positive dimension
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Abstract For a locally compact metrisable group G, we study the action of ${\rm Aut}(G)$ on ${\rm Sub}_G$ , the set of closed subgroups of G endowed with the Chabauty topology. Given an automorphism T of G, we relate the distality of the T-action on ${\rm Sub}_G$ with that of the T-action on G under a certain condition. If G is a connected Lie group, we characterise the distality of the T-action on ${\rm Sub}_G$ in terms of compactness of the closed subgroup generated by T in ${\rm Aut}(G)$ under certain conditions on the center of G or on T as follows: G has no compact central subgroup of positive dimension or T is unipotent or T is contained in the connected component of the identity in ${\rm Aut}(G)$ . Moreover, we also show that a connected Lie group G acts distally on ${\rm Sub}_G$ if and only if G is either compact or it is isomorphic to a direct product of a compact group and a vector group. All the results on the Lie groups mentioned above hold for the action on ${\rm Sub}^a_G$ , a subset of ${\rm Sub}_G$ consisting of closed abelian subgroups of G.

2021 ◽  
pp. 165-177
Ilias Bantekas ◽  
Efthymios Papastavridis

This chapter examines the nature and diversity of human rights, rather than any particular right. It looks at issues such as the universality, interdependence, and indivisibility of rights. It points to the issue of justiciability and emphasizes the obligation of States in both its negative, as well as its positive, dimension. The chapter examines the role of derogations and reservations to human rights treaties, as well as cardinal principles in such treaties, namely, the margin of appreciation and the scope of application. Finally, the chapter examines in some detail the key aspects and distinctions in international humanitarian law, such as the distinction and legal consequences between combatants and civilians and others.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. e0253888
Olivia Gasser-Haas ◽  
Fabio Sticca ◽  
Corina Wustmann Seiler

The quality of a best friendship provides information about how developmentally beneficial it is. However, little is known about possible early risk factors that influence later friendship quality. The present study examined the role of family risks and social-emotional problems (behavioral problems, peer problems, anxious, and depressive symptoms) in early childhood for positive (i.e., support and help) and negative (i.e., conflicts and betrayal) dimensions of friendship quality with their best friend in preadolescence. 293 children (47.9% female) aged 2–4, their parents and teachers participated in the study with three measurement occasions (T1; Mage = 2.81, T2; Mage = 3.76, T3; Mage = 9.69). The last measurement occasion was at the age of 9–11 years. Results of the longitudinal regression model showed that depressive symptoms in early childhood were associated with a lower positive dimension of friendship quality in preadolescence. In contrast, early anxious symptoms were related to a higher positive dimension of friendship quality six years later. Neither family risks, nor behavioral problems and peer problems in early childhood were linked to the positive dimension of friendship quality in preadolescence. No early predictors were found for the negative dimension of friendship quality. Possible reasons for the lack of associations are discussed. Findings suggest that children with early depressive symptoms at 3–5 years of age should be the targets of potential interventions to form high quality friendships in preadolescence. Possible interventions are mentioned.

2021 ◽  
Vol 114 ◽  
pp. 5-14
Emilia Grzegorzewska

International competitiveness measures and “countries mapping” of the furniture industry in EU 13 countries. The theory of economics is increasingly emphasizing the positive dimension of competition, which is an integral part of the market economy. From the point of view of the countries development, it is important to identify and support industries with special production and export potential. Hence, the main goal of the research was to assess the competitiveness of the furniture industry using selected result-oriented indices. A group of EU 13 countries was selected for the study, and a comparative analysis was carried out against the background of all Community Member States. The time range of the research was adopted for the years 2009-2017. The analysis carried out shows that the highest comparative advantages in furniture exports were generated by producers and exporters from Estonia, Poland and Lithuania. In turn, the unfavorable situation in foreign trade in furniture was noticed in Cyprus and Malta. These are small countries, showing a relatively low share of the furniture industry production value in the total industry value and a relatively low economic labour productivity. In the entire period covered by the analysis seven EU 13 countries (i.e. the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia) belonged to the group of net exporters, i.e. it was characterized by a positive trade balance of furniture and additionally obtained a comparative advantage in this area.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026540752110115
Eleonora Crapolicchio ◽  
Camillo Regalia ◽  
Gian Antonio Di Bernardo ◽  
Vincenza Cinquegrana

The aim of this study was to examine psychological and relational variables such as dependence, forgiveness (both in their positive and negative dimensions), and hope that may explain why women reconciliate with abusive partners. We administered a questionnaire to women victims of violence. Relational dependence was indirectly associated with greater intentions to return to the violent partner via benevolent forgiveness and hope of a change in the partner. The positive dimension of forgiveness (benevolence) could represent a phase of the cycle of violence, during which the hope for change in the partner can increase the probability of reconciliation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Kate Ott ◽  
Lorien Carter

Abstract Sexuality and relationships are a major aspect of teen development. Youth Ministry programs that embrace relational joy and embodied flourishing promote healthy, holistic sexuality for the teens they serve. Yet, many youth ministry programs treat sexuality as a risk (or sin) to be reduced or about which to remain completely silent. Sexuality is part of our created goodness that youth need help to understand and embrace. Faith leaders can influence how teens understand their sexuality and relationships, either as a positive dimension of joy and flourishing or as an inhibitor to health and thriving. In addition to this theological conversation, this article describes increased risks to adolescents who experience high levels of disapproval from families and faith leaders with regards to their sexuality and suggests specific ways to integrate healthy and holistic approaches to faith-based sexuality education that cultivates joy and flourishing related to teen sexuality and relationships.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 35
Hamzeh Ismaeil Ibrahim Abu Shari’ah

This study aimed at clearing what globalization left of positive effects in the domain of human resources, the study had been performed on the hypothesis meaning: (that there is a correlating relationship with a positive dimension between the globalization and the human resources manifest in one of them increase of awareness and improving performance), but the problem of the study had possessed an axis in the following questions: (What are the positive effects of globalization in the domain of human resources?), to be asserted of the hypothesis correctness and answering its axial question, so we had employed the analytical descriptive method. The study had deduced the correctness of the hypothesis, and made us reach numerous results, the most significant of them: is that globalization observed rights of the human resources and protected them from violations, shared in increasing awareness of the human resources in plenty of things which were absent from them, also pushed the governments to concern and promote with performing the human resources, and these results obliged numerous recommendations, the most significant of them: necessity of the states doing the enlargement of positivisms of globalization in the domain of human resources, and belittling their negativisms through studied programs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 548 ◽  
pp. 153-161
Robert Auffarth ◽  
Giulio Codogni

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 581-609
Arturo Fernández-Pérez ◽  
Gilcione Nonato Costa

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