large steel
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A. Ludwig ◽  
C. M. G. Rodrigues ◽  
Z. Zhang ◽  
H. Zhang ◽  
E. Karimi-Sibaki ◽  

AbstractDuring the last decade, the chair for ‘Simulation and Modelling of Metallurgical Processes’ (SMMP) has worked on different metallurgical processes with the highlights of the following five industrial relevant topics: (i) modelling the as-cast structures of large steel castings; (ii) exploring the formation mechanisms of macrosegregation; (iii) describing magnetohydrodynamic and electrochemical phenomena in remelting processes, (iv) understanding how solidification and flow can be influenced by magnetohydrodynamics during steel continuous casting; and (v) describing nozzle clogging in steelmaking processes. In this contribution, the main achievements from the group on the above five topics are briefly described.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
Paul Dario Toasa Caiza ◽  
Rüdiger Schwendemann ◽  
Paola Calero ◽  
Thomas Ummenhofer

AbstractThe demand of non-destructive methods to detect cracks caused by fatigue or brittle behavior in large steel structures has increased in the last years. Thermography based on electromagnetic induction is a promising method to detect cracks in weld seams and notches. This paper presents a portable experimental setup, which allows to perform in situ crack detection tests on large steel structures. The success of this configuration is based on the use of a highly efficient switched H-Bridge circuit, which can generate a square-wave output voltage with a fundamental frequency up to 100 kHz. Due to the low losses and the low necessary DC-link voltage, the circuit can be supplied by a lithium-ion battery, which allows a small and light setup. The generated square-wave output voltage supplies an air coil resulting in a high frequent triangle current. The induced electromagnetic field caused by the current signal generates eddy currents in the steel structure. Due to an increased current density of the eddy currents in the crack area, there is a measurable temperature increase near the crack. The resulting temperature field is visualized and recorded with an infrared (IR) camera, which shows in real time the occurrence of cracks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1 (111)) ◽  
pp. 6-13
Anatolij Narivskij ◽  
Abdi Nuradinov ◽  
Ibrahim Nuradinov

A method of physical modeling was applied to study the effect of external actions on the processes of crystallization and the formation of the structure of ingots. A brief review of existing hypotheses about the evolution of physical, structural, and chemical heterogeneities in large steel ingots is given. The parameters of the structure and the two-phase zone have been determined, as well as the nature of the distribution of segregated materials along the cross-section of ingots, depending on the conditions of their curing. The decisive importance of convective and capillary mass transfer in the interdendritic channels of hardening ingots on the formation of a zonal heterogeneity at their cross-section has been proven. Experimentally, when crystallizing a model environment (camphene), it has been visually confirmed that the flow of segregated materials in interdendritic channels occurs when a certain amount of impurities accumulates in them. A clear dependence of the speed of this flow on the rate of melt crystallization has been established. With an increase of the hardened part of the melt, the rate of segregated material movement (Vl) increases while the rate of crystallization (R) decreases due to worsening heat release conditions. At a certain distance from the ingot’s surface, these rates become equal, and impurities are carried to the curing border, which is the main cause of the formation of zonal segregation. The results reported here show that the evolution of zonal segregation in ingots can be controlled using various techniques involving external influence on the hardening melt. This study has demonstrated that the adjustable intensity of heat removal from an ingot, as well as the addition of external excess pressure on the hardening melt, could be used as such tools. In the study, to obtain ingots with a minimum level of chemical heterogeneity, it would suffice to provide the following conditions for the curing of the alloy: a value of the alloy crystallization speeds at the level of Rcr ≥ 9·10–2 mm/s, or external pressure on the free surface of ingots Рext. ≥ 135 kPa. The industrial implementation of the reported results could make it possible to improve the technology of obtaining large blacksmith ingots, provide savings in materials and energy resources, increase the yield of a suitable metal, and improve its quality

2021 ◽  
Vol 144 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-11
A. V. Narivskyi ◽  
A. S. Nuradinov ◽  
V. P. Shkoliarenko ◽  
G. O. Antonov ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 865-870
Chuanjun Li ◽  
Qiong Zhang ◽  
Longqiang Zhu ◽  
Weidong Xuan ◽  
Jiang Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1929040
Frederic Dupont-Marillia ◽  
Mohammad Jahazi ◽  
Pierre Belanger

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