tour de france
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Inflexions ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol N° 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-93
Jérôme Pellistrandi

2021 ◽  
pp. 76-86
Tessa Ashlin Nunn

Durant le premier XIXe siècle, la contredanse, constituée de déplacements et d’interactions entre tous les danseurs n’importe leur place de départ, abolit les contraintes d’une société divisée en classes. Dans Édouard (1825), Claire de Duras compare le moment des contredanses, pendant un bal parisien de l’Ancien Régime, à une échappée vers l’Angleterre, où l’ascension sociale semble réalisable. De plus, la danse crée un espace où l’héroïne peut franchir les barrières entravant les membres de son sexe et empêchant le mariage par amour. George Sand, dans Le Compagnon du Tour de France (1840), contraste la possibilité de l’amour entre des personnages de classes différentes lors des contredanses avec l’impossibilité de ces unions dans la vie quotidienne. En établissant un non-lieu, les contredanses de ces romans produisent des moments éphémères où l’égalité et la liberté règnent, pourtant, hors de la danse, les hiérarchies sociales demeurent rigides.

2021 ◽  
pp. 216747952110628
Leah Stanley

Mediatization theory has been used to describe the development of the Tour de France, from its inception as an event created by a newspaper to sell newspapers to the global spectacle it has become. Yet, perhaps the Tour’s most infamous aspect, its historical reputation for doping, is yet to be explored through the lens of mediatization, as both a media and a social issue. Furthermore, that sport media scholars allude to a need for better understanding of media coverage of doping beyond headline-capturing doping scandals, establishes a precedent for the examination and comparison of newspaper framing of Lance Armstrong (2004) and Chris Froome (2017). To do so, this research operationalizes mediatization theory in combination with framing theory to investigate news framing of rider/doping suspicion grounded in the historical context of the event, revealing the interplay between framing of rider/doping suspicion and event mediatization processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-103
Paul Aron

FR. L’envoyé spécial n’est jamais étudié en tant que catégorie spécifique par les études sur le journalisme. Il est tantôt considéré pour sa spécialité (par exemple politique internationale), son statut dans le journal (grand reporter ou pigiste), tantôt pour son genre d’écriture (grand reportage, chronique). L’appellation semble ainsi transparente, voire insignifiante. Mon article tente d’en cerner l’usage dans le cadre de la presse sportive. Dans un premier temps, il fait la distinction entre l’expression au singulier et au pluriel et il montre la fréquence de son usage grâce à une analyse numérique. Dans un second temps, il étudie la variété de ses emplois à propos d’un événement particulier : le reportage du Tour de France. L’analyse met en évidence des interventions que l’on peut qualifier de kaléidoscopiques, figurées dans l’espace même du journal par la typographie et l’éclatement entre plusieurs pages plus ou moins clairement consacrées au sport ou à l’événement particulier du Tour. Ce phénomène est par ailleurs multiplié par les liens que le journal quotidien entretient avec d’autres médias (photos, radios, magazines). En conclusion, il apparaît que l’envoyé spécial est une catégorie proprement journalistique, qui n’a pas d’utilité à l’extérieur de la publication périodique. Alors que nombre d’acteurs de la presse ou de rubriques existent à côté ou en dehors de celle-ci — on peut publier des reportages, des chroniques, des feuilletons sous forme d’ouvrages —l’envoyé spécial est par nature lié à un événement qui justifie et absorbe sa raison d’être. Il redevient journaliste, écrivain ou simple témoin dès que cette actualité est achevée ou dès que son rôle immédiat s’achève. *** EN. The figure of the special correspondent has never been considered by journalism studies as a specific category. Instead, special correspondents are generally categorized by field of expertise (foreign affairs for instance), the position held in the newsroom (senior reporter or freelancer), or the type of articles written (reportage, column, interviews, etc.). This categorization might seem unnoticeable, even anecdotal. This article attempts to identify its use in the context of the sports press. First, we make a distinction between the singular and the plural forms of this expression. We also highlight the frequency of their use through numerical analysis. Second, the diversity of its uses is studied in the context of a particular event: the Tour de France. The analysis highlights how contributions by correspondents constitute a kaleidoscope that takes shape through the typography and the presence of the topic in multiple pages in a newspaper, might the content be centered on the cycling performances or on the Tour as a social event. This phenomenon is amplified through links connecting daily newspapers and other media (photos, radio, magazines). Finally, the figure of the correspondent appears to be a category strictly limited to journalism and has no relevance outside the sphere of periodical publishing. While a number of press actors and sections also exists outside the world of journalism - reportages, column or news stories can also be published as books - the correspondent is by nature anchored to an event that justifies and absorbs his or her raison d'être. He or she becomes again a journalist, a writer or a simple witness, as soon as the event is over or as soon as the role of correspondent comes to an end. *** PT. O enviado especial nunca é analisado enquanto categoria específica pelos estudos de jornalismo. O termo, ora considerado por sua especialidade (por exemplo, na política internacional), ora por seu status no jornal (grande repórter ou freelancer), ora por seu gênero de escrita (grande reportagem, crônica), se torna transparente ou até insignificante. O presente artigo busca apreender seu uso no contexto da imprensa esportiva. Num primeiro momento, busca-se distinguir as formas singular e plural do termo e levantar sua frequência de uso por meio da análise de corpus. Depois, investiga-se a variação de seus usos em relação a um evento particular: a cobertura do Tour de France. A análise identifica ocorrências que podem ser descritas como caleidoscópicas, editadas no próprio espaço do jornal pela tipografia e pela divisão em múltiplas páginas, mais ou menos claramente dedicadas ao esporte ou ao evento particular do Tour. Esse fenômeno é também multiplicado pelos vínculos que o jornal diário estabelece com outros meios de comunicação (fotos, rádio, revistas). Em conclusão, ressalta-se que o enviado especial é uma categoria propriamente jornalística, desprovida de utilidade para além da publicação periódica. Enquanto muitos atores ou seções da imprensa coexistem ao lado ou fora dela - relatórios, crônicas e séries podem ser publicados em forma de livros -, o enviado especial vincula-se por natureza a um evento que justifica e absorve sua razão de ser. Ele volta a ser jornalista, escritor ou simples testemunha ao final do evento ou assim que seu papel imediato foi concluído. ***

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (22) ◽  
pp. 1241-1242
Lars Damsbo ◽  
Karen Kotila ◽  
Julie Sandell Jacobsen ◽  
Lisbeth Lund Pedersen ◽  
Charlotte Anker-Petersen ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-265
Tasleem Arif ◽  
Wasim Khan ◽  
Ghulam Muhammad Bhutto ◽  
Samreen Abid

The global sports industry has rapidly expanded its scope, and its domain has extended across the world. World sports events including the Olympics, FIFA,  Wimbledon Tennis, Tour de France Cycling and many other events have a far reach, a large audience as well as a wide range of participation. With its massive impact, the industry has become inexplorable today and the higher interest of consumers in sports persuades a need to understand the unique behaviour of sports consumers. The current research was conducted to identify the marketing factors that influence sports consumer behaviour. This study was focused on the population of young adults in Dera Ismail Khan, a division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. A questionnaire encircling marketing factors was distributed among 220 respondents. The study was followed by a quantitative method and the participants' responses were analyzed through statistical inferences. The analyzed data indicated that six (06) marketing factors, such as product quality, price, product accessibility & reach, brand image, and sustainable manufacturing have a significant influence on sports consumer behaviour. These findings suggest that sports goods manufacturing companies in Pakistan should give due attention to consumer demands and devise relevant marketing strategies to grow their businesses and gain higher market shares.

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