Zhang ◽  
Zimo Zhu ◽  
Guo-Kai Yuan ◽  
Songye Zhu

2021 ◽  
pp. 65-76
Matthew J. Tuman ◽  
Christopher A. Schumann ◽  
Matthew S. Allen ◽  
Washington J. Delima ◽  
Eric Dodgen

Chaodong Zhang ◽  
Jian’an Li ◽  
Youlin Xu

Previous studies show that Kalman filter (KF)-based dynamic response reconstruction of a structure has distinct advantages in the aspects of combining the system model with limited measurement information and dealing with system model errors and measurement Gaussian noises. However, because the recursive KF aims to achieve a least-squares estimate of state vector by minimizing a quadratic criterion, observation outliers could dramatically deteriorate the estimator’s performance and considerably reduce the response reconstruction accuracy. This study addresses the KF-based online response reconstruction of a structure in the presence of observation outliers. The outlier-robust Kalman filter (OKF), in which the outlier is discerned and reweighted iteratively to achieve the generalized maximum likelihood (ML) estimate, is used instead of KF for online dynamic response reconstruction. The influences of process noise and outlier duration to response reconstruction are investigated in the numerical study of a simple 5-story frame structure. The experimental work on a simply-supported overhanging steel beam is conducted to testify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results demonstrate that compared with the KF-based response reconstruction, the proposed OKF-based method is capable of dealing with the observation outliers and producing more accurate response construction in presence of observation outliers.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1165
Bradley Dean Collins ◽  
Stephan Heyns ◽  
Schalk Kok ◽  
Daniel Nico Wilke

Response reconstruction is used to obtain accurate replication of vehicle structural responses of field recorded measurements in a laboratory environment, a crucial step in the process of Accelerated Destructive Testing (ADA). Response Reconstruction is cast as an inverse problem whereby an input signal is inferred to generate the desired outputs of a system. By casting the problem as an inverse problem we veer away from the familiarity of symmetry in physical systems since multiple inputs may generate the same output. We differ in our approach from standard force reconstruction problems in that the optimisation goal is the recreated output of the system. This alleviates the need for highly accurate inputs. We focus on offline non-causal linear regression methods to obtain input signals. A new windowing method called AntiDiagonal Averaging (ADA) is proposed to improve the regression techniques’ performance. ADA introduces overlaps within the predicted time signal windows and averages them. The newly proposed method is tested on a numerical quarter car model and shown to accurately reproduce the system’s outputs, which outperform related Finite Impulse Response (FIR) methods. In the nonlinear configuration of the numerical quarter car, ADA achieved a recreated output Mean Fit Function Error (MFFE) score of 0.40% compared to the next best performing FIR method, which generated a score of 4.89%. Similar performance was shown for the linear case.

C. Schumann ◽  
M.S. Allen ◽  
M. Tuman ◽  
W. DeLima ◽  
E. Dodgen

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