electrical power system
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Babatunde Olusegun Adewolu ◽  
Akshay Kumar Saha

Applications of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices for enhancement of Available Transfer Capability (ATC) is gaining attention due to economic and technical limits of the conventional methods involving physical network expansions. FACTS allocation which is sine-qua-non to its performance is a major problem and it is being addressed in recent time with heuristic algorithms. Brain Storm Optimization Algorithms (BSOA) is a new heuristic and predicting optimization algorithms which revolutionizes human brainstorming process. BSOA is engaged for the optimum setting of FACTS devices for enhancement of ATC of a deregulated electrical power system network in this study. ATC enhancement, bus voltage deviation minimization and real power loss regulation are formulated into multi-objective problems for FACTS allocation purposes. Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is considered for simulation and analyses because of its fitness for active power control among other usefulness. ATC values are obtained for both normal and N-1-line outage contingency cases and these values are enhanced for different bilateral and multilateral power transactions. IEEE 30 Bus system is used for demonstration of the effectiveness of this approach in a Matlab software environment. Obtained enhanced ATC values for different transactions during normal evaluation cases are then compared with enhanced ATC values obtained with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) set TCSC technique under same trading. BSO behaved much like PSO throughout the achievements of other set objectives but performed better in ATC enhancement with 27.12 MW and 5.24 MW increase above enhanced ATC values achieved by the latter. The comparative of set objectives values relative to that obtained with PSO methods depict suitability and advantages of BSOA technique.

Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Kashif Habib ◽  
Xinquan Lai ◽  
Abdul Wadood ◽  
Shahbaz Khan ◽  
Yuheng Wang ◽  

In the electrical power system, the coordination of directional overcurrent protection relays (DOPR) plays a preeminent role in protecting the electrical power system with the help of primary and back up protection to keep the system vigorous and to avoid unnecessary interruption. The coordination between these relays should be pursued at optimal value to minimize the total operating time of all main relays. The coordination of directional overcurrent relay is a highly constrained optimization problem. The DOPR problem has been solved by using a hybridized version of particle swarm optimization (HPSO). The hybridization is achieved by introducing simulated annealing (SA) in original PSO to avoid being trapped in local optima and successfully searching for a global optimum solution. The HPSO has been successfully applied to five case studies. Furthermore, the obtained results outperform the other traditional and state of the art techniques in terms of minimizing the total operating of DOPR and convergence characteristics, and require less computational time to achieve the global optimum solution.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 430
Diego Arnone ◽  
Michele Cacioppo ◽  
Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito ◽  
Marzia Mammina ◽  
Liliana Mineo ◽  

The electrical power system is evolving in a way that requires new measures for ensuring its secure and reliable operation. Demand-side aggregation represents one of the more interesting ways to provide ancillary services by the coordinated management of a multitude of different distributed resources. In this framework, aggregators play the main role in ensuring the effectiveness of the coordinated action of the distributed resources, usually becoming mediators in the relation between distribution system operators and smart prosumers. The research project DEMAND recently introduced a new concept in demand-side aggregation by proposing a scheme without a central aggregator where prosumers can share and combine their flexibility with a collaboration–competition mechanism in a platform called Virtual Aggregation Environment (VAE). This paper, after a brief introduction to the DEMAND project, presents the algorithm for the day-ahead estimation of prosumers’ flexibility and the cooperative–competitive algorithm for the bottom-up aggregation. The first algorithm evaluates various couples of power variation and desired remuneration to be sent to the VAE for further elaborations and, for showing its potentiality, is applied to two different case studies: a passive user with only controllable loads and prosumers with controllable loads, photovoltaics and a storage system. The aggregation algorithm is instead discussed in detail, and its performance is evaluated for different population sizes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e7611124568
Denis Carlos Lima Costa ◽  
Lair Aguiar de Meneses ◽  
Mara Líbia Viana de Lima ◽  
Heictor Alves de Oliveira Costa ◽  
Adriane Cristina Fernandes Reis ◽  

The debate to establish a balance between the generation of electricity and the preservation of the environment is, extraordinarily, important. This article proposes, as a short-term solution, the replacement of diesel oil by natural gas in thermoelectric generation. Natural gas emits 75% less pollutants to the environment than diesel and has a similar energetic efficiency. As a strategy for this replacement to occur safely, the computational modeling was developed in a Bioinspired Computing methodology, called Genetic Algorithm (GA). The GA incorporated all the variables of the electricity and natural gas networks, presented in the mathematical modeling. The result was a significant reduction in the level of pollutants emitted, with high stability in the electrical power system.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1361-1385
Amam Hossain Bagdadee ◽  
Li Zhang

The review this article conducts is an extensive analysis of the concept of a smart grid framework with the most sophisticated smart grid innovation and some basic information about smart grid soundness. Smart grids as a new scheme for energy and a future generation framework encourages the expansion of information and progress. The smart grid framework concord will potentially take years. In this article, the focus is on developing smart networks within the framework of electric power systems.

2022 ◽  
pp. 37-59
Ragab A. El-Sehiemy ◽  
Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz

Optimization has been an active area of research for several decades. As many real-world optimization problems become increasingly complex, better optimization algorithms are always needed. Recently, meta-heuristic global optimization algorithms have become a popular choice for solving complex and intricate problems, which are otherwise difficult to solve by traditional methods. This chapter reviews the recent applications of ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm in the field of electrical power systems. Also, the progress of the ACO algorithm and its recent developments are discussed. This chapter covers the aspects like (1) basics of ACO algorithm, (2) progress of ACO algorithm, (3) classification of electrical power system applications, and (4) future of ACO for modern power systems application.

Thejaswini. R

Abstract: A good electrical power system ensures the availability of electrical power without any of the interruption to every load connected to it. Generally the power is transmitted through the high voltage transmission lines. Normally these are the types of the devices which are can be of the batteries or of the ultra-capacitors these devices stores energy as the DC Charges. Here the energy can be obtained from the AC lines which are connected to the grid lines and these can be processed either type can be wired type or the wireless. The processes involved they will work in the reverse direction in which the power present which can be fed back to the grid lines and the batteries which is of the regenerative braking type when the vehicle present in the idle V2G state. Here the typical placement of the various different types of the converters in an EV positioning systems along with the power converting storage type of the devices here the conversion present can be of the DC-AC or DC-DC types. Here the description of the power converter electronic devices are provided and the classification of the AC-AC converters. Index Terms: LLC, SRC , MOSFET, ZVS FB Converter, BCM, OLPT, PMPT, RIPT, V2G.

Mohamad Morhaf Bachar Alnifawi, Bassem Omran, Jomana Mahmoud Mohamad Morhaf Bachar Alnifawi, Bassem Omran, Jomana Mahmoud

Electrical power systems distributed over wide geographical areas are exposed to a set of factors that affect their stability. The most important factors are the time delays between their subsystems. In this paper, a flexible modeling method was concluded consisting of a set of generalized rules and conditions that apply to any network controlled system to ensure its stability with time delays between the elements of the controlled network. In addition, a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller was implemented. The aim of the LQR controller is to reduce the negative impact of the time delay on the stability of the electrical power system. The study was applied to a networked electrical power system consisting of three-generation stations distributed in three separate geographical areas. Computer simulations using MATLAB showed a remarkable improvement in the stability of the discrete networked system through the speed of damping the vibrations in the system, and the system ability to be stable at certain limits of the time delay.

Foristek ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Agus Siswanto ◽  
Reza Alfian ◽  
Erfan Subyanta

In an effort to provide reliable and efficient electrical energy, substations have an important role in regulating the demand for electric power loads and as a center for securing electrical power system components in a certain area. Frequent disturbances become a benchmark for an electric power system whether or not it is good or not in an effort to provide reliable and efficient energy. One of the maintenance measures is temperature measurement using thermal imagers, which is commonly referred to as thermovision measurement.Thermal imager is a tool that can be used for predictive maintenance activities to monitor the condition and performance of an equipment so that the possibility of equipment failure can be minimized. In October 2020, after thermovisiting transformer bay 6 at the Sunyaragi substation, it was discovered that there was a hotspot on the T-phase separation blade, causing heating of the blade, the above conditions can result in a decrease in PMS performance, with the worst condition if left alone can result in damage to the PMS blade and can also melt when the peak load is on the transformer 6. Under these conditions, maintenance is carried out by maintaining contact resistance, insulation resistance, and grounding resistance. The results of the analysis of contact resistance after maintenance show that the equipment is in good condition and still suitable for use, with a value of 7μΩ for the R phase, 6.5μΩ for the S phase, and 6.7μΩ for the T phase.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1422
Doni Abdul Mukti ◽  
Budi Sudiarto

Protection is a safety in the electric power system installed in the electric power distribution system, power transformer, electric power transmission, and electric generator used to secure the power system electricity from electrical disturbances or overloads by separating the disturbed parts of the electric power system from the undisturbed electrical power system so that the undisturbed electrical system can continue to work. The protection system at the T75B substation has a work failure where when there is a short circuit on the consumer side, it causes the PMT (Power Breaker) for the Malibu Feeder at the Kebon Sirih Substation to trip while the CBO (Circuit Breaker Outgoing) cubicle at the T75B substation does not trip. This resulted in an unexpected widespread blackout. To find out the cause of the failure of the protection system, several tests and analyzes were carried out, namely protection design testing, protection relay coordination testing, protection system construction analysis, protection equipment performance testing. It is hoped that the test results can be used as a reference for improvement so that similar failures do not recur.

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