memorization techniques
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2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Fomina I.S.

The article reveals the main psychological and pedagogical features of effective learning. The memorization techniques from Joshua Foyer are considered, where the author introduces the concept of the idea of a palace of images, or a palace of memory, which contains images, associations created in the last lesson, related to the past theme. If there is a purpose and meaning of memorization, then the process of reproduction will be more efficient and simpler.The significance and role of the image in the theory of the modern scientist V.V. Klimenko. The image is considered as a reflection of the subject and a standard-regulator of cognitive, moral actions and aesthetic actions.Emphasis is placed on the prominent role of restorative exercises and interval repetitions in the study of the concept of effective learning. The article states that effective learning requires the skill to praise students correctly and carefully. Praise as a means of motivation becomes productive if it is skillfully used in pedagogical communication, establishing more emotional interaction between teacher and students.It is emphasized that effective learning will give results when teachers pay attention to the importance of perception of the student’s point of view, his thoughts, impressions, judgments, motives. The main, in this aspect, is psychological reasoning – non-cognitive factors that affect learning. The more often students begin to think about the learning process, the results of their actions, successes in the study of certain topics, categories, concepts – the more effective, and most importantly, conscious will be the learning process. Emphasis is placed on the category of “growth thinking”, which is interpreted as the belief that abilities and intelligence are variable, and we can increase their level. The concepts of associations, the process of image creation, on the basis of which thought is built, are studied. Emphasis is placed on the important role of the teacher’s emotional response, which should meet the learning objectives and encourage students to further success and learning outcomes.The category of metacognition as a process of thinking about one’s own thoughts, effective reception of learning is considered. The theory of the American scientist Carl Rogers on the important questions that true professional and wise teachers should ask themselves is highlighted.Key words: learning, teacher, growth thinking, motivation, emotional response, metacognition. Стаття розкриває основні психолого-педагогічні особливості ефективного навчання. Розглянутотехні-ки запам’ятовування від Джошуа Фойера, де автор вводить поняття ідеї палацу образів, або палац пам’яті, в якому містяться образи, асоціації, створені минулого уроку, пов’язані з минулою темою. Якщо є мета і значення замап’ятовування, тоді і процес відтворення буде відбуватися ефективніше і простіше. Висвітлено значення і роль образу в теорії сучасного науковця В.В. Клименко. Образ розглядається як відображення предмета і еталон-регулятор пізнавальних, моральних вчинків та естетичних дій. Наголошено на визначній ролі відновлювальних вправ та інтервальних повторень у рамках вивчення поняття ефективного навчання. У статті визначено, що ефективне навчання потребує майстерності правильно і обережно хвалити учнів. Похвала як засіб мотивації стає продуктивною, якщо вміло її використовувати в педагогічному спілкуванні, встановленні більш емоційної взаємодії між вчителем і учнями.Наголошено, що ефективне навчання буде давати свої результати, коли педагоги будуть звертати увагу на важливість сприйняття точки зору учня, його думок, вражень, суджень, мотивів. Головним у цьому аспекті виступає психологічне міркування – некогнітивні фактори, які впливають на навчання. Чим частіше учні почнуть замислюватися над навчальним процесом, результатами своїй дій, успіхами у вивченні тих чи інших тем, категорій, понять – тим ефективнішим, а головне усвідомленим стане процес навчання.Акцентовано увагу на категорії «мислення зростання», яке тлумачиться як переконання, що здібно-сті та інтелект є змінними, і ми можемо підвищити їхній рівень. Досліджені поняття асоціацій, процесу створення образу, на основі яких будується думка. Наголошено на визначній ролі емоційного відгуку вчителя, що має відповідати навчальним цілям і заохочувати учнів на подальші успіхи та результати навчальної діяльності.Розглянуто категорію метапізнання як процесу думання про власні думки, ефективного прийому навчання. Висвітлено теорію американського науковця Карла Роджерса щодо важливих питань, які мають задати собі справжні професійні та мудрі педагоги.Ключові слова:навчання, педагог, мислення зростання, мотивація, емоційний відгук, метапізнання

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Farrukh Ilyosov

Learning a foreign language contributes to the development of cognitive functions of the human psyche. In the process of mastering a foreign language practicing different memorization techniques, formed philological thinking, expand knowledge of reality. Especially reading helps to develop all these skills. At the initial stage of learning, reading comes to master the technique of reading aloud, and only to some extent, self-reading. As reading is one of the most important means of obtaining information and it has a significant place in the life of an educated person, this article deals with the role of reading in the process of teaching the foreign language

Ж. Гэнтянь

В статье анализируются методы запоминания китайских иероглифов в русскоязычной среде российских школьников, которые никогда не изучали китайский язык. Объектом исследования являются методы запоминания китайских иероглифов, а предметом — анализ эффективности методов их запоминания в русскоязычной аудитории. Цель работы — определение наиболее эффективных и продуктивных методов и приемов, позволяющих легко запоминать китайскую иероглифику. Автором представлен обзор различных методов и приемов запоминания иероглифов: многократное прописывание, мнемонические ассоциации и разгадывание иероглифических загадок. Приведен анализ результатов эксперимента по определению эффективности каждого отдельного метода, проведенного с учениками «Гимназии № 2» (г. Пермь). Сделан вывод о наибольшей эффективности метода мнемонических ассоциаций. Полученные и представленные в статье данные могут способствовать решению проблемы запоминания иероглифов при обучении китайскому языку. The article analyzes the methods of memorizing Chinese characters used by Russian learners with no Chinese learning background. The subject matter of the research is the methods of memorizing Chinese characters, the research focuses on the investigation of the efficiency of these memorization techniques for Russian learners. The aim of the article is to identify the most effective and productive methods and techniques that enable learners to easily memorize Chinese characters. The author of the article reviews various methods and techniques of character memorization: constant writing, mnemonic associations, solving hieroglyphic puzzles. The article describes the results of an experiment whose aim was to assess the efficiency of each memorization technique. The experiment involved students of gymnasium no. 2 (the city of Perm). The article concludes that the most effective memorization technique is method of mnemonic associations. The data of the research can help solve the problem of Chinese characters memorization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (04) ◽  
pp. 1731-1738
Stefania Allegra

It’s normal and important to understand the role of the applied linguistic in everyday life. It’s an important rule to understand the role of the educational psychology of the foreign language learning. You find many difficult phases in this study according to the age and culture, so the place where you live. To understand the process of the learning about L2, as foreign language, it’s something that needs a special attention in psychology. Psychology is part of the rule that manages the whole life. There are aspects of ourselves that must go together in inner Self life and external life. A professor must have the average knowledge about the psychology of the person. If you don’t apply the teaching with psychology, you can’t have the minimum and the top results in your students. There are awareness concepts in the teaching process, it’s a result of the going on in the ability adaptation of the mind, in memorization techniques. It’s particular to understand that the memorisation techniques are difficult steps to obtain. It depends on the age the ability to learn a language fast; it means it’s an easier process in children; young teenagers are surely trained at school so they can get good results; adults are not so strong in memorization if they are far from studies processes that activate the mind in a properly way training in order to learn a foreign language. In all these processes is very important the practice of sport, because of improvement of mind processes.

Dahliani Dahliani ◽  
Anita Yus ◽  
Masganti Sitorus

This study aims to: (1) Analyze the implementation of learning to memorize the Qur'an in early childhood, (2) Analyze the ability to memorize the Qur'an in early childhood, (3) Describe the supporting factors and (4) describe the factors inhibitors of memorizing the Qur'an in early childhood in PAUD Bait Qurany Saleh Rahmany. Research using qualitative descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used in this study were: interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis in this study uses the interaction model of Miles and Huberman, with steps : data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing or verification. The results showed that: (1) the implementation of learning to memorize the Qur'an in early childhood is done by using the talqin method, memorization techniques with Jarimatika formula, with visual, audio and kinesthetic patterns, (2) the ability to memorize the Qur'an ' in children, namely the ability of natural talent that is trained repeatedly and optimally until it becomes an achievement, (3) supporting factors in memorizing the Qur'an, namely parent support, interests and talents, and adequate school facilities, (4) factors inhibitors in memorization are the internal factors of the child and the external factors of the child. The results of the research are recommended to be applied in all Paud based on qur'an tahfiz by collaborating on the national curriculum and school-specific curriculum.

Dahliani Dahliani ◽  
Anita Yus ◽  
Masganti Sitorus

This study aims to: (1) Analyze the implementation of learning to memorize the Qur'an in early childhood, (2) Analyze the ability to memorize the Qur'an in early childhood, (3) Describe the supporting factors and (4) describe the factors inhibitors of memorizing the Qur'an in early childhood in PAUD Bait Qurany Saleh Rahmany. Research using qualitative descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used in this study were: interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis in this study uses the interaction model of Miles and Huberman, with steps : data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing or verification. The results showed that: (1) the implementation of learning to memorize the Qur'an in early childhood is done by using the talqin method, memorization techniques with Jarimatika formula, with visual, audio and kinesthetic patterns, (2) the ability to memorize the Qur'an ' in children, namely the ability of natural talent that is trained repeatedly and optimally until it becomes an achievement, (3) supporting factors in memorizing the Qur'an, namely parent support, interests and talents, and adequate school facilities, (4) factors inhibitors in memorization are the internal factors of the child and the external factors of the child. The results of the research are recommended to be applied in all Paud based on qur'an tahfiz by collaborating on the national curriculum and school-specific curriculum.

CNS Spectrums ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 212-212
Rosemarijn van de Lint ◽  
Michiel Bosman

AbstractThe ProblemWhile learning is at the core of any education (e.g., primary or high school, college, or continuing medical education, to name a few), evidence-based methods of effective memorization are lacking from most forms of education. If attempts are made to teach memorization techniques, they are often without a sound scientific backing. The classical form of memorization (popularly known as “cramming”, or “rote learning”) is tedious, time consuming, and - we know from personal experience - can be so boring that students avoid memorizing at all. A “new” technique of memorization, which is usually referred to as “mnemonics” or “memory techniques” (first reported as being used by the Greeks and the Romans to learn speeches by heart) has received rave reviews from enthusiastic users. A quick search of the scientific databases shows the technique has been studied quite extensively in a number of areas, including education, the medical world, and in the field of learning disabilities, but as far as we know no systematic reviews have assessed the effectivity of using the mnemonics technique versus classical memorization in education.Study ObjectiveWe hypothesize that memorization using mnemonics is a more effective strategy than classical memorization(cramming). To study this hypothesis we have performed a systematic review as described below. In this poster we will describe our study and show preliminary findings.MethodDesign: We have performed a systematic review using the Rapid Evidence Assessment procedure described by the Center for Evidence Based Management.Setting and participants: Studies included limited to those that tested the use of mnemonics in education (primary school, high school, university).Interventions and main outcome measure of the primary studies: We included studies that compared memorization using mnemonics with “regular” memorization (cramming).ResultsUsing 4 databases (Academic Search Premier, PubMed, ERIC and PsycInfo) we found 803 articles. After one round of filtering 589 articles were excluded from the study. The major reasons for exclusion were: learning disabilities, non-educational setting, and no study. In this poster we present the results of the first 10 papers that were included after the second, more stringent, round of filtering. In all 10 papers the mnemonics group performed significantly better on at least a number of the memorization tasks, but in no instance worse than the control group. In some cases where the control groups performed worse, the results were not significant.ConclusionsThis poster describes the analysis of the first 10 papers of our full set of mnemonics studies. They all show a significant advantage of using mnemonics in memorization. If these results are confirmed in our full systematic review, we expect this to have a significant impact on the way “learning how to learn” is taught.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-221
Abizar Giffari

This study aims to explain the effect of Round Robin techniques and student anxiety on speaking ability. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental study with a factorial 2x2 design. The population of this study was first-level students at the Health Academy of Fort De Kock Bukittinggi. The ability to speak and the anxiety level questionnaire was used as a data collection tool for this study. Furthermore, the research data was by using the T-test formula and two-way ANOVA. The results showed that (1) groups of students with Round Robin techniques had better speaking skills than students with Memorization techniques, (2) groups of students with high anxiety with Round Robin technique has better speaking skills than Memorization techniques, (3) groups of students with low anxiety with Round Robin technique have good speaking skills from Memorization techniques and (4) there is no interaction between the two and anxiety towards students' speaking ability, where Fcount (0.0251) is lower than Ftable (4.96).

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