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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Liye Xie ◽  
Casey Lun ◽  
Leping Jiang ◽  
Guoping Sun

In the past two decades, archaeological studies of knowledge and skill transmission for pottery and lithic production in preindustrial societies have significantly improved our understanding of how technological traditions were transmitted and how the transmission processes influenced technological persistence and changes. However, case studies of craft transmission for osseous technology are rare despite their equal importance to pottery and lithic industries in preindustrial societies. Our research fills the gap by examining early Hemudu Culture’s (7000–6000 BP) scapular implements in the southern Yangzi Delta to understand the linkage between learning and maintaining the scapular shovel tradition in Hemudu’s socio-economic context. We first traced the history of scapular tools to the precedent Kuahuqiao Culture (8200–7000 BP), then used published experimental results to identify the product traits pertinent to craft learning and infer Hemudu scapular shovel blades’ learning and production patterns. Hemudu scapular shovels had a unique, complicated hafting style and an evidential raw material preference for old water buffalo scapulae. However, the blades’ morphological details and technical solutions varied significantly. In addition, most finished products display manufacturing mistakes resulting from crafters’ lacking skills, experience, and intervention. Practice pieces are rare compared to finished and used products. Although additional evidence implies that practice might have been more common than the studied sample suggested, it was carried out with less-than-ideal bones and insufficient for developing technical competency. We argue that the Hemudu societal norms for a scapular shovel applied only to the highly visible aspects of the implement. The shaft and ligatures could reduce the visibility of many manufacturing flaws on the shovel blade to reach the desired visual effect of the shovel. The shovel blades were made by household crafters emulating from an artifact or a memorized template but had insufficient training and practice in manufacturing. Communities of practice were minimal to nonexistent among the shovel makers; alternative mechanisms to maintain the technical norms or hold a high product standard were also lacking. Therefore, we concluded that the scapular shovels were less important as a technical implementation than a visual communicator of social identity. The binary system of conformist style and material preference mixed with loose quality control in the shovel blade production reveals that social conformity and the associated learning pattern are circumstantial and fluid even for a community’s iconic implement. Further research with other artifact types in Yangzi Delta would help shed light on whether similar learning patterns were applied besides the creation of scapular shovels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 7851-7871 ◽  
Thomas Flament ◽  
Dimitri Trapon ◽  
Adrien Lacour ◽  
Alain Dabas ◽  
Frithjof Ehlers ◽  

Abstract. Aeolus carries the Atmospheric LAser Doppler INstrument (ALADIN), the first high-spectral-resolution lidar (HSRL) in space. Although ALADIN is optimized to measure winds, its two measurement channels can also be used to derive optical properties of atmospheric particles, including a direct retrieval of the lidar ratio. This paper presents the standard correct algorithm and the Mie correct algorithm, the two main algorithms of the optical properties product called the Level-2A product, as they are implemented in version 3.12 of the processor, corresponding to the data labelled Baseline 12. The theoretical basis is the same as in Flamant et al. (2008). Here, we also show the in-orbit performance of these algorithms. We also explain the adaptation of the calibration method, which is needed to cope with unforeseen variations of the instrument radiometric performance due to the in-orbit strain of the primary mirror under varying thermal conditions. Then we discuss the limitations of the algorithms and future improvements. We demonstrate that the L2A product provides valuable information about airborne particles; in particular, we demonstrate the capacity to retrieve a useful lidar ratio from Aeolus observations. This is illustrated using Saharan dust aerosol observed in June 2020.

2021 ◽  
pp. tobaccocontrol-2021-056826
Andrea C Johnson ◽  
Melissa Mercincavage ◽  
Valentina Souprountchouk ◽  
Sasha Rogelberg ◽  
Anupreet K Sidhu ◽  

ObjectiveTo systematically review the literature regarding responses to commercial and public health marketing features for reduced nicotine cigarettes (RNCs) to anticipate potential industry and regulatory actions should an RNC product standard be issued.Data sourcesWe searched PubMed for English-language articles using several keywords for reduced nicotine products, cigarettes and marketing features published through 2020.Study selectionOf 4092 records, 26 studies were retained for review that met criteria focusing on responses to RNC marketing features.Data extractionSearch terms created by the research team were used for review and included independent extraction and coding by two reviewers. Coding was categorised using study design terminology, commercial and public health features in tobacco regulatory science, and their association with individual responses outlined by several message processing outcomes.Data synthesisMost studies focused on current cigarette smokers and were cross-sectional. Reactions to RNCs and attitudes and beliefs were the most common outcomes measured. For commercial features, articles generally studied RNC advertisements, products and/or descriptors. For public health features, articles studied counter-messaging (eg, warning labels) or general descriptors about nicotine or a reduced nicotine product standard. Commercial features were generally associated with favourable responses. Public health features offset favourable responses across most outcomes, though their efficacy was mixed. Contrasts in results by smoking status are discussed.ConclusionsCommercial marketing of RNCs is appealing and may need stronger regulations or communication campaigns to accurately convey risks. Opportunities exist for future research within tobacco regulatory science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 (1) ◽  
pp. 5187-5196
Sakae Yokoyama

In order to prevent hearing impairment due to occupational noise, it is essential to wear hearing protectors such as earplugs and earmuffs, especially in an extremely noisy environment. The method of measuring their sound attenuation is defined by international standards such as ISO and IEC, and standards such as ANSI, BS, AS/NZS, JIS et.. Although most standards recommend subjective methods where the thresholds of hearing shall be measured once with open ears and once with the hearing protector in place for each subject, measurement and evaluation methods are not unified internationally. In Japan, in April 2020, the old product standard was abolished in consideration of international consistency, and a new method standard was established with the ISO standard as the corresponding international standard for the first time in about 40 years. In this study, we compared the measurement methods and evaluation methods according to the standards for sound attenuation tests of hearing protectors.

Ariane Krause ◽  
Franziska Häfner ◽  
Florian Augustin ◽  
Kai M. Udert

AbstractHuman excreta are a sustainable, economical source of nutrients, and can be used to produce recycling fertilizer for horticulture by collecting and processing the contents of dry toilets. Herein, we discuss the key categories of risk associated with the main groups of materials commonly found in dry toilets. The study was part of the development of a German product standard for marketable and quality-assured recycling fertilizers from human excreta for use in horticulture. Particular attention is paid to ensuring that the fertilizer is epidemiologically and environmentally harmless and that the quality of the recycling fertilizer is adequate in terms of low pollution and nutrient availability. In sum, the risk of transmissible human pathogens lies within the human excreta, particularly feces; plant materials added during composting are of particular phytosanitary relevance; pharmaceutical residues in excrements and chemical additives are potential sources of pollutants; non-biodegradable contaminants can cause pollution and injury; and the horticultural risks involve mainly the ammonia emission potential and in some cases the salinity effects of urine. These risks can be reduced significantly (i) with education of users around proper operation of dry toilets and the consequences of adding inappropriate waste, (ii) with facilitation of proper use with general waste bins and clear instructions, and importantly (iii) by using modern sanitization and cleaning processes and testing for harmful substances under the guidance of local laws and regulations, ensuring safe and high-quality fertilizers. In conclusion, the benefits of using dry toilet contents to produce fertilizers for use in horticulture are unquestionable. Our analysis highlights the need to support recycling optimization and awareness for the purpose of a sustainable circular economy and to minimize the risk of harm to humans and the environment overall.

2021 ◽  
Thomas Flament ◽  
Dimitri Trapon ◽  
Adrien Lacour ◽  
Alain Dabas ◽  
Frithjof Ehlers ◽  

Abstract. Aeolus carries ALADIN, the first High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) in space. Although ALADIN was optimized to measure winds, its two measurement channels can also be used to derive optical properties of atmospheric particles, including a direct retrieval of the lidar ratio. This paper presents the two main algorithms of the optical properties product called Level 2A product, as they are implemented in version 3.12 of the processor, corresponding to the data labelled Baseline 12. The theoretical basis is the same as in Flamant et al. (2008). Here, we also show the in orbit performance of these algorithms. We also explain the adaptation of the calibration method, which is needed to cope with unforeseen variations of the instrument radiometric performance due to the in-orbit strain of the primary mirror under varying thermal conditions. Then we discuss the limitations of the algorithms and future improvements. We demonstrate that the L2A product provides valuable information about airborne particles, in particular we demonstrate the capacity to retrieve a useful lidar ratio from Aeolus observations. This is illustrated on a case of Saharan dust emission, observed in June 2020.

Rachel L. Denlinger-Apte ◽  
Lauren R. Pacek ◽  
Jennifer Cornacchione Ross ◽  
Maansi Bansal-Travers ◽  
Eric C. Donny ◽  

Background: As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers a low nicotine product standard for cigarettes, it is important to examine how people who smoke, especially individuals from priority populations disproportionately affected by smoking, perceive low nicotine content (LNC) cigarettes and their relative risk perceptions of alternative nicotine delivery system (ANDS) products, including e-cigarettes and snus, and medicinal nicotine. Methods: Data are from Wave 4 (2016–2017) of the adult Population Assessment of Tobacco Use and Health (PATH) Study. We examined respondents’ absolute risk perceptions about nicotine, LNC cigarettes, ANDS products and medicinal nicotine; their relative risk perceptions of LNC cigarettes and ANDS products compared to conventional cigarettes; and their relative risk perceptions of medicinal nicotine compared to ANDS products. Results: The majority of respondents across priority smoking populations indicated snus, e-cigarettes, and LNC cigarettes were ‘about the same’ level of harmfulness or addictiveness as conventional cigarettes. The majority of respondents indicated e-cigarettes to be ‘about the same’ harmfulness as medicinal nicotine. Conclusions: Our study indicates that adults who smoke cigarettes generally have misperceptions about the harms of nicotine and the relative risks of ANDS products and such misperceptions exist regardless of their racial/ethnic identity, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

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