2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Fomina I.S.

The article reveals the main psychological and pedagogical features of effective learning. The memorization techniques from Joshua Foyer are considered, where the author introduces the concept of the idea of a palace of images, or a palace of memory, which contains images, associations created in the last lesson, related to the past theme. If there is a purpose and meaning of memorization, then the process of reproduction will be more efficient and simpler.The significance and role of the image in the theory of the modern scientist V.V. Klimenko. The image is considered as a reflection of the subject and a standard-regulator of cognitive, moral actions and aesthetic actions.Emphasis is placed on the prominent role of restorative exercises and interval repetitions in the study of the concept of effective learning. The article states that effective learning requires the skill to praise students correctly and carefully. Praise as a means of motivation becomes productive if it is skillfully used in pedagogical communication, establishing more emotional interaction between teacher and students.It is emphasized that effective learning will give results when teachers pay attention to the importance of perception of the student’s point of view, his thoughts, impressions, judgments, motives. The main, in this aspect, is psychological reasoning – non-cognitive factors that affect learning. The more often students begin to think about the learning process, the results of their actions, successes in the study of certain topics, categories, concepts – the more effective, and most importantly, conscious will be the learning process. Emphasis is placed on the category of “growth thinking”, which is interpreted as the belief that abilities and intelligence are variable, and we can increase their level. The concepts of associations, the process of image creation, on the basis of which thought is built, are studied. Emphasis is placed on the important role of the teacher’s emotional response, which should meet the learning objectives and encourage students to further success and learning outcomes.The category of metacognition as a process of thinking about one’s own thoughts, effective reception of learning is considered. The theory of the American scientist Carl Rogers on the important questions that true professional and wise teachers should ask themselves is highlighted.Key words: learning, teacher, growth thinking, motivation, emotional response, metacognition. Стаття розкриває основні психолого-педагогічні особливості ефективного навчання. Розглянутотехні-ки запам’ятовування від Джошуа Фойера, де автор вводить поняття ідеї палацу образів, або палац пам’яті, в якому містяться образи, асоціації, створені минулого уроку, пов’язані з минулою темою. Якщо є мета і значення замап’ятовування, тоді і процес відтворення буде відбуватися ефективніше і простіше. Висвітлено значення і роль образу в теорії сучасного науковця В.В. Клименко. Образ розглядається як відображення предмета і еталон-регулятор пізнавальних, моральних вчинків та естетичних дій. Наголошено на визначній ролі відновлювальних вправ та інтервальних повторень у рамках вивчення поняття ефективного навчання. У статті визначено, що ефективне навчання потребує майстерності правильно і обережно хвалити учнів. Похвала як засіб мотивації стає продуктивною, якщо вміло її використовувати в педагогічному спілкуванні, встановленні більш емоційної взаємодії між вчителем і учнями.Наголошено, що ефективне навчання буде давати свої результати, коли педагоги будуть звертати увагу на важливість сприйняття точки зору учня, його думок, вражень, суджень, мотивів. Головним у цьому аспекті виступає психологічне міркування – некогнітивні фактори, які впливають на навчання. Чим частіше учні почнуть замислюватися над навчальним процесом, результатами своїй дій, успіхами у вивченні тих чи інших тем, категорій, понять – тим ефективнішим, а головне усвідомленим стане процес навчання.Акцентовано увагу на категорії «мислення зростання», яке тлумачиться як переконання, що здібно-сті та інтелект є змінними, і ми можемо підвищити їхній рівень. Досліджені поняття асоціацій, процесу створення образу, на основі яких будується думка. Наголошено на визначній ролі емоційного відгуку вчителя, що має відповідати навчальним цілям і заохочувати учнів на подальші успіхи та результати навчальної діяльності.Розглянуто категорію метапізнання як процесу думання про власні думки, ефективного прийому навчання. Висвітлено теорію американського науковця Карла Роджерса щодо важливих питань, які мають задати собі справжні професійні та мудрі педагоги.Ключові слова:навчання, педагог, мислення зростання, мотивація, емоційний відгук, метапізнання

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-129
Asti Gumartifa ◽  
Indah Windra Dwie Agustiani

Gaining English language learning effectively has been discussed all years long. Similarly, Learners have various troubles outcomes in the learning process. Creating a joyful and comfortable situation must be considered by learners. Thus, the implementation of effective learning strategies is certainly necessary for English learners. This descriptive study has two purposes: first, to introduce the classification and characterization of learning strategies such as; memory, cognitive, metacognitive, compensation, social, and affective strategies that are used by learners in the classroom and second, it provides some questionnaires item based on Strategy of Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) version 5.0 that can be used to examine the frequency of students’ learning strategies in the learning process. The summary of this study explains and discusses the researchers’ point of view on the impact of learning outcomes by learning strategies used. Finally, utilizing appropriate learning strategies are certainly beneficial for both teachers and learners to achieve the learning target effectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-60
Abdillah Abdillah ◽  
Ajeng Gelora Mastuti ◽  
Muhammad Rijal ◽  
Muhajir Abd. Rahman

The success of a learning process depends on the teacher’s mastery of materials, strategies, and media. Teachers need to possess high creativity to maintain their students’ interest and motivation in learning. The integration of effective learning models and appropriate media, such as using plastic waste as realia, can be one of the alternatives to improve the quality of learning. This study also aimed to examine students' awareness of environmental issues. The quantitative and qualitative data of the study were collected simultaneously to answer the research problems. Interviews were conducted during the implementation of the learning process and quizzes. A pre-experimental one-shot case study design was employed to gather the quantitative data which were then analyzed descriptively. The results of the current study showed that the students' intuitive thinking started to develop in phase 3, where they were asked to identify the type of plastic glass they were holding. Phase 4 that allowed the students to separate parts constructing the glass, determine the name of each part, and set a point of view or the purpose underlying the material presented was the phase where the students performed an analytical thinking process. In phase 5, the students were allowed to solve a mathematical problem using analytical thinking. The interaction between students' intuitive and analytical thinking shown in the identification and labeling of each type of three-dimensional form will be discussed in this article  

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 33
Saïd Radi ◽  
Salwa Bahyaoui

In a context of massification, students of open access programs in higher education encounter more learning difficulties than their counterparts of the regulated system. In the educational literature, these learning difficulties are mainly explained by deficiencies attributable to the students; their perception is seldom taken into account. This led us to explore such difficulties from the learner's point of view in an unregulated system, namely the economics and management courses of the Mohammed V University in Rabat. This exploration was based on a discriminant analysis conducted on a sample of 122 students. The results of this study, while confirming the important role of the student's behavioral and metacognitive commitment in the learning process, emphasize the deficiencies of the institution and the professors that also explain a main part of learning difficulties. They also highlight the lack of accompaniment of learners from their pupil status to that of students which reveal the early appearance of these difficulties.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Jonathan Fredrik ◽  
Bagus Ardi Wibowo

Education plays a role in human life to prevent people from poverty, underdevelopment, and ignorance so that it is necessary to change the way of thinking of humans themselves to overcome these problems. The progress of the human mindset is a form of change and cannot be separated from the achievement of creativity. This article aims to describe and explain the use of mind maps in mathematics learning from a progressivism point of view through the learning process carried out from the primary and secondary education levels to produce creative products that can help students improve learning achievement through the role of the teacher as a facilitator and students as a learning center. This article uses literature study method, data is collected and analyzed as secondary data including books, journals and proceedings relevant to the topic. The results showed that the mind map method could be used by teachers and students to change the concept of thinking through active student involvement through the making of mathematics learning materials, addition and building space and the area of a circle in an attractive graphic form. Progressivism views that progress in thinking is a process of change and through the mindmaping learning method the concept of subject matter can be visualized in the form of a graphic infrastructure that can stimulate the right and left brains so that it can be useful to free students from the snare of rules when starting to learn. The conclusion of this study is a change in mindset that is in line with the viewpoint of progressivism philosophy is through a mind map learning model that can produce student creativity products and the role of the teacher as a facilitator can occur.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-43
Stefanos Armakolas ◽  
Christos Panagiotakopoulos ◽  
Anthi Karatrantou

Abstract In Distance education, learning depends on the ability of the learner to manage his/her learning process, both through the creation of appropriate objectives, and by adopting strategies to achieve them. The role of the teacher is to develop an efficient methodology with flexibility over the learners’ special characteristics and to create conditions to enable the learners to manage their learning process. This research aims to investigate the parameters which are involved in synchronous teleconference and which lead to effective learning through the support of an autonomous environment. The research was conducted with students of the Annual Training Program for Teachers of Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education Department in Patras. The results show that teleconference as teaching tool can support the autonomous learning and can enhance personalisation as this process can help students to learn and develop skills by receiving efficient support.

2015 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-28
Peter Bertram

A problem is typically defined prior to an architectural process and the result is seen as a solution. The process as a whole is conceived as problem solving. However, the artistic element of the process is inseparable from constructing the problem. From the artistic point of view the solution is merely a derivative. Conventional understanding of artistic creation is sometimes coloured by the misconception that invention first and foremost takes place in the mind of the artist parallel or prior to the actual process. However, as far as the artistic element in an architectural process is concerned the problem cannot be abstracted from the specificity of the material, the drawings, models etc., which constitutes the project under development. The problem is an immanent relational field and invention is triggered by the difference between maker and architectural media. The aim of the paper is to portray the artistic practice as a learning process different from communication of knowledge. It proposes a kind of leaning not about improvement of skills and competences but rather concerned with the dynamics of a material field. It emphasises the role of technique and presents architectural media as the prime material field investigated by the process. The discussion uses examples of assignments and student projects developed under my supervision to demonstrate how a problem field is framed by the ordering of techniques.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17 ◽  
Enrique Rivera García ◽  
Carmen Trigueros Cervantes ◽  
Alberto Moreno Doña ◽  
Eduardo De la Torre Navarro

Resumen: El proyecto “formar docentes, formar personas” es un intento de romper la inercia de la formación inicial del profesorado e inducir a nuestros estudiantes hacia una reflexión crítica desde tres ejes: interdisciplinariedad, autoevalución y participación. El trabajo interdisciplinar se construye desde tres asignaturas, buscando integrar a los docentes en un solo objetivo. Animamos a la participación democratizando el aula. Provocamos la responsabilidad del alumnado desde la confianza en su capacidad crítica y autocrítica para asumir el compromiso de su aprendizaje y, por ende, de la evaluación y calificación del mismo. La experiencia se presenta desde la doble mirada del docente y de los estudiantes, con el acento puesto en la evaluación. A la exposición de nuestros argumentos, hemos querido sumar las percepciones de nuestros alumnos, dejando al lector la puerta abierta para que pueda extraer sus propias conclusiones. The role of self-assesment the interdisciplinary project «educating teachers, training people». A view from students’ perspective assessing from self-assessment Abstract: The project “educating teachers, educating people” is an attempt to go beyond the original training/education of teachers. This project tries to make our students think critically taking into account three different aspects: interdisciplinarity, self-assessment and participation. Interdisciplinarity is developed by three different subjects (will be later explained). We encourage participation by democratizing the classroom environment. We try to make students aware of their own responsibilities, and we do so by making them feel confident about their own critical abilities. Our intention is that they become used to assess themselves and in that way they become truly engaged in their learning process. The experience is presented from the point of view of the professor and also from the point of view of the student, stressing the importance of assessment process. Apart from our ideas/arguments, we wanted to include our students’ perceptions, allowing the reader to arrive at their own conclusions.

Bastina ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 487-505
Jasmina Arsenijević ◽  
Angela Mesaroš-Živkov

The subject of this paper is theoretical and empirical research of students' motivation, teaching focus and students' and teachers' roles in the teaching process of higher education. The research presented in the paper was conducted on a sample of two pedagogical faculties: the Preschool Teacher Training College in Kikinda in Serbia and the Faculty of Pedagogy in Pitesti, Romania during the 2019/2020 school year. The findings show that students' motivation to learn is moderately high, and that internal motivation is more prevalent than external. Most of the students state that they take the role of participants in teaching process, and that their teachers take the role of a source of knowledge. The teaching focus, based on the students' answers, is predominantly focused on the content of teaching. These results indicate a solid but not satisfactory picture of pedagogical practice. It is necessary to shift the focus of teaching to students, to develop a democratic climate ng in which teacher represents support of the learning process (the role of catalyst of the learning process), and to develop students' initiative, independence and responsibility in learning, which strengthens the role of active, independent participants. To this statement also contributes the finding that the teaching focus on the sample in Romania was far more focused on students than in Serbia, and that the internal motivation of students in Romania was far higher than the internal motivation of students in Serbia. Moreover, a relatively more favorable pedagogical picture of the faculties in Romania, in line with the statistically significant differences in relation to Serbia, is in line with the general picture of a country with a better socio-economic position and management (as an EU member). Therefore, the results of this study are in many ways interesting and relevant, and as such can be important to theorists and practitioners from a psycho-pedagogical, but also from the point of view of management in education.

Alcina Silva ◽  
Marsyl Mettrau ◽  
Márcia Barreto

Propõe-se a refletir sobre as relações que envolvem o lúdico e o ensino-aprendizagem das Ciências, a partir de uma perspectiva em que as concepções prévias de conceitos científicos sejam compreendidas como ponto de partida e parte ativa de um processo para a construção de novos conhecimentos. Nesta perspectiva, coerente com a Epistemologia Genética e com uma abordagem socioconstrutivista, o objeto é apreendido por meio de uma estrutura cognitiva constituída pelo sujeito a partir de seus interesses e necessidades. A motivação vem a ser o elemento propulsor neste processo, tendo em vista que despertar o interesse implica envolver o indivíduo/estudante em algo que tenha significado para si. As seguintes questões norteiam esta reflexão: Qual o significado de motivar? Este significado passa apenas por proporcionar prazer por meio de atividades lúdicas ou vai para além de sua relação com o lúdico? Qual o papel do professor ao trabalhar com atividades lúdicas? Palavras-chave: lúdico; aprendizagem; motivação; conhecimento científico. Abstract The objective of this paper is to reflect upon the relations involving the ludic activities and the teaching-learning process of sciences, from a perspective in which the pre-conceptions of scientific notions are recognized as the starting point and also as an active part of a process for the construction of new knowledge. From this point of view, which is coherent with the Genetic Epistemology and with a socio-constructivist approach, the object is seized by means of a cognitive structure elaborated by the subject based on his interests and needs. The motivation becomes the propelling element in this process, considering that stirring the interest implies involving the individual/student in something meaningful to himself. The following questions guide this reflection: What is the meaning of motivating? Does this meaning have the sole purpose of providing pleasure by means of ludic activities or does it surpass its relation with the ludic activities? What is the role of the teacher while working with ludic activities? Keywords: ludic; learning process; motivation; scientific knowledge.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Nisa Wiyati Ilahi ◽  
Nani Imaniyati

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) harus mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang berkompeten di dunia kerja. Kompetensi ditempatkan dalam mata pelajaran produktif. Proses pembelajaran khususnya pada mata pelajaran produktif yang belum efektif akan berpengaruh pada pencapaian kompetensi siswa sebagai lulusan SMK nantinya. Kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah efektivitas proses pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran produktif Administrasi Perkantoran yang belum efektif. Inti kajiannya difokuskan pada faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas proses pembelajaran, adapun faktor yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah peran guru sebagai manajer. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran mengenai peran guru sebagai manajer, untuk mengetahui gambaran efektivitas proses pembelajaran, dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh peran guru sebagai manajer terhadap efektivitas proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.  Responden penelitian adalah 90 siswa kelas X Administrasi Perkantoran salah satu SMK di Lembang. Pengambilan data menggunakan instrumen berupa angket dengan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Korelasi Product Moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa peran guru sebagai manajer sudah berada dalam kategori cukup efektif, efektivitas proses pembelajaran berada dalam kategori cukup efektif, dan peran guru sebagai manajer memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap efektivitas proses pembelajaran. Saran yang diberikan terkait penelitian ini adalah dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan cakupan lebih luas atau dengan faktor pengaruh lainnya yang berbeda.Kata Kunci: peran guru sebagai manajer, efektivitas proses pembelajaran THE ROLE OF TEACHER AS MANAGER TO INCREASE  EFFECTIVE LEARNING PROCESSVocational High School must be able to generate graduates who mostly competent in the world of work. Competence placed in productive subjects. Ineffective learning process, especially on the productive subject will affect the student competency as a graduate of Vocational High School (SMK) later. Study in this research was the ineffectiveness of the learning process on office administration productive subject. The core study focused on factors that influence the effective learning process, while the factors examined in this study is the role of teacher as a manager. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of teacher as a manager, to describe the effective learning process, and to determine the influence of the role of teacher as manager on effective learning process. This study used survey method with quantitative approach. Respondents were 90 students of class X of Office Administration SMK in Lembang. Retrieving data using questionnaire instrument with the analytical techniques used is the Product Moment Correlation. The results showed that the role of teacher as manager is in effective sufficient category, the effective learning process is in effective sufficient category, and the role of teacher as manager has a significant influence on the effective learning process. The advice given related to this research is to conduct further research with a broader scope or with other influences of different factors.Keywords: role of teacher as manager, effective learning process

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