everyday life
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2022 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 278-283
Daniel Balliet ◽  
Catherine Molho ◽  
Simon Columbus ◽  
Terence D. Dores Cruz

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-73
Arno Remmers

The psychosomatic arc, based on an idea of Nossrat Peseschkian in 1988, was further developed by the author from 1994 on to visualize the process of body and mental symptoms caused by life events and microtraumatic situations of everyday life. A semi-structured psychosomatic treatment process is described by which to understand the function and language of psychosomatic symptoms more easily. Keywords: psychosomatic arc, positive psychosomatic, positive psychotherapy, psychosomatic disorders, visualization in psychosomatic treatment

MEST Journal ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Zainab Abdul-Jalil Salman ◽  
Omar Athab

Nowadays, due to our everyday stress and current stressful lifestyle, the loss of items appears a frequent issue and may be very inconvenient. In this regard, until the IoT becomes part of everyday life, we can use the software as an efficient tool to assist a person's searching, verifying, and finding lost belongings. This paper presents an Android-based application that we proposed and implemented to help users find lost items. Utilizing this software will enable the subscriber to record his request to the relevant authority. In addition, a special section offers to insert a contact telephone number or email to communicate between the person who found the item and the person who lost it. During testing, among other services, the platform showed its capabilities to register and log users, releasing a lot of information of lost items and automatically forwarding lost-and-found notifications. The paper can be useful for those who deal with the application of information technology.

David Marcusson-Clavertz ◽  
Martin J. Sliwinski ◽  
Orfeu M. Buxton ◽  
Jinhyuk Kim ◽  
David M. Almeida ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Penelope Theologi-Gouti ◽  
Ioannis Iliopoulos ◽  
Maria Kokkaliari

This paper describes a study case of the Science and Technology Museum “Pedagogical Competence Programme” for students of the Department of Geology. It highlights an experimental approach of the museum for designing museum educational programmes with students. The museum succeeded from one side to develop a new program to offer to schools using participatory design and from the other to offer university students pedagogical experience through innovative, non-formal educational programmes, new ways to approach school students at all levels, cultivate their special skills, and enhance their knowledge, in order to familiarise them with the popularisation of science.

2022 ◽  
pp. 030913252110651
Sarah Marie Hall

Austerity policies and austere socio-economic conditions in the UK have had acute consequences for everyday life and, interconnectedly, the political and structural regimes that impact upon the lives of women and marginalised groups. Feminist geographies have arguably been enlivened and reinvigorated by critical engagements with austerity, bringing to light everyday experiences, structural inequalities and multi-scalar socio-economic relations. With this paper I propose five areas of intervention for further research in this field: social reproduction, everyday epistemologies, intersectionality, voice and silence, and embodied fieldwork. To conclude, I argue for continuing feminist critique and analyses given the legacies and futures of austerity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 171-186
T. G. Emelyanenko

The article discusses the changes that occur in the religious policy of Uzbekistan after gaining state independence (1991), and the impact that they have on various areas of everyday culture — traditional ceremonies, costume, religious and everyday behavior, etc. It is noted that along with justifi ed government measures aimed at preventing religious extremism are strengthening the control of offi cial Muslim organizations and their representatives over everyday life, over the execution of something only religious, but also family and social norms and ritual practices. The policy of religious tolerance and the course towards enlightened Islam, which is currently being conducted in Uzbekistan, imply not only the freedom of Muslims to openly demonstrate their religious affi liation through visits to mosques, the performance of Muslim rites, through special details of a costume, etc., but also the “purifi cation” of Islam from pre- Islamic performances and rituals that traditionally existed in the “everyday” form of its functioning among local Muslims, the modifi cation of ancient rites and rituals and the revaluation of cultural heritage. Modern realities determine the relevance of the ethnographic study of Islam in Central Asia and the need for new approaches to the study of traditional everyday and everyday culture — its consideration in the context of the processes that occur in regional Islam. The article is based on the author’s fi eld materials, mainly collected during trips to Uzbekistan.

Cells ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 274
Vladimir N. Binhi ◽  
Andrei B. Rubin

This review contains information on the development of magnetic biology, one of the multidisciplinary areas of biophysics. The main historical facts are presented and the general observed properties of magnetobiological phenomena are listed. The unavoidable presence of nonspecific magnetobiological effects in the everyday life of a person and society is shown. Particular attention is paid to the formation of theoretical concepts in magnetobiology and the state of the art in this area of research. Some details are provided on the molecular mechanisms of the nonspecific action of a magnetic field on organisms. The prospects of magnetobiology for the near and distant future are discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148
Nora Pitri Nainggolan ◽  
Heryenzus ◽  
Intan Utna Sari

Internet has a positive impact on everyday life, but it can also pose a tremendous threat to families or children. Every parent wants their child not to be trapped into the internet world that tends to be detrimental. Therefore, parents should supervise the activities of children in the internet. This activity was carried out through two meetings, which took place in Sekanak Raya Village where the participants of this devotional activity were the Sekanak Raya community. This devotional activity provides coaching to parents to be able to carry out every stage of managing the use of technology and the internet to be useful in the family including in setting mobile phones so that children cannot open things that are negative, teaching parents to be able to internet healthy with children, teaching parents to be able to supervise children well in the introduction of a healthy internet. Based on the discussion of construction conducted on the Sekanak Raya community, it was concluded as follows: (1).Participants understand about the safe use of smartphones for families; (2).Participants of devotion are able to supervise children in the internet; (3).Participants are able to apply the knowledge obtained in accordance with the material of devotion provided.

В.В. Хутарев-Гарнишевский

Публикуемый источник является отрывком из дневника депутата Московской городской Думы Н.П. Вишнякова (1844-1927). Автор лично не принимал участия в боевых действиях, но находился в самом эпицентре боевых действий между «красными» и «белыми», так как проживал с семьей в центре города. Именно эти события часто называют началом полноценной Гражданской войны. Его дневник отражает психологическое состояние мирного горожанина, оказавшегося заложником гражданского противостояния на улицах Москвы.Особый интерес представляют описания особенностей быта москвичей, циркулирующие среди них слухи, домыслы, их надежды и страхи, а также поведенческие стратегии различных социальных слоев. Особую ценность представляет то, что автор делал свои записи два-три раза в день, подробно фиксируя происходящее. Подобного рода источники крайне немногочисленны.Мемуарное и эпистолярное наследие Н.П. Вишнякова давно признано уникальным источником по истории общественно-политической, культурной и экономической жизни Москвы, но никогда не было опубликовано полностью. Лишь дважды публиковались небольшие отрывки.Данная публикация является частью работы по подготовке полного издания эпистолярного наследия Н.П. Вишнякова, который был вовлечен почти во все политические и экономические процессы Москвы времен правления императора Николая II. Он был депутатом (гласным) Московской Думы с 1873 по 1917 гг. с пятилетним перерывом в 1892--1897 гг., мировым судьей, известным ученым-геологом и краеведом.Для публикации были раскрыты многочисленные сокращения топонимов, а также расшифрованы индивидуальные, характерные для автора сокращения.Особую трудность представляет почерк Н.П. Вишнякова, подчас очень сложный для понимания и в отдельных случаях не поддающийся расшифровке.Эпистолярное наследия Н.П. Вишнякова весьма обширно, а сам дневник охватывает события с 1872 по 1918 гг. Published is an excerpt from a diary of N.P. Vishnyakov (1844–1927), a Moscow Duma deputy. Nikolay Petrovich has never personally participated in the events, but was in the epicenter of the October battles between the Red and the White movements, as he and his family lived in the centre of Moscow. Those events in particular are often referred to as the beginning of the real Civil War. His diary shows us the mental state of a peaceful citizen caught as a hostage during the civil confrontation on Moscow streets. Depicted are certain peculiarities of everyday life, rumors and doubts, hopes and fears of Moscovites, as well as behavioral strategies of different social groups.Most valuable is that the author made 2–3 diary entries a day, registering the events in details. Such sources are very few in number.N.P. Vishnyakov's memoirs and epistolary heritage have never before were fully published and were marked as a unique source on the history of political, cultural and economic life in Moscow between 1873--1918.This is a part of an upcoming publication of the complete texts of N.P. Vishnyakov's epistolary heritage. Nukolay Petrovich was fully engaged into almost every political and economical process in Moscow during the times of Nicholas II. He was a deputy of the Moscow Duma from 1873 to 1917, with a short break in 1892--1897, a magistrate judge, a well-known geology scientist and ethnographer.For this publication shorten forms of toponymies and some personalized abbreviations have been deciphered. It is sometimes very difficult to follow and understand N.P. Veshnyakov’s handwriting.

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