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Published By Az-Buki National Publishing House

0861-3982, 1314-8540

2021 ◽  
pp. 1212-1229
Svetlana Angelova ◽  

The article presents a survey of pegagogy students’ training needs for realisation of the connectivity “formal – non-formal education”, in response to the current challenges to education in our country. It is accepted that education is a systemic object, functioning on the basis of the relationships between its constituent formal and non-formal subsystems. The connectivity of the subsystems through the applying of two key paradigms is presented argumentatively: (1) a connectivity as a whole and a continuum and (2) a connectivity such as sharing and interdependence. This connectivity is measurable in complementarity, compensatory support, mutual support and mutual corrective. To determine pegagogy students’ training needs for realisation of the connectivity “formal – non-formal education”, a survey was conducted in the period May – July of the academic year 2020/2021, with 96 respondents from the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo – Vratsa Branch and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, which constitute a general sample. The study focuses on the connectivity between formal and nonformal education at the following levels: normative level, content level, activity level and level “results of activity”. The data collection tool is a structured questionnaire with closed-ended items, developed by the author and provided to the respondents via an access link. Based on the survey data, it should be summarized that students have needs for realistion of the connectivity “formal – non-formal education” in each of the levels and to the connectivity as a whole. And just the connection “formal – non-formal education” is what will contribute to overcoming the deficits in modern education, as an essence and manifestation in the aspects of goals, content, activities, results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1245-1254
Atanas Genchev ◽  
Maria Naydenova

The article provides a theoretical analysis of the legal framework in the country in terms of the possibilities, regulations and conditions for the implementation of integrated (extracurricular or extracurricular) activities combining formal and non-formal education. A leading method for the qualitative study is the analysis of documents, which in this case covers the fields of educational and social legislation. On this basis, the various forms, and activities for more individualized and differentiated activities are analyzed in parallel as pedagogical but also as a specific type of social work in support of their interests and stakes, as well as for their personal and professional development. the opportunities of non-formal education and social work to support the education system and its institutions in unity. Special attention is also paid to the contribution of non-formal education to the objectives of social work

2021 ◽  
pp. 1200-1211
Silvia Varbanova ◽  

The article discusses the peculiarities of the attitudes and expectations of students and parents about the impact of various extracurricular activities on individual educational development in the period of schooling. The influence of nonformal education on the development of students in formal education is analyzed through their view. The study was conducted through a semi-structured interview. 34 students, 32 parents and 15 teachers were interviewed. The successful influences and the existing barriers and limitations that prevent the realization of the positive effects of the connection of formal and non-formal education in the achievement of education as an individualized project are discussed

2021 ◽  
pp. 1187-1199
Vladislav Gospodinov

The article aims to present the results of a study with students, dedicated to the connections and dependencies between formal and non-formal education. On the basis of the research, intersections and complementarities and discrepancies and deficits are outlined; the genesis of civic culture in the subjects; the challenges facing civic education and the connection between formal and nonformal education, incl. with a focus on real civic activity of students

2021 ◽  
Vladyslava Liubarets ◽  
Nataliia Bakhmat ◽  
Olena Matviienko ◽  
Oksana Tsykhmeistruk

The research is devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of forming the professional competence of a would-be teacher assistant of inclusive education through pedagogic modeling. The authors specify the notions of “a tutor” (teacher assistant), “inclusive education”, “persons with special needs”, “individual development program”, and “modeling”. The essence of “pedagogical modeling” is defined, as well as the groups of its objects within the professional competence of the would-be teacher assistants in the inclusive education; the implementation of the psychological-pedagogic modeling of an individual development program for persons with special needs is substantiated. It is proved that any model has a sign nature, thus, the psychological bases of the research are the theory of content-based summarization and the “sign” concept of the educational process. The study reflects the methodological system of forming the professional competence of the would-be teacher assistants of inclusive education through pedagogic modeling and substantiates the content component of the model, implemented in the individual development program of persons with special needs and through applying the relevant methods, forms and means of education. It is proved that the efficiency of forming the professional competence of the teacher assistants of inclusive education by the means of pedagogic modeling depends on introduction of an experimental technique, which provides support and increase of the qualitative indicators of both the teaching and the personal properties of the persons with special needs receiving educational services. Due to the synergetic impact of professional knowledge, the would-be teacher assistants of inclusive education develop an increased motivation to forming the professional skills and competences when working with persons with special needs.

2021 ◽  
Христо Белоев

Разбирането за иновации и тяхното дефиниране се разглежда в научната литература още от средата на миналия век и в зависимост от сферата на интерпретация търпи различни трактовки, които често са твърде размити или неясни. Независимо обаче от изследователското поле, в което са поставени, иновациите винаги се обвързват дефинитивно с промяна, развитие, внедряване на нов или значително подобрен процес, продукт или услуга1). Към това разбиране част от изследователите добавят и процесите на същинската експлоатация и комерсиализация на иновациите (Dewangan & Godse 2014). Настоящата публикация няма за цел да изследва в дълбочина дефинитивните и процесуални аспекти на различните видове иновации, нито да ги класифицира. Тя се фокусира върху стратегическото разбиране на иновацията в неговата обвързаност със системата на висшето образование (Aghion 2008) и ролята ѝ в интелигентното, свободно, пазарно ориентирано, устойчиво и ресурсно отговорно развитие на регионите. Като основни изследователски методи са използвани анализът на литературни източници, сравнителен анализ на данни от вторични източници на информация и анализ на случай от практиката, базиран на практиката на Русенския университет „Ангел Кънчев“ през последните 10 години.

2021 ◽  
Цветан Давидков ◽  
Силвия Цветанска

В статията са представени са резултати от емпирично изследване сред учители, които преподават предприемачество в професионални гимназии, за прилаганите от тях методи и форми на обучение. Анализира се честотата на използване както на традиционни за педагогическата практика методи, така и иновативни техники и подходи. Показани са добри практики от опита на учителите, насочени към интерактивни стратегии на обучение и активно включване на учениците в учебния процес. Данните дават основание да се направят изводи за нуждите на учителите от продължаваща квалификация, за статута на учителите по предприемачество и за различни аспекти на процеса на обучение.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1171-1186
Силвия Николаева ◽  

The article, based on the meta-analysis of leading current research, policies and practices, formulates and argues the author's position regarding possible strategic perspectives and challenges to the connectivity between formal and nonformal education. Two main lines of this convergence are analysed. One line is a consequence of the expanding scope of formal education systems and the other is related to the multiparadigm and flexible applicability of their connectivity, which seek opportunities to modernise traditional school and university practices to better cope with their new functions. Some underlying challenges that hamper authentic relationships between formal and non-formal education, are also analysed. In conclusion some expected long-term benefits of their joint and related dynamics are formulated

2021 ◽  
pp. 1230-1244
Verjinia Boyanova ◽  
Berdzhuhi Yordanova ◽  
Konstantin Teodosiev

The article presents the results of a survey of personal opinions towards the interaction between formal and informal approaches and practices for complex health (incl. environmental and physical) education. Aiming to cover a wider range of individual exchanges and experiences, two parallel respondent groups were addressed: students in pedagogical and social professional fields (pedagogy, nonformal education, social activities), on the one hand, and pedagogical and sociopedagogical specialists employed inside and outside the formal education system, on the other. The analysis of the survey data proves the significant place and role of convergence of formal and non-formal education for successful and sustainable personal development and realization for the two groups of persons surveyed, but also outlined some specific dividing lines in their experiments and positions.

2021 ◽  
Rina Cohen

In the 21st century, reality, characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, together termed VUCA, change constantly occurs throughout social, technological, economic, environmental, educational, and political (STEEEP model) aspects of society. Therefore, education systems need to adopt innovative approaches to adapt to the frequently changing world. In this study, educational and pedagogical innovation is regarded as including whatever constitutes a change in all areas to which education relates. As teachers are one of the most crucial factors in influencing students’ academic success, and as they must rapidly adapt and constantly innovate to adequately prepare their students for ever-changing circumstances, it is essential to identify traits of innovative teachers. The main goal of this study is to characterize the personality traits of innovative teachers according to the Big Five Personality Traits model, referred to as the NEO-AC model, using qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings show that innovative teachers perceive themselves as first and foremost open to experiences. They are curious people with highly developed imaginations and a wide range of interests. Innovative teachers also may be unconventional, capable of putting together plans and projects from several different disciplines.

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