mobile electron
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2022 ◽  
Vol 119 (3) ◽  
pp. e2116623119
Chen Hao ◽  
Yanzhi Yang ◽  
Jianmei Du ◽  
Xing Wang Deng ◽  
Lei Li

Leaf senescence is a critical process in plants and has a direct impact on many important agronomic traits. Despite decades of research on senescence-altered mutants via forward genetics and functional assessment of senescence-associated genes (SAGs) via reverse genetics, the senescence signal and the molecular mechanism that perceives and transduces the signal remain elusive. Here, using dark-induced senescence (DIS) of Arabidopsis leaf as the experimental system, we show that exogenous copper induces the senescence syndrome and transcriptomic changes in light-grown plants parallel to those in DIS. By profiling the transcriptomes and tracking the subcellular copper distribution, we found that reciprocal regulation of plastocyanin, the thylakoid lumen mobile electron carrier in the Z scheme of photosynthetic electron transport, and SAG14 and plantacyanin (PCY), a pair of interacting small blue copper proteins located on the endomembrane, is a common thread in different leaf senescence scenarios, including DIS. Genetic and molecular experiments confirmed that the PCY-SAG14 module is necessary and sufficient for promoting DIS. We also found that the PCY-SAG14 module is repressed by a conserved microRNA, miR408, which in turn is repressed by phytochrome interacting factor 3/4/5 (PIF3/4/5), the key trio of transcription factors promoting DIS. Together, these findings indicate that intracellular copper redistribution mediated by PCY-SAG14 has a regulatory role in DIS. Further deciphering the copper homeostasis mechanism and its interaction with other senescence-regulating pathways should provide insights into our understanding of the fundamental question of how plants age.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (26) ◽  
pp. 15354-15362 ◽  
Ricarda Höhner ◽  
Mathias Pribil ◽  
Miroslava Herbstová ◽  
Laura Susanna Lopez ◽  
Hans-Henning Kunz ◽  

In photosynthetic electron transport, large multiprotein complexes are connected by small diffusible electron carriers, the mobility of which is challenged by macromolecular crowding. For thylakoid membranes of higher plants, a long-standing question has been which of the two mobile electron carriers, plastoquinone or plastocyanin, mediates electron transport from stacked grana thylakoids where photosystem II (PSII) is localized to distant unstacked regions of the thylakoids that harbor PSI. Here, we confirm that plastocyanin is the long-range electron carrier by employing mutants with different grana diameters. Furthermore, our results explain why higher plants have a narrow range of grana diameters since a larger diffusion distance for plastocyanin would jeopardize the efficiency of electron transport. In the light of recent findings that the lumen of thylakoids, which forms the diffusion space of plastocyanin, undergoes dynamic swelling/shrinkage, this study demonstrates that plastocyanin diffusion is a crucial regulatory element of plant photosynthetic electron transport.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Jialu Wang ◽  
Liangwei Yang ◽  
Carl Willem Rischau ◽  
Zhuokai Xu ◽  
Zhi Ren ◽  

AbstractThe fate of electric dipoles inside a Fermi sea is an old issue, yet poorly explored. Sr$${}_{1-x}$$1−xCa$${}_{x}$$xTiO$${}_{3}$$3 hosts a robust but dilute ferroelectricity in a narrow ($$0.0018\ <\ x\ <\ 0.02$$0.0018<x<0.02) window of substitution. This insulator becomes metallic by removal of a tiny fraction of its oxygen atoms. Here, we present a detailed study of low-temperature charge transport in Sr$${}_{1-x}$$1−xCa$${}_{x}$$xTiO$${}_{3-\delta }$$3−δ, documenting the evolution of resistivity with increasing carrier concentration ($$n$$n). Below a threshold carrier concentration, $${n}^{* }(x)$$n*(x), the polar structural-phase transition has a clear signature in resistivity and Ca substitution significantly reduces the 2 K mobility at a given carrier density. For three different Ca concentrations, we find that the phase transition fades away when one mobile electron is introduced for about $$7.9\pm 0.6$$7.9±0.6 dipoles. This threshold corresponds to the expected peak in anti-ferroelectric coupling mediated by a diplolar counterpart of Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida (RKKY) interaction. Our results imply that the transition is driven by dipole–dipole interaction, even in presence of a dilute Fermi sea. Charge transport for $$n\ <\ {n}^{* }(x)$$n<n*(x) shows a non-monotonic temperature dependence, most probably caused by scattering off the transverse optical phonon mode. A quantitative explanation of charge transport in this polar metal remains a challenge to theory. For $$n\ge {n}^{* }(x)$$n≥n*(x), resistivity follows a T-square behavior together with slight upturns (in both Ca-free and Ca-substituted samples). The latter are reminiscent of Kondo effect and most probably due to oxygen vacancies.

Н.А. Поклонский ◽  
С.А. Вырко ◽  
А.Н. Деревяго

AbstractGermanium, silicon, gallium arsenide, and indium antimonide n -type crystals on the metal side of the insulator–metal transition (Mott transition) are considered. In the quasi-classical approximation, the static (direct current) electrical conductivity and the drift mobility of electrons of the c band, and electrostatic fluctuations of their potential energy and the mobility edge are calculated. It is considered that a single event of the elastic Coulomb scattering of a mobile electron occurs only in a spherical region of the crystal matrix with an impurity ion at the center. The results of calculations using the proposed formulas without using fitting parameters are numerically consistent with experimental data in a wide range of concentrations of hydrogenlike donors at their weak and moderate compensation by acceptors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 321-332 ◽  
Paolo Scalchi ◽  
Alessia Ciccotelli ◽  
Giuseppe Felici ◽  
Assunta Petrucci ◽  
Raffaella Massafra ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 747 ◽  
pp. 012086
G.O. Buyanov ◽  
A.P. Klachkov ◽  
A.G. Ponomarenko

2016 ◽  
Vol 124 ◽  
pp. 174-178 ◽  
Bumsoo Han ◽  
Jinkyu Kim ◽  
Wongu Kang ◽  
Jang Seung Choi ◽  
Kwang-Young Jeong

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