old industrial base
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Min Hong ◽  
Shuanglian Chen ◽  
Kexian Zhang

Reducing energy intensity is conducive to the sustainable use of non-renewable fossil energy, and is also one of the main strategies to deal with climate change and environmental degradation. The effect of national macro-level factors on energy intensity has been basically confirmed, but the effect of regional low-carbon policy remains to be investigated. Based on this, our analysis exploits China’s “low-carbon city pilot” policy as a quasi-natural experiment and conducts the difference-in-difference resign. We collect the panel data of 271 cities in China from 2006 to 2016. The empirical results show that: first, the low-carbon city pilot policy can effectively reduce the energy intensity. Second, there exist heterogeneous effects on energy intensity among different cities, and the inhibition effects in eastern cities, high economic development cites, and non-old industrial-base cities are more significant. Third, the policy mainly affects regional energy intensity through technological innovation rather than industrial structure optimization mechanism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 180-184
Zehao Qiao ◽  
Hang Lv ◽  
Bishun Lv ◽  

After the reform and opening up, Jilin Province, as an old industrial base, had economic development and uncoordinated implementation of the industrial structure. After the “Northeast Revitalization” strategy, the effect of economic transformation was not obvious. The results showed that: (1) The economic structure transformation level of Jilin Province during the study period can be divided into 4 stages: low-level growth stage, slow decline stage, rapid development stage and slow development stage; (2) the main factors affecting the economic structural transformation of Jilin The factors are the scale of openness, the increase or decrease in the development of the secondary industry, and the third level. It is expected to provide theoretical foundation and data support for the transformation of Jilin Province’s industrial structure, and promote the accelerated transformation and sustainable development of Jilin Province’s economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 292 ◽  
pp. 03005
Hongmei Dong ◽  
Lili Huang

Manufacturing industry and producer services are two important categories of industrial development in Heilongjiang Province. The co-agglomeration development is conducive to improving the interaction level between them and promoting the development of regional industrial cluster. Based on the relevant data of manufacturing and producer services in Heilongjiang Province, this paper uses the location quotient model to estimate the co-agglomeration of manufacturing and producer services. Heilongjiang Province should promote the integrated development of producer services and manufacturing industry, so as to realize the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry in the old industrial base.

2020 ◽  
Vol 143 ◽  
pp. 01040
Jing Ha ◽  
Cheng Xing

As an old industrial base in the country, Liaoning Province has a solid industrial foundation. The development of industrial tourism in Liaoning Province can not only accelerate the promotion of new industrialization roads, but also contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of the tourism industry in Liaoning Province. This paper analyzes the obstacles and problems in the development of industrial tourism in Liaoning Province at the current stage, and proposes a series of countermeasures to promote the development of industrial tourism in Liaoning Province, which provides ideas for the development and revitalization of industrial tourism.

С.К. Песцов

Оживление Северо-Востока Китая – его старой промышленной базы, превратившейся за годы открытости и реформ в отстающую периферию, является одной из наиболее важных и, одновременно, сложных задач в рамках госу-дарственной политики управления региональным развитием. Попытки системного решения этой задачи руководством страны начали предприниматься с начала 2000-х годов. Нельзя утверждать, что инициативы, связанные с усилиями по пре-одолению периферийности Северо-Востока, за прошедшие годы оказались безрезультатными. В то же время говорить о радикальном переломе негативных тенденций в развитии этого региона довольно затруднительно. Очевидным подтверждением того, что цель «оживления» Северо-Востока всё ещё далеко не достигнута, могут служить все новые инициативы в этом направлении. Нынешняя администрация во главе с президентом Си Цзиньпином, подтверждая сохраняющуюся акту-альность проблемы оживления северо-восточного региона, в августе 2014 г. и апреле 2016 г. анонсировала обновление планов решения этой задачи. В данной статье рассматриваются общие подходы и промежуточные итоги государственной поли-тики оживления Северо-Восточного региона КНР, позволяющие сделать некоторые выводы относительно её сильных сторон и недостатков. Предпринятый анализ под-тверждает актуальность, как минимум, нескольких важных выводов. Во-первых, достигнутые позитивные изменения в развитии экономики и социальной сферы региона подтверждают значимость согласованной и всесторонней стратегии для управления региональным развитием. Во-вторых, важным обстоятельством, ограничивающим эффективность предпринимаемых усилий, стало долго сохранявшееся упрощённое представление о возрождении старой промышленной базы. Оно сводило эту задачу к проблеме промышленных технологий без учёта важности сис-темной реформы и институциональных инноваций. И, в-третьих, подход, опираю-щийся преимущественно на согласованные правительственные усилия сверху вниз, вовсе не является гарантией успеха. Таким образом, опыт прошедших лет ясно показывает, что успешное решение задачи оживления китайского «ржавого пояса» возможно только в рамках целостного регионального проекта, объединяющего цели экономического роста, социального прогресса и улучшения экологии, равно как и усилия множества акторов на национальном и локальном уровнях. Ключевые слова: КНР, Северо-Восток Китая, «ржавый пояс», старая про-мышленная база, периферия, ресурсная зависимость, региональная экономика, управление региональным развитием, государственная стратегия, структурные ре-формы, технологические инновации, экономический рост. Revitalization of the Northeast China's old industrial base, which has turned into a lagging periphery over the years of openness and reform, is one of the most important and, at the same time, most difficult tasks in the framework of the state policy of managing regional development. Attempts to systematically solve this problem by the country's leadership began in the early 2000s. It cannot be argued that over the past years, initiatives related to efforts to overcome the periphery of the Northeast have been unsuccessful. At the same time, it is rather difficult to talk about a radical turn in negative trends in the development of this region. Several new initiatives in this direction can serve as clear confirmation that the goal of revitalizing the North-East is still far from being achieved. The current administration, led by President Xi Jinping, confirming the continuing urgency of the problem of revitalizing the northeastern region, in August 2014 and April 2016 announced an update of plans to address this problem. This article examines the general approaches and intermediate results of the state policy of revitalizing the northeastern region, allowing drawing some conclusions regarding its strengths and weaknesses. The analysis confirms the relevance of at least several important conclusions. First, the positive changes achieved in the development of the economy and social sphere of the region confirm the importance of a coordinated and comprehensive strategy for managing regional development. Secondly, an important factor limiting the effectiveness of the efforts being made is the long-held simplistic view of the revival of the old industrial base. It reduced this task to the problem of industrial technology without considering the importance of systemic reform and institutional innovation. And third, a top-down approach, even one that relies heavily on concerted government efforts, is by no means a guarantee of success. Thus, the experience of past years clearly shows that a successful solution to the task of revitalizing the Chinese «rust belt» is possible only within the framework of a holistic regional project that combines economic growth, social progress and environmental improvement, as well as the efforts of many actors at the national and local levels. Key words: PRC, Northeast China, old industrial base, "rust belt", periphery, re-source dependence, regional economy, regional development management, government strategy, structural reforms, technological innovation, economic growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 198 ◽  
pp. 04013
Yin Nini

Based on DEA theory and window analysis method, this paper empirically measures the ecological efficiency of six resource exhausted cities in Jilin old industrial base from 2012 to 2017, and investigates their regional differences and dynamic evolution characteristics. The results show that: in the sample period, the overall ecological efficiency of Jilin old industrial base is low, but fluctuates slightly; the difference between different urban areas is obvious, while the industrial structure and low level of science and technology inhibit the improvement of ecological efficiency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 599 ◽  
Yuanyuan Zhao ◽  
Duole Feng ◽  
Le Yu ◽  
Yuqi Cheng ◽  
Meinan Zhang ◽  

Northeast China is a major grain production area, an ecological important forest area, and the largest old industrial base which is now suffering from economic growth slowdown and brain drain. Accurate and long-term dynamic land cover maps are highly demanded for many regional applications. In this study, we developed a set of continuous annual land cover mapping product at 30 m resolution using multi-temporal Landsat images. The maps in year 2000 and 2015 were tested using another independent validation dataset and the overall accuracies were 80.69% and 88.38%, respectively. The accuracies of the maps were improved by the integration of multi-temporal Landsat images and post-classification strategies. We found a general trend that the total area of land that experienced a change in land cover each year increased over time. The area change of each land cover type is also detected. The area of forests was 3.92 × 10 5 km 2 in 1986, fluctuated under fire disturbance, but declined in a quite high rate over the period of 1989 to 2006, and finally stayed relatively stable in area around 3.58 × 10 5 km 2 . The expansion of croplands was the leading land cover change from 1986 to 2000, and then the total area of croplands slightly declined under the Grain to Green Project of China, while shrublands, grasslands and wetlands began to increase. The area of impervious surfaces increased by more than 502% during the last three decades, and about 73% of the new built-up area was converted from croplands. We also demonstrated the our maps could capture the important land cover conversion processes, such as urbanization, forest logging activities, and agricultural expansion.

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