traditional production
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Simon Fonteyne ◽  
Columba Silva Avendaño ◽  
Angel Ramos Sanchez ◽  
Juan Pablo Torres Zambrano ◽  
Fernando García Dávila ◽  

Maize (Zea mays L.), the staple crop of Mexico, is often produced by smallholder farmers on sloping terrains. Historically, little agronomic research has been performed under the conditions of these farmers to support them in the sustainable intensification of their production systems. We set up trials at two locations in the state of Oaxaca to evaluate conservation agriculture and agroforestry in collaboration with local farmers. Crop diversification through crop rotations, multicropping, relay cropping or agroforestry increased system yields the most, by up to 1.4 t ha−1 in Teopoxco and 1.7 t ha−1 in Tamazulapam. Increased input use through increased fertilization or liming did not increase profitability enough to justify their use. Zero tillage and residue retention increased yields and reduced production costs. Conservation agriculture with agroforestry was a high-yielding, profitable system that also reduced farmers' risk by providing several harvests per year. The most profitable combinations of agroforestry and conservation agriculture could produce up to $4,854 USD ha−1 in Teopoxco and $2,143 USD ha−1 in Tamazulapam, while the control treatments in the same sites and years produced $175 USD ha−1 and $92 USD ha−1 respectively. In several years the main crop failed, while the trees were able to produce due to their different growing season compared to maize. Through adaptive investigation under farmers' conditions, sustainable intensification of traditional production system is possible with low-cost changes that are locally adapted and within farmers' possibilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 105-110
Małgorzata Olender-Skóra ◽  
Wacław Banaś ◽  
Aleksander Gwiazda ◽  

3D printing is a one of a new solution of manufacturing methods. This is caused by the ability of print a small part in a short time (rapid prototyping), but also because of the available materials. This is important because by using 3D printing, a specialized element is made for a specific apply. Compared with traditional production methods, such as turning and milling, 3D printing gives a wider possibility of making specific product patterns, thanks to which this method gained support and became a competitive one. Hence, the designing and manufacturing process based on it is more and more often referred as the “design-driven manufacturing”. This method gives the possibility of making personalized elements or a larger number of product variants, but also gives the possibility of manufacturing complete elements in one run. The article describes the possibilities of using 3D printing in the production of unusual elements in a uncertain situations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (30) ◽  
pp. 49-56
S. A. Nazarevich ◽  
A.V. Vinnichenko ◽  

The paper examines the practice of applying the methodology of lean production through leveling the problem areas of the organization of traditional production and the subsequent validation process. The main most popular elements of lean manufacturing among domestic manufacturers are given, and the results of verification after the introduction of lean manufacturing elements at all levels of production processes are present.

The study and analysis of the dynamics of the earth's climate is one of the scientific themes that has developed mostly at the recent years. This mobilized several scientists to study, describe or characterize the climate through several methods. These methods derived from climate science have given convincing results of high scientific significance, and above all through the appreciable quality of the indicators provided. In this context, and in order to appreciate this drought trend, we are using in the framework of this study of the Standardized Index of Precipitation and Evapotranspiration (SPEI) during the period 1961-2019. Indeed, the frequency and recurrence of drought are harmful events for the traditional production system in the Sahel region. Thus, the objective of this study is to identify the multiscale distribution of droughts. The results obtained define different types of droughts as well as their prevalence. These generally indicate the prevalence of slightly wet and slightly dry traits and are followed by moderately dry and moderately wet indices over all the stations studied. However, it should be noted a periodic occurrence of more or less long droughts which resulted in the preponderance of meteorological and agricultural droughts with occurrences mainly located in the periods 1974-1989 at Linguère station (1974-1989 and 1993- 2009), in Louga, between 1962-1973 and 1974-1982 in Podor, and, at the end between 1961-1970, 1974-1985 and 1993-2000 in Matam. In addition, the drought sequences are manifested earlier at the level of the stations of Matam and Podor. On other hand, at Linguère and Podor stations, the extreme drought indices were higher for all time scales chosen (SPI_1months, SPI_3 months and SPI_12 months).

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 1468-1473
Dorzhi L. Khilkhanov ◽  
Erzhen V. Khilkhanova ◽  

The purpose of this article is to show the significance of markers of cultural identity for modern ethnometric typologies. In the modern period of modernization various cultural typologies are becoming popular. They are compiled based on multicomponent factors. The authors briefly describe these classifications as traditional markers of identity, such as religion, and new factors of psychology and mentality. The modern concept that explains the hybridization of modern cultural forms is transculturation. The transcultural manifestations include a certain decline of the role of the native language and the transformation of the traditional production niche of ethnic groups in Siberia. The traditional perception of identity consists mainly of cultural, religious and linguistic characteristics. At the same time, the typologу of L. Harrison shows the positive correlation between the cultural and industrial-economic components. This historical fact was noted by the famous anthropologist Frederik Barth, who focused on the production component of the ethnic border as opposed to the cultural one. The existing significant differences in the professional structure among Russians and Buryats in the twentieth century prove the fact that ethnic borders, despite the globalization / modernization processes, can still be associated with a certain production niche. The authors come to the conclusion that cultural markers still retain their significance, but can be implemented in hybrid forms of transculturation. These processes are reflected in these cultural typologies in the forms of multicomponent factors

mSystems ◽  
2021 ◽  
Lang Sun ◽  
Dennis J. D’Amico

Throughout the 20th century, especially in the United States, sanitation practices, pasteurization of milk, and the use of commercial defined-strain starter cultures have enhanced the safety and consistency of cheese. However, these practices can reduce cheese microbial diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 1963
Elena Gonzalez-Fandos ◽  
Maria Vazquez de Castro ◽  
Alba Martinez-Laorden

Riojano chorizo is a dry cured sausage manufactured with traditional technologies without adding starter cultures at low temperatures. Its characteristics differ from other types of chorizo since sugars and nitrites are no added and processing temperatures are low- This work evaluates the behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes during the processing of inoculated Riojano chorizo as well as the natural microflora that can play a technological role or be of interest as indicators. The sausage mixture was inoculated with a cocktail of three selected strains of L. monocytogenes (CECT 932, CECT 934 and CECT 4032) (4 log10 CFU/g) and after processed following the traditional production method. Samples were taken before inoculation, after inoculation, after stuffing (day 0) and on days 6, 13, 21 and 28 of processing. L. monocytogenes, mesophiles, Micrococcaceae, lactic acid bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, S. aureus, sulfite-reducing clostridia and molds and yeast counts were evaluated. Furthermore, pH, water activity and humidity were determined. No growth of L mocytogenes was observed during the first 6 days, when the temperature of processing was 4 °C. The low temperature in the initial stages was a relevant hurdle to control L. monocytoegenes growth. A significant decrease (p ≤ 0.05) in L. monocytogenes counts was observed on day 13 compared to the initial counts. During drying (days 6 to 21) a reduction in this pathogen of 1.28 log CFU/g was observed. The low water activity below 0.92 on day 13 and 0.86 on day 21 seems to be critical for the reduction of L. monocytogenes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 423-443 ◽  
Niall Thomas

Contemporary music technology affords limitless potential and has changed the way record producers need to work with metal music, often employing a far more fragmented approach. This article explores technology’s influence on producing metal records through the lived experiences of seven renowned metal music producers, and it is argued that what can be perceived as traditional production processes are production processes that favour capturing performances, embracing the potential of technology. In contrast, the construction of recorded performances through anticipated uses of technology often embodies innovative production methodologies. There are tensions caused by the anticipated use of technology and the participants highlight that commercial and artistic pressures have informed prescriptive and homogenous production methodologies under the guise of innovation.

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