delta wings
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2022 ◽  
Antoine Smith ◽  
Hakeem Balogun ◽  
Mohammad J. Khan ◽  
Chadia Aji ◽  
Sam Salehian

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Rajan B. Kurade ◽  
L. Venkatakrishnan ◽  
G. Jagadeesh

Abstract Shock-induced vortex breakdown, which occurs on the delta wings at transonic speed, causes a sudden and significant change in the aerodynamic coefficients at a moderate angle-of-attack. Wind-tunnel tests show a sudden jump in the aerodynamic coefficients such as lift force, pitching moment and centre of pressure which affect the longitudinal stability and controllability of the vehicle. A pneumatic jet operated at sonic condition blown spanwise and along the vortex core over a 60° swept delta-wing-body configuration is found to be effective in postponing this phenomenon by energising the vortical structure, pushing the vortex breakdown location downstream. The study reports that a modest level of spanwise blowing enhances the lift by about 6 to 9% and lift-to-drag ratio by about 4 to 9%, depending on the free-stream transonic Mach number, and extends the usable angle-of-attack range by 2°. The blowing is found to reduce the magnitude of unsteady pressure fluctuations by 8% to 20% in the aft portion of the wing, depending upon the method of blowing. Detailed investigations carried out on the location of blowing reveal that the blowing close to the apex of the wing maximises the benefits.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Seyhun Durmus

Purpose As measuring flight performance by experimental methods requires a lot of effort and cost, theoretical models can bring new perspectives to aircraft design. This paper aims to propose a model on the direct calculation of wetted area and L/Dmax. Design/methodology/approach Model is based on idea that the wetted area is proportional to aircraft gross weight to the power of 2/3 (Wg2/3). Aerodynamic underpinning of this method is based on the square–cube law and the claim that parasitic drag is related to the Swet/Swing. The equation proposed by Raymer was used to find the L/Dmax estimate based on the calculated wetted area. The accuracy of the theoretical approach was measured by comparing the L/Dmax values found in the reference literature and the L/Dmax values predicted by the theoretical approach. Findings Proposed theoretical L/Dmax estimate matches with the actual L/Dmax data in different types of aircraft. Among the conventional tube-wing design, only the sailplanes have a very low Swet/Swing. The Swet/Swing of flying wings, blended wing bodies (BWBs) and large delta wings are lower than conventional tube-wing design. Lower relative wetted area (Swet/Swing) is the key design criterion in high L/Dmax targeted designs. Originality/value The proposed model could be used in wing sizing according to the targeted L/Dmax value in aircraft design. The approach can be used to estimate the effect of varying gross weight on L/Dmax. In addition, the model contributes to the L/Dmax estimation of unusual designs, such as variable-sweep wing, large delta wings, flying wings and BWBs. This study is valuable in that it reveals that L/Dmax value can be predicted only with aspect ratio, gross weight (Wg) and wing area (Swing) data.

R. Keshav

Delta wings are mostly used in supersonic jets and fighter aircrafts. A delta wing is naturally stable and produces vortex lift, so the flow separation can be made into increasing lift. This augmented lift comes at an expense of high drag. A reverse delta wing is nothing but an inverted delta wing, the forward swept wings were inspired from this design. It has low drag coefficient and was used in ground effect vehicle. This paper aims to bring out all the possible studies and research work done on a reverse delta wing. The study was mainly inspired by the works of Alexander Lippisch and his design for the X-112 WIG (wing-in-ground effect).This paper will provide comparative flow patterns around a reverse delta wing and a normal wing with simulations and ways to optimize it to get a better efficiency.

Tianxiang Hu ◽  
Yue Zhao ◽  
Peiqing Liu ◽  
Qiulin Qu ◽  
Hao Guo ◽  

The unsteady lift characteristics of a double-delta wing were studied using both experimental and numerical approaches, which were also compared with a single-delta wing with the same main wing sweep angle. It was found that by increasing the reduced frequency of pitching, the hysteresis effect of lift was magnified. Moreover, in the high reduced frequency case k = 0.48, the difference between the lift coefficients of single- and double-delta wings became rather subtle. The wing surface pressure distribution results indicated the flow phenomenon of dramatic lift losses was due to the effect of lower surface suction during the wing being pitched downstroke. It was observed that, as the reduced frequency became sufficiently high, the virtual camber effect induced by pitching could dominate the flow field, which would mitigate the impact of wing geometry on the lift characteristics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (11) ◽  
pp. 115110
Louis A. Burelle ◽  
Wenchao Yang ◽  
Frieder Kaiser ◽  
David E. Rival

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ahmed Draz ◽  
H. El Saadany ◽  
M. Awad ◽  
W. El Awady
Air Flow ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 015517
Martin Rein ◽  
Felix Busse ◽  
Frank Edzards ◽  
Hartmut Haselmeyer ◽  
Gebhard Höhler ◽  

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