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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 174830262110084
Jingsen Liu ◽  
Hongyuan Ji ◽  
Qingqing Liu ◽  
Yu Li

In order to improve the convergence speed and optimization accuracy of the bat algorithm, a bat optimization algorithm with moderate optimal orientation and random perturbation of trend is proposed. The algorithm introduces the nonlinear variation factor into the velocity update formula of the global search stage to maintain a high diversity of bat populations, thereby enhanced the global exploration ability of the algorithm. At the same time, in the local search stage, the position update equation is changed, and a strategy that towards optimal value modestly is used to improve the ability of the algorithm to local search for deep mining. Finally, the adaptive decreasing random perturbation is performed on each bat individual that have been updated in position at each generation, which can improve the ability of the algorithm to jump out of the local extremum, and to balance the early global search extensiveness and the later local search accuracy. The simulating results show that the improved algorithm has a faster optimization speed and higher optimization accuracy.

Andrii Boichuk ◽  
Taras Styslo ◽  
Serhii Vashchyshak ◽  
Petro Ostafiichuk

The work describes the main steps, the structure, and the result of web resource for job search, which is relevant in the context of a pandemic and employment loss of a large number of citizens. The focus is on the development of a platform with enhanced protection from the point of view of a job seeker, who can analyze data about the employer, and leave a real feedback both at the job search stage and after employment. For this purpose different user profiles and a real opportunity to leave feedback are provided. A platform is developed using PHP with PDO extension for database connection. MySQL relational database is used as a database. All phases of resource development, from architectural and database planning to the development of layouts and interfaces, are described in details. Special attention to the protection of information transmitted by both employers and job seekers is paid. The functionality of the developed system is analyzed. The received resource has been tested and it has been established that it can be used effectively for both employers and job seekers with the appropriate functionality, the ability to post, edit, delete vacancies and comments about the company. This, in turn, makes it possible to avoid fraud and cybercrime by checking the veracity of the information provided by the employer and forming an employer’s rating based on real feedback from persons who work or have worked there.

Zhongbin Wang ◽  
Ziqing Wu ◽  
Lei Si ◽  
Kuangwei Tong ◽  
Chao Tan

In order to solve the global path planning problem of mobile robots, an improved bat algorithm based on inertial weight and Levy flight is proposed in this paper. The linear inertial weights are used to prevent the algorithm from converging prematurely and the Levy flight is introduced in the global search stage to change the flight direction of the bat individuals. Furthermore, in the local search stage, the random exploration mechanism in Cauchy Distribution is utilized to enhance the local mining ability of the algorithm and search for the local optimal values. Then, some simulations are provided to verify the superiority of the improved bat algorithm to other optimization algorithms. Finally, the improved bat algorithm is applied in the global path planning, and the environment model and fitness function construction are reasonably established. The results indicate the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed algorithm in solving path planning problems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 225
Jenni Veronika Br Ginting

e-Commerce is the sale and purchase of goods or a product online for example like a consumer comes to a store that sells everything we need in everyday life and we can get it with just one finger in an application or on an official website with a network Internet. but behind the convenience there are still things that make a consumer not want to do a transaction buying and selling online because there are still many e-commerce sites that make consumers disappointed in making online transactions from the form of products received are not as good as those marketed on these online buying and selling sites, late in agreement for estimating the day of receipt of goods from the applicable provisions, and the seller's response to the buyer is bad, therefore it is necessary to implement a computer to support the decision in determining the best e-commerce, so consumers can choose which e-commerce site to visit, the method Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) is an easy method in the ranking search stage in determining a decision based on the system.

D.A Balashov ◽  
E.M. Viktorova ◽  
A.N. Zvada ◽  
P.Yu. Kiselev

New approach of complex uncertainties analysis at the exploration stage of the field is considered not only for geological properties but also for reservoir engineering, including the uncertainty of type of hydrocarbons saturation. The method shown in the work is based on the probabilistic method of HIIP estimation which is followed by probabilistic reservoir engineering uncertainties assessment in production profiles calculation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 827 ◽  
Delin Luo ◽  
Jiang Shao ◽  
Yang Xu ◽  
Yancheng You ◽  
Haibin Duan

In this paper, a dynamic two-stage closed search (DTSCS) scheme for the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) cooperative region search is designed, which satisfies the range constraint (RC) and orientation constraint (OC). The closed trajectory is composed of two coupling stages, the search stage and the return stage. The position and orientation at the end of the search stage are the starting cell and orientation of the return stage. In the first stage, a coevolution pigeon-inspired optimization (CPIO) algorithm based on the cooperation-competition mechanism is proposed for multi-UAV cooperative search. In the return stage, inspired by region searching and trajectory tracking, a search tracking (ST) approach is presented to obtain the lowest-cost path under OC. The simulation results show that: (i) N p = 5 is the best prediction time step. (ii) CPIO algorithm performs better than the compared intelligent algorithms in region searching. (iii) ST has high tracking performance than other algorithms. (iv) The DTSCS scheme enables every UAV to make the best use of its fuel to cover more region and return to the airport within the RC, and the average range utilization of UAVs is 97% under the 3OC.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 03078
Andrey Vasilkin

The more designing solutions at the search stage for design for high-rise buildings can be synthesized by the engineer, the more likely that the final adopted version will be the most efficient and economical. However, in modern market conditions, taking into account the complexity and responsibility of high-rise buildings the designer does not have the necessary time to develop, analyze and compare any significant number of options. To solve this problem, it is expedient to use the high potential of computer-aided designing. To implement automated search for design solutions, it is proposed to develop the computing facilities, the application of which will significantly increase the productivity of the designer and reduce the complexity of designing. Methods of structural and parametric optimization have been adopted as the basis of the computing facilities. Their efficiency in the synthesis of design solutions is shown, also the schemes, that illustrate and explain the introduction of structural optimization in the traditional design of steel frames, are constructed. To solve the problem of synthesis and comparison of design solutions for steel frames, it is proposed to develop the computing facilities that significantly reduces the complexity of search designing and based on the use of methods of structural and parametric optimization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-17
Joung-soup Lim ◽  
Su-Jeong Lee ◽  
Eun-Saem Ahn ◽  
Hyun-Ji Shin

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