social narratives
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2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 309-329
Michał Pawleta

This paper aims to present how the past is viewed in contemporary cultural and social narratives, and defines contemporary attitude to the past among Poles. My deliberations are placed in the context of the present-day society/culture and their constituting processes, namely the phenomenon of forgetting the past, democratization of the past, its privatization/individualization, commodification of the past and new ways of experiencing it. The paper will specifically concentrate on the archaeological past - that is the past created by archaeologists, and on archaeological heritage. It address three crucial issues, namely: (1) how changes in the historical context of post-1989 Poland influenced the emergence the renaissance of the past and different narratives about it; (2) what are the most important and widespread forms of presenting and/or experiencing the archaeological past in the present?, and (3) what are the main motivations that lie behind contemporary Poles interest in the past, archaeological heritage and activities undertaken around it? Finally, it is argued that the changes in the people’s attitudes towards the past have led also to a transformation in the hierarchy of aims and methods in education and dissemination of the knowledge about the past within institutions concerned with the past on a professional level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-16
José Ignacio Gastón

In this work, I discuss the use of Pure Data as the main tool for the development of paradigmatic changes in Peruvian musical education, through the implementation of the Laboratorio de Música Electroacústica y Arte Sonoro of the Universidad Nacional de Música in Lima - Perú. This analysis is made taking under consideration the particularities present in the development of the study of technology-based music in the country and the historical shortcoming that have marked that development. This work complements my previous research regarding the relevance of specific social narratives present through the history of the nation in regards to technology and musical innovation. In that sense, it presents a historical that seeks to revert the course of a musical learning history that excludes technology based musical practices associated with Pure Data, from becoming part of the official processes for musical creation in the country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-89
Prianka Nair

This essay outlines how the focus on able-bodied menstruators in the development of social narratives about menstruation erases the experiences and the discrimination experienced by menstruators with disabilities. Many menstruators with disabilities experience shame around menstruation, embarrassed about the “burden” of their menstrual experiences on their caregivers and concerned about breaching menstrual etiquette around hygiene. Narratives about menstruation are incomplete without considering these experiences. Introducing a disability perspective also permits us to interrogate why popular depictions of the menstruating body are inadequate, how they continue to reinforce and romanticize values like independence and productivity, and validate structures that grant power and privilege to those values. Finally, the essay introduces ideas like supported decision-making and dismodernism that center the experiences of individuals with disabilities. This shift in focus has the potential to transform menstrual activism by introducing into the conversation more nuanced values of reciprocity, interdependence, and empathy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 154134462110451
Beth Fisher-Yoshida ◽  
Joan C. Lopez

Narratives, both personal and social, guide how we live and how we are acculturated into our social worlds. As we make changes in our lives, our personal stories change and, in turn, have the potential to influence the social narratives of which we are a part. Likewise, when there are changes in the culture and social worlds around us, that social narrative changes, thereby affecting our personal narratives. In other words, personal and social narratives are strongly linked and mutually influence each other. We may feel and know these transformations take place and understand the ways in which our lives are affected. However, we often struggle to document these shifts. This article suggests using the practical theory, Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) (Pearce, 2007), for narrative analysis to identify and surface personal and social narrative transformations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-82
Т. В. Скрипник ◽  
Г. В. Супрун ◽  
М. О. Максимчук

У статті йдеться про підходи та методи впливу на соціальний розвиток дітей молодшого шкільного віку з аутизмом. Проведене дослідження актуальне з огляду на те, що стійкий дефіцит соціальної комунікації та соціальної взаємодії є одним з найбільш виражених функціональних обмежень цих дітей. Водночас, в Україні відсутні традиції цілеспрямованого і послідовного впливу на соціальний розвиток дітей як дошкільного віку, так і молодшого шкільного віку. Особливу гостроту це питання набуває щодо інклюзивного навчання, де толерантність, взаємоповага і взаємопідтримка мають стати незмінними характеристиками загальної атмосфери у класі. На жаль, українським освітянам недостатньо відомі методи, які мають визнану в інших країнах і науково підтверджену ефективність стосовно впливу на соціальний розвиток дітей з аутизмом. У проведеному нами дослідженні взяло участь 48 дітей молодшого шкільного віку з аутизмом. Їх було діагностовано за модифікованим нами Контрольним списком соціальних навичок (університет Вашингтону). Продемонстрований учнями з аутизмом низький рівень сформованості соціальних навичок спонукав нас розробити програму втручання, що базувалася на методах з науково доведеною ефективністю «Visual Supports», «Peer-Based Instruction and Intervention» та «Social Narratives», а також ресурсах технології «Класний менеджмент». Після застосованого втручання було проведено повторне обстеження за Контрольним списком соціальних навичок. Отримані результати засвідчили статистично значущі відмінності у показниках до і після проведеного втручання. З’ясовано, що найбільше зростання отримано за показниками «Поведінка на початку гри», «Проміжна/перехідна ігрова діяльність» та «Розуміння емоцій». Визначено умови для позитивних змін стосовно емоційної саморегуляції дітей з аутизмом та оволодіння навичками взаємодії у класному колективі. Серед цих умов: більш злагоджена співпраця учасників команди супроводу; більш тривалий час для втручання; облік додаткових потреб певних учнів з РАС, що передбачає застосування додаткових методів з науково доведеною ефективністю.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Đorđe Vuković

Cultures of remembrance that are officially affirmed by national elites in the Western Balkan countries, that is in the former Yugoslavia, are a source of ongoing conflict. Various collective memories and mutually antagonized interpretations of the past, show that Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, Macedonians, Montenegrins and others who lived together for centuries and decades within a single state, after all interpret and remember their common history in completely different ways. Their social narratives about the past and dominant cultures of memory are predominantly selective, one-sided, intolerant, exclusive. After a long time, they lived together members of different ethnic, religious and national backgrounds and their historically unfinished and unsuccessful attempt to form a common Yugoslav culture and unique Yugoslav identity, a difficult civil war occurred, ethno-nationalism escalated, and people who were very close and very similar to one another, tried to create as much difference and distance between themselves through violence. All national communities that participated in the wars of the 1990s, emphasized defending national culture as one of their main tasks. The warring parties sought to destroy everything that reminded them that different people, their neighbors and friends of a different religion were living there. Today, three decades after these conflicts, they are still prisoners of their attitude to history. The culture nevertheless brings them together and inspires them to understand themselves more and to cooperate better.

2021 ◽  
pp. 004005992110255
Tracy J. Raulston ◽  
Sarah G. Hansen

Children on the autism spectrum often experience difficulty generalizing social skills across environments and contexts, which can make developing friendships challenging in early childhood. This means that, in addition to initial social skills instruction, children with autism may need specialized supports to promote the generalization of newly learned skills to natural inclusive play routines such as unstructured social centers and playdates. In this paper, we describe strategies teachers can employ to promote the generalization of newly learned social skills. Specifically, we describe how social narratives, visual supports, and environmental arrangement, prompting, and praise can be used during social centers and playdates to facilitate setting generalization. When teachers systematically support generalized social skills and behaviors, children will have more opportunities to develop meaningful friendships.

Delfín Ortega-Sánchez ◽  
Joan Pagès Blanch ◽  
Jaime Ibáñez Quintana ◽  
Esther Sanz de la Cal ◽  
Raquel de la Fuente-Anuncibay

The objective of this study is, on the one hand, to analyse emotional responses to the construction of hate speech relating to gender identity on Twitter. On the other hand, the objective is to evaluate the capabilities of trainee primary education teachers at constructing alternative counter-narratives to this socially alive issue, surrounding the approval of the Ley de Identidad de Género [Gender Identity Law] in Chile, in 2018. With this two-fold objective in mind, quantitative, descriptive, and inferential analysis and qualitative analysis techniques are all applied. The results inform us of the influence of socially constructed emotions and feelings that are expressed in social narratives. However, the narratives of the participants neither appeared to reach satisfactory levels of reflection on the social issues that stirred their own emotional responses, nor on the conflict between reason and the value judgements that they expressed in the digital debate (counter-narratives). These results point to the need to consider both emotions and feelings, as categories of social analysis, and to reflect on their forms of expression within the framework of education for inclusive democratic citizenship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (49) ◽  
pp. 205-217
Nikola Bubanja ◽  

Donne’s poems with a distinctive focus on the intimate / public opposition may be read in the biographic context of the poet’s ambitions in terms of social position. The paper at hand, however, aims to offer a different social context for these poems (Good Morrow, Sun Rising, Canonization, Break of Day). The concept of intimate in these poems, it is argued, is not to be read as stemming from the pressure of the public, but rather as an element of a narrative construed by the interpretative community. In that sense, it is not the intimate that begets the desire for withdrawing from the public; rather, it is the social narratives, such as the narrative of separation and initiation, that construe the intimate. Further, all of Donne’s poems invoked in the paper are aubades, and aubades can also be seen as poetic realizations of a segment of the narrative of separation, illumination and the return of the hero (as defined by Campbell). Thus, Donne’s aubades are poetic representations of the nadir of the schematic circle of the monomyth – of the moment directly preceding the reintegration of the hero into the society, with separation and illumination looming from the background. Though problematization of the return is well within the scope of the original concept of the monomyth (as are many of the variations found in Donne’s verses, like the external intervention, the lack of will to exchange the tranquility of the illumination for the raggedness of the world, etc.) Donne seemingly finds room for integrating the metapoetic into the scheme: the ordinary (Petrarchan) verses will not do to pass on the experience of the illumination, but Donne’s new idiom, one that shies not from painting resurrections with orgasms, itself withdrawn from the many, if read right, might prove a vehicle of saints, which will intercede with the higher understanding and exist- ence for the benefit of the understanders. Thus, Donne also seemingly sees his poetry as rein- vigorating and consequently, participating in the creation of the social narratives of intimacy.

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