married individuals
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Natalia Soboleva

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of work values and socio-demographic characteristics upon the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction.Design/methodology/approachThe European Values Study (EVS) 2008–2009 is used as the dataset. The sample is limited to those who have paid jobs (28,653 cases).FindingsSocio-demographic characteristics matter more than work values in explaining the effect of job satisfaction on life satisfaction. The association between life satisfaction and job satisfaction is stronger for higher educated individuals and those who are self-employed and weaker for women, married individuals, religious individuals and those who are younger. Extrinsic and intrinsic work values significantly influence life satisfaction independent of the level of job satisfaction.Practical implicationsIt is important to pay attention to the working conditions and well-being of the core of the labour force, in other words, of those who are ready to invest more in their jobs. Also, special attention should be given to self-employment.Originality/valueThe paper compares the roles of work values and of socio-demographic characteristics as predictors of the association between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. It shows that the role of job in person's life depends largely on demographic factors, religiosity and socio-economic factors.

2022 ◽  
pp. 026540752110568
Jamie M. Gajos ◽  
Casey J. Totenhagen ◽  
Melissa J. Wilmarth

Prior research suggests that financial strain negatively impacts relational outcomes and that fluctuations (i.e., volatility) in daily reports of relationship aspects may be detrimental for relational outcomes. Daily relational uncertainty may also be associated with financial stressors; however, little is known about the association between financial strain and levels of daily relational uncertainty, as well as the volatility in day-to-day relational uncertainty. The current study includes both members of 100 adult different-sex couples (relationship length M = 7.0 years, SD = 7.1) who completed 14 days of daily diaries. We examined whether greater baseline financial strain is associated with higher levels of daily relational uncertainty and greater day-to-day volatility in relational uncertainty among actors and partners. Individuals who reported greater financial strain also reported higher overall levels of daily relationship uncertainty, as well as greater volatility in daily relationship uncertainty. The association between actor financial strain and volatility in daily relationship uncertainty was moderated by gender and marital status, such that financial strain was only associated with greater volatility in daily relationship uncertainty for men (but not for women) and for unmarried (but not married) individuals. Evidence for partner effects were also found, where partners’ higher levels of financial strain was associated with less volatility in actors’ daily relational uncertainty; however, this relationship was moderated by income, gender, and marital status. Individuals with lower income levels (versus high income levels) reported less volatility in their daily relationship uncertainty when their partners reported higher financial strain. Males rather than women reported lower volatility in daily relational uncertainty when their partners reported greater financial strain. In addition, unmarried rather than married individuals reported greater volatility in daily relationship uncertainty when their partners reported higher financial strain. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

Aisha Qasim ◽  
Rabia Muzaffar

The current study was intended to determine the predicting role of Emotional Abuse to develop mental health problems among married individuals and its impact on their quality of life. Present research was quantitative correlational survey design, hypothesizing that there is a significant relationship between emotional abuse to develop mental health problems among married individuals and its impact on their quality of life. There is a significant role of emotional abuse to develop mental health problems among married individuals and its impact on their quality of life. Purposive convenient sampling technique was used to approach N= 230 married individuals ranged between 18-40 years old, from different areas of Karachi, Pakistan. The present study was assessed through Gottman Emotional Abuse Questionnaire (EAQ), Mental Health Inventory (MHI-18) and Quality of Life Scale (QOLS). Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version-22) was applied for the analysis of data. Internal consistency of the study was checked through Cronbach alpha. For the analysis of correlation between variables Pearson Correlation was used. Significance of demographic factors were analyzed through the technique of independent sampling (t-test). Results exposed that there is significant strong negative correlation of emotional abuse with mental health (r= -0.82) and quality of life (r= -0.89). The findings of the research highlighted the significant differences of emotional abuse, mental health problems and quality of life. The results of the present study could be useful for enhancing the awareness on the effect of emotional abuse and the necessity of prevent the abuse for maintaining the relationship.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0192513X2110648
Yelda Yıldız-Önal ◽  
Semra Uçar

In this study, the mediating role of partner accommodation behavior and emotional dependency in the relationship between relationship beliefs and communication skills was investigated. The study was carried out with 400 married participants. The results of the multiple analysis revealed that relationship belief, emotional dependency, and partner accommodation behavior had an 11.20% variance in communication skills. Relationship belief was associated with lower partner accommodation behavior and greater emotional dependency. Further analysis revealed that communication skills were significantly predicted by partner accommodation behavior but not predicted by emotional dependency. Additionally, the indirect effect of relationship belief on communication skills through partner accommodation behavior was significant. As a result, it has been achieved that partner accommodation behavior has a partial mediating role between the relationship beliefs and communication skills of married individuals. Possible explanations and the implications and limitations of the study were discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-182
Katherine Gerst ◽  
Alan Reifman ◽  
Sylvia Niehuis ◽  
Dana Weiser

This study’s main objective was to examine whether, in a U.S. sample, ambivalent sexism would show stronger associations with heterosexual husbands and wives’ housework division (hours and proportion) than have previous gender-ideology measures. Unlike earlier conceptions of sexism emphasizing hostile and negative stereotypical views toward women, ambivalent sexism combines the two dimensions of hostile sexism and benevolent sexism (seemingly positive views and behaviors toward women that nevertheless convey underlying paternalistic and patronizing motivations). We hypothesized that male and female respondents high in both hostile and benevolent sexism would report the typical pattern of wives’ housework exceeding their husbands’, whereas those lower in hostile or benevolent sexism would report less housework being performed by wives. Married individuals (N = 249) were recruited via advertisements on’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) platform and announcements at a university to complete an online survey. Several variables were measured, including own and spouse’s housework hours, hostile and benevolent sexism, and demographic control variables previously associated with housework allocation. An interaction emerged for women, in which those high in benevolent, but low in hostile, sexism reported performing the highest proportion of housework, whereas those low in both forms of sexism performed the lowest proportion. These results provided full or partial support for different aspects of our hypotheses. Men reported greater housework (hours and proportion) the more hours their wife worked outside the house. Discussion examines implications for ambivalent sexism theory, housework sharing, and conceptions of sexism.

Mahmoud Mahmoud ◽  
Maha M. Alanazi ◽  
Maha S. Albarrak ◽  
Najd K. Aljarba ◽  
Nehal G. Almutairi

<b><i>Background:</i></b> Vaccines are largely regarded as one of medicine’s greatest breakthroughs, yet vaccination rates have been declining in many parts of the world in recent years. Although there are numerous contributing variables to decreased vaccination rates, it is critical to evaluate the impact of the relevant factors. Also, because we are in the midst of a sad epidemic and vaccination for COVID-19 is critical to maintaining public health and limiting the virus’s spread, there is a risk of vaccine rejection on the horizon. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> Five hundred and fourteen married Riyadh inhabitants aged 18 years and over were issued an online Web-based survey. The research took place from June to October 2020. The study calculates the percentage of vaccination apprehension and analyzes immunization attitudes and knowledge. It also contrasts the participants’ attitudes regarding vaccines before and during the COVID-19 global pandemic, as well as the associated causes for vaccine reluctance and rejection. <b><i>Result:</i></b> The majority of the respondents (48.1%) were between 37–47 and 26–36 years of age (37.5%). Females (80%) made up the majority of the group. Around 66.3% of participants have a bachelor’s degree, and 80.8% have an average monthly income. During the pandemic, 38.5% of participants said they do not want to be vaccinated. When comparing vaccine-hesitant participants’ sociodemographic characteristics, it was discovered that the percentage of vaccine-hesitant participants was significantly higher in the younger age-group (&#x3c;36 years), those who had been married for more than 10 years, those with 1–3 children (<i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001), and those who did not work (<i>p</i> = 0.002). <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> The percentage of people who are hesitant to get vaccinated has grown by 5.2% from the previous level, and the level of reluctance has increased by 2.3%.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0192513X2110551
Sıdıka Burcu Özgülük Üçok ◽  
Zeynep Hatipoğlu- Sümer

This study documents the basic psychometrics of the Past and Planned Investments Measure (PPIM; Goodfriend & Agnew, 2008) in a Turkish sample. Two hundred and sixty-four dual-career married individuals participated and completed the Turkish version of the PPIM (PPIM-TR) along with the Investment Model Scale (IMS; Rusbult, Martz, & Agnew, 1998) and a demographic information form. A four-factor structure of PPIM was confirmed via confirmatory factor analysis albeit with an item deletion due to its irrelevance to Turkish culture. Adequate criterion validity and satisfactory internal consistency results were obtained as a result of the confirmatory factor analysis. Based on the preliminary investigation, the Turkish PPIM proved to be a promising and psychometrically sound measure of the past and planned investments dual-career married individuals make in their relationships. Consequently, the findings were discussed in relation to the relevant literature, implications for counselors were mentioned, and recommendations for future research were presented.

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