neutron detectors
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 465
Kanat Mukashev ◽  
Alia Argynova ◽  
Valery Zhukov ◽  
Tunyk Idrissova ◽  
Bakhtiyar Iskakov ◽  

The study describes the experimental complex of the station located in the Tien Shan mountains at an elevation of 3340 m above sea level. The complex consists of detectors of different types scattered across the station area, such as scintillation particles detectors, Cherenkov detectors, radio emission detectors for the measurement of the electron component of extensive air showers (EAS) created by the (1–1000) PeV cosmic ray particles, an ionization calorimeter and neutron detectors for the study of the nuclear-active component of EAS cores, and the underground particle detectors for the detection of cosmic ray muons. The data acquisition system allows the simultaneous recording of parameters from various stand-alone detectors registering an EAS, and storage of the acquired data in the database. As an illustration of research capability, the results of the EAS study are presented here which were obtained during the last few years at the different experimental set-ups constituting the Tien Shan complex.

ACS Omega ◽  
2021 ◽  
Adama Mballo ◽  
Ali Ahaitouf ◽  
Suresh Sundaram ◽  
Ashutosh Srivastava ◽  
Vishnu Ottapilakkal ◽  

Emre İREN ◽  
Ferhat ÖZOK ◽  
Mustafa Nizametin ERDURAN

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. C12013
A. Musumarra ◽  
F. Leone ◽  
C. Massimi ◽  
M.G. Pellegriti ◽  
F. Romano ◽  

Abstract Neutron detectors are an essential tool for the development of many research fields, as nuclear, particle and astroparticle physics as well as radiotherapy and radiation safety. Since neutrons cannot directly ionize, their detection is only possible via nuclear reactions. Consequently, neutron-based experimental techniques are related to the detection of charged particle or electromagnetic radiation originating from neutron-induced reactions. The study of fast neutrons is often based on the neutron-proton elastic scattering reaction. In this case, the ionization induced by the recoil protons in a hydrogenous material constitutes the basic information for the design and development of neutron detectors. Although experimental techniques have continuously improved and refined, so far, proton-recoil track imaging is still weak in laboratory rate environments because of the extremely small detection efficiency. To address this deficiency, we propose a novel recoil-proton track imaging system in which the light deriving from a fast scintillation signal is used to perform a complete reconstruction in space and time of the event. In particular, we report the idea of RIPTIDE (RecoIl Proton Track Imaging DEtector): an innovative system which combines a plastic scintillator coupled to imaging devices, based on CMOS technology, or micro channel plate sensors. The proposed apparatus aims at providing neutron spectrometry capability by stereoscopically imaging the recoil-protons tracks, correlating the spatial information with the time information. RIPTIDE intrinsically enable the online analysis of the ionization track, thus retrieving the neutron direction and energy, without spoiling the overall efficiency of the detection system. Finally, the spatial and topological event reconstruction enables particle discrimination — a crucial requirement for neutron detection — by deducing the specific energy loss along the track.

2021 ◽  
Vol 385 ◽  
pp. 111503
C. Montalvo ◽  
L.A. Torres ◽  
A. García-Berrocal

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 7930
Zhongming Zhang ◽  
Michael D. Aspinall

Third-generation semiconductor materials have a wide band gap, high thermal conductivity, high chemical stability and strong radiation resistance. These materials have broad application prospects in optoelectronics, high-temperature and high-power equipment and radiation detectors. In this work, thin-film solid state neutron detectors made of four third-generation semiconductor materials are studied. Geant4 10.7 was used to analyze and optimize detectors. The optimal thicknesses required to achieve the highest detection efficiency for the four materials are studied. The optimized materials include diamond, silicon carbide (SiC), gallium oxide (Ga2O3) and gallium nitride (GaN), and the converter layer materials are boron carbide (B4C) and lithium fluoride (LiF) with a natural enrichment of boron and lithium. With optimal thickness, the primary knock-on atom (PKA) energy spectrum and displacements per atom (DPA) are studied to provide an indication of the radiation hardness of the four materials. The gamma rejection capabilities and electron collection efficiency (ECE) of these materials have also been studied. This work will contribute to manufacturing radiation-resistant, high-temperature-resistant and fast response neutron detectors. It will facilitate reactor monitoring, high-energy physics experiments and nuclear fusion research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. P11039
P. Stowell ◽  
S. Fargher ◽  
C. Steer ◽  
L.F. Thompson

Abstract Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing (CRNS) is a powerful technique that allows non-invasive monitoring of soil moisture on length scales well matched for agricultural applications. One factor limiting the use of the technique within industrial agriculture settings is the high initial cost of Helium-3 or BF3 tubes typically used for ground level neutron monitoring. This paper discusses the use of Geant4 to design and optimise an alternative scintillator based epi-thermal neutron detector that may be applicable for challenges where cost is a higher driving factor than temporal resolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (10) ◽  
Jerzy A. Janczyszyn ◽  
Grażyna Domańska ◽  
Przemysław Stanisz

AbstractHigh-level waste is an important safety issue in the development of nuclear power. A proposed solution is the transmutation of waste in fast reactors. The exclusion of the risk of supercriticality by using subcritical reactors is currently under development. Controlling the subcriticality level in such reactors presents difficulties. A problem is posed by the so-called space effect observed when using in reactors many neutron detectors in different locations of the core and reflector. Reactivity obtained from measurements, for example, by the Sjöstrand method, differs by nonnegligible values. Numerical corrections can partially improve this situation. The use of a monoisotopic fission chamber set, designed for a given reactor, when each chamber is intended for a specific position in the system, can improve the situation. A question arises about the sensitivity of the results to reactivity changes. This issue is analyzed by computer simulation for possible fissionable and fissile nuclides for the total range of control rod insertion, changes in reactor fuel enrichment, and fuel temperature. The tested sensitivity was satisfactory at most levels from several dozen to several hundred pcm. A case study was conducted using the VENUS-F core model.

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