caribbean literature
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e40011124930
Emily Karolayne Aleixo da Silva ◽  
Ana Beatriz Gonçalves David ◽  
Brenda Caroline Martins da Silva ◽  
Breno Roberto Reis de Souza Silva ◽  
Elizabeth Pinheiro Araújo ◽  

O presente estudo tem por objetivo levantar os dados contidos na literatura referentes ao racismo obstétrico associado à violência obstétrica cometido contra mulheres negras, seus impactos na saúde materna, bem como expor as formas de combate a esse tipo de violência. Trata-se de um estudo fundamentado no método de Revisão Integrativa da Literatura (RIL), realizado no mês de outubro de 2021 nas bases de dados Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Bases de dados de Enfermagem (BDENF) e na biblioteca Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE/PUBMED. Dentre as publicações selecionadas pelos autores para compor a RIL deste estudo, 2 foram publicados no ano de 2016, 2 artigos em 2020 e 3 artigos em 2021. Identificaram-se um total de 7 artigos. As discussões apresentadas pelos autores foram descritas em duas categorias temáticas. Este estudo discorre a respeito do racismo atrelado à violência obstétrica e a repercussão na saúde materna e pontua meios de combate ao racismo obstétrico a fim de garantir os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos de mulheres negras. O presente estudo mostrou-se relevante ao abordar a temática de tamanha relevância social, incorporando os dados pertinentes contidos nos estudos selecionados para a discussão, mostrando a realidade das mulheres negras vítimas de violência obstétrica e as implicações dessas em suas vidas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
Aline Cerqueira Santos Santana da Silva ◽  
Fernanda Garcia Bezerra Góes ◽  
Liliane Faria da Silva ◽  
Laura Johanson da Silva ◽  
Michelly Cristynne Souza Bonifácio ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the scientific production in health about children with congenital heart disease in COVID-19 pandemic times. Method: this is an integrative review, carried out in June 2020 in the information resources Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (PubMed), Scientific Electronic Library Online Journal Portal (SciELO) and Brazilian Institute of Information Science and Technology (Oasis Ibict). Results: 14 studies composed this review. Most studies pointed to tests, interventional procedures and surgery for children with heart disease in pandemic times; others discussed possible complications of COVID-19 among children with congenital heart disease. Conclusion: the incipient production of studies and the weak level of evidence denote an important knowledge gap so far, highlighting the need for studies with strong scientific evidence for the formulation of care guidelines aimed at children with heart disease.

2022 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
Fernanda de Brito Matiello ◽  
Jeniffer Stephanie Marques Hilário ◽  
Ellen Cristina Gondim ◽  
Darci Neves Santos ◽  
Débora Falleiros de Mello

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify scientific knowledge about the attention to health surveillance and development of Brazilian children under the age of three years involving the Congenital Zika virus (ZIKV) Syndrome. Data sources: This is an integrative literature review of primary studies with Brazilian children under three years of age from 2015 to 2019. The searches were carried out in the databases Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), US National Library of Medicine (PubMed), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), SCOPUS and Web of Science. It was carried out by crossing the keywords in English (child, child development and Zika virus) and in Portuguese (criança, desenvolvimento infantil e Zika vírus), with the combination of the Boolean operator “AND”. Data synthesis: The knowledge produced is related to the specific health and development problems of children affected by the Congenital ZIKV Syndrome, with clinical characteristics, care demands, multiprofessional performance, health monitoring and surveillance needs. Conclusions: This integrative review synthesized scientific knowledge by adding aspects that reinforce the relevance of appropriate approaches to assess and care for children, linked to the engagement of caregivers, the need to document, evaluate and track the situations of children in early childhood and long-term, management coordination of care and its challenges in the context of primary health care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (06) ◽  
Antônia Cristina Dos Santos Batista ◽  
Bárbara Cristina Dos Santos Barbosa ◽  
Eloá Correia Nunes Eleutério ◽  
Vilma Lima De Souza Silva

The aim of the present study was to analyze the factors related to the increase in the number of measles cases and the role of nursing in this context. This work was developed by a literature search with a descriptive approach, which will be based on a systematic literature review. Available in the Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs) databases. Published between 2010 and 2020, in English and Portuguese. With the following keywords, National Program for Immunization, Nursing, Measles and Anti-vaccine Movement. Measles is a viral, acute infectious disease, potentially serious, transmissible and extremely contagious. Being the only form of prevention through vaccines. Transmission occurs directly, through nasopharyngeal secretions excreted when coughing, talking, sneezing or breathing by infected people. Brazil received the certificate of elimination of the circulation of the measles virus by the WHO, declaring the region of the Americas free of measles. In 2019 new cases arose in Brazil. There are several factors related to this increase in the number of cases ranging from anti-vaccine movements, false news about vaccination and poor vaccination coverage. Therefore, the objective is to relate these factors, highlighting the performance of nursing, showing some control strategies and seeking a solution to the problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (06) ◽  
Arethusa De Oliveira Santos ◽  
Rose Mary Silva Souza

The nursing team should promote adequate assistance to the elderly, prioritizing respect for their autonomy. The objective of this study is to evaluate in the existing literature the actions developed by the nursing performed to demonstrate the autonomy of the elderly. This is a descriptive, bibliographical study of the type integrative review. As a sample of articles in Portuguese, indexed in the portals SciELO, Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and Google Academic, published between the years of 2012 and 2017. data, the articles will be categorized and inserted into tables or tables. It is hoped to help synthesize the evidence available in the literature on nursing care for the elderly regarding respect for their autonomy, and may help academics, professionals and researchers regarding the knowledge about the proposed theme, aiming for a quality nursing care, respecting autonomy of the elderly.

Yra van Dijk ◽  
Ghanima Kowsoleea

Abstract This essay explores the complex ways in which narrative may signify in the contemporary Caribbean cultural context. Specifically, it is concerned with a trilogy written by award-winning Surinamese author Astrid Roemer, set in the years of independence of the Caribbean country after 300 years of Dutch occupation. The analysis focuses not on the usual postcolonial themes but on structures of signification: allegory, materiality and media of language, affect, and the function of objects. Roemer’s texts demonstrate the relation between discourse and physical violence, her language being tied to material media, bodies, and earth. Not just postmodern, but posthuman too, the Surinamese narrative is characterized by the attempt to connect objects to language, objects to emotions, or nature to memories. Language brings us in touch with Caribbean reality and memory, all the while questioning its capacity to do so through allegory and metaphor.

Emília Cristina dos Santos ◽  
Ana Sofia Lopes dos Santos ◽  
Maria Eduarda Regis Ferreira de Lima ◽  
Carla Tatiane da Silva Santos ◽  
Raqueli Rodrigues Leite ◽  

Dentro do hospital, a higiene é fundamental, sendo assim equipamentos de segurança são essenciais para a proteção do profissional, porém se utilizados de forma incorreta, podem acarretar brechas para contaminação. Objetivo: Descrever a importância da paramentação e da desparamentação como uma ferramenta fundamental para a proteção do profissional de saúde  Método: revisão da literatura, as buscas serão realizadas nas bases de dados Latin American And Caribbean Literature Databases In Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature, Analysis and Retrievel System Online (MEDLINE), dispostos na Biblioteca Virtual de saúde, utilizou-se os descritores indexados COVID- 19; Equipamento de Proteção Individual; Contenção de riscos Biológicos. Resultados: Nos artigos pesquisados as ações de educação em saúde, proporciona uma visão  da importância das sequencias de paramentação e desparamentação dos equipamentos de proteção individual, já que é uma barreira de proteção para a saúde do profissional contra riscos biológicos, também o relatam que o uso de EPI é indispensável aos trabalhadores de saúde durante a pandemia de Covid-19, sendo portanto imprescindível coordenar seu fornecimento, para evitar a desperdício e consequentemente a falta. Conclusão: Ao profissional que trabalha diariamente prestando assistência a pacientes acometidos pela Covid-19, necessitam de proteção individual, tão quanto importante a paramentação está a desparamentação. Os estudos mostram que a maioria dos contágios ocorrem no momento de desparamentação, quando o profissional está cansado e muitas vezes esgotado, sendo primordial que ocorram ações da educação permanente a fim de ensinar e sensibilizar esses profissionais.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (10) ◽  
pp. 1044-1058
Lorena Pantaleon ◽  
Andre Rinaldi Fukushima ◽  
Leonardo Ribeiro de Paula ◽  
Guilherme Mendes Ribeiro ◽  
Beatriz do Prado Pacca ◽  

Herbicides represent the largest portion of pesticides used both worldwide and in Brazil. Many of these compounds are applied on a large scale in native forests and in urban and industrial water environments, including atrazine. Due to its low cost, ability to remain active in the soil for long periods and potential effect on weed removal, atrazine ranks 5th in the ranking of most used pesticide in Brazil. Although the use of pesticides increases agricultural production, their intensive use can often cause negative effects on fauna and flora. Studies have shown that exposure to atrazine can cause various harmful effects in mammals, of both sexes, such as structural, neuroendocrine and/or behavioral changes. Considering the seriousness of the situation and the possible toxicological and pathological implications that atrazine can generate in the animal organism, the objective of this work was to carry out an integrative literature review in order to verify the scientific panorama on issues related to atrazine exposure and its impacts, mainly with regard to its toxicity on the central nervous system. To carry out this article, a bibliographic survey of scientific material obtained in the following databases was carried out: US National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health (PubMed), Virtual Health Library (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences - LILACS), Science Direct and Google® Academic, in the last 25 years. The MeSH Terms used in the search were: “Parkinson's disease”, “atrazine”, “herbicide” and “endocrine disruptor”. The following were found in the Science Direct indexers: 115 records, PubMed 52 records, in LILACS no articles were found, and 1330 records were found in Google® Academic.

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