river basin management plans
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Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 1858
Nikolaos Theodor Skoulikidis ◽  
Ioannis Karaouzas ◽  
Yiorgos Amaxidis ◽  
Maria Lazaridou

Based on historical and WFD-compliant data, the recent inter-annual ecological status and the long-term chemical-physicochemical quality trends of eighteen characteristic Greek rivers have been assessed and interpreted in view of implementing EU environmental policies and the evolution of human pressures. Considering predominating poor ecological status in most of the river outflows, the strengths and weaknesses of the WFD implementation have been highlighted. The long-term decrease of ammonium and nitrite concentrations along with relatively low recent BOD5 levels, indicate a general improvement of WWTP infrastructure in Greece and the other riparian countries, whereas the improvement of nitrate quality is attributed to the reduction of fertilizers use, and possibly, to the successful application of the Nitrates Directive in certain basins. Despite capacity building in governance and administrative infrastructure the recent years, River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) are being implemented centrally, largely mechanistically, with minor public participation. Regarding WFD implementation weaknesses and gaps, concrete proposals have been formulated considering both policy/administrative and technical issues. To efficiently conserve and restore aquatic ecosystems, the forthcoming RBMPs should be consistent with ecosystem services principles focusing on nature-based solutions, along with changing attitudes of the state authorities and the public.

V.K. Khilchevskyi ◽  

In contrast to the hydrological and hydrochemical zoning, hydrographic and water management zoning of Ukraine (2016) was created on a basin basis, taking into account the boundaries of river basins, and not physiographic zoning. The main function of hydrographic and water management zoning is water management. Primary is hydrographic zoning, and water management - based on it. The description of modern hydrographic zoning of the territory of Ukraine, approved in 2016 by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and included in the Water Code of Ukraine is given. Hydrographic zoning is carried out for the development and implementation of river basin management plans. On the territory of Ukraine nine areas of river basins are allocated: Dnipro; Dnister; Danube; Southern Bug; Don; Vistula; rivers of the Crimea; rivers of the Black Sea coast; rivers of the Azov Sea coast 13 sub-basins are allocated in four river basins district. The water management zoning is described - the division of hydrographic units into water management areas, which is carried out for the development of water management balances. In the regions of the river basins in the territory of Ukraine allocated 132 water management areas, 59 of which are located in the Dnipro basin. About 9,000 bodies of surface water allocated for monitoring in Ukraine. Approved zoning is the implementation of the provisions of the EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60 / EC in the management of water resources in Ukraine. Modern hydrographic and water management zoning of the territory of Ukraine approximates the management of water resources of the state to European requirements.

2020 ◽  
Mikołaj Piniewski ◽  
Sirkka Tattari ◽  
Jari Koskiaho ◽  
Olle Olsson ◽  
Faruk Djodjic ◽  

Abstract Riverine nutrient loads are among the major causes of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. This study applied the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in three catchments flowing to the Baltic Sea, namely Vantaanjoki (Finland), Fyrisån (Sweden), and Słupia (Poland), to simulate the effectiveness of nutrient control measures included in the EU’s Water Framework Directive River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs). Moreover, we identified similar, coastal, middle-sized catchments to which conclusions from this study could be applicable. The first modelling scenario based on extrapolation of the existing trends affected the modelled nutrient loads by less than 5%. In the second scenario, measures included in RBMPs showed variable effectiveness, ranging from negligible for Słupia to 28% total P load reduction in Vantaanjoki. Adding spatially targeted measures to RBMPs (third scenario) would considerably improve their effectiveness in all three catchments for both total N and P, suggesting a need to adopt targeting more widely in the Baltic Sea countries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (18) ◽  
pp. 7710
Ifigenia Kagalou ◽  
Dionissis Latinopoulos

The ecosystem services (ES) concept is embedded in all new European directives but its integration in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is absent, despite the latter being the major legislative tool. The research aims to assess the knowledge of ES that lies within the River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) in Greece so as to further depict their representation in the relevant planning tools, to support policy making and express the implementation experience to Member States for assisting EU reloading processes. The information on the ES’ status was extracted by the official RBMPs, processed and grouped following Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) classification. The prioritization of ES included in the programs of measures (PoMs) further showed the targeting for each River Basin District (RBD). The results were not homogenous for the RBDs, revealing different needs in measures and indicating there is a lack in “communication” between the relevant EU and national regulations. Moreover, a wide suite of water-related ES is hindered in addressing multiple benefits coming from provisioning, regulating and cultural ES. For a proper WFD reload and continuation, the infusion of the ES concept and prerequisites in its objective, and the reviewing of the RBMPs’ target and the suggestion of integrated PoMs are necessary steps that could deliver added value in such legislation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 4229-4237 ◽  
Jos Brils

Abstract Purpose This paper describes the efforts made by SedNet—the European Sediment Network—to generate attention for the inclusion of sediment in River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) under the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Materials and methods The SedNet response to key WFD implementation events is described using the “three-streams and windows-of-opportunities model” published by John Kingdon in 1995. Results and discussion SedNet was initially a response to the realization that the WFD—which came into force in 2000—largely neglected sediment. For SedNet, it was clear from the beginning that the WFD objectives can be achieved only if sediment is included in RBMPs. The SedNet efforts inspired the establishment of a sediment management concept for the Elbe river basin. That concept was used as a basis for the full inclusion of sediment in the second Elbe RBMP (2015–2021). SedNet experts are currently involved in the drafting of the WFD Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) sediment document which will be completed in 2021 and that will provide guidance about how to include sediment in RBMPs. Conclusions Since 2000, SedNet has persistently drawn attention to the need to include sediment in RBMPs. However, it was not until 2015 that the Elbe became the first European river basin to include sediment management fully in their RBMP. The 2021 WFD CIS sediment document and the focus on sediment in the Water Fitness Check in 2019 make it significantly more likely that the sediment will be included in the updates of WFD RBMPs in the near future.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 1365 ◽  
Phuong Ta ◽  
Björn Tetzlaff ◽  
Michael Trepel ◽  
Frank Wendland

Deficit analysis—which principally deals with the question “how big are the gaps between current water status and good ecological status?”—has become an essential element of the river basin management plans prescribed by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). In a research project on behalf of the Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment, Nature and Digitalization Schleswig-Holstein (MELUND), a deficit analysis based on distributed results from the water balance and phosphorus emission model system GROWA-MEPhos at high spatial resolution was performed. The aim was, inter alia, to identify absolute and relative required reduction in total phosphorus at any river segment or lake within the state territory as well as to highlight significant emission sources. The results of the deficit analysis were successfully validated and show an exceedance of the phosphorus target concentrations in 60% of the analyzed subcatchments. Statewide, 269 tons of phosphorus needs to be reduced yearly, which corresponds to approximately 31% of the total emission. Detailed data as well as maps generated by the deficit analysis benefit the planning and implementation of regionally efficient measures, which are indispensable with regard to meeting the environmental quality objectives set by the WFD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  

Abstract The article proposes a set of requirements to be used in assessing the potential of the River Basin Management Plans as instruments: (i) of (vertical) articulation between river basin planning and national and state planning of water resources; (ii) of articulation (horizontal) between water resources planning and other sectorial planning; (iii) of integration between water resources planning and regional and municipal strategies for land use planning and environmental sanitation; (iv) of water safety. These requirements were applied to the Alto-Tietê River Basin Management Plan, which demonstrated low potential for horizontal articulation and water safety planning. To overcome these limitations, it is suggested, in the next plan revisions, the use of planning tools that promote the involvement of society in a complementary way to the discussions in the river basin committee, fostering shared decision-making between the different actors and user sectors.

Mykhailo Khvesyk ◽  
Lyudmila Levkovska

As a result of the research, the priority tasks of water policy regarding the formation of integrated water resources management system are grounded taking into account the eurointegration vector of Ukraineʼs development. The necessity of the development of water management forecasts and scenarios for the purpose of creating an information base for choosing the optimal variant for the formation of the concept of concrete actions of water resources management of the river basin has been proved. The theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of river basin management plans in the implementation of the basic provisions of the European Union water directives in the national legislation are proposed. The main mechanisms for implementation of river basin management plans are defined and classified.

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