psychological reasoning
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World Affairs ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 184 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-471
Lance Y. Hunter ◽  
Joseph W. Robbins ◽  
Martha H. Ginn

This study examines the electoral consequences for ideologically right-leaning political parties in the wake of terrorist attacks by employing an original dataset that captures political party vote shares and multiple terrorist indicators. Our analysis extends the partisan voting hypothesis to 56 democracies from multiple regions and levels of development between 1975–2014. Specifically, we find that the origins of terrorist perpetrators, the severity of terrorist attacks, and the frequency of terrorist incidents decrease right-party vote shares in legislative contests when incorporating standard controls. All told, these findings reinforce political psychological reasoning that contends terrorist attacks impact citizens’ emotions and voting calculations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Fomina I.S.

The article reveals the main psychological and pedagogical features of effective learning. The memorization techniques from Joshua Foyer are considered, where the author introduces the concept of the idea of a palace of images, or a palace of memory, which contains images, associations created in the last lesson, related to the past theme. If there is a purpose and meaning of memorization, then the process of reproduction will be more efficient and simpler.The significance and role of the image in the theory of the modern scientist V.V. Klimenko. The image is considered as a reflection of the subject and a standard-regulator of cognitive, moral actions and aesthetic actions.Emphasis is placed on the prominent role of restorative exercises and interval repetitions in the study of the concept of effective learning. The article states that effective learning requires the skill to praise students correctly and carefully. Praise as a means of motivation becomes productive if it is skillfully used in pedagogical communication, establishing more emotional interaction between teacher and students.It is emphasized that effective learning will give results when teachers pay attention to the importance of perception of the student’s point of view, his thoughts, impressions, judgments, motives. The main, in this aspect, is psychological reasoning – non-cognitive factors that affect learning. The more often students begin to think about the learning process, the results of their actions, successes in the study of certain topics, categories, concepts – the more effective, and most importantly, conscious will be the learning process. Emphasis is placed on the category of “growth thinking”, which is interpreted as the belief that abilities and intelligence are variable, and we can increase their level. The concepts of associations, the process of image creation, on the basis of which thought is built, are studied. Emphasis is placed on the important role of the teacher’s emotional response, which should meet the learning objectives and encourage students to further success and learning outcomes.The category of metacognition as a process of thinking about one’s own thoughts, effective reception of learning is considered. The theory of the American scientist Carl Rogers on the important questions that true professional and wise teachers should ask themselves is highlighted.Key words: learning, teacher, growth thinking, motivation, emotional response, metacognition. Стаття розкриває основні психолого-педагогічні особливості ефективного навчання. Розглянутотехні-ки запам’ятовування від Джошуа Фойера, де автор вводить поняття ідеї палацу образів, або палац пам’яті, в якому містяться образи, асоціації, створені минулого уроку, пов’язані з минулою темою. Якщо є мета і значення замап’ятовування, тоді і процес відтворення буде відбуватися ефективніше і простіше. Висвітлено значення і роль образу в теорії сучасного науковця В.В. Клименко. Образ розглядається як відображення предмета і еталон-регулятор пізнавальних, моральних вчинків та естетичних дій. Наголошено на визначній ролі відновлювальних вправ та інтервальних повторень у рамках вивчення поняття ефективного навчання. У статті визначено, що ефективне навчання потребує майстерності правильно і обережно хвалити учнів. Похвала як засіб мотивації стає продуктивною, якщо вміло її використовувати в педагогічному спілкуванні, встановленні більш емоційної взаємодії між вчителем і учнями.Наголошено, що ефективне навчання буде давати свої результати, коли педагоги будуть звертати увагу на важливість сприйняття точки зору учня, його думок, вражень, суджень, мотивів. Головним у цьому аспекті виступає психологічне міркування – некогнітивні фактори, які впливають на навчання. Чим частіше учні почнуть замислюватися над навчальним процесом, результатами своїй дій, успіхами у вивченні тих чи інших тем, категорій, понять – тим ефективнішим, а головне усвідомленим стане процес навчання.Акцентовано увагу на категорії «мислення зростання», яке тлумачиться як переконання, що здібно-сті та інтелект є змінними, і ми можемо підвищити їхній рівень. Досліджені поняття асоціацій, процесу створення образу, на основі яких будується думка. Наголошено на визначній ролі емоційного відгуку вчителя, що має відповідати навчальним цілям і заохочувати учнів на подальші успіхи та результати навчальної діяльності.Розглянуто категорію метапізнання як процесу думання про власні думки, ефективного прийому навчання. Висвітлено теорію американського науковця Карла Роджерса щодо важливих питань, які мають задати собі справжні професійні та мудрі педагоги.Ключові слова:навчання, педагог, мислення зростання, мотивація, емоційний відгук, метапізнання

2021 ◽  
Fransisca Tranggono Tranggono Ting ◽  
Zijing He ◽  
Renée Baillargeon

To make sense of others’ actions, we generally consider what information is available to them. This information may come from different sources, including perception and inference. Like adults, young infants track what information agents can obtain through perception: If an agent directly observes an event, for example, they expect her to have information about it. However, no investigation has yet examined whether young infants also track what information agents can obtain through inference, by bringing to bear relevant general knowledge. Building on the finding that by 4 months of age, most infants have acquired the physical rule that wide objects can fit into wide but not narrow containers, we asked whether 5-month-olds would expect an agent who was searching for a wide toy hidden in her absence to reach for a wide as opposed to a narrow box. Infants looked significantly longer when the agent selected the narrow box, suggesting that they expected her (a) to share the physical knowledge that wide objects can fit only into wide containers and (b) to infer that the wide toy must be hidden in the wide box. Three additional conditions supported this interpretation. Together, these results cast doubt on two-system accounts of early psychological reasoning, which claim that infants’ early-developing system is too inflexible and encapsulated to integrate inputs from other cognitive processes, such as physical reasoning. Instead, the results support one-system accounts and provide new evidence that young infants’ burgeoning psychological-reasoning system is qualitatively similar to that of older children and adults.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (8) ◽  
pp. 847-856
Verena I.I. Kiver ◽  
Judith Altmann ◽  
Julian Kamhieh-Milz ◽  
Alexander Weichert

Abstract Background When discussing termination of pregnancy (TOP) after the first trimester, the main foci are the ethics and psychological reasoning/consequences. In daily clinical practice, physicians are often faced with affected women querying the frequency of their condition(s) and decisions made by women in similar situations. The present study aimed to provide an overview of a representable number of such cases. Methods Cases of TOP beyond 14 + 0 weeks of gestation were collected between January 2000 and December 2017 in the Department of Obstetrics. Fetal and/or maternal medical causes leading to TOP were extracted and presented. Results A total of 1746 TOPs ≥14 + 0 weeks were performed. Reasons leading to TOP were subcategorized into 23 groups. The main medical diagnoses were trisomy 21 (15.5%), neurological malformations (11.0%), and cardiac and major vessel malformations (7.9%). There was no statistical difference concerning maternal age or gravida/para between the groups. The average gestational age (GA) was 21.0 weeks, varying between 16.2 and 24.2 weeks in the 23 subgroups, with an average of 23.6% per year of TOPs after viability. Conclusion An overview of the various causes of TOP and their frequency within a large dataset are shown here. According to data provided by the German Federal Statistical Office, the overall number of TOPs has declined over the past two decades; however, the number and percentage of TOPs beyond viability have increased continuously in Germany. Only early detection of maternal and fetal constitution can prevent a portion of TOP after viability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (6) ◽  
pp. 1282-1299
Nitzan Rothem ◽  
Eyal Ben-Ari

This article addresses the complementary work of psychological notions and courts in handling suicides occurring in the course of military service. We suggest the category of mutuality between individuals and social settings as an analytic perspective for the study of suicide, illuminating not only how suicide is constructed, but also theorizing the effects of this construction. Our findings rest on content analysis of 34 verdicts on cases of suicide occurring within the Israeli military. In these verdicts, mostly issued to resolve disputes between bereaved parents and state authorities, Israeli courts decided on the causes of death and the responsibilities of the military and state for soldiers’ suicides. Courts base their decisions on the ambiguous psychological concept of suicidal individuals, explaining self-demise as the result of an internal malaise and avoid addressing the coercive circumstances within which Israeli soldiers operate. By conclusively linking self-demise to suicidality, courts produce an idea of death-seeking soldiers, who fail to ensure their own well-being as well as to defend the common good. Courts render the difficulties encountered during military service mental and personal, thereby contracting, standardizing, and individualizing the idea of mutuality between soldiers, families, and state. To explain these repercussions of juridification and psychologization processes, we draw attention to Durkheim’s conceptualization of contractual obligations and non-contractual sentiments. We elaborate on the Durkheimian connection between solidarity and suicide, by highlighting the outcomes of their interrelated management, especially the courts’ shaping of thin mutuality when arbitrating suicide disputes. Adopting psychological reasoning and assessing personal responsibility, courts potentially fail in their constitutive role of discussing matters of collective concerns.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Vladimír Dočkal

Keď pred sto rokmi začala psychológia kvantifikovať svoje zistenia, získala si rešpekt a možnosť zaradiť sa do sveta vedy – tak ako sa veda v tých časoch chápala. Kvantitatívny prístup je charakteristický najmä pre psychometriku, ktorá sa v duchu pozitivizmu stala keď nie úplným synonymom psychodiagnostiky, tak aspoň prevládajúcim smerom v nej. Aj dnes má pozitivistická paradigma v psychológii silnú pozíciu, no čoraz viac sa uplatňujú rôzne nové (kvalitatívne) pohľady. Je preto namieste zamyslieť sa nad úlohou matematiky v psychologickom poznaní, osobitne v psychodiagnostike. Príspevok kriticky hodnotí možnosti matematiky pri koncipovaní teórie, na ktorej je psychologický test založený, pri výbere položiek a overovaní psychometrických charakteristík testu a pri tvorbe testových noriem. Dokladá užitočnosť matematických prístupov, ale upozorňuje aj na ich limity. Matematika je v psychodiagnostike nezastupiteľná, je však iba pomocníkom, ktorý nemôže nahradiť kvalifikované psychologické usudzovanie. When a hundred years ago psychology started to quantify its findings, it won its respect and an opportunity to integrate itself into the world of science – that is, as science was understood in those days.  The quantitative approach is characteristic mostly for the psychometrics, which has become almost a complete synonym of psychodiagnostics in the light of positivism; if that is not so, then it has become at least a prevalent direction in it. Even today, the positivist paradigm in psychology has a strong position; however, rather new and diverse (qualitative) views receive an increasing support. It is therefore appropriate to reflect on the role of mathematics in psychological knowledge, particularly in psychodiagnostics. The contribution critically evaluates the possibilities of mathematics in framing the theory on which the psychological test is based, in selecting the items, and in verification of psychometric characteristics of the test and in development of test standards. It demonstrates the usefulness of mathematical approaches, but also draws attention to their limits. Mathematics is unsubstitutable in psychodiagnostics; however, it has only an assistant role that cannot replace qualified psychological reasoning.

2016 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-186 ◽  
Renée Baillargeon ◽  
Rose M. Scott ◽  
Lin Bian

2010 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 301-307 ◽  
Yuyan Luo ◽  
Renée Baillargeon

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