body painting
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 346-365

This research aims at the relationships between the subjective norm, attitude, personal norm, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention. The interviewees consist of the body painting learners, who have undergone the survey of the print questionnaire. After deleting 20 ineffective questionnaires, the remaining 300 questionnaires yield the effective response rate of 93.7%. The conclusions based on this research are listed as follow: (1) The subjective norm places positive impact on the attitude. (2) The intention is positively influenced by the attitude. (3) The subjective norm positively impacts on the personal norm of the intention. (4) The intention is positively influenced by the personal norm. (5) The perceived behavioral control is positively influenced by the subjective norm. (6) The perceived control positively effects on the intention. (7) The subjective norm positively influences the intention. (8) The attitude fully places the mediation effects between the subjective norm and the behavioral intention. (9) The personal norms partially place the mediation effect between the subjective norm and the behavioral intention. (10) The perceived behavioral control partially places the mediation effect between the subjective norm and the behavioral intention.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 1397-1406
Bo-Kyeong Kim ◽  
Eun-Mi Choi

With development of advanced technologies, the field of beauty is under strong pressure to try new approaches in line with the highly increasing interest in advance 3D printing based on 3D graphic design data. An increasing number of researches have been conducted to develop beauty and art design object using computer design programs. As part of this, three works were presented in this paper in which body painting designs and object were applied to mannequins by producing them with help of 3D printing techniques based on the motive of fractal that started from nature. This study examined how the generation principle of fractal geometry appears in the form of nature. The generation principle of fractal geometry models nature, fibonacci, and crystalline pattern by non-linearity, irregularity, and randomness around the iterative rule of self similarity. The present study is thought to be meaningful in that it suggests the possibility and practical value of a design method that can be technically and easily accessible to those majoring in beauty by means of its utility as a low-end 3D printing object.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 101334-101347
Karlla da Conceição Bezerra Brito Veras ◽  
Francisco Ricardo Miranda Pinto ◽  
Raiara Bezerra Da Silva ◽  
Francisca Ariádina Anario Dos Santos ◽  
José Otacílio Silveira Neto ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Patrícia Da Silva Klahr ◽  
Anelise De Saldanha Simon ◽  
Martina Madalena Pedroso ◽  
Rafael Vercelino ◽  
Luís Henrique Telles da Rosa

Introdução: Body Painting e Peer to Peer são ferramentas utilizadas com o propósito de aprimorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem no ensino superior, onde o estudante é o agente principal, assumindo um papel ativo e resignificando o aprendizado para a futura vida profissional. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o uso do Body Painting e Peer to Peer como ferramentas de ensino-aprendizagem no eixo de conhecimento de Estrutura e Função Humana para os cursos da saúde e o seu efeito sobre as notas e a necessidade de exame complementar. Método: Estudo de coorte com 3 anos, onde os estudantes de um centro universitário foram acompanhados enquanto cursavam os componentes curriculares de morfologia humana e sistemas corporais. Resultado: 3980 estudantes dos cursos de saúde participaram do estudo. Eles foram monitorados no período de 2014, 2015 e 2016, no eixo de estrutura e função humana. Observou-se uma redução gradual da necessidade de realização do exame final de 332, 183 e 124 ao longo dos anos. Também podemos observar que o número médio de estudantes que não precisaram de um exame final aumentou de 7 para 8 e 9. Considerações finais: Os estudantes apresentaram melhores desempenhos reduzindo o número de reprovações nas disciplinas. Assim, o uso do Body painting e peer to peer como ferramenta de ensino-aprendizagem no eixo de Estrutura e Função demonstrou melhor aproveitamento dos estudantes, colaborando para a formação acadêmica efetiva e a construção do conhecimento profissional.

Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Shuji Yomo ◽  
Kazuyuki Tachi

The 3-coat-1-bake coating system has been widely employed in automobile body painting. This study examined whether the appearance (waviness) of the coating film can be improved by reducing the difference in the shrinkage percentage (by weight) between the primer surfacer and the basecoat and the clearcoat after flow/leveling stops in the clearcoat while baking. To delay the time of flow/leveling stops in the clearcoat (tC) and to reduce the difference in the shrinkage percentage between the basecoat and clearcoat, solventborne clearcoats were prepared by blocking all or part of the isocyanate group with 3,5-dimethylpyrazole (DMP). tC was measured using the electric-field tweezers system while baking at 140 °C. The respective shrinkage percentages of the primer surfacer, basecoat, and clearcoat (ωS, ωB, and ωC, respectively) were measured after tC. tC increased as the DMP content of the solventborne clearcoat increased. The ωC value is lower than the ωS and ωB values when the DMP content is zero; however, the ωC value increased when tC increased, and the ωS and ωB values decreased as tC increased. Wavescan Wa, Wb, Wc, and Wd decreased (i.e., improved the appearance) as |ωS − ωB| + |ωB − ωC| decreased. We confirmed that reducing the difference in the shrinkage percentage between the primer surfacer, basecoat, and clearcoat after tC is an effective way to improve the appearance.

Yoon-Seok Choi ◽  
Soonchul Jung ◽  
Jin-Seo Kim

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 411-430
Maja Tabea Jerrentrup

Abstract The art of bodypainting that is fairly unknown to a wider public turns the body into a canvas - it is a frequently used phrase in the field of bodypainting that illustrates the challenge it faces: it uses a three-dimensional surface and has to cope with its irregularities, but also with the model’s abilities and characteristics. This paper looks at individuals who are turned into art by bodypainting. Although body painting can be very challenging for them - they have to expose their bodies and to stand still for a long time while getting transformed - models report that they enjoy both the process and the result, even if they are not confident about their own bodies. Among the reasons there are physical aspects like the sensual enjoyment, but also the feeling of being part of something artistic. This is enhanced and preserved through double staging - becoming a threedimentional work of art and then being staged for photography or film clips. This process gives the model the chance to experience their own body in a detached way. On the one hand, bodypainting closely relates to the body and on the other hand, it can help to over-come the body.

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