butterfly diversity
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Diversity ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Jinze Ren ◽  
Shuying Li ◽  
Mengdi He ◽  
Yalin Zhang

The Qinling Mountains are one of the oldest mountain ranges in China and a global biodiversity research and conservation hotspot. However, there is a lack of systematic research and survey of butterfly diversity in this region. Based on the butterfly taxa, combined with the changes in natural climate, altitude gradient and season in the Qinling Mountains, the butterfly diversity and community structure changes in 12 counties in the middle Qinling Mountains were analyzed by transect surveys and platform data analyses. A total of 9626 butterflies were observed, belonging to 427 species across 175 genera and 5 families. The species richness on the southern slope of the Qinling Mountains was higher than on the northern slope. We also studied the variation in alpha and beta diversity of butterflies. The results show that butterfly species were abundant and the highest diversity was found at the middle altitudes (1000–2000 m). Moreover, there were obvious seasonal differences in both species and number of butterflies. The community similarity in spring, summer and autumn was low, with limited species co-existing. The butterflies in the Qinling Mountains reserve area were the most abundant, exhibiting no significant difference with those in the ecotone and the farm area. Finally, we did an assessment of butterflies as endangered and protected species. In conclusion, our long-term butterfly survey data show that human disturbance and climate and environmental changes jointly shape the butterfly diversity in the middle of the Qinling Mountains.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 20090-20097
Deepa Jaiswal ◽  
B. Bharath ◽  
M. Karuthapandi ◽  
Shrikant Jadhav ◽  
S. Prabakaran ◽  

The butterfly diversity of Amrabad Tiger Reserve was assessed from March 2018 to February 2021. A total of 106 species belonging to the families Nymphalidae (36 species), Lycaenidae (30 species), Pieridae (18 species), Hesperiidae (14 species), and Papilionidae (8 species) were recorded. Of these, 12 species belonged to the Schedules I, II & IV of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, and four were common in this region.

2021 ◽  
Manfred Pendl ◽  
Raja Imran Hussain ◽  
Dietmar Moser ◽  
Thomas Frank ◽  
Thomas Drapela

AbstractAlthough urbanization is increasing worldwide, private gardens may help mitigate the impact of urbanization on butterfly diversity. We investigated how local and landscape factors correspond with the observed butterfly species diversity and species composition in Viennese private gardens. The goal is to determine the importance of private gardens for butterfly conservation. Butterfly species were observed by skilled volunteers by applying a citizen science approach. We related butterfly species numbers in private gardens with local parameters and landscape composition in a radius of 1 km around each garden. Data were analyzed using a regression approach based on generalized linear models. The butterfly species richness in private gardens was positively correlated with butterfly species richness in the surrounding landscapes. Butterfly species richness in private gardens increased with higher proportions of area relevant for butterflies in the surrounding landscape and with increasing numbers of host and nectar plant species in the private gardens. A higher proportion of wooded areas in the surrounding landscape was related with a smaller proportion of the landscape butterfly species pool being observed in the private gardens. Overall, our results could be useful in land use planning, and for future studies of how to integrate citizen science and make urban gardens more beneficial for butterfly conservation.

2021 ◽  
Suman Attiwilli ◽  
Nitin Ravikanthachari ◽  
Krushnamegh Kunte

Long-term monitoring programmes have revealed catastrophic population declines that are contributing to biodiversity loss. These discoveries and the underlying programmes have been possible because of standardised methods of counting butterflies. Butterflies have been monitored using modified line transects, known in butterfly monitoring schemes as Pollard walks. However, line transects are not feasible in many tropical and mountainous habitats. To tackle this problem, we devised time-constrained (30-min) counts and compared butterfly diversity as estimated through this method with that estimated through line transects (500 m, 10 min) in three tropical habitats in India (evergreen forest, dry deciduous forest and an urban woodland). We tested the efficacy of the two methods to sample species richness and abundance, as well as numbers of rare, endemic and specialist butterflies. We observed greater species richness, and more species of habitat specialists and endemics per sample in time-constrained counts when compared with line transects in evergreen forest, but not in the other two habitats. Thus, time-constrained counts were more efficient at detecting species than line transects in the species-rich evergreen habitat. Apart from this difference, the two sampling methods captured similar levels of species richness and other measures of diversity. Time-constrained counts may thus be viewed as a feasible alternative to line transects to carry out butterfly surveys in tropical and mountainous landscapes. This method is particularly suited for biodiversity assessments and mapping involving citizen science initiatives, which has considerable potential in populous and tech-ready countries such as India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Melaku Wale ◽  
Sofia Abdella

Butterflies are good indicators of environmental health, and they play a critical role in the food chain. Butterfly diversity and abundance were studied for the first time at three forests and their surrounding habitats in northwestern Ethiopia, a borderline ecosystem between the subtropical savannah and the Ethiopian highlands (Afromontane). Butterfly species richness and abundance were assessed using transects between October 2018 and June 2019. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance, correlation and regression analysis, diversity indices, ordination analysis, cluster analysis, and rarefaction curves. A total of 27,568 butterflies were recorded that belonged to three families, five subfamilies, and eight genera. The forest habitat had more butterfly taxa (abundance and diversity) than other habitats. Belenois spp. and Mylothris agathina were the most abundant in all three study locations. Species common to all study areas include Belenois aurota, Belenois raffrayi, Mylothris agathina, Eronia leda, Junonia terea elgiva, and Phalanta eurytis neuritis. Forest edge and woody forest habitats were the richest in terms of both number of species and number of individuals. Equitability (Pielou's index) showed equal distribution of the species, i.e., 0.8 to 0.9, except at the open grassland at Tara Gedam (0.3). Margalef's index varied between habitats and locations showing differences in species richness (from 0.25 at the woody forest of Mount Bezawit to 0.86 at the forest edge of Tara Gedam). Ordination analyses also showed that associations existed between habitats, locations, and dates of sampling. Rarefaction curves rose quickly at the forest edge and woody forest habitats compared to other forests. The cluster analysis discriminated the different habitats. Populations declined during the dry season (December to April). In conclusion, butterfly species diversity and abundance varied with respect to habitat and sampling date (season), although less diverse than other regions in the country where natural forests still widely exist. Butterfly species must be regularly monitored, and their habitats must be preserved for the health of the entire ecosystem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (4(SI)) ◽  
pp. 1141-1151
G. Vinithashri ◽  
J.S. Kennedy ◽  

Aim: The present study was undertaken to assess the food resources and butterfly diversity in Botanical Garden, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Methodology: The survey was conducted in targeted locality from September 2015 – October 2019 and butterflies sightings were recorded using a digital camera (Nikon D7200 with kit lens 18-105 mm, Tamron 200-300 apo dg macro lens). Results: Total 95 species of butterflies were recorded in the garden. Among all families, the highest count was observed in Nymphalidae family followed by Lycaenidae (29 species), Pieridae (15 species), Hesperiidae (10 species) and Papilionidae (11 species). The relative diversity of Nymphalidae (31.57 %) and Lycaenidae (30.52 %) were higher. For Pieridae, RD value accounted for 15.78 % and 11.57 % for Papilionidae. RD value was least for Hesperiidae family (10.52 %). Out of 95 butterflies, the host plants of 88 butterflies were present in the garden itself. Fifteen nectar plants belonging to eleven families were most preferred nectar sources. Interpretation: The present study gives information of butterfly and its food plant diversity in the garden. The obtained information will help in planting additional host and nectar plant resources to attract rare species. It also sheds light on the importance of survival of prominent nectar plants throughout the year for maintaining the butterfly abundance in garden.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 18827-18845
Kismat Neupane ◽  
Mahamad Sayab Miya

A study was carried out to find the butterfly species diversity and abundance in Putalibazar Municipality, Syangja, Gandaki, Nepal, from June 2019 to July 2020. Pollard walk method was used for data collection in three different habitat types: forest, agricultural land, and settlement area. The study was performed in all seasons: pre-monsoon, monsoon, post monsoon and winter. A total of 180 butterfly species from 108 genera and six families were recorded. The overall Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H) was 4.48. The highest diversity was represented by the Nymphalidae with 67 species (H= 3.79). Butterfly diversity and species abundance was highest in the forest area (147 species, 1199 individuals; H= 4.47). The highest species richness (109 species) was observed in the monsoon season.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-129
Toni Koren ◽  
Dejan Kulijer ◽  
Kaja Vukotić ◽  
Ferdije Zhushi-Etemi

In terms of Rhopalocera diversity Kosovo is one of the least studied areas in Europe. During 2018 we visited Kosovo on several occasions and gathered a total of 500 records of 98 species of butterflies or 57% of the 171 species known from the area so far. While our survey was not systematic and most localities were visited only once, the data gathered provide an important addition to the butterfly diversity of Kosovo. During this survey some species of European importance such as Lycaena dispar and Euphydryas aurinia were observed, adding to the knowledge about their distribution in the region. 14 of the recorded species are listed in the Red book of the fauna of Kosovo while six are listed in the European Red list of butterflies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 413-428
Md Aminul Islam ◽  
Md Abul Kashem ◽  
Md Abdul Alim ◽  
Fatema Tuz Zohora

The diversity of butterfly species was studied from January to June 2015 in the three selected areas, viz. Ramna Park, Jagannath University Campus, and Baldha Garden in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. A total 75 species of butterfly belonging to 42 genera under 8 families were recorded from the study areas during the study period. Of them, 52 species (6253 individuals) of 8 families were found in the Ramna Park, 37 species (1430 individuals) of 7 families in the Jagannath University Campus and 20 species (320 individuals) of 6 families in the Boldha Garden. In these three study areas, 17 species, 14 genera and 6 families were in common. At the Ramna Park, the highest species richness included the family Lycaenidae (21.15%, 11 spp.) followed by Papilionidae (17.31%, 9 spp.), Pieridae (17.31%, 9 spp.), Nymphalidae (17.31%, 9 spp.), Hesperiidae (13.46%, 7 spp.), Danaidae (7.69%, 4 spp.), Satyridae (3.85%, 2 spp.), and the lowest was in the family Acriidae (1.92%, 1 spp.). At the Jagannath University Campus the highest number of species were recorded in the family Lycaenidae (21.62%, 8 spp.) and Hesperiidae (21.62%, 8 spp.) followed by Pieridae (18.92%, 7 spp.), Papilionidae (13.51%, 5 spp.), Nymphalidae (10.81%, 4 spp.), Danaidae (10.81%, 4 spp.), and the lowest was in Satyridae (2.70%, 1 spp.). The topmost butterfly species were recorded in the family Pieridae (25%, 5 spp.) followed by Lycaenidae (20%, 4 spp.), Nymphalidae (20%, 4 spp.), Papilionidae (15%, 3 spp.), and the lowest from the family Hesperiidae (10%, 2 spp.) and Danaidae (10%, 2 spp.) at the Baldha Garden. The maximum butterfly species were found in February to June (51 spp.), February (34 spp.), and April (16 spp.), and the lowest were in January (46 spp.), June (21 spp.) and January (8 spp.), respectively for the Ramna Park, Jagannath University Campus and the Baldha Garden. The peak of the population observed in May (n =1285), March (n = 325), and May (n = 71), and the lowest was in January (n = 662), June (n = 145) and January (n = 21), respectively for the Ramna Park, Jagannath University Campus, and Baldha Garden. The Shanon’s Diversity Index (H) and Simpson’s Index (λ) indicated high butterfly diversity at the Ramna Park (H = 3.68, λ = 0.03), Jagannath University Campus (H = 3.20, λ = 0.06) and Baldha Garden (H = 2.50, λ = 0.13), respectively. The high Species Evenness in the Ramna Park (E = 0.93), Jaganath University Campus (E = 0.89) and the Baldha Garden (E = 0.84) indicated that the species were evenly distributed. The calculated Sorenson’s Coefficient (CC) was 0.47, which indicates that these three communities have quite a bit of overlap or similarity. Bangladesh J. Zool. 48(2): 413-428, 2020

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