direct band
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2022 ◽  
Vol 203 ◽  
pp. 111049
Jaafar Jalilian ◽  
Ghasem Rezaei ◽  
Behrooz Vaseghi ◽  
Faramarz Kanjouri ◽  
Sheida Fakhri ◽  

Atanu Betal ◽  
Jayanta Bera ◽  
Mahfooz Alam ◽  
Appala Naidu Gandi ◽  
Satyajit Sahu

William R. Campbell ◽  
Francesco Reale ◽  
Ravi Sundaram ◽  
Simon J. Bending

AbstractMonolayer tungsten disulphide (WS2) is a direct band gap semiconductor which holds promise for a wide range of optoelectronic applications. The large-area growth of WS2 has previously been successfully achieved using a W(CO)6 precursor, however, this is flammable and a potent source of carbon monoxide (CO) upon decomposition. To address this issue, we have developed a process for the wafer-scale growth of monolayer WS2 from a tungsten hexachloride (WCl6) precursor in a commercial cold-wall CVD reactor. In comparison to W(CO)6, WCl6 is less toxic and less reactive and so lends itself better to the large-scale CVD growth of 2D layers. We demonstrate that a post-growth H2S anneal can lead to a dramatic improvement in the optical quality of our films as confirmed by photoluminescence (PL) and Raman measurements. Optimised films exhibit PL exciton emission peaks with full width at half maximum of 51 ± 2 meV, comparable to other state-of-the-art methods. We demonstrate that our WS2 films can be readily transferred from the sapphire growth substrate to a Si/SiO2 target substrate with no detectable degradation in quality using a polystyrene support layer. Our approach represents a promising step towards the industrial-scale fabrication of p-n junctions, photodetectors and transistors based on monolayer WS2.

2022 ◽  
Vol 123 ◽  
pp. 111890
Mauricio Rodríguez Chialanza ◽  
Ricardo Faccio ◽  
Heinkel Bentos Pereira ◽  
Ricardo Marotti

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Timothy Chibueze ◽  
Fabian Ezema

The search for spin injectors and spin sources in spintronic devices is a significant facet of materials research today. Consequently, half-Heusler (HAH) KMnGe alloy has been recommended as one such admissible materials. Herein, a rigorous examination of the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of HAH KMnGe alloy is done using ab initio method within the bolstered up rendition of the functional by Perdew and his group. Our result shows that HAH KmnGe alloy expresses type-1 and type-2 HAH  structural ground state at high and low pressures respectively, which may pose a challenge in application. Impressively, HAH KMnGe alloy exhibits half metallic characteristic with an indirect energy gap in the Γ-X symmetry k-point and direct band gap at X-point in the minority electronic spin states for type-1 and type-2 phase respectively. Our findings agree fundamentally with some previous findings in the literature and suggests that the HAH KMnGe alloy is a credible excellent spin source in future spintronic devices.

Максим Евгеньевич Беленков ◽  
Владимир Михайлович Чернов

Моделирование кристаллической и электронной структуры слоев гексагонального графена, на поверхность которых были химически адсорбированы гидроксильные группы, было выполнено методом теории функционала плотности. В результате расчетов была установлена возможность устойчивого существования пяти структурных разновидностей COH - L слоев. Слоевая плотность изменяется от 1,62 до 1,72 мг/м. Длина водород-кислородной связи варьируется в диапазоне от 1,046 до 1,079 Å, а углерод-кислородной связи - от 1,455 до 1,465 Å. Ориентация O - H связей относительно плоскости слоев может варьироваться в зависимости от выбора элементарной ячейки слоя. Минимальной энергией сублимации и равной 18,69 эВ/(COH) обладает слой COH-L - T4, а максимальную энергию сублимации 18,93 эВ/(COH) имеет слой COH - L - T1. Электронная структура всех COH слоев характеризуется наличием прямой запрещенной зоны на уровне энергии Ферми, изменяющейся в диапазоне от 3,02 до 4,56 эВ. Computer simulation of the crystal and electronic structure of hexagonal graphene layers, on the surface of which hydroxyl groups, chemically adsorbed, was performed by the density functional theory method. As a result of calculations, the possibility of the stable existence of five structural varieties of COH - L layers was established. The layer density varies from 1,62 to 1,72 mg/m. The length of the hydrogen-oxygen bond varies in the range from 1,046 to 1,079 Å, and the carbon-oxygen bond-from 1,455 to 1,465 Å. The orientation of the -OH bonds relative to the surface of the layers can vary depending on the choice of the unit cell of the layer. Layer COH - L - T4 has the minimum sublimation energy equal to 18,69 eV/(COH), and layer COH - L - T1 has the maximum sublimation energy 18,93 eV/(COH). The electronic structure of all COH layers is characterized by the presence of a direct band gap at the Fermi energy level, varying in the range from 3,02 to 4,56 eV.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1570
Maroua Ben Haj Salah ◽  
Justine Tessier ◽  
Nicolas Mercier ◽  
Magali Allain ◽  
Antonin Leblanc ◽  

Lead halide perovskites have emerged as promising materials for various optoelectronic applications. For photovoltaics, the reference compound is the 3D perovskite (MA)PbI3 (MA+ = methylammonium). However, this material suffers from instabilities towards humidity or light. This makes the search of new stable 3D lead halide materials very relevant. A strategy is the use of intermediate size cations instead of MA, which are not suitable to form the 3D ABX3 perovskites or 2D perovskites. Here, we report on a novel 3D metal halide hybrid material based on the intermediate size cation hydroxypropylammonium (HPA+), (HPA)6(MA)Pb5I17. We will see that extending the carbon chain length from two CH2 units (in the hydroxylethylammonium cation, HEA+) to three (HPA+) precludes the formation of a perovskite network as found in the lead and iodide deficient perovskite (HEA,MA)1+xPbxI3−x. In (HPA)6(MA)Pb5I17 the 3D lead halide network results from a 2D perovskite subnetworks linked by a PbI6 octahedra sharing its faces. DFT calculations confirm the direct band gap and reveal the peculiar band structure of this 3D network. On one hand the valence band has a 1D nature involving the p orbitals of the halide. On the other, the conduction band possesses a clear 2D character involving hybridization between the p orbitals of the metal and the halide.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3338
Jiali Wang ◽  
Xiuwen Zhao ◽  
Guichao Hu ◽  
Junfeng Ren ◽  
Xiaobo Yuan

van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) can exhibit novel physical properties and a wide range of applications compared with monolayer two-dimensional (2D) materials. In this work, we investigate the electronic and optical properties of MoSTe/MoGe2N4 vdWH under two different configurations using the VASP software package based on density functional theory. The results show that Te4-MoSTe/MoGe2N4 vdWH is a semimetal, while S4-MoSTe/MoGe2N4 vdWH is a direct band gap semiconductor. Compared with the two monolayers, the absorption coefficient of MoSTe/MoGe2N4 vdWH increases significantly. In addition, the electronic structure and the absorption coefficient can be manipulated by applying biaxial strains and changing interlayer distances. These studies show that MoSTe/MoGe2N4 vdWH is an excellent candidate for high-performance optoelectronic devices.

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