twistor space
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Atul Sharma

Abstract Low multiplicity celestial amplitudes of gluons and gravitons tend to be distributional in the celestial coordinates z,$$ \overline{z} $$ z ¯ . We provide a new systematic remedy to this situation by studying celestial amplitudes in a basis of light transformed boost eigenstates. Motivated by a novel equivalence between light transforms and Witten’s half-Fourier transforms to twistor space, we light transform every positive helicity state in the coordinate z and every negative helicity state in $$ \overline{z} $$ z ¯ . With examples, we show that this “ambidextrous” prescription beautifully recasts two- and three-point celestial amplitudes in terms of standard conformally covariant structures. These are used to extract examples of celestial OPE for light transformed operators. We also study such amplitudes at higher multiplicity by constructing the Grassmannian representation of tree-level gluon celestial amplitudes as well as their light transforms. The formulae for n-point Nk−2MHV amplitudes take the form of Euler-type integrals over regions in Gr(k, n) cut out by positive energy constraints.

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (6) ◽  
Hadleigh Frost ◽  
Lionel Mason

AbstractWe review Lie polynomials as a mathematical framework that underpins the structure of the so-called double copy relationship between gauge and gravity theories (and a network of other theories besides). We explain how Lie polynomials naturally arise in the geometry and cohomology of $$\mathcal {M}_{0,n}$$ M 0 , n , the moduli space of n points on the Riemann sphere up to Mobiüs transformation. We introduce a twistorial correspondence between the cotangent bundle $$T^*_D\mathcal {M}_{0,n}$$ T D ∗ M 0 , n , the bundle of forms with logarithmic singularities on the divisor D as the twistor space, and $$\mathcal {K}_n$$ K n the space of momentum invariants of n massless particles subject to momentum conservation as the analogue of space–time. This gives a natural framework for Cachazo He and Yuan (CHY) and ambitwistor-string formulae for scattering amplitudes of gauge and gravity theories as being the corresponding Penrose transform. In particular, we show that it gives a natural correspondence between CHY half-integrands and scattering forms, certain $$n-3$$ n - 3 -forms on $$\mathcal {K}_n$$ K n , introduced by Arkani-Hamed, Bai, He and Yan (ABHY). We also give a generalization and more invariant description of the associahedral $$n-3$$ n - 3 -planes in $$\mathcal {K}_n$$ K n introduced by ABHY.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Tung Tran

Abstract We present the inverse Penrose transform (the map from spacetime to twistor space) for self-dual Yang-Mills (SDYM) and its higher-spin extensions on a flat background. The twistor action for the higher-spin extension of SDYM (HS-SDYM) is of $$ \mathcal{BF} $$ BF -type. By considering a deformation away from the self-dual sector of HS-SDYM, we discover a new action that describes a higher-spin extension of Yang-Mills theory (HS-YM). The twistor action for HS-YM is a straightforward generalization of the Yang-Mills one.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Matthias R. Gaberdiel ◽  
Rajesh Gopakumar

Abstract The worldsheet string theory dual to free 4d $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory was recently proposed in [1]. It is described by a free field sigma model on the twistor space of AdS5 × S5, and is a direct generalisation of the corresponding model for tensionless string theory on AdS3 × S3. As in the case of AdS3, the worldsheet theory contains spectrally flowed representations. We proposed in [1] that in each such sector only a finite set of generalised zero modes (‘wedge modes’) are physical. Here we show that after imposing the appropriate residual gauge conditions, this worldsheet description reproduces precisely the spectrum of the planar gauge theory. Specifically, the states in the sector with w units of spectral flow match with single trace operators built out of w super Yang-Mills fields (‘letters’). The resulting physical picture is a covariant version of the BMN light-cone string, now with a finite number of twistorial string bit constituents of an essentially topological worldsheet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Robert F. Penna

Abstract Many integrable systems can be reformulated as holomorphic vector bundles on twistor space. This is a powerful organizing principle in the theory of integrable systems. One shortcoming is that it is formulated at the level of the equations of motion. From this perspective, it is mysterious that integrable systems have Lagrangians. In this paper, we study a Chern-Simons action on twistor space and use it to derive the Lagrangians of some integrable sigma models. Our focus is on examples that come from dimensionally reduced gravity and supergravity. The dimensional reduction of general relativity to two spacetime dimensions is an integrable coset sigma model coupled to a dilaton and 2d gravity. The dimensional reduction of supergravity to two spacetime dimensions is an integrable coset sigma model coupled to matter fermions, a dilaton, and 2d supergravity. We derive Lax operators and Lagrangians for these 2d integrable systems using the Chern-Simons theory on twistor space. In the supergravity example, we use an extended setup in which twistor Chern-Simons theory is coupled to a pair of matter fermions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (2) ◽  
Alexander D. Popov

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150056
Rouzbeh Mohseni ◽  
Robert A. Wolak

The theory of twistors on foliated manifolds is developed. We construct the twistor space of the normal bundle of a foliation. It is demonstrated that the classical constructions of the twistor theory lead to foliated objects and permit to formulate and prove foliated versions of some well-known results on holomorphic mappings. Since any orbifold can be understood as the leaf space of a suitably defined Riemannian foliation we obtain orbifold versions of the classical results as a simple consequence of the results on foliated mappings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Erick Chacón ◽  
Silvia Nagy ◽  
Chris D. White

Abstract The Weyl double copy is a procedure for relating exact solutions in biadjoint scalar, gauge and gravity theories, and relates fields in spacetime directly. Where this procedure comes from, and how general it is, have until recently remained mysterious. In this paper, we show how the current form and scope of the Weyl double copy can be derived from a certain procedure in twistor space. The new formalism shows that the Weyl double copy is more general than previously thought, applying in particular to gravity solutions with arbitrary Petrov types. We comment on how to obtain anti-self-dual as well as self-dual fields, and clarify some conceptual issues in the twistor approach.

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